
Not himself

Jade's smile fades just a little, and she shakes her head. Her fingers run along the rim of her water glass and she looks down for a moment. "No, I won't tell you to shut up."

Sighing a little she looks back up at Dan. "Mom and I used to get along... we really did. But... as I grew older I guess I had too much of my dad in me. Mom and I just started fighting a lot... over little things. And Grandma... she likes to run things, and I finally got tired of it. But when I started arguing with her, then quit college, things around home got ten times worse. I'd wanted to leave once already when I went looking for Dad... I hadn't seen him since I was little. He convinced me to go home, and I thought things would be okay after that. But..."

She shrugs. "I guess... I don't know, it didn't take long for things to go back to where they were. The more I talked about Dad, the worse it got, so I finally split. I still don't know Dad all that well, but I'd rather be with him... I just feel like I have more in common with him than Mom."

Looking at Dan again, she gives him a bit of a sheepish look. "I know... kinda crazy... I just don't really know what to do anymore though. I love my mom, we just... grew apart. I feel like I don't belong anymore."

A smile spreads on Jason's face and he shifts his attention from the television.

I'm glad... and you're welcome.

He sends as many warm emotions as he can. He'd missed Katie. they'd both been through so much, yet hadn't gone through enough of it together. He'd really hated the distance this time.

Sleep well, Hero. See you tomorrow.

Gunner hadn't even heard Bree enter, and he jumps a little. "Bree?" He squints in the dark, trying to see her face. "I..." He didn't even know what he was supposed to say. He was still in a fog and still trembling, unable to calm himself down.

"It... it was a nightmare... I think." He draws in a shaky breath. "Just... so real and... and it hurts... it hurts."

His voice starts to quiver. He thought it would be easier than this to be on his own again. He'd thought he'd left the tears behind. But it just wasn't so.

"I don't know what to do," he whimpers, clearly not himself. "I'm... I'm sorry." He sniffs. "I shouldn't have called you this late."

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