
Free time?

Gunner heaves a long sigh, swallowing hard, and just remaining quiet for what seems a long while. He knew Bree was right. He'd just been feeling so good, that he'd thought it would be over. But one stupid nightmare had set him back, sending his emotions plummeting all over again.

Just leaning on Bree, finally, finally his body begins to calm from the brief trauma. His muscles begin to relax and his head falls a little heavier on Bree's shoulder.

"Thank you, Bree," he mumbles. "Someday... someday I'll repay you."

Still sitting on the floor, it's another quiet moment once again. "Bree?" With his emotional state came a lack of judgment or appropriateness. "Can you stay?"

Jade listens intently to Dan, enjoying learning a bit about him. Working on her own food, she swallows a bite, then gives a little chuckle. "Free time? You're lucky. One thing that made me mad all these years was my grandmother's insistence that I keep busy." She shakes her head.

Sipping her water, she cocks her head. "So how did you rate, getting all that time to read? Or are you a closet bookworm?"


Continuing to hold Gunner Bree rocks softly. She hurt for her friend, and she wished she could wave a magic wand and just make everything ok but thats not how it worked.

"Just because you had a dream, and you got scared doesn't mean you not better. Its going to take time before you can be you again."

Running a thumb over Gunner's hand Bree is quiet for a moment just letting his tears come. There was nothing wrong with that, and she wouldn't make him feel differently.

"Nothing can happen in the snap of our fingers, no matter how much we wish that could happen. It will get harder, and than each day it will be easyer. You just cant let everything build inside."

Taking a bit of his own wrap Dan is silent for a long moment just tasting his food and how good it was. It had been a long time since he had, had Greek food and oh how good it tasted. Finally putting it down Dan looks up again.

"When I was younger there was an animle farm my family use to go to and I always loved being around the horses though I didnt know much about them. They were on the poor side so I never get lessons or anything but I promised myself on day I would be a cowboy."

Dan smiles at the memories, it was always good to remember cretin things.

"Time moved on and I started working for a lady cleaning stalls. Nothing big but it was something that made money. Than about 3 years back I had alot of free time, and I read any horse book I could get. Anything from vet books on horses, to riding and training books. Than I found myself at you Dad and Step mom's ranch."

I was...

Though Jade wants to know more about Dan's own situation, she doesn't have a problem switching topics. There would be other times for her to find out more.

She grins as she starts into her salad. "I was horse crazy the day I was born. I guess I got that from Dad. Even after he was gone though, I insisted on having something to do with horses. Eventually I got to take riding lessons and... here I am."

Giving a little laugh, she looks across at Dan, her eyes twinkling. "Your turn."

Gunner leans into Bree, his head resting on her shoulder as a few tears fall from his eyes. "I just... thought it would be over."

His hand finds hers and he grips it, hanging on for reassurance. Though still shaking, his heart starts to slow a little. He sniffs again, trying to gain back control. "I felt so good... and then... then the dream and... and I just want it to be over again but... but I don't want it to be, it just... I don't know what to do."

Closing his eyes tight, he tries to rid his mind of the images from his nightmare. "I was better... they let me go," he whimpers. "Why can't I just be me again?"

Nothing Will

Keeping his smile held and giving a small nod Dan new all to well what Jade meant and how it felt. He didnt have the problem of his parents splitting but the feelings she was having where still there.

"I guess thats life for you. We grow and sometimes it hard for others to deal with. IN fact they could be scaired of losing up and that in turn could be whats pushing us away."

Looking down for a moment and picking at the table Dan just thinks before speaking. He didn't want to offen Jade, and he didn't want to feel like he was taking sides, he was just trying to help.

"I've been there myself. My parents and I didnt get along so well as I grew older. Eventually I ended up leaving home as well. The only problem with how I did it was since that day 5 years ago I still haven't talked to them."

Looking up at her again Dan's face shows the pain he did feel not being close to his family anymore. but the smile on his face was soft, and his eyes held so much more.

"Just make sure if you do stay, you do it the right way so you dont have to go through what I did."

Seeing the waitress starts to come over Dan's expression changes to a more cheery one. He didnt like seeing Jade so sad, but he was just wondering. Now he wanted to make her happy and smile.

"Ok, lets talk about something happy. I dont...like seeing you sad. When did you love of horses start?"

Laying her head aganst her pillow Katie closes her eyes.

See you tomorrow J. Sleep well.

Withing minutes Katie is out and happy for the sleep to come a smile on her face.

A pain hits Bree's heart as she watchs Gunner and listens to him. Sitting down on her bottom close to Gunner Bree gentily rubs his arm.

"Its ok, I wasnt in a deep sleep anyways. I dont mind at all you called me. After all I told you too."

Continuing to listen Bree cant help but move closer to Gunner and wrap her arm around him and over his shoulder. Pulling him closer to her she does her best to give him comfort.

"Its ok to cry Gunner. This is not an easy thing even now. It takes time but I know your strong enough. I'm here for you, nothing will hurt you while I am here."

Not himself

Jade's smile fades just a little, and she shakes her head. Her fingers run along the rim of her water glass and she looks down for a moment. "No, I won't tell you to shut up."

Sighing a little she looks back up at Dan. "Mom and I used to get along... we really did. But... as I grew older I guess I had too much of my dad in me. Mom and I just started fighting a lot... over little things. And Grandma... she likes to run things, and I finally got tired of it. But when I started arguing with her, then quit college, things around home got ten times worse. I'd wanted to leave once already when I went looking for Dad... I hadn't seen him since I was little. He convinced me to go home, and I thought things would be okay after that. But..."

She shrugs. "I guess... I don't know, it didn't take long for things to go back to where they were. The more I talked about Dad, the worse it got, so I finally split. I still don't know Dad all that well, but I'd rather be with him... I just feel like I have more in common with him than Mom."

Looking at Dan again, she gives him a bit of a sheepish look. "I know... kinda crazy... I just don't really know what to do anymore though. I love my mom, we just... grew apart. I feel like I don't belong anymore."

A smile spreads on Jason's face and he shifts his attention from the television.

I'm glad... and you're welcome.

He sends as many warm emotions as he can. He'd missed Katie. they'd both been through so much, yet hadn't gone through enough of it together. He'd really hated the distance this time.

Sleep well, Hero. See you tomorrow.

Gunner hadn't even heard Bree enter, and he jumps a little. "Bree?" He squints in the dark, trying to see her face. "I..." He didn't even know what he was supposed to say. He was still in a fog and still trembling, unable to calm himself down.

"It... it was a nightmare... I think." He draws in a shaky breath. "Just... so real and... and it hurts... it hurts."

His voice starts to quiver. He thought it would be easier than this to be on his own again. He'd thought he'd left the tears behind. But it just wasn't so.

"I don't know what to do," he whimpers, clearly not himself. "I'm... I'm sorry." He sniffs. "I shouldn't have called you this late."


Not minding to much Dan lets Jade stay close to him. It was strange having his willingness to do this and not hesitant but at the same time it was nice. Jade was nice, and it always felt good having a friend to depend on.

Opening the door for Jade than finding a place to sit menus are passed out, orders at taken and than the wait for the food starts. One would think time flew by in seconds but maybes thats just how it was when you had the company of friend.

Looking over he small table at Jade Dan's gives a smile as the dim lights dance in her eyes. They were almost mesmerizing, deep, and full of wonder. He had seen those eyes before, and had thought they were lost forever. But knowing they were there, with a whole new adventure to start sent Dan's stomach to do flip flops.

"So, I don't mean to pry but you said you wernt getting along with your mom at home? Was it just not seeing eye to eye or was there something more?"

Dan wanted to know more about Jade, she seemed like such an intresting person and the face she wasn't getting along with her mom ripped him apart.

He new what it was like and still almost 5 years later he had still yet to hear from them. They hated when he started dating Becca, and they couldn't stand the fact he as going to start a family with her so they cut all ties. It was the worst feeling he could ever have.

"If I get to nosy you can tell me to shut up."

Slowly walking up Jason's front porch placing the small package down Katie lets a little giggle out to herself. Inside the large box was a few fresh picked apples from the last of the crops alive, along with a book, some pictures, and a little stuffed bear that said "I couldn't bear being away!" Stepping off the pourch again Katie makes no announcement that she was there wanting Jason to be surprised. In the morning they would see each other but for now she was bushed.

Getting back into her car Katie heads for home getting there surprisingly fast. Not seeing Ryder's car in the driveway Katie could guess no one was home. It dosnt take her long to get everything unpacked and into the house for the night.

Wanting to greet Henry on her way in for the last time Katie suddenly remembers he wasn't there anymore. Laura had taking to her home now the day before Katie had left. Feeling a bit sad her friend wasn't there Katie doesn't let it last knowing Laura was happy and Henry would be happy keeping Maggie company.

Entering her bed room Katie flips on the light and sinks down onto her bed. Feeling something hit her arm Katie looks down quickly to see the red rose. Not blocking anything a smile forms on her face as a loving warm glow fills her head.

Closing her eyes and bringing the flower to her noise to smell its sweet fragrance. Letting her emotions flow through her air and the inadvisable tie finding the one who would know.

Thank you J, for the flower. I will never tire of them. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Squinting in the dark as the phone rings, the sound of her animles soft chirps in the other room to the disturbance in the night. Reaching for the phone and answering Bree was a little surprised to hears Gunner's voice on the other end. Looking at the clock quickly and than sitting up in bed Bree listens to him feeling something is wrong.

"Hold tight Gunner, I am on my way."

Hanging up and throwing her shoes on Bree dosnt even bother changing her cloths from her sweat pants and t-shirt just throwing her coat on over top.

Getting to Gunner's dosnt take long as Bree lives almost right around the corner. Going to the front door and knocking Bree dosent get an answer and it worrys her. Trying the handle and finding it unlcoked her lets herself in.

"Gunner...its Bree."

The house was dark and she had never been there before to even start to look for where he was. Walking into what she thought was the living room a car pass at the same time lighting up the room. Seeing Gunner's legs on the floor a wave of worry hits her.

Quickly moving over to Gunner, and sitting down on the floor Bree places her hand on his arm not wanting to scare him.

"Gunner...what happend? Are you ok?"


Mick hugs BJ back, giving him a pat. "You bet I'm a gremlin," he teases. "But I'm the nice kind."

He chuckles and looks down to where Scott was. "Blinky? Drool?"

"Ay!" Scott calls from under the table. "Blinky the one-eyed pirate and his can of drool. Doesn't get much better than that!"

Mick quirks an eyebrow, then shakes his head. "I don't want to know."

Scott laughs and scoots back so he can look up at Mick. Rubbing his blind eye, he then points at the wires. "I'll be connected to headquarters in about two hours. By then, Reese should have a team together."

Jade slips out of the truck, grateful for Dan's assistance. "Mmm.... Greek sounds good to me. You have good tastes."

She casually slips her arm through Dan's to walk to the door, leaning into him a little. It felt good to have a friend... she didn't really have many back home... and this was nice.

Jason flops down on his couch, letting one arm flop over to scratch Trooper's head. He'd just come from Katie's house, leaving a rose on the kitchen table for her. He knew she'd be talking to him once she got back - she'd already let him know what was happening on her drive back to Nevada. He hadn't told her that he'd been to her place though, and they were just planning to see each other in the morning at work since she'd be back late.

Gunner's scream shatters the darkness. Sitting bolt upright on the couch, his whole body shakes, his heart racing. His eyes look wildly about the dark room for several moments before he realizes where he is and that the evil being from his dream was not here with him.

Still disoriented, he stands up shakily, realizing that he's soaked with his own sweat. Making it to his bedroom, he's somehow able to change into a dry tee and pants, but continues to shake. It felt like he was shivering from the cold, but he was hot. Stumbling to the kitchen, he's still unsteady, his mind in a fog.

Downing a glass of water, his mouth still feels dry. He gropes his way back to the living room but a wave of dizziness forces him to the floor. At that point, he finally gives up. Leaning back against the wall, he tries to calm his body down, but it just doesn't seem to do any good. It felt like he'd had an overdose of uppers, but it was only the shock of his nightmare. Images from the dream bombard his mind, making his eyes see things in the dark that weren't really there. Logic would say it was simply stress, but Gunner's mind was not at a point to reason with what was happening. 3-D images, flashes and shadows of the horrid creature come and go, giving him a sense that he wasn't really in his apartment.

Gasping for breath, he blinks away more sweat that was quickly soaking another set of clothes. Fumbling in the dark, he hits his table, knocking the cordless phone to the floor. He wasn't even sure what on earth he was doing. He just couldn't shake the disoriented feeling, which had him all the more confused.

Grasping the phone, he didn't know how he remembered any numbers at all, let alone this one... wait... whose was it? He frowns as he hears the other end ringing, not even realizing he'd dialed Bree's number. Who had he just called, and why was he calling anybody? Was he still asleep?

Hearing Bree's voice, he suddenly realizes he's still on the floor, and not asleep. "Um... Bree? I... I need... Um...." He rubs his forehead, trying to think. "Would you... or... something... I don't feel so good." The image of the car accident flashes in his mind, and a wave of despair hits him like it hadn't for several days. "I can't take this... I can't do it."


Giving a smile and a nod Thirteen couldnt help the excitement she felt. This would be something new and she thought she would like it.

"Ok, I'll do it and see how it works out."

Giving a smile at Ryder she would kind of proud of herself. She had come a long way, and if hadnt been for Ryder she wouldn't have.

Coming back over to the table Misty slids in the seat smileing at Ryder and Thirteen.

"Aerith said the food would be right out. I was offered to help but she insisted I come back out here."

Leaning over to give Carson a quick kiss Misty slips her hand into his. With all the work she had been doing, and new she would be doing over the next week or so it would leave very little time to spair. She wanted to get all she could now.

Thinking for a moment and just driving slowly down the road looking around He wasnt sure where he'd like to eat.

"Well I don't really have a favore place ether. As long as the food is good I am really not a picky person."

Looking out the window again Dan pass a small but nice looking greek restraint. Giving a little smile he pulls into the parking lot.

Getting out of the truck he goes to Jades door and opens it helping her out. He new they wernt really both dressed for this but it didnt bother him any.

"I hope you like Greek food."

Feeling someone pull at his feet BJ lets out a squeel but hearing Mick's voice it turns to a laughter not scared anymore. Just kicking an squirming a little bit a smile was on the young boys face as he looked back at Mick. Giving a shake of his head as he laughed.

"No, I is not a gremlin! Its just me BJ and Blinky with his can of Moutain Drool. I was tryin to help him."

Throwing his arms around Mick BJ gave him a big hug before pulling away and trying to squint his eyes back mimicking Mick once again.

"Are yous a gremlin Daddy?"


Carson gives Thirteen a gentle smile. There was a time when he would have had no tolerance for someone like her - he would have told her to buck up and do the job if she wanted it. But now... he had too many experiences lately to do that to her. He understood what she needed. He nods.

"Any time you need a break, you can take it, alright?" He thumbs down the hall. "There's even a little room back there that's all nice and private and comfortable where you can sit until you can come back out again."

He winks at her. "I've had to do that myself a few times."

Jade had a good time with Dan, being able to forget her worries for just a little while. She hadn't informed her father she was going with him - it was just as well. Whether there had been an argument or not, she hadn't wanted to risk it. Talking with Dan was easy and fun. Though she'd started out a little roughly in the beginning, it felt now like she'd known him all her life. She knew she'd just been nervous and uptight those first few days, and her stress had come out as flirting that now royally embarrassed her. But at least he hadn't seemed to mind, and she was totally relaxed now.

Hearing his offer for lunch, Jade moves her eyes from the window to glance at him. She wanted to say no, that she could buy her own meal, but she could tell he wanted to. It brought just a little color to her face as she smiles.

"I don't really care where we go as long as there's food. Do you have a favorite place?"

Clint grins as he's teased a little by Wes. Though grown up, he'd missed out on having a man in his life for many years, even if Jim was on the side. There were times he wouldn't want to admit that he was closer to Wes after working with him every day, than he was to his own father. Just to know Wes was proud of him... "Thanks, Wes."

Mick wanders out of the bar, still looking around. Finding Sparky, he motions to him. "Hey, have you seen Jade? I wanted to talk to her, but couldn't find her."

Sparky shrugs. He was less than enthusiastic talking with Mick at all, and this whole family thing was none of his business. "Saw her leave with Dan a while ago. Think he had some running around to do."

"Oh." Mick's body language becomes a little tense. "Thanks." Dropping the subject, he heads to the dining hall instead. Arriving inside, he hears two voices. One belonged to his son, and the other was Scott. Getting closer, he grins a little, seeing how Scott was letting the boy "help" set things up.

Approaching quietly, Mick goes around the side of the desk where all one could see were legs. Still quiet, he reaches down and grabs BJ's ankles. "Who on earth is under there?!" Giving a tug, he pulls BJ out from underneath. "Oh my!" His eyes go wide. "I thought I heard gremlins working under there!" He bends over BJ's face, squinting. "Are you a gremlin?"