

Hearing that Gage liked his eggnog Sapphire's smile grew. She was happy he liked it, and his first experience was a good one.

Seeing Gage reach out for her, Sapphire was confused but as he whips the remaining trace of the drink from her lip and see the grin on his face she can't help but laugh.

"Hey, maybe I was saving that for later?"

Sapphire's eyes sparkle as she again laughs at her own humor. Hopping Gage would understand she was joking, and wouldn't think she was mad with him.

Thinking for a long moment about Gage's question Sapphire takes another sip of her Eggnog just leaning against the counter. A thoughtful look on her face proved that she was thinking very hard and just might be stumped on the question Gage asked.

"You know, to be honest I have no idea why. I think its because its looked at as a holiday drink for one reason or another."

Sapphire laughs again.

"Even I don't have all the answers. If you ask my brother he'd say more often than not I don't."

Squinting to look at Jason and Rick Katie was just as confused as Jason. She didnt understand what Rick was getting at or why he wouldn't tell them ether. Kaite's mind was still trying to wake up and now Rick just seemed like he was going in circles.

Something just dosnt feel right J.

Squinting her eyes to see Jason's hand her own eyes widen just a little and than she squints them as her eyes still get use to the light.

I..don't understand what happened to you hand?

Looking at her own hand Katie study the pattern for a long moment. Not understanding what this meant or why it was even there. She could feel her heart rate speed up a little bit from the unknown of what happened. Looking up and back to Jason Katie was able to open her eyes just a little bit more.

I...don't know Jason but I think the Agency just branded us. It was your emotions, but they are the ones who forced it to happen. You didn't have any control over it. You dont have to be scared J...I'm here with you. We will get through this together ok?

Following Sparky inside Faith is taken in by the sights. She had seen a barn before just never one this big lined with horses. It was amazing to see such wonderful animals up close.

Finding a spot to sit on a bale of hay a ways away from where Sparky was throwing the other bales Faith listens intently to him. Hearing about the horses and how they took care of them was very interesting to Faith. Every word was fascinating that he spoke and his voice was so soft.

Once Sparky comes down again Faith stands and gives a smile. Hearing his comment about liking the small and just being in the barn Faith takes in a deep breath. One might of thought from first glance a place like this would not be for her, but once getting to know her a person would be surprised.

"I think I kind of like it too. My dad use to raise bulls, and they dont smell to differnt, its kind of reminds me of him well what I can remember anyways."

Seeing the movement out of the side of her eye Faith moves over to the stall and squats just a little. Reaching her hand out to let the mare sniff it before scratching her chin, and the side of her face.

"Her nose is so soft it tickles."

Hearing another voice call to Sparky Faith looks up and follows where it comes from. Seeing Clint she gives a little smile before continuing to pet the mare. She didn't want to put into anyone elses conversations or be in the way though so far it hadn't seemed like she was.

Hearing Sparky's offer to follow him Faith stands brushing her hand off and thinking for a moment.

"Can I help you bring them in?"

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