

About to make a comment about Mick's age but getting cut off Rosetta closes her mouth again as her eyes twinkle with humor of what she was thinking. Though it had been some time now since they have been married, and even longer that they had known one another Rosetta never tired of picking on Mick when she could. It was what helped her feel young still.

"Me say something smart to you? I would NEVER do that now would I?"

Giving a nod and a smile to Mick Rosetta was so proud of him with how far he had come. She new he was trying as hard as he was doing a great job.

"If I see Jade, I will see if she talks to me. Just keep an eye on her Mick when she is ready she will come to you."

Giving a wave as Jason drove away Katie couldnt help but feel a little sad even tough he was still so close to her.

I can talk to you anytime I was and I still feel like crying as I see you drive away. I cant wait to be home again and smother you with kiss J.

Turning as the car is out of sigh Katie felt so worm on the inside its felt good to know she was loved. Looking to the dinning hall and seeing the curtin move she smiles again, to be loved by more than one person no matter how the past seemed twisted. Now she new the truth that maybe deep down she new all along.

Heading that way Katie moved excited to see some alone time with the man she would now call dad, the man that she was always close with and now would become closer. It was a feeling Katie couldnt describe but it was there, and it just felt right.

Smiling back at Bret Charlotte's eyes twinkled and danced with his own happy to have her husband back with her. The house had been so quiet, and it felt so lonly even though she hadn't been there much.

"Maybe if a few days you can chanse me and I will let you catch me."

Giving a grin and opening the door Charlotte steps into the house helping Bret in after her. She new he had to be sore and watched to do all she could to help. She even had the meal for tonight planned out.

After setting the keys down on the table Charlotte followed Bret to the couch and sank down next to him leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I am so happy your home Bret. I missed you so much."

Finally home

Mick manages a tired smile, his nerves starting to quiet. Rosetta had always been able to calm him down. Kissing her back lightly, he wraps his arms around her and gives her a warm hug.

"Thank you for putting up with me." He chuckles as he withdraws. "Can you imagine me as a crotchety old man?" He realizes he's left himself wide open for a teasing remark about his age now, so he holds up a finger. "No comments from you."

Sighing, he lets her go and looks to the door. "Guess I better get back out there. If you see Jade before I do... Oh, I don't know. Maybe if it's a woman thing, she'd talk to you." He shrugs. "I won't bother her anymore."

Mick straightens his hat, and after going to compliment BJ on his coloring, he heads back outside, picking up where he'd left off.

Jeff enters the quiet dining room, finding a chair and easing down slowly. He was alive. He had recovered. But he still felt tired and weak. It just wasn't going away. Would he always feel like this? He wondered.

Hearing a vehicle, he looks outside to see a truck leave, and he knew someone was taking Jason to the airport. He felt a little bad for Katie, but he also knew that she and Jason were connected no matter how far apart they were. In a way, it was a comfort to Jeff, knowing that she had someone like that who would care for her.

Bret takes the walkway slowly, though a smile was on his face. Using a cane, he walks gingerly to the porch already sore just from the ride to the hospital, but he was home. He was finally home.

Stopping at the door, he looks to Charlotte, his eyes twinkling. "I'd chase you around the house, but... I don't think I'd do too well yet."

Though hurting, he was in good spirits, just knowing he was able to be home now. The doctor had even given him permission to drive if he was extra careful, so there was hope for his future too.

Making it inside, the couch is his first destination, and he gives a sigh of relief, once he's sitting down. "Ahh, this feels good. No more hospital bed."


Just watching Mick go over to BJ Rosetta felt as though Mick was talking in circles and she didnt understand any of it. Standing and giving a smile to BJ Rosetta follows Mick crossing her arms over her chest as she listened.

"Us girls we can be, funny. I am sure if it was something to major Jade would tell you. She had never been one to keep anything that was really important to herself."

Rosetta thinks for a moment before speaking again.

"She older now Mick, if she needs space than she needs space and maybe she is just not ready to talk about whats wrong. Pushing her to tell you when she just dosnt want to is really only going to make metters worse."

Letting out a small sigh Rosetta goes over to her husband and puts her arms around him poking his hat so it moves back on his head a little and lets her look into his eyes.

"As for Dan, he's new to the ranch and one would expect you to trust him right away. Cut him some slack though. So far he is doing a great job here and he hasn't done anything to lose our trust. Just give it time to get use to him. I dont think your radar is off, I just think you barking twords the wrong person."

Leaning up Rosetta gives her husband a soft kiss on the lips before retreating.


Mick lifts his face, unable to help a little grin. Rosetta could make him feel good, no matter what kind of mood he was in. He felt even sorrier though, when she told him BJ had witnessed the argument.

"No... everything's not okay, but don't ask me what's wrong because I don't know."

Sighing, Mick gets to his feet and wanders up behind BJ to look over his shoulder at the colors. "Hey, kiddo." He ruffles BJ's hair. "I'm sorry I was yelling outside. You did the right thing by coming back to Mom."

Leaving the child to his art, Mick wanders into the adjoining room so Rosetta would follow him out of earshot of BJ this time. "Jade's hiding something. I thought it was Dan, but it wasn't, now he's upset with me and so is she, but she still won't talk." He shrugs lamely. "Maybe I misread the whole thing, but I've always been able to trust my gut. This time though I just made a mess. I just can't seem to communicate with Dan. One day we're fine and kidding around and the next, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him."

He sighs deeply, leaning back against the wall. "Maybe my radar is off, I don't know."