

Giving a laugh as Rin lets out an excited woof Karla just shakes her head. Standing to turn the tv and game off as Kip answers his phone. It was getting late now and she new there time would be coming when they would have to say good night. Only to be surprised once again by a kind offer from Kip.

"Well, if you consider a glass of flat pop, and a dollar tv dinner something planned than yes I do. But if not, than no I have nothing planned at all!"

Karla gave a smile to Kip. Knowing her meal didn't sound great she hopped he found a little humor in it anyways. Thought Karla would admit she was excited in wondering what Kip would ask her next.

Getting into the backseat to let Leo drive a small smile played on Ryan's lips. She had ment renting a movie anyways so that worked but she would let Leo have this idea for himself this time.

"I think Pizza and a movie sounds fantastic actually."

Fishing around in the back seat Ryan fings a clean cloth and shakes it out a few times before handing it up to her brother.

"Here, hold this on your head for now to try and stop the bleeding. When we get home, Dr Leo and Nurse Speedy will fix you up."

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