

The ride back to Wyatt’s is a quiet one, and Jason can’t help but wonder what’s going through Katie’s mind as the silence reigns.

Once arriving, Jason is taken off guard yet again by Katie’s offer. He opens his mouth to reply, but she’s already halfway to Wyatt’s door. Sighing, he follows suit, preparing himself to be sociable again with a grin on his lips.

Laura shrieks from the kitchen. “Yay! I’m gonna need a sugar high if I’m gonna keep up with y’all this late at night.” She giggles. “Bring it on in here, I’ll get the bowls.”

Wyatt shifts his concentration from Ty to Katie, throwing her a mocking look of shock. “Hey now, I’m just trying to be fair!” He takes a quick step forward in response to her kick, giving her a teasing shove towards the kitchen. “You just go in there and team up with Laura while I rally my own troops. Looks like I’m going to need all the help I can get with you two ganging up on me.”

Jason cocks his head slightly as he sees the three interact. Things were so much the same, yet so different. He stifles a yawn, knowing his body is exhausted, but he can’t leave now.

Ty sinks down in a chair away from the table, drawn in by the others’ laughter, despite his desire to flee. Maybe if he just kept his distance.

The evening progresses as lively and fun, with more than one game of Scrabble. Ty winds up interacting just a little, but declines any offers to have him join in the games.

As the chatter continues, Jason glances at his watch. Sleep is something he fears tonight, but if he doesn’t leave soon, he’ll be too tired to drive. He stands to take his empty ice cream bowl into the kitchen. Coming back, he sets his hands on his hips, nodding at the others. “Sorry guys, but I’m gonna have to call it a night. I better take myself home.” He glances at their faces, landing on Katie’s, his words aimed to the group, but hitting her directly. “Guess I’ll see y’all at work.”

Laura smiles up at him. “Goodnight, Jase.”

He slings an arm around her shoulders in a brotherly fashion. “Don’t let Wyatt cheat after I’m gone.”

She laughs and nods. “Alright.”

Before turning to leave, Jason throws one last look at Katie, allowing his eyes to express his thanks for her company and her friendship.

Mick squints into the dark, suddenly on edge. Had he heard a knock? Throwing on his jeans and shirt, he quickly goes to the door, just hearing Rosetta’s words before he opens it. His eyes go wide and he answers in a whisper. “Hang on, let me grab my shoes.”
Slipping on his boots, he swiftly exits the bunk to follow Rosetta back to her place. Worry fills Mick’s veins. Why would Jill be calling him this late at night?
He picks up the phone. “Jill? What’s wrong?” He starts to frown, giving Rosetta a glance as talks to Jill. “…he’s what? …well how…. No, I didn’t….” His frown turns into a scowl. “I don’t believe this….why was he down here? …he said nothing? Well what…..no….” He glares at the receiver. “Yeah, I can do that. Sounds like he needs a good kick to the behind. No, I’ll go. Yeah…don’t worry. I’ll call you in the morning. Bye.”
Hanging up, Mick rubs his tired face with his hands. “Oh, woe.” He turns to Rosetta, throwing his arms in the air with disgust. “My son just got arrested about an hour’s drive from here, and I have to go bail him out. I’ll have to bring him back here.”

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