

Carson gives Thirteen a gentle smile. There was a time when he would have had no tolerance for someone like her - he would have told her to buck up and do the job if she wanted it. But now... he had too many experiences lately to do that to her. He understood what she needed. He nods.

"Any time you need a break, you can take it, alright?" He thumbs down the hall. "There's even a little room back there that's all nice and private and comfortable where you can sit until you can come back out again."

He winks at her. "I've had to do that myself a few times."

Jade had a good time with Dan, being able to forget her worries for just a little while. She hadn't informed her father she was going with him - it was just as well. Whether there had been an argument or not, she hadn't wanted to risk it. Talking with Dan was easy and fun. Though she'd started out a little roughly in the beginning, it felt now like she'd known him all her life. She knew she'd just been nervous and uptight those first few days, and her stress had come out as flirting that now royally embarrassed her. But at least he hadn't seemed to mind, and she was totally relaxed now.

Hearing his offer for lunch, Jade moves her eyes from the window to glance at him. She wanted to say no, that she could buy her own meal, but she could tell he wanted to. It brought just a little color to her face as she smiles.

"I don't really care where we go as long as there's food. Do you have a favorite place?"

Clint grins as he's teased a little by Wes. Though grown up, he'd missed out on having a man in his life for many years, even if Jim was on the side. There were times he wouldn't want to admit that he was closer to Wes after working with him every day, than he was to his own father. Just to know Wes was proud of him... "Thanks, Wes."

Mick wanders out of the bar, still looking around. Finding Sparky, he motions to him. "Hey, have you seen Jade? I wanted to talk to her, but couldn't find her."

Sparky shrugs. He was less than enthusiastic talking with Mick at all, and this whole family thing was none of his business. "Saw her leave with Dan a while ago. Think he had some running around to do."

"Oh." Mick's body language becomes a little tense. "Thanks." Dropping the subject, he heads to the dining hall instead. Arriving inside, he hears two voices. One belonged to his son, and the other was Scott. Getting closer, he grins a little, seeing how Scott was letting the boy "help" set things up.

Approaching quietly, Mick goes around the side of the desk where all one could see were legs. Still quiet, he reaches down and grabs BJ's ankles. "Who on earth is under there?!" Giving a tug, he pulls BJ out from underneath. "Oh my!" His eyes go wide. "I thought I heard gremlins working under there!" He bends over BJ's face, squinting. "Are you a gremlin?"

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