

Jason stares at their hands and swallows hard before looking back to Rick. "Was this something the Agency did on purpose? To mark us?"

"Well..." Rick thinks about it. "I guess I can't say no, but I have a few other theories. We can't be sure though until we can try something out and that can't happen until your strength is back. So for now, I don't want you to worry about it." He turns to Katie. "Or you."

Easier said than done. I don't like this one bit. First we almost die, now we've been branded. I don't like it at all.

Jeff gives Katie's arm a pat. "It'll be okay," he assures. "I'm sure you will figure this out. If it's the Agency's doing then you've nothing to worry because we've beaten them multiple times. And if it's not... you'll figure that out then too."

Gage's mouth curls up again. "Nobody has all the answers. But I bet you're wrong about your brother. He thinks pretty highly of you."

He takes another sip of eggnog, savoring the new flavor. It was so rich, but he wanted to finish what he had. Turning around, he wanders a couple feet and leans on the doorway, looking into the little living room. It still glowed blue from the tree. His eyes take it in, studying the details and seeming to get lost in thought for the longest time. "You were right," he finally comments quietly. He turns his head to see the lights reflecting in Sapphire's eyes and making her features soft in the glow. "It's pretty."

Sparky smiles and grabs two leadropes off a nearby hook. "Sure. Just stick close - they all want to come in at the same time."

Guiding Faith back out of the barn, he leads with confidence, quite the opposite of the blundering idiot he'd made of himself earlier. Arriving at the pasture, he takes hold of the first two horses at the gate and lets only them out, clipping the leadropes to their halters.

Pausing, he hands Faith one of the ropes. "Put one hand here..." He places her hand close to the halter. "And loop up the excess rope in your other hand like so." Taking her other hand, he loops the rope and curls her fingers around it. "That way if he pulls too much, you can let go and step back with one hand, but still have the rope."

Walking side by side, Sparky keeps a close eye on her and the gentle horse to make sure she was doing alright. Once they're back in the barn, he puts his own horse away then helps Faith with hers, showing her where the stall was. Standing behind her, he reaches over her shoulders to demonstrate how to unbuckle the halter and let it slide off the horse's face. Once free, the gelding turns to the hay that someone had left for his supper.

When the stall door is shut once more, Sparky gives Faith a smile. "It's that easy. We got about fifteen more out there. You wanna have a second round?"


Hearing that Gage liked his eggnog Sapphire's smile grew. She was happy he liked it, and his first experience was a good one.

Seeing Gage reach out for her, Sapphire was confused but as he whips the remaining trace of the drink from her lip and see the grin on his face she can't help but laugh.

"Hey, maybe I was saving that for later?"

Sapphire's eyes sparkle as she again laughs at her own humor. Hopping Gage would understand she was joking, and wouldn't think she was mad with him.

Thinking for a long moment about Gage's question Sapphire takes another sip of her Eggnog just leaning against the counter. A thoughtful look on her face proved that she was thinking very hard and just might be stumped on the question Gage asked.

"You know, to be honest I have no idea why. I think its because its looked at as a holiday drink for one reason or another."

Sapphire laughs again.

"Even I don't have all the answers. If you ask my brother he'd say more often than not I don't."

Squinting to look at Jason and Rick Katie was just as confused as Jason. She didnt understand what Rick was getting at or why he wouldn't tell them ether. Kaite's mind was still trying to wake up and now Rick just seemed like he was going in circles.

Something just dosnt feel right J.

Squinting her eyes to see Jason's hand her own eyes widen just a little and than she squints them as her eyes still get use to the light.

I..don't understand what happened to you hand?

Looking at her own hand Katie study the pattern for a long moment. Not understanding what this meant or why it was even there. She could feel her heart rate speed up a little bit from the unknown of what happened. Looking up and back to Jason Katie was able to open her eyes just a little bit more.

I...don't know Jason but I think the Agency just branded us. It was your emotions, but they are the ones who forced it to happen. You didn't have any control over it. You dont have to be scared J...I'm here with you. We will get through this together ok?

Following Sparky inside Faith is taken in by the sights. She had seen a barn before just never one this big lined with horses. It was amazing to see such wonderful animals up close.

Finding a spot to sit on a bale of hay a ways away from where Sparky was throwing the other bales Faith listens intently to him. Hearing about the horses and how they took care of them was very interesting to Faith. Every word was fascinating that he spoke and his voice was so soft.

Once Sparky comes down again Faith stands and gives a smile. Hearing his comment about liking the small and just being in the barn Faith takes in a deep breath. One might of thought from first glance a place like this would not be for her, but once getting to know her a person would be surprised.

"I think I kind of like it too. My dad use to raise bulls, and they dont smell to differnt, its kind of reminds me of him well what I can remember anyways."

Seeing the movement out of the side of her eye Faith moves over to the stall and squats just a little. Reaching her hand out to let the mare sniff it before scratching her chin, and the side of her face.

"Her nose is so soft it tickles."

Hearing another voice call to Sparky Faith looks up and follows where it comes from. Seeing Clint she gives a little smile before continuing to pet the mare. She didn't want to put into anyone elses conversations or be in the way though so far it hadn't seemed like she was.

Hearing Sparky's offer to follow him Faith stands brushing her hand off and thinking for a moment.

"Can I help you bring them in?"

If you like

Gage looks at his glass skeptically for a moment, raising it close to his face to smell the drink that was new to him. Seeing Sapphire taking a sip, he dares to do the same. The thickness and richness surprise him and he lifts his eyebrows, smacking his lips a little as he savors the flavor.

"That's pretty good. I... think I like it." A grin appears as he sees Sapphire's mustache. Reaching out with his thumb, he wipes it from her upper lip. "Why don't they have it year 'round?"

"Mmm... I'll be staying as long as it takes to know you're gonna be okay." Jeff winks at Katie. "I'll be around for a bit. They got a nice room here with a cot that suits me just fine."

Jason turns his head to try and see Katie, just trying to figure everything out. He still felt pretty tired, but most of his emotions were somewhere near confusion and frustration than anything else.

Rick moves about, making sure they're comfortable and helping both of them to the point where eventually they can sit up and talk a little easier. For the first time, Jason realizes that not only is his own hand bandaged, but Katie's opposite hand is bandaged as well. "Rick... we both hurt our hands?"

Rick nods and wanders slowly between the beds. He exchanges a look with Jeff, who knew about the strange injuries. "Yes... yes you did."

Something seems odd... I don't know why he won't just tell us what happened.
"Care to explain?"

Rick takes a deep breath, setting his hands in the pockets of his lab coat. "Well... it's kind of hard to explain. Maybe you know more than I do."

"I don't understand."

"Neither do I." Rick sits down on the edge of Jason's bed and takes the injured hand. Unwrapping the bandage, he then removes the gauze slowly. The burn was healing - it had been under his attention for over a week. But it was a bad enough burn that it would no doubt scar.

It still hurt a bit, and Jason spreads his fingers, bringing his hand back to stare at his palm.
What on earth... it's... I don't....
He looks up and turns his head to see Katie. She was still a bit blurry, but he finds her eyes then slowly reveals his palm. The spiral pattern was very clearly marked.

Before anyone can ask questions, Rick removes Katie's bandage as well. It was just as far along with healing, though he knew it was still pretty tender, so he's gentle and slow. But when he turns it over for Katie to see, it shows that it's a mirrored pattern, exactly the same as Jason's.

Jason's eyes widen a little.

Rick clears his throat. "If you're looking for answers, I don't have them. The best I can come up with is that your emotions, Jason, were funneled to Katie at such a rate and with such force that it burned both of you. And the pattern... your guess is as good as mine."

What happened, Katie? I don't understand. I did this? But why? How did it form such a precise pattern? It's... scary.

Sparky chuckles. "Yeah... once you're around horses a few years, you kinda get used to these things. Most importantly is that the horses respect their handlers. After that, it's not so tough."

For a moment, he just looks at Faith, finally daring enough to really take in her features and study her face.

"Come on inside." Motioning for her to follow him, he continues leading the way into the barn. He points out a few of the horses, and introduces her to a few of he other guys. At one point, he has to climb up into the hayloft but he keeps up the small talk, speaking loudly so Faith can hear him down below.

"...so they get enough exercise during the day, then some of 'em we bring in again at night..." A hay bale comes flying down from the loft, landing with a thud a safe distance from Faith. Little bits of alfalfa scatter across the floor. "...'course when there's bad weather, we bring all of them in. Most of the stalls get filled up. Right now we've got a few more horses than we need, but Mick's been working training them to sell. Or should I say, I have the last week or so." Another bale comes down.

It only takes a few minutes for twenty bales to come down and Sparky descends the ladder. Adjusting his cowboy hat, he sets to work stacking the bales, easily throwing them up one on top of the other arranging them with skill. "Some days though, all we got time to do is clean stalls. It's worth it in the end though. Some people can't stand the work, smells or hassles but..."

Sparky pauses, setting his hands on his hips, breathing a little heavily from the work. "...I like it."

A little gray mare sticks her head over her stall door and smells the air in Faith's direction. Sparky grins. "And this little girl here..." He moves over to scratch the mare's cheek lovingly. "She's one of the sweetest one's we've got. She learns quick and she's patient." Reaching in his pocket, he pulls out half a carrot he'd been saving and lets the mare crunch happily on it.

"Sparky, you wanna finish before or after supper tonight?" Clint was done in the shop for the day and had started helping out in the barn.

"Uh... doesn't matter. It's supposed to be pretty cold after dark tonight though, so lets plan on trying to get it done before supper."

"Alright. Oh, and Luke wondered about the south pasture. Fence is down again."

"I'll get Dan on it tomorrow." Sparky heaves a sigh as he sets his hands on his hips and looks around the barn. He glances back to Faith, hoping he wasn't making her feel in the way. For the last week, he'd been the one the hands had come to for direction, so it got a little busy around chore time. "I gotta bring in a few of the horses now. You can keep tagging along if you want."


"Well, the kind I have is not spiked. But its still really good. Come on lets try some."

Taking Gage's hand Sapphire cross the living room floor and enters the kitchen. Pulling two glass from the cupboard and placing them in the counter. Moving to the side she opens the fridge and pulls out the carton of eggnog.

"I tried making this homemade once. It...didn't turn out to well. Now I stick with just buying it."

Sapphire gives a laugh and a smile as she pours the eggnog into the cups. Than taking a bottle cinnamon she sprinkles just a little on top.

Holding the glass out to Gage Sapphire smiles. Taking a sip of her own she closes her eyes for a moment before opening them again and pulling the glass from her mouth. On her upper lip is a white mustache of eggnog.

"I wish they sold this all year around."

Trying to give a small smile it hurt to much to hold it Katie gently takes her dad's hand with her good hand.

"I'm sorry I scared you. Its good to see you again though. How long will you be staying?"

Katie hoped he would be staying for a little while so when she was able to be up and moving around maybe she could show her around a little bit. It would be nice to introduce her to Thirteen and Ryder as well.

Walking with Sparky Faith was quiet taking in the sights of the ranch. It seemed nice here, and very peaceful. It was everything Annie had described, and even a little more.

What happens in the barn happens fast and Faith dosnt have time to react herself. The horse was coming right for her. But feeling the jerk from Sparky and than seeing him grab the horse by the rope.

Faith cant help but just stair at Sparky. Maybe he wasnt so clumsy after all. The way he handled the horse was fascinating to Faith. She couldnt help but watch a smile on her face. Sparky had an air about him that Faith could already see and almost feel. He was farm, yet gentil and well respected.

Giving a little laugh and nodding to Sparky Faith brush herself off a little. She was thankful for his concern.

"Yes, I'm ok, thank you. You handled that horse really well. Than again I guess that happens when you around them all the time."

Flashing a smile Faith push a lose strand of hair behind her ear to get it out of her face as she looked up at Sparky.

As Annie listens to Jim talk she could feel a sorrow that grew inside of her for her twin. Mick had been doing so well and to just see him fall again hurt. So much piled up at once, even the strongest of people could only take so much.

"How is Rosetta holding up?"

Continuing to listen Annie gives a nod here and there letting Jim know she was still listing. Hearing about her nephew hurt even more. To see someone so young start down the wrong path already.

"Sparky has always been the stable one huh? Being able to keep things together while everything was falling apart. I guess thats why we always considered him the leader."

Though everything was crazy right now and alot had gone wrong Annie was still glad she had picked now to come. If more than anything her family needed her around too. Not to mention even to her this was home as well. She had missed everyone here.

Hearing about Clint and Wendy Annie's face lights up. In one of the few emails she had gotten she rememebered being told she was a great aunt.

"Oh I cant wait to see the little one. Its good to know that Clint and Wendy are doing well. They always looked so cute together, I bet they look even better with the baby by there side."


Jim watches Sparky and Faith leave, and once he's alone with Annie, he gestures for her to take a seat. Sighing deeply, he tries to figure out what words to choose. But he knew better than to beat around the bush with Annie too. "Mick's back at the McClain Ranch."

He looks at Annie's eyes, his grim expression proof that he wasn't kidding. "A while back, Jade showed up here... I think she's had some trouble at home, and last I knew, she was going to try and stay here instead of going off to the school that her mother and grandmother wanted. Mick was okay at that point, but then Jade got a call that Dylan had gone missing. Jill wanted Mick out of it, but when he found out, he flipped."

Jim shrugs lamely. "He got upset when neither Jill nor the police would let him be involved - he believed the Agency was the culprit for the whole thing, and... so... he hit the bottle. Came home drunk - I wasn't involved, but I guess Sparky found him, brought him home and the thanks he got was a punch in the mouth. After that, Mick seemed to get a handle on himself, though he started trying to juggle stuff here, his wanting to find Dylan and then on top of all that, Jade's got herself one of the newer farm hands here and Mick doesn't approve. Add all that up and... kaplooy."

Leaning back in the chair, Jim tries to sort it all out without drawing it out. The Elite wound up finding Dylan doped up with a couple other druggies - looked like he'd simply run off and hadn't been abducted by the Agency or anything. Mick found out and had the team take him to the McClain's. At the same time, apparently he admitted to Rosetta that after his one binge, alcohol had taken hold again. It all happened in about a week's time, but surprisingly, that's all it took for him to admit he needed help. So... all that to conclude with Dylan and Mick are both at the McClain Ranch. Dylan for drugs, Mick for alcohol. They've been there about a week and a half now. We've gotten a couple calls from Brenda, who has given Rosetta some encouragement that Mick is doing well. Dylan is coming down off the drugs and it sounds like the worst might be over, but he's got an attitude problem still. And here...."

He takes another deep breath. "Jade's still here for now. She and Dan are an item - I don't know if it'll last after Mick gets back, but we'll see. And Rosetta... is hanging in there. Becky and I took care of BJ for a while, but he's back with Rosetta now."

Thinking a moment, Jim glances to the window. "And I gotta tell you... I give credit to one man for holding everything together around here, and that's Sparky. He's helped Rosetta out a ton, he's taken charge of areas Mick was maintaining and he's been managing the barn and all the work. Some of that Rosetta would normally pick up, but Sparky hasn't wanted to burden her any more than necessary so he's really bent over backwards to keep things running. Hence my comment about it having been a rough couple weeks. He's been handling it okay, but his mind has been wandering a bit. And that... is that."

He stops, then thinks of something else. "Oh yeah... and I don't know if you got word that Wes is being deployed in a few weeks. He's been called back in for duty." A wry grin escapes. "When it rains, it pours. But we've had our good, too. Clint and Wendy have pulled through and are doing really well handling their new family. BJ's shooting up like a weed. Just been a lot to handle lately."

Sparky walks outside with Faith and chuckles. "If you stick around long enough, don't worry, you'll be put to work. But we're not slave-drivers. Tonight you're a guest of Annie so you can relax."

Approaching the barn, a ruckus can be heard down one end, and suddenly Remington appears with a broken rope hanging from his halter. Bolting through the barn, his goal is the outdoors, no matter what was in his way.

Seeing the powerful horse coming towards them, Sparky doesn't think before acting. Taking Faith by the arms, he spins her around and pushes her out of harm's way before whirling back around just as Remington passes. Reflexes kick in and Sparky aims for the flying rope. Planting his heels, there's no way he can outpower the horse, but he gives just enough of a jerk for Remington's head to snap back. The horse skids to a stop, snorting and breathing heavily.

Sparky glares at the animal before looking down at the rope burn on his palm. "I will be so glad when your master is home," he growls.

Remington shakes his head and perks his ears forward as if he were as innocent as anything.

"Yeah, sure... like you didn't do anything wrong. What do you think this is?" Sparky holds up the frayed end of the rope. "I take it it broke itself."

Remington snorts again and ambles a step closer to Sparky, putting his head down to but his arm. Sparky smirks and shakes his head. "Ya big brute. Look what you did to my hand." Sighing, he coils up the rope, looking into the barn. "Whoever lost their horse, get out here and take care of him!"

One of the hands comes jogging out with an apology before retrieving the horse and leading him back inside. Sparky shakes his head, then remembers Faith. Turning back around, his eyes are a little wide. "Sorry about that. You okay?"

"Me?" Jeff laughs at Katie's question. "You're the one who's been asleep for a week and a half, not me. I think you need to worry about how you are instead."

He smiles and squeezes her hand. "I'm better now that you're awake. You gotta cut out scaring your dad like this."

"Eggnog..." Gage thinks then shakes his head. "Some of the guys used to get it but they'd spike it with who knows what. They never offered me any so I never drank any."

He looks to the kitchen with curiosity. "If you say it's good though... I'm willing to try it."

Show me

Faith gives a smile to Jim as her cheeks turn a little red. Having the attchen on her was always a strange feeling as she was the quiet one in a family of four.

"Its very pretty there. I was lucky to have had parents who when over there themselves for missionary work and feel in love with it and never left."

Small talk continued and Annie was happy that her family took well to Faith. Not that she thought they wouldn't but sometimes its was just hard bringing a new person into the picture. It was good that Faith seemed to be taking to this place as well. Being somewhere new could be scary but Faith seemed to have no problem with it other than her shy nature.

Hearing that Jade was here makes Annie's heart jump. It would be nice to see her for the holiday, but than seeing the look on Jim and Sparky's face her excitement soon fades. Something was wrong she could feel it.

Looking to Jim worry shown in Annie's eyes. How much had she missed while she was gone. Looking to Faith and giving a nod Annie smiles.

"You can go with him if you want Faith. He's a good guy."

Looking to Jim, than Sparky and than Annie Faith could see that this was a family matter that needed to be talked about. She didnt want to be in the way or impose on that one bit. Sparky seemed nice from what little he has said, only a bit clumsy.

"Sure, I'd love to have a look around and see where everything is."

Walking twords the door with Sparky Faith gives him a smile as her eyes sparkle just a little.

"I'll even help you work if you show me what to do. If I am going to be stay for a while, I'd rather earn my keep than just take your hospitality for free."


"Ahh, Thailand." Jim smiles. "I wondered where that pretty accent came from." He looks back to his sister. "Glad you both could come."

Sparky continues wiping the floor, his ears tuned into the conversation, though he didn't participate.

After a few minutes of light smalltalk about the mission field in Thailand, Jim glances down to the floor where Sparky still was. "Sparky...." No response. "Brother...." Sparky still didn't hear. "Tyler!"

Sparky blinks and looks up at him. "What?!"

Jim smirks at him. "You've cleaned that spot five times now."

Sparky looks down at the very clean spot on the floor. "Oh." Clearing his throat, he stands up, going back to the kitchen to rinse out the towel.

Jim rolls his eyes and finishes the rest of his own coffee, throwing a wink at Annie. "Sparky's got a lot on his mind. It's.... been a rough couple of weeks."

"I'm heading out to the barn," Sparky interrupts, grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair as he returns. He gives Annie's shoulder a pat. "Good to have you back. If I don't see you before, I'll see you at supper. Be sure you look around for Jade - she's here somewhere."

Jim lifts his eyebrows and gives his head a little shake. Sparky's own face shows surprise then he winces a little. "Oh yeah." Annie didn't know Jade was there or that Mick was gone. "Um..."

Jim looks to Annie with seriousness. "I need to talk to you. It's about Mick." He glances to Faith then back to his sister. "Maybe Faith would like Sparky to show her around while we talk?"

Sparky's just straightening the collar on his jacket and he stops."Uh... yeah... yeah, sure." He dares to look to Faith, trying to get past his embarrassment over the whole mess he'd made with a sheepish smile. "I'd be happy to, if you don't mind me working along the way. I promise not to knock you into a haystack or anything."