
Giving In

Sparky groans and rolls over in bed, squinting at Mick. “What’re you doing?” he mumbles.

Mick spreads several blankets on the floor for Dylan, and waves his brother back down. “Nothing. Go back to sleep.”

“Mm…” Sparky rolls back over, pulling his pillow over his head.

Dylan tosses his jacket in the corner and flops down on the blankets, disgusted at his situation.

As Mick eases onto his bed, he catches his son’s eye for just a moment. He can remember tucking Dylan in when he was just four years old, receiving an enthusiastic hug and a begging for a bedtime story. Where had that little boy gone?

Jason is glad for the darkness as the heat rises to his face. What was he supposed to do? He didn’t want to force Katie to leave, nor did he want her sitting outside. But could he handle her staying here with him? The light caresses Katie’s face, accenting her features and creating a picture Jason would like to capture forever.
His heart beats a little faster as he stares back at her, though he forces himself not to advance. Something has to give. Something has got to relieve this tension before he drives himself crazy. Their relationship was strained enough the way it was, and he knew good and well that right now, he and Katie needed to regain their friendship.

Studying Katie’s eyes to gain a glimpse of her own thoughts, he suddenly recognizes her innocence. She had no idea of her beauty or wit, nor did she have any idea what she was doing to him right now.
It’s enough of a discovery to bring a smile to Jason’s lips. Katie was so determined…she was just stubborn enough to stick by him no matter what he said – no matter if he tried to convince her to leave or not. It was as much as saying “you’re not getting rid of me,” and he could do nothing but find pleasure in that. …He wasn’t going to stop her…he had promised he wouldn’t stand in the way of her at TJY, and he couldn’t stand in her way in this either. She had a gift to be able to sense his danger, and she had a gift of compassion – he couldn’t interfere with that.

After holding his stare for just a moment, Jason’s pent up emotions build to a pressure he can no longer hold. Before he can help it, they erupt in laughter. He shakes his head as he laughs, not even being able to believe this situation he’s in. He can’t think of anything other than friendship, for that’s exactly what Katie was demonstrating…and she was demonstrating it so well that he was backed into a corner with no way to escape her kindness.

Giving in and finally able to let go of all other thoughts, Jason slings his arm around Katie’s shoulders. He draws her into a side bear hug as his laughter subsides into a wide grin. Roughing up her hair teasingly with his free hand, he shakes his head. “Alright, Hero, you can stay on one condition – promise me that next time you won’t half-kill yourself getting here.”

He sighs and looks down at himself. “I did a good job on myself tonight didn’t I?” He rolls his eyes. “If you’re going to stay, at least help me up off the floor so I can sit on the couch and quit feeling like an idiot.”

*Rosetta sifts through more files reading about Sam and her part in the Agency, who she came here, how she was raised, and how she was at one time married and had a Son. Rosetta's eyes widen as she reads. Sam's past was just about as tangled as there own.*

* For a long moment Katie things about Jason's question of a ride home. Searching his face Katie can see he really dosent want her to go, nor is he in any shape to be left along. Katie lets out a long sigh as she battles in her head. She dident want to trust Jason, she wanted to keep her wall up, but it felt like someone was taking a sledg hammer to them and they were starting to crack. What was it about Jason, Katie couldent be mad at him. If Katie dident leave the walls down how would she ever find out if Jason changed or not. Slowly the walls started to crack more but wernt fully down. Katie turns and looks at Jason. The moonlight once again buncing off her eyes.* " If its all the same to you J I'd like to stay. Your in no shape to be here by yourself and I would feel alot better knowing I was able to help. But if you truly want me to go, I can A. sitoutside on your steps, or b. I really can go home, and I can walk. Its nice out.." *Katie throws Jason a smile. Its easy to tell she is related to Rosetta, she has the same smile Her Aunt has given Mick many times.*

Thank you

Mick nods to Rosetta and watches her head to he mess hall, making sure she’s inside before he heads to his bunk. He points, throwing Dylan a stern look. Dylan rolls his eyes, but trudges forward, following his father’s pointing finger.

Jason eyes Katie as she sits down, now realizing that she hadn’t had a vehicle, but had made good time. How hard must she have run? Just to check on him? That fact took him aback just a little.

He finds it a little difficult to force a chuckle to the surface, even though he found humor in Katie’s statement about flying. He closes his eyes, just sitting still and leaning back against the couch. He doesn’t answer her question right away, not wanting her to worry any further, but not having enough energy to cover up the truth either. “No…I’m not okay…but I will be. Just give me a few minutes.”

Jason’s pulse finally begins to slow, his muscles starting to relax again. Katie had just as much a calming effect on him as she always did. If she hadn’t come, how much longer would it have taken him to pull out of his nightmare? Yet how could he continue to depend on her like this? It wasn’t fair to her, and it certainly made him feel more vulnerable than he’d like to admit. But…was it so wrong? Katie obviously had a sixth sense when it came to him, and if she couldn’t help sensing when he was in trouble, then it wasn’t anyone’s fault.

After a couple minutes of silence, he finally turns his head to look at her. “Katie…thank you…” He unintentionally catches her eye, not being able to help his typical stare. For an instant, he gets lost in her gaze, and bites his lip as he struggles to figure out where they stand. How could this work? He needed to let go before he hurt her again. “I appreciate you coming…but…can I call someone to come and pick you up?”

"I need flying powers."

*Rosetta nods and smiles.* "I can make up a bunk for Dylan tomarrow if you want. Depending if he is going to stay or not. Just let me know." *Rosetta giggles to herself.* " You dont have to worry about him running off, or at least geting far. There isent anything around." *Turning to go Rosetta calls back.* "I'm going to be in the mess hall if you need me. I dont think I could sleep now if I tryed. I'll see you guys in the morning." *Rosetta heads to the mess hall. Grabs some milk and sits down at the little kitchen table and pulls out some files to look through.*

*As Katie walks into the house more she hears Troops growling.* "Easy boy, its just me." *Katie talks to the dog till she feels him lick her hand. Katie gently pats Troopers head.* " Good Boy, where Jason." *Following Trooper Katie finally see Jason and lets out a small laugh to his statment. Puting her gun back into its holster.* " Dident you know personal heros..." *Katie sits down grunting dow next to Jason her legs killing her. She hasent run that much or hard in years.* "....don't eat,sleep, rest or have curfews." *Katie glances at Jason feeling his embarssment.* " When you dident answer your phone you had me scaired something really bad happend. I could never live with myself if I hadent come and something really did happen." *Katie leans her head back aganst the coutch coushen.* " I need to invest in maybe geting flying powers or something." *Katie laughs hoping to try and clear some of the tention in the air.* "J...are you ok?"

Don't you know

Mick squeezes Rosetta's hand, glad for her company. He glances back at Dylan who simply sulks, unwilling to talk or even look at him. Mick had thought they'd parted on good terms when Dylan had been out to the ranch last - apparently something had changed in the last few months.
Not much is said until they get back to the ranch, and Mick exits, making sure Dylan follows. "Thanks, Rosetta. I'll have Dylan bunk down with Sparky and me for tonight at least. If anyone asks about anything, tell them I'll explain in the morning."

Jason rolls over to rub his carpet-burned hand, irritated with himself and feeling stupid for tripping over the table. Trooper hovers over him, but he waves him away, just wanting room to breathe.

The phone rings. Startled, Jason's heart continues to race, though he's too much in a daze to get to the receiver to answer it. Straining to hear the answering machine in the kitchen, he's taken aback by hearing Katie's voice. As the brief message ends, Jason has no doubt that Katie will be coming. It's been a long time since he's been in this position, and he feels even more ridiculous. He should be able to take care of himself. He shouldn't let these kinds of things keep happening - he was a grown man for crying out loud. He knew from his sessions with Adam several months prior that this would probably happen every once in a while, but even Jason had to admit that he hadn't expected it to be this severe.

His muscles are still weak, and it's difficult just to get into a sitting position, much less stand, so Jason settles back against the bottom of the couch, just trying to recover. Trooper lies down next to him, confused and nervous by his master's behavior.

Jason hadn't turned the heat up in the house since getting home from Wyatt's, and the chilly air mixed with his sweaty clothes sends a chill down his spine. But a blanket is too far away for him to want to try reaching. Not now...maybe...in a few.... Jason's eyes fly open again as a remnant from his nightmare comes flying back.

Suddenly Trooper tenses, the hair on his neck standing on end as he lets out a low growl. Jason is immediately on guard, now hoping it was Katie and not an intruder that he would be unable to fend off. Trooper stands and takes several steps forward as the door opens, barring his teeth, his eyes glinting in the dim light cast by the street light outside the window.
Jason can just barely make out Katie's form, and a new fear hits him. "Trooper, back off," he orders weakly. His dog pays no head, determined to protect his injured master.
Mustering up the energy he's got left, Jason manages to raise his voice. "Back off."
Trooper whines, knowing Jason means business, and able to sense that Jason is not afraid of this person. Taking another couple steps forward, it's as if the dog realizes who it is, and immediately he relaxes to greet Katie. He offers a soft woof and spins circles, trying to lead Katie to Jason, nuzzling and licking her hand.

Now that Katie is here, Jason doesn't even know how to respond. He felt stupid, embarrassed and vulnerable. Part of him was glad she had come...it proved that maybe they did have a shot at becoming close friends again. Yet her presence once again stirred feelings within him that he was trying to bury. He simply had to ignore them.

As Katie approaches, he manages to force half a grin, his breathing still slightly shallow. "Don't you know you shouldn't be out this late at night?"

Personal Hero Away.

*As Katie sleep she toss and turns. Hiting Henry on mistake and sending him running out the door. Katie shoots out of bed. Something was wrong again. It was Jason....Katie's Mind reals. Reaching out she picks up her phone. She new Jason was a grown man and dident need to hold his hand but she had to make sure he was ok. Katie dials his number waiting she finaly gets his answering masheen. Panic grabs Katie even more why wasent Jason answering.* "J its Katie. Its gonna be ok." *Hanging up Katie jumps out of bed and throws her clothing on. Henry sits outside Katies door just looking at her. Katie grabs a peace of paper and jots a fast note to Laura.* {Laura, Had to go out, something came up and I had to check it out. I'll be back soon. Katie}
*Katie heads downstairs and throws the note on the table. walking outside she relizes she dosent have a car. Breaking into a jog Katie starts to run down the street. After about a half hour Katie finally makes it to the house. Not even worrying about how thirsty she is She jumps the steps and knocks on the door. When no Answer comes Katie looks into the windows. Everything is dark. Taking her Credit Card from her pocket she pushes it in the lock and pops the door open. Katie enters a hand on her gun just in case something goes wrong.* "J...are you in here?"

*Rosetta looks from Mick to Dylan her own sadness taking over for the boy. Rosetta gets into the Jeep and starts it up heading for home. The ride is quiet. Rosetta takes her free hand and olds Mick leting him know its gonna be ok. Time seems to drag on the way home.*


Wyatt just grins at Katie, knowing that he probably will "happen" to pass by Laura's house again. He walks both women to the door and says goodnight before he and Ty both head to bed themselves.

Mick takes a deep breath and nods to Rosetta, trying to calm his own nerves. Entering the police station, he explains who he is and pays the bail for Dylan. He and Rosetta are allowed to walk back to the cells where Dylan is sitting with five or six other guys, all older than he. He looks up as he hears footsteps, his face showing his tension at seeing Mick. He'd called his mother, and had no idea that Mick would be the one showing up. He stands up and crosses his arms in a defiant stance as the cell door is opened.

Mick looks in at him, a mixture of sorrow and anger filling his heart. "Come on, Dylan." He thumbs down the hall. "You're coming with me."

Dylan grits his teeth. "What if I don't want to?"

"Tough luck," Mick states flatly. "I just paid a bundle to get you out of here, so get your hind end in gear and don't make this any harder than it has to be."

When Dylan doesn't move, the officer nods a warning. "I'd advise you to go with him, son."

Giving in with disgust, Dylan trudges out of the cell, shoving past Mick and ignoring Rosetta. Mick throws Rosetta a look of complete annoyance, rolling his eyes as he follows his son.

One they're outside, Dylan plants his feet on the sidewalk. "I ain't going back to that stupid ranch with you."

"It's 'I'm not' and yes, you are." Mick opens the door to Rosetta's jeep. "In. Now."

Dylan straightens, though his frame is no taller than Mick's. "No."

"I'm not standing here all night arguing with you!" Mick raises his voice. "You're coming, and that's final."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"I'm your father."

"Some father. I don't remember seeing you around for the last ten years."

Mick's face reddens as he reaches his limit. Stepping forward, he surprises Dylan by taking him by his jacket and yanking him to the jeep. With both hands, he manhandles the younger man, shoving him into the seat, with a swift kick to the backside.

"Aw come in!" Dylan gripes. "What'd you do that for?"

"That was the hard way," Mick explains calmly, sliding into his own seat. "From now on I suggest the easy way." He nods to Rosetta. "Let's get going before anyone misses us."

Jason's body shakes, the sweat pouring down the side of his face. Despite any amount of control, it had been inevitable that these images would invade his sleep, turning foggy dreams into vivid nightmares all over again. He had known it was coming, but had been too tired not to sleep.

Trooper whines and gets up from his place in the kitchen, going to Jason to nuzzle his hand.
Too deeply into the dream though, Jason doesn't wake. He writhes in the pain he feels in the realm separate from reality. Alex. The house. The pain. The hunger. The desperation. The tears.

Unable to pull himself out of the nightmare, Jason lives in torture for over an hour, until finally a backfiring car out on the street jolts him awake. He sits straight up, glancing around the room wildly to convince himself that he was in his own house. His hands shake uncontrollably and he's soaking wet. "Aw dang it," he complains in a whisper. He tries to get up from his chair, but his knees buckle, not yet recovered from the shock of the nightmare. Falling back down into the chair, he groans in desperate irritation. Would this never end?

Trooper tries again, lifting Jason's arm with his nose and whining at him, sensing something wrong.

Jason manages to scratch the dog's head, trying to convince him everything is fine, though his racing pulse says otherwise. This was the first time he'd been completely alone when this had happened. He looks to the phone for just a moment, but is quick to remain logical, refusing to dial. He had to do this...he had to get himself into bed and survive the night. Tomorrow would be better.

Leaning on Trooper for support, he's finally able to stand, and starts to make his way to his room. Without lights on though, he miscalculates the distance and rams into the corner of the coffee table. Crying out as his knee is twisted, he stumbles forward, ending up on the floor with scattered magazines.


*Katie smiles at Ty joins them. Trying her best she points out words. Quietly saying them to him and repeating the letters. Katie trys her best to help Ty while just making it look like they are playing the game.*

*Hours pass and time flys. Katie is not sure if she is helping Ty or just making him more confused. As Laura stands so does Katie yawning* " I guess I should head to bed." *As Wyatt makes a crack at her she throws a pillow from the coutch at him.* "Watch it Mr." *Before leaving Katie gives Wyatt a friendly hug and throws a smile at Ty.* " Now that Trooper is gone Wy you can still "happen" to walk by the house if you want. I like our walks." *Katie heads to Laura's car and head home. Once there Katie says goodnight to Laura and heads to bed. Seting her cell phone on the nightstand incase anyone needs her.*

* Finally geting into Milltown Rosetta pulls up to the police station. Turning off the car she turns to Mick,* "Try and stay calm ok. I know this was a big mess up on his part but oh so long ago we did too and all the yellling in the world dident help up." *Rosetta smiles at Mick and squeezes his hand.* "Come on. Lets get this over with." *Geting out of the jeep Rosetta heads over to Mick's side and waits for him. So they can both go in together. So he has a shoulder to lean on in this time.*


Ty looks at Katie quickly, surprised by her observation. He’d tried so hard not to make it obvious, but suddenly his secret was out. Apparently she really was good at reading people. He glances back out the window, unable to look her in the eye without feeling vulnerable. “Look, playing a game isn’t going to help… letters don’t make any sense to me. They never have. I flunked out of school, labeled as stupid, because I couldn’t read.” His embarrassment pools behind his eyes, desperate for release. He remains frozen in place, only glancing over his shoulder as Katie leaves. She was one of the few who had ever discovered his secret. He’d done a good job hiding it…most people just assumed he was lazy when it came to jobs, or a complete idiot at least. He’d never figured trying to learn to read was worth wasting someone else’s time over. It had been tried…he just couldn’t do it.

But as he stands alone and hears the others continuing to have fun and laugh, he realizes that he’s being left out due to his own will. Sighing, his mind begins a battle of tug-o-war. If he didn’t join in, there would be more questions. If he did, he’d risk the others discovering his secret. But was Katie right? Could she help him without the others knowing? Was it worth a try?
Not even sure why, Ty gives into the prompting. He wouldn’t normally…but something about this group was different…something told him he could trust them…and he didn’t want his antisocial attitude to ruin anything.

The game already in progress, Ty slips quietly into a seat next to Katie, staring at her row of tiles. It might as well have been chicken scratches to his eyes.

Wyatt looks up in surprise as Ty returns to the table, but he opts not to make a big deal out of it. He senses there’s something bigger here than a simple attitude problem, and is just glad he’s decided to join back in.

Ty watches the game progress, desperately trying to make sense of it all. He understands the rules, and he knows that the others are forming words on the board. But he has no idea what those words are, or how they are put together. He doesn’t even know the difference between the letters. But he stays, if only not to feel left out.

As it becomes later and later, Laura finally yawns and stretches, throwing a glance at Katie. “Well…I don’t know about you, but I’m beat. How about us heading back to my place?” She stands up and helps Wyatt clean up a few things. After everything is put back, she grabs her purse and keys. “Thanks, Wyatt. This was a blast.”

He grins and nods. “It was fun.” He throws Katie a casual salute. “You, my dear damsel shouldn’t be in any distress at all with a brain like yours.” He winks at her. “I’ll see you in a couple days. Try to stay out of trouble.”

The ride to Milltown is quiet. Mick’s mind wanders is so many directions… why had Dylan chosen this path? What if the past had been changed? What if Mick had handled things differently? Would he have been able to steer Dylan in a better direction? And what would happen now? Mick knew good and well that his son would not welcome his presence. At the same time, Mick’s blood boiled at the thought of Dylan being stupid enough to get involved with a rowdy bunch like he had – not only that, but to have skipped town and not even told his mother about it.
Sighing, he sips his coffee, trying to gain some alertness. This was not going to be fun.

Into the Night

*Katie sighs.* "I'm not sure. I'll be right back." *Katie heads into the living room and stands next to Ty keeping her voice low so the other dont hear her she talks to Ty.* "Ty, I know why you dont want to play. The other might not know but, I am good at reading people. Playing this game will help you learn. Thats why I said you could be on my team. I cant help you without leting the others know. You shouldent be emabarssed. If you dont want to play thats fine. I'm just trying to help you out." *Katie stands looking out the window a while longer and than goes back in to the room with Wyatt and Laura. Cracking her knuckles she laughs* " Ok...how about I play on my own team. Bet I could still whoop you both." *Katie makes a funny face at the others.*

*Rosetta smiles and Nods. She hands Mick a mug of coffee and puts one for herself in the cupholder.* " Not a problem at all Hun. I wasent really sleeping anyways. Only pretending." *Rosetta giggles and starts the Jeep. Pulling out of the drive way She follows Mick direction heading for Milltown.*


Jason calls Trooper and heads out, taking the drive home slowly. Parking at his house, he takes his time, so tired, but not wanting to sleep. He turns on the lights as soon as he's in the house, and invites Trooper in for the night. Instead of going to bed, Jason putters for a while in his bedroom, then winds up flopping down in a living room chair after shutting the lights off. He stares into the darkness, willing his mind to avoid what is tugging at his subconsciousness, though with little progress. His eyes are so heavy...his body so tired...

Ty's eyes widen at Katie's invitation, and he stiffens in his seat. "I...I don't think I'd help one bit. I'm not so great at games."

Wyatt throws him a teasing smirk. "You've been a party pooper all night. Come on and move around to sit next to Katie. She's gonna need all the help she can get for this next round."

Feeling backed into a corner, Ty abruptly stands, his face red. "Look, it's...it's late. My brain stopped working about two hours ago."

"So did mine," Laura quips with humor. "We don't care."

Ty grits his teeth. "Really, I don't want to play, alright? Can't you guys just let it drop?" He leaves the room before his embarrassment takes over, and goes into the living room to stare out the window, his arms crossed in defensiveness.

Wyatt lifts his eyebrows as Ty stalks off. "What on earth is his problem? One minute he's sociable and calm and the next he's riled and grouchy."

Mick looks at Rosetta, a grateful smile at the corner of his mouth. "Thanks...I guess I'd appreciate the company." Once in the jeep, he points to the left. "Jill said he's in the Milltown jail - it should take us about an hour."

The Night drifts on

*Laughter rings through out Wyatt's apartment. Katie cant help but enjoy herself as she laughs and jokes with her friends. Its was nice to be herself and be with true people she could call friends. She dident need to hide. Her hate,sadness, and wall crumbled before them to let her trueself show through.*

*Katie looks to Jason. I bit of sadness shows through that they have to say goodnight. Noding leting him know to call if he needs to.* "Night Jason. Drive safe and happy birthday." *Katie watches as Jason leaves. Katie hopes tonight he will be ok being alone. Once Jason has left Katie turns back to the game.* "Well since Jason is gone there are 4 of us how about we play teams? Ty you can be on my team." *Katie nods to him, trying to convay its ok and will help.*

*Rosetta nods to Mick.* "Let me get my keys. I'll drive. Its to late to be going alone." *Rosetta heads back to her house and grabs a granola bar and her keys. Heading back to Mick they hop in her jeep.* " Ok what way we going?"


The ride back to Wyatt’s is a quiet one, and Jason can’t help but wonder what’s going through Katie’s mind as the silence reigns.

Once arriving, Jason is taken off guard yet again by Katie’s offer. He opens his mouth to reply, but she’s already halfway to Wyatt’s door. Sighing, he follows suit, preparing himself to be sociable again with a grin on his lips.

Laura shrieks from the kitchen. “Yay! I’m gonna need a sugar high if I’m gonna keep up with y’all this late at night.” She giggles. “Bring it on in here, I’ll get the bowls.”

Wyatt shifts his concentration from Ty to Katie, throwing her a mocking look of shock. “Hey now, I’m just trying to be fair!” He takes a quick step forward in response to her kick, giving her a teasing shove towards the kitchen. “You just go in there and team up with Laura while I rally my own troops. Looks like I’m going to need all the help I can get with you two ganging up on me.”

Jason cocks his head slightly as he sees the three interact. Things were so much the same, yet so different. He stifles a yawn, knowing his body is exhausted, but he can’t leave now.

Ty sinks down in a chair away from the table, drawn in by the others’ laughter, despite his desire to flee. Maybe if he just kept his distance.

The evening progresses as lively and fun, with more than one game of Scrabble. Ty winds up interacting just a little, but declines any offers to have him join in the games.

As the chatter continues, Jason glances at his watch. Sleep is something he fears tonight, but if he doesn’t leave soon, he’ll be too tired to drive. He stands to take his empty ice cream bowl into the kitchen. Coming back, he sets his hands on his hips, nodding at the others. “Sorry guys, but I’m gonna have to call it a night. I better take myself home.” He glances at their faces, landing on Katie’s, his words aimed to the group, but hitting her directly. “Guess I’ll see y’all at work.”

Laura smiles up at him. “Goodnight, Jase.”

He slings an arm around her shoulders in a brotherly fashion. “Don’t let Wyatt cheat after I’m gone.”

She laughs and nods. “Alright.”

Before turning to leave, Jason throws one last look at Katie, allowing his eyes to express his thanks for her company and her friendship.

Mick squints into the dark, suddenly on edge. Had he heard a knock? Throwing on his jeans and shirt, he quickly goes to the door, just hearing Rosetta’s words before he opens it. His eyes go wide and he answers in a whisper. “Hang on, let me grab my shoes.”
Slipping on his boots, he swiftly exits the bunk to follow Rosetta back to her place. Worry fills Mick’s veins. Why would Jill be calling him this late at night?
He picks up the phone. “Jill? What’s wrong?” He starts to frown, giving Rosetta a glance as talks to Jill. “…he’s what? …well how…. No, I didn’t….” His frown turns into a scowl. “I don’t believe this….why was he down here? …he said nothing? Well what…..no….” He glares at the receiver. “Yeah, I can do that. Sounds like he needs a good kick to the behind. No, I’ll go. Yeah…don’t worry. I’ll call you in the morning. Bye.”
Hanging up, Mick rubs his tired face with his hands. “Oh, woe.” He turns to Rosetta, throwing his arms in the air with disgust. “My son just got arrested about an hour’s drive from here, and I have to go bail him out. I’ll have to bring him back here.”

As long as you need

*Entering the tuck with Jason Katie smiles.* " I wont." *Though Katie trys to keep her heart shielded from Jason she cant help a feeling the bubbled inside of her. It feels as though they never left the ranch. Its felt like old times. Jason....dear Jason. Her best friend. Why couldent thngs just be that simple. Why was it hard to open to him again.*

*As the pull into Wyatt's drive way Katie turns to Jason again and smiles.* " ok lets get in there pig out and kick some butt. I'll stay with you through out the night as long as you need to to J. I dont have to work tomarrow and can sleep in." *Before Jason can reply Katie hopes out of the truck and bursts into Wyatt's door.* "THE FUN IS BACK. WITH ICE CREAM." *Katie holds is above her head. Than glances at Ty.* "They dident look at our tiles did they?" *Katie lets out a giggle and heads into the kitchen. Giving Wyatt alittle kick along the way.* " Oh goodness. Jason Wyatt has the rule book out, AGAIN. Why is it when your losing you go to the rule book." *Katie ducks in an tisapation of Wyatt throwing it at her.*

*Groggly Rosetta reply.* "Hey Jill. Its ok. Ya give me a sec I'll have to run over to Mick's bunk to get him. Hang on one sec." *Rosetta grabs her coat and heads across the lawn to Mick's Bunk. Trying to knock softly as to not wake Sparky Rosetta whispers loudly.* " Mick, Jill is on the phone for you MICK." *Rosetta wraps her arm around herself from the chill air.*

Back with ice cream

Not having heard Katie approach, Jason flinches at her touch, startled. He looks at her quickly, forcing himself back to calmness again as he sends a hard stare into her eyes. Her words hit him with more impact that he’d been prepared for, and all excuses for his abrupt exit from the store fly out the window. His stomach is in knots, despite all the logic in the world, and he knows now, the impossibility of hiding any of this from Katie. He swallows hard, finally looking away. “I’ll be alright. My mind likes to play tricks on me this day every year no matter how hard I try to forget about it.”
Katie’s hand on his arm is as soothing to him as it always had been, and he finds himself gritting his teeth against the boiling emotions he’s bottled up inside. He can’t help but think of her shielding comfort during the night he’d so violently awakened. He could still feel her hand running through his hair…
Blinking, Jason turns to the truck door. “Thanks, Katie…I appreciate it. I’ll be alright now. Just don’t mention it to the others when we get back to Wyatt’s, eh?” He opens up the door and slips inside, closing his eyes for a just a moment to regroup before Katie enters as well.

“…no, I thought the rules said it the other way,” Laura argues lightly.

Wyatt rolls his eyes as he reaches into the kitchen cupboard for a glass. “Well I’ve always played it this way.” He glances into the other room. “Hey, Ty, grab that rulebook next to you and check that out, will ya?” He laughs. “I can’t lose this battle.”

Ty can feel the feat creeping up the back of his neck again. He’d thought he’d gotten past this for the night. Was Wyatt intentionally putting him in this position? As far as Ty knew, Wyatt was still clueless, and it was just as well. But how could he just refuse to do what he’d just been asked? It would seem so silly.
He reaches down to the Scrabble box and takes out the rulebook. He’s about ready to toss it to Laura, but she gets up to join Wyatt in the kitchen to get herself something to drink as well. He stares at the book in his hand. “Hey, I think I’m gonna turn in,” he calls.

Wyatt looks at him in surprise. “I won’t stop ya, but you don’t want to stick around for ice cream?”

Ty shrugs. He really did want to stick around…this small group was fun to be with. “I don’t know.”

Wyatt grins. “At least look up that rule before you go so you can witness me proving Laura wrong.”

“I…” Ty looks back at the thin booklet, the heat now reaching his face. “I don’t know where to look. You could probably do it faster.”

“It’s on page 5,” Laura calls with a laugh.

Ty flips over 5 pages and looks at the words. Wyatt comes over and slaps him teasingly on the shoulder. “There are only 10 pages. Whatcha doing, memorizing it?”

Ty stands abruptly, his embarrassment taking over. “Look, I do think I’ll head to bed. I’m not feeling so great.”

Wyatt furrows his brow in confusion. “What, I…” he stops mid-sentence as he hears the pickup pull up outside. “Whatever, but the others are back.” As Ty wanders to the window, Wyatt glances down at the rulebook. Something was really odd.

“Rosetta, it’s Jill.” Her voice proves the relief she feels. “I’m so sorry to bother you this time of night, but I’ve got to talk to Mick, and I lost his cell phone number. Is there any way you could go get him?”