
So tired

Though still groggy, Kyle's eyes widen. "Overdose?" He blinks. The look of surprise on his face was genuine. "But how...?" Furrowing his brow, he thinks, still bewildered.

"Well, Mr. Mitts. It's good to see you back among the living." The doctor appears in the doorway, having heard voices. He approaches, offering a smile to both Kyle and Alice.

Kyle quirks an eyebrow. "I'd say it felt good to be back, but I don't remember not being here."

"I'm not surprised." The doctor eases down on the other side of the bed, giving a soft nod to Alice before continuing with Kyle. "How are you feeling?"

"Um... kinda foggy. My throat hurts... tired."

"Mm... having had a tube down your throat will probably make it sore for a while. And the meds should wear of fairly quickly." He doctor looks at his clipboard. "Do you remember anything? Perhaps about last night?"

"Um..." Kyle frowns in thought. "I... I was swimming. And then... I think I went to bed. Next thing I know, I'm here."

"Did you take any pain killers?"

"Oh yeah." Kyle nods, starting to remember. "I guess I did. Chloe gave me some for my headache. Alice just said that you said I overdosed?"

The doctor doesn't yet answer the question. "Do you remember how many painkillers you took?"

"I don't know... whatever I was supposed to, I guess." Kyle scrunches his nose, trying to think. "I think I took the max... maybe? So I'd be able to sleep." He tries to recall the previous night's events, and suddenly his eyes widen. "Uh-oh."

The doctor lifts an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"I think I might have..." Kyle keeps trying to think. "It seems like when I went to bed, I remember realizing that I hadn't taken the pills yet. So I got up and downed the max dose, but... then I thought it felt familiar, and I wondered if I'd fallen asleep without knowing it, and had forgotten I'd already taken a dose. I was already so drowsy by that time though, that I didn't get back up again."

"You mean you took them twice?"

"I might have. I was really tired and I wasn't thinking all that straight." Kyle's eyes remain wide. "That's a scary thought."

"Well, it's not just scary, it's reality." The doctor nods grimly. "You did overdose. It's a good thing your friends called when they did. Those painkillers were high-power to begin with, so it didn't take much to really hurt yourself." He glances down at his notes. "You have been on depression medication as well?"

Kyle looks down, then up again. "Yeah... for a while. I stopped taking it though, a few days ago." He glances to Alice. If it wasn't for her, he'd still be on it.

"Were you feeling depressed last night?"

"I don't know. I mean... I was tired. I'd felt worse."

"Kyle, I'll be frank with you. Is there a possibility that you intentionally overdosed?"

Kyle's eyes widen even more. "No way! I might have been stupid, but it wasn't on purpose." He looks at Alice for reassurance before continuing. "It was an accident."

"But you said yourself that you don't remember much. People often deny their desperation, and sometimes don't even remember wanting to take their lives. I need to-"

"I said it was an accident!" Now Kyle was getting a little irritated. "I couldn't feel more stupid than I do at the moment, but I'm telling you, I was fine. I don't want to take my own life, I've got too much life left to live!"

"Okay, okay." The doctor puts a hand on Kyle's arm to calm him down. "I just had to rule that out before writing up my report. I believe you. But you were stupid, and I hope that you don't have any more of these little accidents." He stands up, making a couple notes. "I want you to stay here until tonight, but by suppertime, you will be free to go."

Watching the doctor leave, Kyle lets his head sink back in his pillow, and he gives a frustrated sigh. "Could I be even more of an idiot?" He puts his hands on his head and gives a groan. His mind was starting to clear, and he could now imagine how he must have made the others feel. "I really caused a ruckus didn't I? All because I got careless."

Laura can't help a sleepy smile. "Stop worrying about me," she chides. Moving her hand from his lips, she runs it down his cheek. "I've been hit worse than this."

She lets her head rest on her pillow, fighting sleep. "I'd love to have Maggie cook"

Her eyes start to close, but she suddenly opens them again. "Oh, would you tell Ryder to make sure Henry gets taken care of? I think he's still under my desk." After saying it, she giggles. "Henry, that is."

Ryder escorts the girl out of the van and into TJY as the others take off for the hospital. He had offered to go later, in order to take care of this first and fill in those who had stayed. Part of him was antsy to go though... to find out how both Katie and Laura were.

Getting the girl into the interrogation room, he knows Gage is in the other one, and Alec is still downstairs. It was starting to be a full house in here.

He gets the girl to sit down at the table and is just ready to turn and leave, when her voice surprises him. Turning back around, he just stares at her for a moment. Her words cut right to his heart. "Aw, you're kidding me," he mutters under his breath. A whole new form of pity washes over him. He looks to the door, then back at Thirteen. Him being at the hospital wouldn't change a thing... maybe this was where he was supposed to be for now.

Going back to the table, he leans down and takes a good hard look at Thirteen, studying her eyes. He could usually tell when someone was lying or pretending to be someone they weren't. Either she was the best he'd ever encountered, or she truly had been a victim of the Agency. He believed it was the latter.

Straightening up, Ryder locks the door, just in case, then returns. Fishing in his pocket, he reaches down and unlocks the handcuffs, freeing up her hands. "They just keep getting better and better, don't they?" His irritated question isn't intended to receive a response... he was sick of the Agency and their ways of dealing with people.

"Thirteen, ay?" He clips the cuffs to his beltloop, then reaches down to tuck her hair behind her ear, spying a cut on her temple. It wasn't deep, but it was enough to have bled a bit. He goes to the corner of the room where there is a high locked cabinet for emergencies. Inside is a small first aid kit. Coming back, he dabs some disinfectant on a swab and as gently as possible, cleans the small wound. "Nobody deserves to be raised by the Agency." It made him sick that she had called it "home." But if that's all she knew...

Finished, Ryder returns the first aid kit, then sighs, setting his hands on his hips. He couldn't treat her like the others. Her spirit was completely and utterly crushed, probably destroyed in just the first few years of her life. He wouldn't treat her like Gage or Alec - he sensed no threat. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Need to use the bathroom?" He'd even offer a clean set of clothes, if he knew where to find one.

Jason lowers himself to sit on the edge of the bed as gently as possible. Reaching out, he takes Katie's hand in his, never having had a more tender touch. A coma. His worst fears were coming true.

It was hours later. Amazingly, none of Katie's injuries had been life-threatening, persay. Jason wasn't sure all what the doctors had said... he was so exhausted, that he thought he probably only caught about half of the explanations. He thought he remembered them saying that Katie might have to have some rehab for her hand, and they wouldn't be sure about how well it was healing until she woke up. They had gone ahead and don e some reconstruction where the acid burns had been. Though scars would remain, the doctors were confident that those wounds would heal and that they would not be too obvious in appearance. Not that Jason cared as much about that... Katie would be beautiful no matter what.

But as he sat here, alone, after others had filtered in and out... the weight of the situation bore heavily down upon him.

Standing, he goes to get a chair and bring it close, sitting down and taking Katie's hand again. Physical touch... that was what intensified their connection. He would stay... he would wait... he would pray.

He leans forward and rests his head on the bed. He was so tired.


Continuing to look down at Kyle Alice knows from the mention of the beach just how close to death maybe he was.

"I am sorry you had to leave the beach, but I am happy you did. I'd be pretty sad if you didnt."

Moving her hand from his face Alice looks away for a moment and than around the room before looking back to him.

"We...dont know what happend. You were found in the morning and would not wake up. Now your here. The Dr. has been saying you over dosed. I...we dont know anything more than that. The rest is up to the Dr. asking you."

Entering Laura's room Nate smiles coming over to her bed. He new she would be ok, but it still hurt to see her there and he worryed anyways.

"Maggie wanted me to ask you about dinner when you get out. Janet taught her how to cook chicken and she is excited now to cook it."

Nate gives a smile as he takes Laura's hand gently in his and brings it to her lips. He was so worryed yet so releazed she would be ok.

"Oh Laura, I love you."

Not saying anything to Ryder's question the girl's eyes search his and than drift away. Looking at the others in the van her eyes dart to each. She didnt know who they were, and they didnt talk to her. She couldnt help but be scaired of them.

...Being lead into the the holding room the girl says says nothing. She was nervouse and not sure what would happen next. Never seeing this place before She didnt know if it was safe or not. But the made who had been nice to her in the van was the one now leading her and though a doubt lingered she could only hope he would not harm her.

Sitting down she places her hands in front of her and looks down at the table. It was almost as if she acted like a robot just doing how she had been told.

Looking up at Ryder she eyes him. Her voice quiet, and a whisper as if scaired to even talk.

"I...dont know what my name is. They called me 13 back home."

Triumphs and losses

Kyle wants to sit up, but for the moment, his whole body felt like a lead weight. Instead, he just lets his eyes close again, resting his face against Alice's hand. Why was she being so gentle and apparently relieved to see him awake? He didn't understand.

"It was a nice beach," he murmurs, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "I didn't want to leave."

For a moment, he almost falls back asleep, but then he opens his eyes once more to look up into Alice's eyes. There was concern in his own gaze. "Last thing I remember is swimming... what happened? Why am I here?"

Jason watches helplessly as Misty does all she can with Katie. But his lifeline was slowly slipping away from him. He could feel his emotions surging through his body now, finally rid of the antidote. But in this close space, he had to control it, lest it explode.

Swallowing the urge to scream, Jason bends to rest his forehead on Katie's, a tear falling to mingle in her hair.

You can't leave... you just can't... You made it too far to give up now.

His emotions flow from him as if relieved that they were experiencing freedom once again. But while they were able to seep from Jason and soak into their receiver, the channel remained silent. It felt the same as when Katie was sound asleep. But this time, Jason's promptings could not wake her. The emotions were feeding her... but it may have been too late.

Laura breathes through the pain, knowing that she would be fine once she was taken care of. The bullet had gone through, so the only danger was loss of blood.

She lets her head fall over to Nate's shoulder, half letting him know she was okay, and half letting herself simply soak up the comfort he was trying to give her. She was scared. She was in pain. But he was here to keep her safe.

A bump in the road makes her grunt as she bites her lip, and her fingers tighten even more on Nate's hand.

Ryder looks into the girl's eyes for a moment, finding something unusual there. Her dropped gaze tells him that she would probably not be saying anything. He glances to Carson. "I think you're right."

"About what?"

"Her being an Agency baby."

Carson quirks an eyebrow and looks over to the girl for himself. Studying her a moment, he nods. "She doesn't look like an agent... and I've never seen her."

Though prepared to defend himself if he turned out to be wrong, Ryder scoots around in front of the girl, reaching out to tilt her chin up. She did look a lot like Katie. He sees that Reese has her handcuffed to the side of the van, and he almost feels sorry for her. He didn't normally let his guard down with someone from the Agency, but that look in her eye... it was like a frightened animal, not one of hate. "What's your name?"

Reese puts a hand to his headset. "Wyatt... I'm going to head back to base with our prisoner. Some of us will be up to the hospital to join you shortly."

"Sounds good. We're almost there. Do me a favor and call Brown... have him call in a few officers to come down here too and keep an eye out. Last thing we need is for the Agency to mess around here."

Town comes into view. Traffic is sped around and red lights are run. Sirens sound, but not to pull them over, rather to escort them the rest of the way to the hospital.

The parking lot. The injured. The paramedics. The chaos. Three agents needing care. The hospital was all-too familiar. Jason doesn't want to let Katie go, but lying her down on the stretcher, all he can do is kiss her forehead and beg her one last time not to leave him. Watching her wheeled to the ER was one of the hardest things he'd ever done.

Laura is rushed into another room as another doctor and set of nurses work on her injury. Scott is still numb and also taken to be looked at. There were still two bullets in his arm that needed to come out.

Other TJY agents show up to find out any news. Phone calls are made, and worry is everywhere. There is relief that it is over. But concern for the injured, and a lingering sorrow for the one that did not return. Everyone dealt with it in their own way, but they knew they would be honoring Phinox's memory when this was over.

... Jason paces like a caged tiger in the hall. No word... nothing... no signs. The light above his head flickers. One would just think the bulb was going bad, but one who knew how tightly wound Jason was, would realize it was his doing.

Suddenly, a hand on his shoulder makes him stop and spin around. Derek looked back at him with a soft concern. "She'll be okay," he comforts quietly. "Just let the doctors do their job."

Jason looks back at him, his eyes filling again. "Thank you," he whispers, his voice wavering, "for helping bring her back."

Derek only wished it would have been sooner... he only wished there was something more he could have done.

Something perhaps no one would have thought would ever happen caused a stir in the hearts of the few that saw it. It sorrow and of comfort. It was an action that took the place of words that could never be spoken. For the first time, father and son embraced, the silent tears flowing.

Laura lays quietly in the bed, struggling to stay awake. The medications were making her sleepy, but she wanted to see Nate before she drifted off. She would be fine. It hurt, and though the wound had been deeper than the doctors would have liked, the repair had not taken all that long. She was supposed to stay off work for a few days, but she would be able to go home tomorrow.

Scott sits on the edge of the bed, his arm wrapped and in a sling. It ached like nothing else. Three bullet holes hadn't made the surgery easy for the doctors, but they'd managed to get the bullets out and sew him up. They only wanted him here for a couple hours to make sure nothing was complicated, but then he could go home.

It was quiet in here... too quiet. His mind was replaying the day over and over and over. The fear, the gunfire, the blood, the deaths.

He closes his eyes a moment and swallows hard, taking a deep breath. But Katie was out... they had gotten Katie out.

Outside his door, he can hear the voices of Reese and Brown. He heard his name mentioned, and wondered what it was about. But he was a little afraid. There was still an unsettled matter involving him and the Agency. He might have gone out on a mission... but he was still considered a risk.


Holding Laura's hand he places his other on top of her where he wound was. He new she was trying to be strong, but he could see the pain. It cut him like a thousand knifes and he couldnt want to get to the hospetil himself to get her looked at.

Leaning his head back a million and one thoughts run through his mind. So many memories, so many tears after every job that involved life and death this happend. Going over how lucky they were all to still be alive and knowing just how much life was worth.

Kneeling down next to Katie and Jason Misty does the best she can with the tight room and the set up she has.

If it had been anyone else Misty would of told Jason to get back and give her and Katie room. But separating the inseparable that was not a job she wanted and all she could do was pray that, that would not have to happen. Not now.

Looking up at Jason Misty's looks is grim. Though she didnt have everything she needed to run tests she new the signs wernt good, and Katie was slowly slipping away.

"I think its best right now J, that she is not waking up. She'd be in way to much pain to handle."

Looking back down at Katie Misty again works on her giving her a few shots and trying to clean her wounds. Gentily wraping a cloth around her hand, if they were lucky they could get that fixed. But how much on the inside was damagaed, how much would they not be able to fix.

Resting a hand on Jason's for a moment Misty's own wounds go unnoticed still. She hated thinking about losing someone who had been such an impact to them all but realitly was knocking on the door and she didnt want to cut any courners.

"I'm sorry, but this is all I can do here, but it dosnt look good."

The body withers, as the soul trys to hold on. But time, time was not on the side of the one who needed it the most. Just a little more, a little more time to hold on. But the end was knocking and the soul was growing weak.

Watching Ryder intently for a moment the girl strains her neck consintrating on what he was doing. This was new, but scary. These people wernt like who she had always been around. The one next to her, she seemed...differnt and he talked funny. But his eyes held something she'd never seen before and she didnt know how to describe it but it almost felt like a calm.

As Ryder brings his attachen to her she looks away quickly down at the van floor. Slowly bringing her eyes up again hoping maybe Ryder wasnt looking at her still they lock with his for a moment before again looking back down.

Hearing Kyle's voice Alice jumps a little being pulled out of her deep thought. An instince smile moves onto her face as she moves slowly to his bed to side on the side.

Running a gentil hand down the side of her face she wanted to be angry with him for almost leaving her but right now, she couldnt be...no He was there still.

"We almost lost you Kyle, more than once we thought you were gone."

Continuing to touch his face softly Alice wasnt sure if it was to make sure this wasnt another dream where Kyle and Seth both invaded. She wanted this to be real, She wanted him to be awake and he was.

"You wernt on a beach. Your in the hospetil. You've been here for some time now Kyle."

Going home, minus one

Derek and Jay both follow Phinox's lead, slipping out of their ropes, and heading out of the room. Their escape is short-lived, however, when the shot rings out.

Spinning around, Derek is stunned, then yanked to the side where Jay has already found cover. More shots.

As Phinox lands behind the boxes with them, Derek's eyes widen at the blood. Phinox had been shot, and it wasn't good. He reaches for him, but already, he's being given the order to leave.

"But... we can't..."

Jay takes his arm. "We can and we will." It tore at his heart to leave Phinox here, but he knew that the brave man was giving them the only chance they had left to get out of here. He would see his daughter, and Derek needed to escape as well. "Do as he says."

As the war starts up again, Derek is hesitant, catching Phinox's eye. His gaze relayed that he was confused, sorry, but eternally grateful. No words could possibly be enough. Turning, he and Jay make a run for it, neither looking back.

Both men make it outdoors, just to find the back of the building clear. They can hear the gunfire out front, and their hearts pound. Neither dawdle. They take off at a sprint around the building, skidding to a stop just before they could be spotted.

Hal's knuckles grow white as he listens to the chaotic sounds through the mics. His attention is diverted to the other screen. "Derek and Jay on the move.... they're free!"

Reese is relieved to hear that, and knows that they will have to get everyone out all at once. He glances back to his passenger, his strange feeling remaining. But he stays on the outskirts, sliding the van to a halt at a safe distance to wait. "Van is ready and waiting. Repeat, van is ready and waiting."

His words are halfway lost in the battle, though the team knows he is there, and knows they have to get to him in order to survive. Jason pulls Katie as close to him as possible, ducking his head in an attempt to shield her. But there was no where to go.

Ryder sees Nate picking off a couple of the enemies, and follows suit, bringing one of his own down. "Jason, three o'clock! Clear shot, run, now!"

Jason sees the opening that Nate and Ryder had made, and he doesn't hesitate. His feet are moving again. His heel slams into a pothole and his knee screams out in pain but he ignores it. A bullet whizzes by his head. Suddenly, he's behind the cars, safe for the moment and able to breathe.

"Dang it, Scott!"

Jason hears Carson's shout, and turns to see that he had not been followed. It was hard to tell if Scott had been hit, or had panicked, but he was on the ground, curled up against the gunfire around him. "Scott, get up!"

"Get out of there!"

"To your right, to your right, come on!"

"Scott, are you hit? Are you hit?"

"Get up!"

The words reverberate in Scott's head as the battle continues. The sounds muddle together and horrific images flash through his mind. He couldn't move. Covering his head in fear, he pulls himself in tighter.

Carson growls and holsters his gun. "Somebody, anybody, cover me!"

Eyes shoot in his direction, guns trying to pick off anybody who might try to take him out. He moves from his hiding place, keeping low as he dashes into the middle of the parking lot. Sliding down to one knee, he grips Scott's arms, yanking them out straight so he could see his face. Reaching down with a rough hand, Carson forces Scott to look up at him. The panic was evident in Scott's eyes, but Carson was not going to take the time to be gentle. "Get up, or I'll take you out myself."

Scott quakes with fear, but Carson's words weren't what evoked the emotions. He was not fearful of Carson, but of his surroundings... of the battle. But staring up at his teammate, he sees through the roughness that Carson was trying to get him to safety, and something inside of him screamed to get up and go.

Carson's actions were enough to snap Scott out of his panic attack, and he pulls himself up to his feet.

"Atta boy, come on." Carson keeps one hand on him, pushing his head down as they run.

Ryder tries to think fast enough to do his job, and is just ready to go after Scott himself, when he sees Carson go instead. And for a moment... he's taken by surprise. Whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not, Carson was risking his life to save a partner... someone like that would not kill without a reason. Brian's face flashes in Ryder's mind. Hanging onto his hate was wrong... he'd been wrong about Carson. Drawing his gun, he fires, before an angry thug can pull his own trigger as he aimed at Carson's head. One down... too many more to go.

Getting behind the cars, Scott trips, bringing both himself and Carson down in a heap. Ryder's eyes widen. "Scott, you okay?"

Scott bites his lip, his eyes watering. Something hurt. He wasn't sure what it was though. He nods. He thought he was okay.

Only then does Carson notice the blood pouring out of Scott's arm from more than one gunshot wound. Shedding his vest, he tears a sleeve off his shirt, wrapping it quickly around Scott's arm. Looking at Scott's face, he wondered if the younger man was in a state of shock. He didn't seem to even feel any of this. "Scott... stay with us, pal... you hear me?"

Scott nods numbly. He looks to Jason and Katie. "Is she okay?"

Jason nods. They had avoided bullets. "But we have to get her out of here."

Con's voice crackles through the mics. "Derek and Jay are coming your way, guys. Head for the van, head for the van!" Already, he was moving towards the edge of the roof, ready to slide down the ladder and make a run for the road.

Derek and Jay halt at the corner, taking in the scene. Jason takes Katie and runs. Scott goes down. Carson gets him out. They had to get out of there too, but their only chance was to barrel through and hope they made it to the other side alive.

Two men in front of them had their backs turned. Derek and Jay exchange glances and nod. They knew what they had to do. Taking to a run once again, they come out of hiding, tackling both men from behind, at the same time, taking the rifles. Another shot fires and a thug goes down, having just been ready to fire on Derek. He looks up to the roof where Laura was standing, but doesn't have time for a wave of thanks. He and Jay run towards the junked cars, depending on the others to help them make it.

Laura takes out an enemy and is ready to fire on another when she feels a sickening blow to her side. Her arms had been raised, and she'd been hit below the vest. Gasping for breath, she goes down to her knees, but on her way, she fires, taking out the one who had shot her. Putting a hand to her side, she scurries across the roof to the ladder to make her way down. She winced against the pain as she ran around the far side of the building where there was no one. The team was safe - she could leave her post. It only takes her seconds to come up behind the others, huddled behind the cars. "Is this it?" she wheezes.

Ryder's eyebrows shoot up. "You're hit."

She grimaces, still gasping for breath. "I'm fine. Is this it?" she repeats. "Where's Phinox?"

Derek and Jay both remain solemn. "He got us out," Derek responds grimly.

The silence that followed was one that everyone hated, but no one needed to confirm. They knew. And hearts sink.

A bullet bounces off one of the cars, bringing their attention back. Carson shouts into his mic. "Get the vans here on the double. We're ready and waiting, so don't drag your feet!"

Reese pushes the gas petal to the floor, squealing the tires as he takes off for the one corner of the lot. "Wyatt, where's the other van? Where are you and Misty?"

Across the grassy lot, Wyatt looks behind his shoulder in time to see Misty preparing without a gun. "What are you..." Too late. She already had the door open. "Misty, don't you dare!" Again, too late, and there was nothing he could do but keep his hands on the wheel. "You crazy!!"

He glances in the mirror, catching Misty's jump, and her attack on the two men. "Watch it! Get him... Look out! Take him out! Don't... Yes!" Jumping in his seat without being able to release his adrenaline, he hits a huge bump, sending the van flying, and his eyes back to where he was going. Only then does he let his excitement be replaced by fearful exasperation. "Misty, don't you ever pull a stunt like that again, do you hear me?! Are you crazy?!"

"Whoa whoa whoa." Carson puts a hand to his headset. "What's going on over there. Misty, you okay or what?"

"She's fine," Wyatt mutters. "No thanks to her brain, miss James Bond here."

Carson can't help a little grin. "Way to go, Sassy, show 'em who's boss."

"Don't encourage her!"

"Get down here!" Reese barks to his son. "Misty! Follow him in and get over here for Katie."

Another round of chaos ensues. With the group together, it's hard for any of the Agency men to break through. With the vans pulling up and people going to their posts, victory was in the air. People move. More gunfire is heard. The Elite moves as one team, hardly needing to say any words. And in a cloud of dust, the building is being left behind...

Jason kneels in the back of the van, cradling Katie's head in his lap. He looks at Misty, his eyes pleading with her to help. "She won't wake up... I've tried everything."

Wyatt hits a bump in the road but doesn't wait to apologize. He was on the way to the hospital, and in a hurry. He had too many people hurt to worry about taking it easy.

Scott leans against the inside of the van, just now the pain starting to set in. His face was pale and he doesn't say much, still in shock from the whole experience.

Laura sits with her hand pressed to her side, her eyes watering with the pain. Her other hand puts Nate's fingers in a vice grip as she fights. She looks out the window as the scenery flies by. the other van would pick up her brother.

Carson jumps into the passenger seat beside Reese, while Ryder wastes no time in diving in through the side door behind Derek and Jay. "Go go go!" Slamming the door shut, he crawls several feet in, flopping down on the floor.

Reese looks around as he drives. "Phinox... where's Phinox?"

Carson looks at him, then gives a little shake of his head.

"Dang it." Reese's words are whispered, but his grip on the steering wheel proves how upset he is. It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

Ryder takes off his vest and wipes the sweat from his brow. Only as they slow to pick up Con, does he realize he's sitting next to the young woman who had been traded off to them. "'ello, 'ello... we got a new sheilla on our hands, ay?" He searches her face for a moment, his gaze finding something he hadn't expected. She wasn't rough... she wasn't mean... she wasn't typical Agency. "Welcome to the Elite."

Kyle stirs and finally opens his eyes. A gentle breeze combs his hair, and the sound of water lapping against the shore catches the attention of his ears. Sitting up, he gazes down the long beach. The sand is pure and soft, almost white. Craning his neck, he looks behind him at the lush green foliage. The palm trees wave in the wind and cast cool shadows on the ground.

Getting to his feet, Kyle lets the sand play between his bare toes as he walks to the edge of the water. It's cool and refreshing, so clear that one could see the bottom where brilliant fish swim. Walking along the edge, he leaves his footprints in the wet sand, basking in the warm sun. There is a freedom here. It is such an overwhelming feeling of excitement and energy, yet it is held back by the most incredible peace.

Kyle looks ahead and sees the shoreline that curves around the bay. There's something more around the bend. Something that piques the curiosity enough that one would begin to imagine the splendor that might await. There is a presence here... a presence that envelopes the senses and bathes the soul in refreshing life.

He walks towards the bend, entranced by this beautiful place.

"You know must go back, my child."

Kyle stops. "But why? I like it here."

"I know. And I can't wait for you to come and stay. But for now, you must go back."

"But..." Kyle looks with longing to that which he couldn't see. "My dad..."

"He will still be here when you return."

"Will I ever return?"

"Yes. But not today."

Kyle can feel the disappointment welling up inside of him. "But why?"

"Because you have yet to walk the path I have laid out for you."

"But it's hard."

"I know. But I am with you. Never let go of my hand."

Kyle slowly turns around to stare in the other direction. His disappointment was being confronted with his sense of duty. "I don't know where to go."

"Just follow me, child. I will lead you."


"Shhh. I love you, Kyle. I will see you again soon."

It seems a great effort just to open his eyes, but Kyle manages to pry them open. He felt as though he'd been run over by a freight train. His mouth and throat were dry and scratchy, and his head was all fuzzy. Not a whole lot made sense... nor did his surroundings.

Without turning his head, he eyes the room. It was light and airy... the flower pattern at the top of the wall was pretty... the window was nice and big... the floor was tiled... there were machines. He blinks. He was in a hospital bed. But... why?

Finally turning his head, he sees Alice. He furrows his brow, confused at the worry he saw. His automatic response is to try and get her to smile. "I have no idea why you have such a sour look on your face." He mumbles groggily, his words almost slurred. "But if you don't smile, I'll call a nurse to take you out so I don't have to get depressed just looking at you."

He tries to open his eyes a little wider in an attempt to get his bearings. A foggy memory invades his mind. "Where did the beach go?"