
Thank you

Mick nods to Rosetta and watches her head to he mess hall, making sure she’s inside before he heads to his bunk. He points, throwing Dylan a stern look. Dylan rolls his eyes, but trudges forward, following his father’s pointing finger.

Jason eyes Katie as she sits down, now realizing that she hadn’t had a vehicle, but had made good time. How hard must she have run? Just to check on him? That fact took him aback just a little.

He finds it a little difficult to force a chuckle to the surface, even though he found humor in Katie’s statement about flying. He closes his eyes, just sitting still and leaning back against the couch. He doesn’t answer her question right away, not wanting her to worry any further, but not having enough energy to cover up the truth either. “No…I’m not okay…but I will be. Just give me a few minutes.”

Jason’s pulse finally begins to slow, his muscles starting to relax again. Katie had just as much a calming effect on him as she always did. If she hadn’t come, how much longer would it have taken him to pull out of his nightmare? Yet how could he continue to depend on her like this? It wasn’t fair to her, and it certainly made him feel more vulnerable than he’d like to admit. But…was it so wrong? Katie obviously had a sixth sense when it came to him, and if she couldn’t help sensing when he was in trouble, then it wasn’t anyone’s fault.

After a couple minutes of silence, he finally turns his head to look at her. “Katie…thank you…” He unintentionally catches her eye, not being able to help his typical stare. For an instant, he gets lost in her gaze, and bites his lip as he struggles to figure out where they stand. How could this work? He needed to let go before he hurt her again. “I appreciate you coming…but…can I call someone to come and pick you up?”

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