
*Rosetta sifts through more files reading about Sam and her part in the Agency, who she came here, how she was raised, and how she was at one time married and had a Son. Rosetta's eyes widen as she reads. Sam's past was just about as tangled as there own.*

* For a long moment Katie things about Jason's question of a ride home. Searching his face Katie can see he really dosent want her to go, nor is he in any shape to be left along. Katie lets out a long sigh as she battles in her head. She dident want to trust Jason, she wanted to keep her wall up, but it felt like someone was taking a sledg hammer to them and they were starting to crack. What was it about Jason, Katie couldent be mad at him. If Katie dident leave the walls down how would she ever find out if Jason changed or not. Slowly the walls started to crack more but wernt fully down. Katie turns and looks at Jason. The moonlight once again buncing off her eyes.* " If its all the same to you J I'd like to stay. Your in no shape to be here by yourself and I would feel alot better knowing I was able to help. But if you truly want me to go, I can A. sitoutside on your steps, or b. I really can go home, and I can walk. Its nice out.." *Katie throws Jason a smile. Its easy to tell she is related to Rosetta, she has the same smile Her Aunt has given Mick many times.*

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