

Not minding to much Dan lets Jade stay close to him. It was strange having his willingness to do this and not hesitant but at the same time it was nice. Jade was nice, and it always felt good having a friend to depend on.

Opening the door for Jade than finding a place to sit menus are passed out, orders at taken and than the wait for the food starts. One would think time flew by in seconds but maybes thats just how it was when you had the company of friend.

Looking over he small table at Jade Dan's gives a smile as the dim lights dance in her eyes. They were almost mesmerizing, deep, and full of wonder. He had seen those eyes before, and had thought they were lost forever. But knowing they were there, with a whole new adventure to start sent Dan's stomach to do flip flops.

"So, I don't mean to pry but you said you wernt getting along with your mom at home? Was it just not seeing eye to eye or was there something more?"

Dan wanted to know more about Jade, she seemed like such an intresting person and the face she wasn't getting along with her mom ripped him apart.

He new what it was like and still almost 5 years later he had still yet to hear from them. They hated when he started dating Becca, and they couldn't stand the fact he as going to start a family with her so they cut all ties. It was the worst feeling he could ever have.

"If I get to nosy you can tell me to shut up."

Slowly walking up Jason's front porch placing the small package down Katie lets a little giggle out to herself. Inside the large box was a few fresh picked apples from the last of the crops alive, along with a book, some pictures, and a little stuffed bear that said "I couldn't bear being away!" Stepping off the pourch again Katie makes no announcement that she was there wanting Jason to be surprised. In the morning they would see each other but for now she was bushed.

Getting back into her car Katie heads for home getting there surprisingly fast. Not seeing Ryder's car in the driveway Katie could guess no one was home. It dosnt take her long to get everything unpacked and into the house for the night.

Wanting to greet Henry on her way in for the last time Katie suddenly remembers he wasn't there anymore. Laura had taking to her home now the day before Katie had left. Feeling a bit sad her friend wasn't there Katie doesn't let it last knowing Laura was happy and Henry would be happy keeping Maggie company.

Entering her bed room Katie flips on the light and sinks down onto her bed. Feeling something hit her arm Katie looks down quickly to see the red rose. Not blocking anything a smile forms on her face as a loving warm glow fills her head.

Closing her eyes and bringing the flower to her noise to smell its sweet fragrance. Letting her emotions flow through her air and the inadvisable tie finding the one who would know.

Thank you J, for the flower. I will never tire of them. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Squinting in the dark as the phone rings, the sound of her animles soft chirps in the other room to the disturbance in the night. Reaching for the phone and answering Bree was a little surprised to hears Gunner's voice on the other end. Looking at the clock quickly and than sitting up in bed Bree listens to him feeling something is wrong.

"Hold tight Gunner, I am on my way."

Hanging up and throwing her shoes on Bree dosnt even bother changing her cloths from her sweat pants and t-shirt just throwing her coat on over top.

Getting to Gunner's dosnt take long as Bree lives almost right around the corner. Going to the front door and knocking Bree dosent get an answer and it worrys her. Trying the handle and finding it unlcoked her lets herself in.

"Gunner...its Bree."

The house was dark and she had never been there before to even start to look for where he was. Walking into what she thought was the living room a car pass at the same time lighting up the room. Seeing Gunner's legs on the floor a wave of worry hits her.

Quickly moving over to Gunner, and sitting down on the floor Bree places her hand on his arm not wanting to scare him.

"Gunner...what happend? Are you ok?"

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