

Slowly walks twords Jason's truck Katie can't help but smile getting his message.

Coffee huh? You had been let me in than or it will be getting cold. I'm one step ahead.

Opening the passanger side of Jason's truck she holds the two cups of coffee in her hand. than hands on to Jason while she sips her own.


Quiet for a few moment Katie just looks at Scott's house studying it. She was worryed for Scott but there wasnt much more they could do without making Scott feel worse.

I guess sometimes no news is better than some right?

Letting out a sigh and leaning back Katie takes a sip of her coffee. She hadnt slept to well in her car because her mind kept roaming to Scott and if he was ok, her eyes showed it but she tryed not to let it bother her.

I'm gonna call Rick and see if he is still coming to get Scott. Than we can go from there and if you wanna spend the day together doing something I am all for that. I think thats actully the one thing I like about being saspended. I get more time with you.

Katie gives a smile to Jason as she pulls out her phone and dials Ricks number. Finally hearing an answer.

"Hey Rick it's Katie. Jason and I spend the night outside Scott's house just to make sure the Agency wasnt watching him and gonna try anything and what not. We havnt hurd a peep from the house yet. "

Katie gances at Jason for a moment and than looks back to the house.

"Yeah we just wanted to see if you were gonna still come get Scott? We didnt want to leave untill we new someone alse was going to be showing up."

Looking up from her desk and seeing Kyle a new emotion rised in her. After what had happend yesterday and the message on her answering mashean she thought for sure she wouldnt be seeing Kyle for a while.

Listing to Kyle Misty can feel his akwardness and hope it wouldnt be this way. She hated feeling this, she hated see Kyle so...dull. The smile was on his face but the glint was gone from his eye and it hurt Misty to think she had causes this.

"I'm not happy yet, but I dont know whats going to happen."

Dropping her gaze to the tin that sat on her desk a small tear formed in her eye as she opened it and look apon the rocks and shells that layed there.

"Kyle, this...this is something you treasured alot. Are...are you sure you want to give this to me?"

Looking back up at Kyle Misty studys his eyes some more, he hurt, she hurt. Standing Misty takes Kyle and gives him a small hug.

"I'm sorry Kyle. I really am...for everything. I dont want you to think anything I told you was a lie because it wasnt. Even if nothing happens with Carson and I again Kyle you deserve better anyways. I never want you to think your second best, or feel like you are because you not. Your a wonderful guy with a great life ahead of him."

Misty steps back again her own face sticken with tears. She really did care for Kyle, he ment so much to her and he has helped her alot. Caring for him maybe that really was why this hurt because she could see herself with Kyle, she could see a life with him, but now that couldnt happen.

"Yes...I still want to come to the conserts."

Turning her head a little bit Misty trys to smile.

"...I wouldnt miss them for the world."

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