
You never told me...

With the help of Rick Katie sits up a little. Trying to open her eyes the light was so bright it hurt.

Who every though the light could hurt this much.

Taking a sip of the cool water Katie gives a could her stomach seeming to do flip flops as the water its it. Not actully use to having anything in it again that was pretty normal.

I am going to muster all the strength I got to slap you if you keep saying your sorry over this. Its not like you could help it.

Katie sends her warm emotions Jason's way to let him know she wasnt upset and she didn't blame him. This was just something else that happened, like being on a mission and getting shot. No one wanted it to happen or had control over it.

Trying to open her eyes again Katie squints up at Rick, quiet for a moment letting the saliva in her mouth work Kaite finally opens her mouth to let the words come out, but only a horse whisper it was formed.

"My...throat, its really hard to talk, my head dosnt feel the greatest ether."

Katie wingles the fingers on her hand now realizing it stung pretty bad. She count remember hurting her hand at all.

"Hand, it hurts...what...happened?"

Giving a smile and entering the house Sapphire makes her way to the kitchen. Starting to take things out of the bags and put them into the fridge.

"Well I am happy you didnt start. I really wanted to help you."

Finishing up in the kitchen Sapphire takes her jacket and puts it over one of the chairs. Making her way over to Gage and holding up the blue lights.

"First we want to put the lights on first. I'll stand on one side if you like, and you can stand on the other. We can just go back and forth till its all covered, than we put on the balls we got and the little snowmen and than last we put the star on the top of the tree."

Giving a sly smile to her brother Annie was happy to see him suprised. Its what she had wanted, and she was glad it was received well.

"Well if I had told you I was coming than it wouldn't have been a Christmas surprised."

Reaching out and putting her brother into a strong hug Annie really had missed her family while she was away and couldnt be more than happy to be back.

"Give you a heart attack? Your to suborn for that."

Pulling away and seeing Jim looking at her friend Annie felt silly for a moment in the excitment forgetting she had come alone. Stepping to the side to have a clear path for Jim and Sparky Annie smiles.

"Jim, Sparky this is Faith Reynolds, Faith this is my brother Jim and Sparky."

Giving a little wave and a shy smile Faith words come out soft.

"Nice to meet you both."

The events that happen next cause Faith and Annie's eyes to go wide. Sparky fumbling, the glass breaking, Jim's teasing. It was very easy to see Sparky was flustered.

Bringing a hand to her mouth Faith couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped softly. She couldn't help but feel sorry for Annie's brother and could feel her own heat coming to her face. But here gave a sparkle as she watched Sparky as he headed to the kitchen.

"You told me you had brothers but you never told me that one of the was a totally good looking."

Trying her best not to laugh at her brother Annie steps forward, but before she can say anything Sparky was already making his retreat. She couldnt help but feel bad for her brother. It wasnt often he got flustered but knowing her brother so well Annie could see the look in his eye, and it was cute but surprised her at the same time.

Hearing Faith's comment to her Annie just looks at her for a moment and blinks. It seemed they were both attracted to each other right away.

"Well...I think all my brothers are good looking, I just didnt think about saying anything."

Shaking her head and finally letting her laugh escape Annie looks to Faith again.

"Make yourself comfortable I promise no one will bite. I'm going to go make sure Sparky is ok. I'll be back."

As Annie walks away Faith makes her way over to the table setting her bag down and pulling out a chair. Sitting down she keeps her hands in her lap just looking around the dinning hall. It was obvious she was a little nervous, and felt awkward being here not really knowing anyone. Faith new she would be ok in a day or two after she had been here a while just right now it was some place new.

Following her brother into the kitchen Annie goes to the fridge and grabs a bag of peas for Sparky's head.

"You took quite a bump there, are you ok Sparky?"

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