

Holding Laura's hand he places his other on top of her where he wound was. He new she was trying to be strong, but he could see the pain. It cut him like a thousand knifes and he couldnt want to get to the hospetil himself to get her looked at.

Leaning his head back a million and one thoughts run through his mind. So many memories, so many tears after every job that involved life and death this happend. Going over how lucky they were all to still be alive and knowing just how much life was worth.

Kneeling down next to Katie and Jason Misty does the best she can with the tight room and the set up she has.

If it had been anyone else Misty would of told Jason to get back and give her and Katie room. But separating the inseparable that was not a job she wanted and all she could do was pray that, that would not have to happen. Not now.

Looking up at Jason Misty's looks is grim. Though she didnt have everything she needed to run tests she new the signs wernt good, and Katie was slowly slipping away.

"I think its best right now J, that she is not waking up. She'd be in way to much pain to handle."

Looking back down at Katie Misty again works on her giving her a few shots and trying to clean her wounds. Gentily wraping a cloth around her hand, if they were lucky they could get that fixed. But how much on the inside was damagaed, how much would they not be able to fix.

Resting a hand on Jason's for a moment Misty's own wounds go unnoticed still. She hated thinking about losing someone who had been such an impact to them all but realitly was knocking on the door and she didnt want to cut any courners.

"I'm sorry, but this is all I can do here, but it dosnt look good."

The body withers, as the soul trys to hold on. But time, time was not on the side of the one who needed it the most. Just a little more, a little more time to hold on. But the end was knocking and the soul was growing weak.

Watching Ryder intently for a moment the girl strains her neck consintrating on what he was doing. This was new, but scary. These people wernt like who she had always been around. The one next to her, she seemed...differnt and he talked funny. But his eyes held something she'd never seen before and she didnt know how to describe it but it almost felt like a calm.

As Ryder brings his attachen to her she looks away quickly down at the van floor. Slowly bringing her eyes up again hoping maybe Ryder wasnt looking at her still they lock with his for a moment before again looking back down.

Hearing Kyle's voice Alice jumps a little being pulled out of her deep thought. An instince smile moves onto her face as she moves slowly to his bed to side on the side.

Running a gentil hand down the side of her face she wanted to be angry with him for almost leaving her but right now, she couldnt be...no He was there still.

"We almost lost you Kyle, more than once we thought you were gone."

Continuing to touch his face softly Alice wasnt sure if it was to make sure this wasnt another dream where Kyle and Seth both invaded. She wanted this to be real, She wanted him to be awake and he was.

"You wernt on a beach. Your in the hospetil. You've been here for some time now Kyle."

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