

Going to reply to Jason Katie is intrupted by Wyatt. Rolling her eyes and shaking her head Katie slaps Jason's arm.

Dont give me that look I am not the one who TRIED to change the subject. We will talk about it later, because to be honest I am not sure.

Moving closer to where Wyatt was Katie sinks down in one of the chairs with her note pad at the ready to write down anything and everything she could that would help.

Looking up at Wyatt Katie smirks.

"Don't be grumpy Wy, I know your away from Aerith and all but you will be ok for a few days. Anyways how can you yell at us when you know you will be one the phone with her for hours later."

Finishing his chores Dan comes around the corner only to see the all to familiar form on the hay bale. Just standing for a moment in the far shadow of the barn Dan wanted to go to her and sit, but new he shouldn't. But if Jade was out here again so that must mean Mick was busy, and if he was busy than he wouldn't be out anytime soon.

Slowly making his way over to the bail Dan sinks down next to Jade leaning against the barn and looking up at the night sky.

"Its going to snow soon. I think I am kind of looking forward to it. What about you? Do you like snow?"

Once Kip was gone Karla looks down at her dog and gave a grin patting him on the head. It felt good, to have a friend.

"Looks like we made a new friend huh?"

Going to the kitchen she preparing Rin's food Karla puts it down for him. She had about an hour and a half before she needed to leave that would give her enough time to take a shower get dressed and walk back over to Kip's house.

...time seemed to go by in the snap of the fingers and by time Karla and Rin got out of the house and to Kips they were fifteen minutes late. Wearing the best pare of blue jeans she owned and a nice black t-shirt Karla mader her way up to the door. Rin having his own little hanker chef on.

Knocking on the door Karla waited, a little nervous but excited at the same time.

Getting home and helping Eli inside Ryan left Leo with him for a moment as she went to get a large bowl, water, some cloths and the iodine. Also ice, and a wrap for his hand.

"Ok, lets see how good we can make you feel."

Handing the iodin to Leo so he can clean the cuts Ryan whipes the try blood from her brother's face an ice pack on his hand. It dosnt take long to have all the wounds dressed, and his hand wrapped for now. Ryan was sure Eli would be in a lot of pain still but at least he was clean, and no worrys of infections for now.

"Now, what about pizza and a movie. I am starving. Want anything special on your pizza bro?"


Jade grins a little but doesn't look up. "Thanks. I'll try." Moving towards the dining hall, she turns for just a moment to throw Dan a smile before spinning back around and continuing her route.

Jason sighs about Kyle. "Yeah but... I don't know. I wish he'd at least stay in touch... and he could search the rest of his life. I don't understand why he's pulled away from everyone, especially his family. I..." His voice trail off suddenly and he looks down at Katie. "Hey... how did you know we were talking about that?" He knew he had not intentionally fed that information to her.

"You guys gonna talk all night?"Wyatt interrupts. "Or are we going to contact Mick like we're supposed to?"

Jason smirks at him and lets Katie go. "Yeah, yeah. Come on, let's get set up." He still throws her a glance, warning that he wasn't done with this conversation.

Mick paces in the quiet dining hall after supper and after getting BJ tucked into bed. The police had no leads, so now he was counting on the small Elite team to help.

"Hey, Mick, you around?"

Mick jumps, sliding back to the chair in front of the computers and headset. He quickly dons the mic. "Wyatt?"

"You're good."

Mick chuckles. "No, I just knew that wasn't Jason's voice."

It's Wyatt's turn to laugh. "Hang on a sec." He flips a few switches and turns on the tiny camera that someone would wear when they went out. "What do you think of our room?"

Mick looks to one of the monitors and sees the hotel room, and Jason and Katie off to the side. "Looks cozy."

Wyatt gives a whoop. "Scott's a genius. Any news for us?"

"Nope. Talked to the police and Dylan's mother. Both had nothing to say. They still don't want me involved - think I'll make things worse. But I think they were telling the truth about no new news."

"That's what we've heard too. We got the info on where the cops have been searching, so at least we won't be doubling up and wasting our time once we get out there."

"When will that be?"

"When we get the word from the boss. Until then, we sit tight and play tidlywinks."

Mick grins and starts to answer when Jade catches the corner of his eye. He waves her still, to let her know that now wasn't a good time, and shakes his head.

"You still there?"

"Yeah, sorry."

Jade's shoulders drop. She was glad her dad was in contact with the Elite, but now she still couldn't talk to him.Turning around, she goes back out into the chilly night, wandering to the familiar hay bale at the barn. Sitting down, she just looks up at the starry sky, wishing she didn't feel so alone.

Kip puts his hands on his hips. "How can it be imposing when I asked you to come? Be there. No one will mind."

Heading to the door, he gives a final wave to Karla, then to Rin too, with a silly grin. "See you both later then."

Eli sees his sister in the mirror, and he knows that she just wants to help. He was the leader - the big brother - but he also knew that sometimes he needed help too. "Yeah, okay," he relents. "Just take it easy on me."

Getting back to the house, Eli is slow to get inside, now realizing how sore he was going to be. Gingerly taking off his jacke, he eases down on the couch, giving Ryan enough room to clean him up.

Your sure?

Ryan gives a shake of her head slouching down a little to see my brothers eyes in the side mirror. She couldn't never repay him for what he did, and those cuts he came were because he was defending her honer. Ryan could only hope to repay that to Eli one day.

"Its the least I can do to repay you Eli. Please let us?"

Flashing her brother a smile there was so much emotion in Ryan's eyes. It was strange feeling so many things at once, but in a way it was kind of nice to just feel again!

Thinking for a moment Karla laughed to herself. Why was she thinking about it? Its not like she had a big meal of her own to eat and the food she did have would probably leave her still hungry afterward. But at the same time she didnt want to jump all over it. Kip seemed real nice, but she was still feeling them out and that last thing she wanted was to make him think she was using him for money.

"Six o'clock that will give me time to clean myself up a little bit since at the moment I am in my dirty running cloths. Are you sure your other friends wont mind? I don't want to impose!"

Karla smiled at Kip, she just wanted to make sure it was ok. It wasn't every day someone invited her for breakfast, spend the whole day with her and than asked her to dinner. Not anyone good anyways. Karla was almost scaired that it was to good to be true that this day actully happened.

Feeling Jason's arm around her a smile spread on Katie's face. Behind semi alone in a hotel seemed to bring back memories for Katie when her and Jason had yet to hook up but the chemistry was there. It was a good memorie or so Katie though thats when had first relized there powers and the connection to each other. My how far they had come, from than to now.

Just leaning into Jason something strange happened. It was almost like the phone was put up to her ear and not Jason's. She could hear the conversation almost as clear as day. But that was crazy right? It never had happend before Maybe Jason's phone was turned up to high.

Shrugging it off and waiting for Jason to get off the phone Katie leans into him again leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, they worry about us more than Reese I think sometimes."

Not even really thinking about it Katie just speaks whats on the top of her mind about what Phile said about Jen. Jen was one of her best friends and she worryed about her too sometimes.

"Next time you talk to Phil tell him to tell Jen, not to give up on Kyle yet. He just...needs to find what he is looking for."

Hearing Jade Dan steps out of the shall behind Jade. Letting out a low sigh. It was hard to keep his distance from her. The had formed a friendship and now being told to stay away for a reason Dan didn't even know was hard.

Gently resting a hand on Jade's shoulder Dan is quiet for a moment. Looking out and over to the dinning hall himself he could see the shadows behind the drawn shade moving slowly.

Looking down at Jade and giving a soft smile he whispers.

"Stay calm, and choose your words. No matter what it will be ok."

Another change

Kip cocks his head. "Then before I go, tell me that you'll come over for supper. Six o'clock. The band's just having a real casual supper of subs after practice, and now you know where the house is so... would you? Rin can come back too."

Gunner lets himself into his dark, quiet apartment. It felt too dark... too quiet. After such a fun evening with JT and Bree, this just felt... empty. He'd never felt as though he didn't want to be alone before... he'd never craved company... But maybe this whole thing had changed him more than he'd thought.

A while later as he lay in bed, he stares up at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep. But the struggle would continue longer than anticipated. And in the morning, he would find he'd received less than an hour's sleep.

Eli accepts the cloth and presses it to the side of his head. "Should I be scared with you two in charge?"

Leo grins. "Nah. We won't be too rough with you."

"Oh, thanks." Eli winces as he finds another cut. "I think you two should go get the food and let me clean myself up."

"So practice went well?" Jason held his cell phone to his ear, leaning on the doorway between the two hotel rooms - one for him and Wyatt, and the other for Katie. He'd gotten a call from Phil before setting things up, and was sorry he was missing out on band activity.

"Yeah, yeah, we're good."

"Good. Forgot to ask you the other day if you'd heard from Kyle."

"Nope. Not a word in over a month. Jen's not taking it well, but she finally gave up trying to call him."

"That's what I thought." Jason catches Katie by slinging an arm over her shoulders as she walks by, not realizing that something had happened. He wasn't trying to do anything, but somehow, everything he was hearing was being pushed in her direction. It had never happened before, and Jason was too absorbed to notice that Katie was being let in on the conversation. "Alright, well I just wanted to touch base. I'll call you guys when I can but I'll probably be silent for a few days now."

"We understand. Just stay safe and bring back Katie too."

Jason grins. "Of course. Later."


Jason flips his phone shut and gives Katie's head a kiss. "I'm supposed to bring you home safe."

Jade stands in the entrance of the quiet barn, looking towards the lit dining hall. She could hear Dan behind her, finishing up the last few chores, and she sighs. Another day gone. "I have to talk to him," she comments aloud. "I know he's trying to find Dylan but I have to talk to him anyway." She sighs again. She was scared to.


Giving a laugh as Rin lets out an excited woof Karla just shakes her head. Standing to turn the tv and game off as Kip answers his phone. It was getting late now and she new there time would be coming when they would have to say good night. Only to be surprised once again by a kind offer from Kip.

"Well, if you consider a glass of flat pop, and a dollar tv dinner something planned than yes I do. But if not, than no I have nothing planned at all!"

Karla gave a smile to Kip. Knowing her meal didn't sound great she hopped he found a little humor in it anyways. Thought Karla would admit she was excited in wondering what Kip would ask her next.

Getting into the backseat to let Leo drive a small smile played on Ryan's lips. She had ment renting a movie anyways so that worked but she would let Leo have this idea for himself this time.

"I think Pizza and a movie sounds fantastic actually."

Fishing around in the back seat Ryan fings a clean cloth and shakes it out a few times before handing it up to her brother.

"Here, hold this on your head for now to try and stop the bleeding. When we get home, Dr Leo and Nurse Speedy will fix you up."


Eli manages a grin as they head to the car. "I think this old man is gonna have to pass on a movie and trade it for a couple ice packs instead."

Leo reaches the front passenger door and opens it for Eli, while slipping a look to Ryan. He wasn't about to leave Eli out after this. "How about we get back home, then Ryan and I can go pick up a movie and pizza to bring back?"

Getting into the car gingerly, Eli smiles in appreciation. "Sounds great if it's okay with Speedy."

"Oh, sure." Kip rolls his eyes. "Show me up in front of the dog." He takes the controller back and looks to Rin again. "She thinks it's funny, doesn't she?"

Giving a little smirk, Kip tries it once more, but right at the last second, he goes plummeting into the ravine. All he can do is laugh and shake his head. "I'm afraid my fingers were trained for a guitar, not a video game controller."

He's about to try again, when he feels his phone buzzing in his pocket. Checking it out, his eyes widen. He'd missed four calls from Erik, and only now does he remember why. "Ohhh, crap. We got band practice in five minutes. Erik's gonna kill me - I've gotta run." Getting to his feet, he glances around quickly to make sure he didn't forget anything.

But then he stop and looks to Karla. "You got plans for supper?"

Spin Jump

Returning the hug and taking a long deep breath Ryan would never tire of her brother's smell. Weather it was mixed with sweat or not oil and leather would always comfort her. For those few moments Ryan just takes the sent in, thankful for her brother protectiveness.

Being drawn back Ryan is silent for a few moments as she looks up into her brothers eyes. How deep they were, and though miles had been between them it was like not a moment had gone by that they had been apart. Giving a soft smile Ryan leans up to give her brother a small kiss of thanks on the cheek.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Thank you."

Slipping her arm into her brother so it was locked Ryan walked with him back to where Leo stood, not even bothering to give a second glance at Roth. Smiling and giving a small nod to Leo Ryan slings her arm around his shoulder.

"I don't really feel like watching the race right now. How about we go home get cleaned up and go see a movie or something just for tonight. Maybe next race if I can get my car fixed up in time I'll race."

Hearing his name Rin perks his head up cocking it to the side a little looking at Kip. Seeing the controller that was being held out to him Rin stands with a grown coming over to Kip and sniffing it before trying to paw at it as well. Letting out a low woof as he just cant seem to get it right eather.

Giving a laugh as she watchs Kip and Rin interact it was just to funny. Her dog ever really took to anyone but Kip there must have been something different about him and it intrigued Karla even more.

Leaning over behind Kip as he still sits on the floor Karla pulls her legs up on the couch draping a blanket over top of them to give a little warmth.

"Ok, this is how you do it."

Starting her level she trys not to go to fast to show Kip how to do it. Grabbing the turtle shell and carrying it to the next guy Karla lets it go. Hitting all the koopas to get them out of the way. Bouncing off of a few more guys Karla rides the cloud to almost the end and jumps out coming to the cliff where Kip died. Running and giving a spin jump off one, two, and three flying turtles Karla makes it over the cliff.

"See its not that hard you just have to know the spin jump trick. Here you try it again? Have to keep at it if you want to get better right?"