

Carson wipes the counter off with a towel, wishing that a simple question of how he is wouldn’t strike him so. “I’m alright,” he finally answers.

As the shrieks and laughter rings out, Carson’s head snaps up and he sees the antics.

A shriek escapes Jason’s lips as Katie’s fingers go to his ribs. “Ack, Katie!” Squirming, he starts to spin around, trying to keep her still, while trying to grab her hands with his, but he can’t get a hold on her.

“Go Katie!” Jen yells, still laughing.

Jason spins around one more time, accidentally loosening his grip on Katie. He feels her start to slide down his back and suddenly realizes that if he lets go, she’s going to come down hard on her head.

Acting quickly, he regains his grip and pulls her back up the other way, some how managing to wind up with her in front, one arm under her legs, the other around her back, cradling her.

Panting from all the moving and laughing, Jason’s heart races, the mischief sparkling in his eyes as his smile creases his face. His eyes lock with Katie's for just a moment, and the unwanted but familiar chill runs down his spine once again.

All of a sudden, he realizes just what position he’s gotten himself into, and stops. Automatically, a slight void can be felt in the emotional exchange, and his smile becomes one that he’s forcing to remain.

Quick enough that no one watching would notice, he shifts gears with changed motives and slides to the counter, depositing Katie on top. “Mabel, we got a flower breaker here, what do you want me to do with her?”

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