

"Ahh, Thailand." Jim smiles. "I wondered where that pretty accent came from." He looks back to his sister. "Glad you both could come."

Sparky continues wiping the floor, his ears tuned into the conversation, though he didn't participate.

After a few minutes of light smalltalk about the mission field in Thailand, Jim glances down to the floor where Sparky still was. "Sparky...." No response. "Brother...." Sparky still didn't hear. "Tyler!"

Sparky blinks and looks up at him. "What?!"

Jim smirks at him. "You've cleaned that spot five times now."

Sparky looks down at the very clean spot on the floor. "Oh." Clearing his throat, he stands up, going back to the kitchen to rinse out the towel.

Jim rolls his eyes and finishes the rest of his own coffee, throwing a wink at Annie. "Sparky's got a lot on his mind. It's.... been a rough couple of weeks."

"I'm heading out to the barn," Sparky interrupts, grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair as he returns. He gives Annie's shoulder a pat. "Good to have you back. If I don't see you before, I'll see you at supper. Be sure you look around for Jade - she's here somewhere."

Jim lifts his eyebrows and gives his head a little shake. Sparky's own face shows surprise then he winces a little. "Oh yeah." Annie didn't know Jade was there or that Mick was gone. "Um..."

Jim looks to Annie with seriousness. "I need to talk to you. It's about Mick." He glances to Faith then back to his sister. "Maybe Faith would like Sparky to show her around while we talk?"

Sparky's just straightening the collar on his jacket and he stops."Uh... yeah... yeah, sure." He dares to look to Faith, trying to get past his embarrassment over the whole mess he'd made with a sheepish smile. "I'd be happy to, if you don't mind me working along the way. I promise not to knock you into a haystack or anything."

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