
Something New

Giving a small laugh Faith looks to Jim and gives a soft shy smile. At least Jim was trying to have a conversation with her. From the way Annie talked about her family Faith felt like she already new them anyways. A thick Thia accent comes out with her as she spoke, but her English was amazing.

"I don't think there is such thing as having to much fun."

Rolling her eyes at her brothers refuse for help or even to put something cold on his head. Watching her brother move about the kitchen and wet the cloth to clean up the rest of the mess. Under her breath mumbaling only loud enough so Sparky could hear her.

"I dont think it was me who shook you up."

Giving a small grin Annie joins Faith at the table where Jeff, and Sparky had been. Folding her hands on the table.

Thinking for a long moment about his question it was almost like she wouldnt answer but finally she did.

"Probley for a while now, a month or three, maybe longer. The mission trip we were on in
Thailand which is where Faith is from I might add is done. Not sure when the next one will start up until we get the call."

Just sitting quietly at the table Faith just takes in everything around her, listing to what was spoken. Not being able to help her eyes from roaming to Sparky every no and than admiring his features, and his good looks. Only to look away quickly when he looked up at her.

Putting the tree together with Gage was loads of fun. It reminded her of when she was little and Scott would help her with the tree. He use to love it so much, now having someone else to help once again was nice. Seeing the smile on his face was nice, and the laughs that came from his lips seemed to fill Sapphire's heart.

Gage was changing everyday, becoming more independent and learning more things about the world around him. Sapphire was happy to be part of that.

Standing back with Gage Sapphire sets her hands on her hips and looks at the tree. It was one of the best looking trees she had ever seen. It almost seemed so perfect. The way the lights lit up the branches, and reflected off the ornaments.

"Now this has to be one of the best looking trees I ever saw. You did a great job Gage, it looks so pretty."

Turning a little to look at him Sapphire's eyes sparkle just a little as the light from the tree bounces off them. She really was enjoying her time spent with Gage. It was nice to have someone she felt comfortable around.

"I got something I wanted you to try. Its called Eggnog and it only comes around this season. Have you ever had it?"

Opening her eyes just a little to try and see Jeff Katie could only get them to go so far before having to shut them again. But a small smile forms on her face, she was happy he was there.

In a horse whisper Katie manages to get a few words out to try and carry on a conversation with her father.

"Hey Dad, How are you feeling?"

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