
I understand

Jason can't help his grin as Katie comes to join him in the truck, bringing the coffee. Letting a sip of the warm liquid run down his throat, he sighs with content.

You know just how to wake a guy up. Thank you.

He gives a weary laugh.

Yeah, I guess even being suspended has an upside. Personally, I'd like to have a job and spend all my time with you a the same time. Oh wait... I usually do.

He throws Katie a sidelong glance, covering his smile by taking another sip of coffee.

Rick picks up the phone in the infirmary, answering Katie's call. "Oh good, I'm glad it was you and Jason staying there during the night. I kept wondering all night how Scott was. Anyway, I was just on my way to come get him, but I wasn't sure how he'd respond...if I'd even get him back here. I'm sure he'd respond better to you and Jason - or at least you though, so I'm game for you two taking a shot at it first. Then I'll just wait here for you."

Once the call is over, and the decision is made to first simply start off by making sure Scott was still okay, Jason exits his truck, waiting for Katie, then crossing over the street to walk to Scott's house once more.

Hearing someone at the door, Domino starts to bark, scampering away from Scott, then back to him again, but unable to rouse him.

Scott hears the knock at the door, but feels too lethargic to get up. He was awake... he wanted to get up... he wanted to leave... but he felt almost held in place by his own exhausted emotions.

Jason knocks on the door a second time, then glances at Katie when they don't receive a response. "Scott?" he calls.


He frowns, reaching for the doorknob. "Call me wrong, but... I think we need to go in and make sure he's okay."

Slowly opening the door, Jason peers into the dim house. Domino is right there, and when she spots Katie, she runs to her, jumping up on her legs and wriggling all over with excitement.

Jason steps inside and around the dog, looking around and into the living room. "Scott?"

Scott glances up from the corner where he'd been huddled the last few hours. Though a blanket was feet away, he hadn't used it, and was cold and stiff. He swallows hard and tries to find his voice. "Jason?"

Jason almost cringes at Scott's weak tone. "Yeah it's me," he answers gently. Going to the corner, he drops to a knee next to his friend. "You alright?"

Scott shakes his head. "No."

"What's wrong?"

"I..." Scott stops. He felt silly. He felt stupid. He felt weak. "I just... it..."

Jason waits patiently. "What is it?"

Scott's eyes remain glued to the floor. "Don't leave me alone?"

He's hurting bad, Katie. I know he wanted to be here, but it hasn't done him any good. He's getting worse.

"We're not going anywhere." Jason assures. "We wanted to take you to TJY for a while. Get you something to eat... clean up a bit. Feel up to it?"

Scott starts to shake his head, but then finally nods. "Alright..."

Needing Jason's help, he finally gets to his feet, a little unsteadily. Finally glancing up to Jason, then to Katie, heat comes to his face before he drops his gaze again. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I know I'm being a burden."

"You are not a burden," Jason states flatly. "Friends are never burdens."

Scott still hesitates. "I just... I feel so helpless. My mind is... is telling me too many things at once and... and I just can't... I mean..."

Jason sets a hand on Scott's shoulder. "It's okay. You're gonna be alright."

Scott's eyes remain downcast, his voice growing even quieter. "If I don't leave the world before then."

A chill runs down Jason's spine.

Please don't tell me he's saying what I think he's saying... That's what Carson was afraid of.

"Scott... look at me..." Jason forces Scott to look up at him, growing a little firm. "What are you talking about?"

Emotions pool in Scott's eyes, his voice wavering. "Rick was right... I need help." Hiding his face once more, he feels as though he wants to run away, yet his feet stay planted. He can feel Jason and Katie looking at him, and feels as though he were guilty for something, carrying shame for something he didn't even know. It felt illogical, but it was there anyway. And all he could do was stare at the floor.

Kyle nods his head as Misty asks for confirmation about the little treasure. "Yeah. I'm sure. It doesn't do anybody any good sitting out there on the lake." He starts to say more, but stops, thinking better of it, and just listening further.

As Misty hugs him, at first he doesn't return it, but slowly he he reaches her arms around her, embracing her lightly. "It's okay," he responds quietly. "I understand."

His eyes follow her as she pulls away, and her mention of the concert brings the grin back to his face. "Good."

Seeing the tears on her face, Kyle cocks his head and reaches out to gently wipe them away with a soft hand. "Hey, there's no need for those," he chides in almost a whisper. "We can't control what our hearts feel."

Placing a finger under her chin, he tilts her face upward to look at him again. A smile spreads on his face. "So go get what your heart wants, and don't let me stand in your way."

He winks at her. "I gotta get to work or my boss will have my head, then you wouldn't get to see me at all." He gives a short laugh. "I'll see you soon, and... my offer still stands... if you ever need anything..." He simply ends with a nod.

Stepping back, he bends in a dramatic bow with flourish. "Been real, Miss T. Catch ya later." Spinning around, he heads for the door, a song escaping as a whistle as he goes.


Slowly walks twords Jason's truck Katie can't help but smile getting his message.

Coffee huh? You had been let me in than or it will be getting cold. I'm one step ahead.

Opening the passanger side of Jason's truck she holds the two cups of coffee in her hand. than hands on to Jason while she sips her own.


Quiet for a few moment Katie just looks at Scott's house studying it. She was worryed for Scott but there wasnt much more they could do without making Scott feel worse.

I guess sometimes no news is better than some right?

Letting out a sigh and leaning back Katie takes a sip of her coffee. She hadnt slept to well in her car because her mind kept roaming to Scott and if he was ok, her eyes showed it but she tryed not to let it bother her.

I'm gonna call Rick and see if he is still coming to get Scott. Than we can go from there and if you wanna spend the day together doing something I am all for that. I think thats actully the one thing I like about being saspended. I get more time with you.

Katie gives a smile to Jason as she pulls out her phone and dials Ricks number. Finally hearing an answer.

"Hey Rick it's Katie. Jason and I spend the night outside Scott's house just to make sure the Agency wasnt watching him and gonna try anything and what not. We havnt hurd a peep from the house yet. "

Katie gances at Jason for a moment and than looks back to the house.

"Yeah we just wanted to see if you were gonna still come get Scott? We didnt want to leave untill we new someone alse was going to be showing up."

Looking up from her desk and seeing Kyle a new emotion rised in her. After what had happend yesterday and the message on her answering mashean she thought for sure she wouldnt be seeing Kyle for a while.

Listing to Kyle Misty can feel his akwardness and hope it wouldnt be this way. She hated feeling this, she hated see Kyle so...dull. The smile was on his face but the glint was gone from his eye and it hurt Misty to think she had causes this.

"I'm not happy yet, but I dont know whats going to happen."

Dropping her gaze to the tin that sat on her desk a small tear formed in her eye as she opened it and look apon the rocks and shells that layed there.

"Kyle, this...this is something you treasured alot. Are...are you sure you want to give this to me?"

Looking back up at Kyle Misty studys his eyes some more, he hurt, she hurt. Standing Misty takes Kyle and gives him a small hug.

"I'm sorry Kyle. I really am...for everything. I dont want you to think anything I told you was a lie because it wasnt. Even if nothing happens with Carson and I again Kyle you deserve better anyways. I never want you to think your second best, or feel like you are because you not. Your a wonderful guy with a great life ahead of him."

Misty steps back again her own face sticken with tears. She really did care for Kyle, he ment so much to her and he has helped her alot. Caring for him maybe that really was why this hurt because she could see herself with Kyle, she could see a life with him, but now that couldnt happen.

"Yes...I still want to come to the conserts."

Turning her head a little bit Misty trys to smile.

"...I wouldnt miss them for the world."


Cindy falls into Wes' hug, burying her face in his shoulder and letting a few more tears fall.

Finally she pulls back and sniffs, wiping her eyes. "I love you too." She manages a small smile and tries to compose herself, gesturing for Wes to eat. "I'm okay now..."

She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "I'm just not used to Jason getting upset with me I guess. It just caught me off guard. But... it's okay. He's just really upset with Austin about a few things and I'm sure he'll work it out."

Cindy nods with emphasis, trying to get back on track and not take Jason's harshness too personally. "I don't know what all is going on, but maybe... I don't know... I can't believe some of the things Jason said about Austin but maybe... maybe we should ask Brent since he's still here... or talk to Mick or something." She shrugs. "I'm sure it's nothing."

Axel stands with Jess and puts his own money down too, leading the way out of the restaurant and holding the door for her.

"Well... if your car gives you any trouble, just give us a call." He offers Jess his slight smile and is quiet for a moment as if contemplating something else, but then lets it go. "I'll see you around."

Giving a little wave, he heads for his truck, aiming back to work.

The day grows on, seeming long for some, and short for others. The speed of time, so often appears to be within the perspective of one self, and not within the frame of science. But in the end, nightfall comes.

Jason eases back in his truck seat, a fair distance from Scott's house. No movement had been seen. Scott had not emerged. Jason knew Katie was a little ways away too, also keeping watch.

I think this is gonna be one long night.

He yawns.

He's not going anywhere... Though I do feel better that we're here in case the Agency pulls any stunts.

Settling back, he tries to keep his eyes open, glad that even though he was alone, he had someone to talk to.

Phil groans and stretches on the couch, having fallen asleep a couple hours prior. Yawning, he clicks off the television and rises to go to bed. But as he stands, he realizes that the house has been quiet.

Going to the window he looks out to see and empty parking space. Now it was getting a little strange. The two brothers didn’t make a habit out of keeping close track of one another – they both had their own private lives. But as a simple courtesy, they usually at least let the other know if they were going to be out late.

Thinking a moment, Phil tries calling Kyle’s cell phone as he had earlier, but still receives no answer. Now he was just a bit worried. It was too late to call Jen now – she’d be in bed, and he didn’t want to wake up the entire house. He really didn’t want to bother Misty either, but it seemed the lesser of two evils.

Finally making up his mind, he dials. Just as he hears it ringing on the other end though, the front door opens. Abandoning the call, he hangs up. “Kyle?”

Kyle tosses his keys on the table, a small, rusted tin under his arm. “Yo.”

Phil wanders to the kitchen, folding his arms. “I just about called somebody ‘cause you weren’t back. Everything alright?”

“Yeah, sure.” Kyle sets the tin down and goes to the refrigerator to hunt for something to eat.

Phil quirks an eyebrow. “Long day?”

“Mm-hmm.” Kyle grabs a bottle of pop, then simply aims for a bag of potato chips.

Phil waits for a longer explanation, but receives none. “So… I was just a little worried. Where ya been?”

Kyle stuffs a chip in his mouth and shrugs. “Out.”

“Oh. Well… usually you say something when it’s gonna be this late.”

“Sorry,” Kyle mumbles, taking a swig of pop. He holds up his cell phone. “Battery.”

“Oh.” Phil furrows his brow, watching his brother. “Everything alright?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I don’t know, you just seem… a little off kilter maybe.”

Kyle tosses him a quirky grin. “Since when is that new?”

Phil smirks at him. Moving closer, he realizes that it looked as though Kyle had worked himself up into a sweat at some point. “You sure you’re alright?”

Kyle rolls his eyes, chewing a mouthful of chips before responding. “Yes! If I wasn’t, would I be standing here? Sorry I didn’t call. Didn’t know it was that big of a deal.”

Phil gives a little shrug. “No…no big deal.” He eyes the peculiar tin on the counter. “What’s that?”

“Trinkets of a lost time.”

Phil frowns, confused by the cryptic answer. “What?”

Kyle takes a swig of pop and moves to open the tin, showing his brother. It was full of odd items… pretty little rocks and shells mostly.

“Ohh.” Phil raises his eyebrows as he remembers days spent down at the lake when Kyle would make his rounds, picking up anything little that caught his eye. Phil had thought it was silly at first, but at some point had seen the collection and thought it was cool. He’d never known what Kyle’s real reason was, other than just something to keep him busy, but it had been years since he’d even thought about it. He had assumed the box had been forgotten or thrown away. “Didn’t you bury that or something?”

Kyle shrugs and eats another chip, wiping his hand on his jeans. “Kind of.”

“And now…”

“I know somebody who liked some of this stuff. Figured it was about time I got rid of it.”

“Oh.” Phil stands lamely for a moment, still a bit confused. “So… did you have to chase it down or something? Looks like you’ve had quite a workout.”

Kyle pauses his junk food meal to roll his eyes again. “You wanna know which pair of underwear I got on today too?”

Phil sighs. “Sorry. I’m going to bed. See you tomorrow.”

“Great.” Kyle watches his brother leave, eats a couple more chips, then puts the bag away, tossing the rest of his pop back in the refrigerator. Picking up the tin again, he ambles down the hall to go to bed too.

Scott stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets and trudges down the street. People and cars pass him, stirring up the air and blowing trash across his path, but he doesn’t seem to really notice. The sounds around him felt miles away. The traffic lights all blend together in a confusing kaleidoscope of colors, and a barking dog goes unheard.

An unknown purpose leads him forward to an unknown destination. But as he steps across the bridge, he stops. Turning to look down at the river below, a chilly wind whips across his face. Passing traffic pays no heed as he stands waiting… thinking.

Like a nightmare that wouldn’t go away, the past hurts bombarded his mind. As if they were right there, Scott could see the enemy right behind him. He could still see the eyes. He could still feel the pain that had been inflicted. He could still feel the fear. It was a terror that still surged through his veins.

Looking over his shoulder, Scott sees nothing but a bleak world. The sky was gray and the clouds hung low. No one seemed to care. Everything was going on around him as normal, while his own world had been torn apart.

Fear clung to him like a disease. His heart leapt at every sudden noise. No peace. No joy. Just…gray.

Turning back around, he leans on the railing of the bridge, looking down…down. The water was deep and cold. Small whitecaps were forming from the strong wind. No sun. No warmth. Just a chilling prospect.

Moving as if in a trance, Scott steps over the rail to the small ledge, barely wide enough for one’s feet. Slipping, he catches himself, the fear increasing. But what good was catching himself when nothing awaited him but the pain he couldn’t control anyway?

Licking his chapped lips, he lets go of the rail and stares down. It was better this way. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath, and takes the step forward into nothing but the death that was waiting…beckoning...

Scott sits bolt upright, the sweat pouring down the sides of his face, the adrenaline racing through his veins. He stares into the darkness, and scoots back up against the living room wall in the corner.

Domino whines and nuzzles his hand, but he doesn’t respond, only drawing himself in tighter. He hated the days. He hated the nights. It didn’t matter if his eyes were open or closed… if his mind was awake or asleep. The nightmares would come anyway. And this one… this dream… it had been too real.

Now with a new fear evoked, Scott trembles. A strange panic begins to rise within him. He had never feared himself or his own mind… until now. How far would he really go? How completely had his spirit really been demolished?

Looking around in the dark, he realizes that he has no way of communicating with anyone. He had no phone. He had no one here. It was just him and the dark thoughts that had invaded his mind and soul. Never had he wanted the morning to come more.

And morning does come, at long last. Some have received restful sleep. While others have been too alert and on edge to receive the rest they want. But time does not stop... it only presses onward, one second at a time...

Jason rubs his eyes wearily and he blinks. Had he dozed off? He couldn't remember.

Hey, where's the coffee? I'm dying over here.

A grin creases his lips.

No excitement. That would be a good thing.

He glances at his watch.

And... My bet would be that Rick will be here any time to pick up Scott. He mentioned he'd do that this morning, and people should be at TJY by now. What's up for us the rest of the day?

Scott sits back against the wall, having not slept again after his nightmare. He didn't know what to do or where to go. He felt so alone, and so smothered at the same time. He hadn't wanted to go back to TJY today.... but now... part of him hoped Rick came quickly so his mind could not take over again.

A light knock on the infirmary door catches Rick's attention and he looks up quickly. He'd just been getting ready to leave to go check on Scott and hopefully bring him back, and had been concentrating on his tasks, now a little startled. "Yes?"

Kyle peeks his head in around the corner. "Hey, Rick. Can I come in?"

"Of course you can." Rick smiles and nods. "What brings you here? Nothing wrong, I hope."

Kyle shakes his head as he enters. "Naw, I just wanted to see your assistant."

"Ah." Rick studies Kyle for a moment, unsure of the situation going on around him. He knew things had changed, but didn't know details.

Kyle holds the old tin in his hand and it rattles just a little as he walks across the infirmary to Misty's desk. Looking down at her for a moment, a quirky grin surfaces. "Hey, Miss T." It felt odd not to lean down and give her a playful kiss, but he moves past the awkwardness.

"I, um..." He purses his lips, then sighs. "Wanted to apologize." His smile lessens a little, but remains nonetheless. "I wasn't feeling too well yesterday, but it was no excuse for me not respecting your wish to get together. So... I'm sorry."

He sets the tin down on Misty's desk, hesitating a moment. "I kinda already knew what you were gonna talk about." He pauses, not liking admitting this, but knowing he should. "Saw you at Mom and Pop's yesterday morning, and... well.. yeah. Score one for the Mitts timing."

A dry laugh escapes. "Guess I didn't really figure it was worth rehashing after I'd already figured out what was going on."

He clears his throat, dropping his gaze for a moment, then looking back at Misty again. "I, um... brought you this." He pushes the tin a little closer to her. "Box was full so I guess the collection is complete and... I knew you liked this stuff. So I guess... I don't know... maybe it's me trying to apologize, or maybe I just want you to have it 'cause I like seeing you smile. Either way, it's yours."

Hooking his hands in his pockets, he shifts his weight a little awkwardly, not knowing what else he should say. "I... I hope you're happy. Really... I do. And... I'm not going anywhere, so..." He shrugs. "...if you can stand being friends with me, I'll take what I can get."

Another crooked grin forms on his mouth. "I had fun, Misty. Guess I owe you a thanks for that." He bites his lower lip and brings a twinkle to his eyes. "And unless your taste in music has changed," he teases, "I meant what I said on the phone about you coming to our concerts."

He pauses again, disliking the silence, though giving Misty the opportunity to say something if she wanted to.

I love you

Taking a sip of her milk Jess listens to Axel talk picking up on a few small things here and there signaling other things were harder to talk about than some.

As the time comes to a close Jess can't help but feel a little bit sad. The comapny was nice and all she would be doing now is going home to an empty house. But what she to do Axel did have to get back to work.

"Well Axel I thank you as well for having lunch with me. It was nice and I enjoyed it."

Standing Jess put a bit of money on the table for her food and gives a smile to Axel decieding to wait for him before she walked out.

Entering the house Wes gives Cindy a small wave and smile seeing she was one the phone. Going to the bathroom Wes washes his hands and splashes some water on his face cleaning himself up/ On the way out though he can hear the change in Cindy's voice and trying not to over hear the conversation he catches just a little bit.

Going back to the kitchen table Wes sits decieding to wait till she was off the phone. Grabbing the paper he opens it and starts to read. His eyes move from it though as his wife goes to the kitchen and starts to make his lunch. Just watching her for a moment to make sure she was ok.

Finally when Cindy is off the phone and sits in the chair next to Wes he says nothing watching the tears fall from his wifes eyes it pains his heart to see her sad. Pushing his food aside for moment Wes stands going over to his wife bending down infront of her taking her hand in his an rubbing his thumb over her hand before pulling her into a hug and just holding her.

"I love you Sweetheart!!"

Thats all Wes needed to say..if Cindy wanted to tell him more she would.