

*As Katie hears Jason's voice she can sence he felt bad for intarupting her and calmed alittle herself.*

"Stop feeling sorry that you intaruped me and sorry for my tone. Ya things are ok I think...just a few things I have to think about . Oh and Poor Scott had an anxiety attack out of no where. Other than that everything is ok."

*Katie stops for a moment thinking it strange Jason was the one having the feeling but shakes it off not thinking anything of it.*

"Hey thanks for calling J and making sure everything was ok. I better get back to Scott though and make sure he is ok. Thanks again J."

*Hanging up the phone Katie makes her way back to Scott again pulling a chair up next to him and puting a hand on his leg. Cocking her head to look him in the eye she asks.*

"Are you ok Scotty? Do you want me to drive you home?"


Scott shakes his head a little, his pulse still racing as he tries to drink some water. He didn’t know what it was, but his nervousness had become a monster of anxiety that suddenly was out of control.

Jason cringes a little at Katie’s tone. He knew he’d interrupted something, especially as long as it had taken her to answer. “Sorry, Hero. It’s Jase. Look…I just…got a funny feeling is all…” He rolls his eyes, not knowing how to explain. “Everything okay?”

Scott blinks and looks up from his water glass to where Katie is standing a short ways away. Like fog lifting into the air, the anxiety was suddenly leaving. His pulse begins to calm, his hands stop shaking.

His breathing slowed, he takes another sip of water and remains seated, a little tired from this strange episode. What on earth had happened? He felt almost fine now.

Phone Call

*As Katie watching Scott she can once again see the look in his eyes change and his hands shaking. For a moment Katie believes Scott when he says he is going to be ok. But as he stands and starts to teater it dosent take Katie long to get to Scott's side and is helping him so he dosent fall over. Her mind reverting from the conversation they were just having to worrying about Scott.*

"Whoa there Scotty. Sit back down for a moment."

*Katie hears her phone ring but leaves it unanswered for the moment as she eases Scott back down in his chair and sqots down next to him.*

"Breath Scott....are you ok? Do you think the fish you eat was bad?"

*Taking the glass of water Katie hands it to Scott leting him take a sip her phone still ringing. Become frustrated that who ever was calling would hang up already Katie lets Scott know she will be right back and to keep breathing. Taking her phone and heading away from the table alittle bit Katie finally answers it.*



Scott continues to search Katie’s eyes, trying to read into them…to read into her thoughts, her feelings.

He gives a little nod, holding his smile. “Of course you don’t have to answer me tonight.”

As his anxiousness heightens, he wipes a bead of sweat from his brow. “I couldn’t expect you to decide within five minutes.”

Licking his dry lips, Scott takes a sip of his water, his hand shaking slightly. What was wrong with him? What had started out as a hint of nervousness was suddenly becoming an attack, making his pulse race.

Distracted from the subject at hand, he blinks, trying to keep his eyes in focus. Rubbing his forehead as it starts to ache, he stands up. “I’ll be right back…” But no sooner were the words out of his mouth, than a wave of dizziness hits him hard enough to make him lean on the table to keep himself from falling to the floor. He’d never had an anxiety attack before, but right about now, he wasn’t convinced he wasn’t having one.

Jason sits on his couch flipping tv channels and chewing on a ham sandwich for supper. Trooper sits nearby, begging for crumbs, and Jason rolls his eyes, giving in and tossing the dog a potato chip.

As he watches a show with disinterest, he suddenly stops. Something felt…funny…out of place…

He tries to shake it off, but it persists. It’s almost as if… No, that would just be too strange. But… it’s almost as if his connection with Katie had lessened…as if her unexplainable pull on his emotions had been partially diverted, leaving him without a full dose.

But…he was blocking nothing, so…what could cause that?

Jason knew Katie was out with Scott tonight, but something warned him not to take this lightly. Something was wrong…and he needed to make sure she was okay. With as unstable as they both had been, he didn’t want to ignore anything right now.

Picking up his phone, he dials Katie’s cell and waits.

At Least

*Katie's night goes well, the sunset, Scott everything was perfect.

Katies sences pick up as Scott draws quiet knowing something was on his mind. As he speaks again Katie listens a smile on her face. When Scott propasistion of Katie moving with him comes into play its light everything inside her freezes. Than warms up again, her emotions flying this way and that. Thoughts racing in and out. What did this mean...move with Scott...did that mean Scott would soon want to get married. Katie wasent ready for that. But she cared for Scott, if he went away what did that mean would happen to them. Katie's mind reels so fast. Her sences hightend, she was almost scaired, and torn. Everything she had was here. This had become home. Finally looking up again Katie help help the slight look of panic in her eyes, yet her face still held a smile.*

"Scott...this just...I...I'm not even sure what to say. This is a big desition, and I need time to think about it. Can you give me at least a day?"


Scott returns Katie’s kiss and smiles, putting the car in gear. “Thought we’d go to that seafood place up near the lakeside. I hear the sunset is really pretty from there.”

Driving for a short while they finally arrive at the restaurant and Scott comes around to open Katie’s door and escort her inside. Once there, a waiter takes them to a table beside the large windows that overlooked the lake, providing a picturesque view of the sunset which had just begun.

Looking over the menus, it’s not long before their food is ordered and they are engaged in small talk while they wait.

As there’s a pause in the light conversation, and Scott leans back in his chair, one hand twirling his water glass as his eyes roam the water outside. He becomes a bit quiet, the thoughts he’d had on his mind all evening finally surfacing.

“Katie…” He finally looks back to her. “There’s something I wanted to talk to you about…”

Swallowing hard, he leans back forward, resting his elbows on the edge of the table to be a little closer to her. His eyes search hers with a sudden new look of asking…of wondering.

“You know…you have done more in my life than almost any other person… You’ve opened my eyes to a whole new world…you’ve showed me how to really live… you’ve captured my heart and stole it away where it’s been completely out of my reach.”

Scott’s tone remains soft, his eyes not leaving Katie’s. “You’ve given me something to look forward to…something to live for. You’ve given me meaning when I had none. Ever since I met you, you made me smile, and ever since you started loving me too, you filled a void in my life that I didn’t even know I had until you were there.”

A small smile creases his lips as he cocks his head, studying Katie’s face. “You led me into Wonderland, except with you there, I don’t care about getting home again.”

Scott allows a short pause, his eyes reflecting the subject on the tip of his tongue. “Katie…Reese has informed me that one of TJY’s posts…in Arizona…is going to be an Elite branch too, and needs a chief computer tech on board.” He pauses, letting that information settle. “It's quite a high position, and...I’m first man up for the job.”

His finger runs alone the rim of his water glass as the news is processed. “I’ve…never gone that far out of my box before…but it will be a new adventure…and one that I know I’m capable of. You’ve proven to me that I have more confidence than I thought.” He gives a little smile. “You’ve proven a lot to me.”

Lowering his eyes for a moment, he looks back up at her. “There’s also an opening for a field assistant for the cases they’re handling down there…” The implication hangs in the air. “They could use a someone with a good eye and a steady head…”

Scott swallows hard, knowing that his implied question was deeper than just a job. He was asking Katie to move…to stay close to him…to see their relationship grow into a deeper level of commitment.

His eyes lock with hers, the silence begging for an answer.


*Katie cant help her own smile that comes to her face seeing and feeling Jason's. He was going to be ok and that made her feel good. After Jason was gone Katie tryed to go back to work to at least get something done.*

"....Laura Scott's here I am leaving now. I dont know when I'll be home but it shouldent be to late."

*The rest of Katie's day went pretty fast after she recovered from the afternoon lunch Jason had. What little work she had gotten done made the time go faster.

Now showerd and read to go Katie makes her way for the front door. Her hair damp and givin a messed up look still braught out her eyes more than normal wairing just a hint of make up but not to much. She wore a nice Navy blue tanktop that was silk and a pare of black dress pants along with her dress shoes. She was casule but dressy.

Making her way out of the house she smiles seeing Scott. Opening the passanger side door she slips in next to Scott and leans over to give him a soft kiss.*

"Hey there Hottie! Where we headed tonight?"

*Misty sits in the now cleaned up living room scaning her DVDs. She had so many she wasent sure what one she wanted to watch. The rest of her afternoon had been ok after Rick had checked her over and she again reasured everyone she was ok. The day had passed fast her work keeping her busy. Now she was back home and like Carson had promised she wouldent be alone.

Misty continus to scan the movie finding her new had alittle bit of everything. Going into the Kitchen she wraps her arms around Carson and smiles.*

"How about the Princess Brides thats always a good one."


At Misty’s words, Carson feels a pang of guilt. She had confidence in him, but he’d already failed. He should have known to keep a closer eye on her after what had happened with Frankie. And even now…she was trusting him, and he was betraying that trust without her even knowing it.

Leaning over, he gives her a tender kiss, careful to avoid her injury. Looking in her eyes, he knows his own are weary, despite his effort to remain his confident self. “Come on. You don’t have to follow – I’ll drive you myself.”

Jason’s jaw tightens as he contains the humor he feels for this situation. He felt badly for Katie, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but find it a little funny. Even though she felt his pain, she wasn’t literally hurt, though he was sure by the evidence on her desk that it hadn’t been enjoyable.

He clears his throat, still a bit sheepish. “Don’t I always owe you?” For just a moment, almost too quick for anyone to catch, a genuine smile toys with the corner of his mouth, unforced and natural. “I’ll try to give you better warning for the next time…the waiter at the restaurant has challenged me now.”

Like a mist, the smile is gone, but remains in his eyes as he throws Katie a wink. “See you later.”

Scott pulls up to the curb in front of Katie and Laura’s house and honks the horn once, though isn’t in a hurry at all. He’s dressed nicer than he usually dresses for work, smelling of cologne, his hair still damp from his shower. A thousand and one thoughts run through his mind of what he wants to say to Katie tonight. He was usually confident around her, but for once, he was just a little nervous.

Carson drops his sleeping bag inside the door at Misty’s, along with his pillow and duffle bag. He’d said she wouldn’t be alone, and he’d meant it. At least until he was sure Frankie really wasn’t coming back. What he really wanted to do was go on the town to find him, but he wasn't going to leave Misty alone for that long. A portion of him almost hoped Frankie would show up tonight so he could give him what he really wanted.

Heading for the kitchen, he opens the bag of take-out Chinese food and finds some dishes. “Your pick of movies,” he calls to Misty.

You Owe Me

*Misty sits for a long while finding comfort in his arms. His words bring hope that everything would be ok. Finally after some time has passed and she feels a lot better Misty pulls away from Carson offer the best smile she could.*

"I guess you should be geting back to work, and I can follow now. I think I need Rick to take a look at my face. There is way to much pain to not have a break in there. I just have to make sure its going to heal ok."

*Reaching her hand up Misty runs it along the side of Carson's face softly.*

"Thank you Babe, for coming to check on me. I know I can always count on you to look after me."

*As Katie lays with her head on her desk 4 differnt empty bottles of iced tea and water lay scattered on her desk. Knowing Jason was growing near and hearing his voice Katie turns her head to him slowly leting out a gron.*

"Sorry my foot you big dope."

*Though Katie's words would normaly signal her was angry thought he redness of her eyes a smile was there.*

"I may have had to suffer but I am glad you had a nice time and I had a good reminder why I dont like spicy food."

*Lifting her head off her desk a smile plays on her lips as she looks back at Jason.*

"You owe me big time you relize this right?"


Carson shifts his weight to sit on the floor and lean back against the chair, enveloping Misty in his arms. Letting her bury herself in his chest, he holds her close, his shirt smelling of laundry detergent and cigarette smoke.

His fingers comb through her hair, knowing that she wants to cry, but she's too tough. "Hey...I'm not gonna let this happen again... You're not going to stay alone while Frankie's on the loose, as long as I have anything to say about it."

Jason can feel the sweat on his forehead, his eyes stinging with tears as the burning persists. He stares at Camryn across the table, neither going for the water glass. By now they have a handful of onlookers to cheer them on, but they're so engrossed in the effects of the hot sauces that it's hard to enjoy the spotlight.

As Jason finds a bottle they haven't opened yet, he stops for just a moment, raising an eyebrow.

Camryn looks at him with question. "What? Chickening out?"

"Nope." Jason unscrews the cap. "I just remembered someone I have to apologize to."

"Apologize? For what?"

"Accidental torture." Jason takes his spoon and puts a couple drops of lethal sauce on it. "This one is for you." The spicy substance hits his tongue like a lit match and he drops the spoon, wincing and slamming his hand on the table. "Ohhh man! Just shoot me now so I can die with dignity!"

Camryn can't help her laughter. "Please tell me you're going to give now."

Jason shakes his head, despite his reddened face. "Nuh-uh..." He swallows hard, squinting as the burning persists, spreading down his throat and threatening to upset the food he'd eaten.

Camryn cringes and takes the same sauce and her own spoon. Several onlookers start to chuckle, egging her on. She hesitates before sticking the spoon in her mouth, then just about keels over, her hand going to her face. "Oh my word!" Unable to stand it any longer, she goes for the water.

"Good grief, someone get me some milk before I pass out." Jason doesn't even enjoy his victory as he glances at the waiter, who is more than happy to bring him the cooling drink.

Camryn wipes her face with a napkin, laughter coming through again. "You turkey."

Jason doesn't answer until he's had something to drink, even the milk having a hard time subsiding the burn. "Holy cow...don't ever do that to me again."

"Me?!" Camryn throws her napkin at him. "You're the one that wouldn't stop!"

...Jason ambles back into TJY, knowing he was going to have to work late now to make up for the extra time he'd taken at lunch. He aims down the hall, but then stops and swivels around. Instead, he heads for Katie's cubicle, a bit of sheepishness on his face. Stopping and leaning over the wall, he looks at her for a moment. "Sorry?"

Right about now

*Misty studys Carson for a moment on what he says about his bruse. Something dident seem right but Misty was to tired and sore right now argue.

Feeling Carson's hand brush her skin Misty feels the comfort of him being close. Puting the bag of peas down that she was holding she slips out of the chair and into Carson's arms. Tears wasnted to come but Misty wouldent let them. Instead just just burryed her face into Carson's chest trying to ignore the pain she felt. Physcial and mentil.*

"I'm...ok now."

*As Katie sits at her desk a strange feeling comes over her. Stranger than normal but it wasent a bad feeling. Jason was happy, but at the same time in pain. In almost an instince Katie's mouth starts to burn. What on earth was going on. Suddonly the tast of the spicy food enters her mouth again almost setting her mouth on fire. Reaching in her draw for the drink Jason had given her before she left the relization of what was really going on hit her. He was no doubt by the happyness he portrayed with Camryn for lunch and knowing them both they were in compatition for...just Katie's luck spicy food. She hated spice food. Taking a swig of the iced tea Katie trys to consintrate on her work again. Only to have the spice intensify. Knowing it was no use all she could do was sit in her chair and keep drink waiting out this compation. Planting her forhead aganst her desk her face breaks out in a sweat. As she mumbles.*

"Right about now Jason I really dislike you."

*Katie cant help but laugh finding a bt of humor in the matter.*


Carson takes a deep breath and is quiet for several moments, trying to keep himself calm... He knew Misty was telling the truth - she didn't know where Frankie was. Maybe that was a good thing...Carson knew himself well enough to know that if he found out where he was, he'd leave right now and go beat him to a pulp.

Crossing his arms, he leans against the side of the couch, shaking his head at Misty's question. "It's the same bruise - I laid on it last night - Rick said I had too much pressure on it so the blood gathered again."

Thinking for another few moments, he just looks at Misty. Why was it that no matter who he cared for, they got hurt? It wasn't fair.

Sighing, he straightens and crouches down next to Misty's chair, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. His tone has softened, despite his anger towards her brother. "You okay?"

Camryn giggles, popping another jalapeƱo pepper into her mouth. "Take that."

Jason's eyes narrow as he follows suit. "Piece of cake."

"Mm, tough guy, eh?" Camryn picks up a jar of hot sauce from the variety on the table and shakes it up before pouring a couple drops in her spoon. Downing it, she squints a little, but still grins. "That would be good on rice."

"Oh yeah?" Jason takes the bottle from her and pours a nice amount over his rice, taking a big bite. "Hey, yeah, not bad."

Camryn lifts a challenging eyebrow, grabbing a jar of salsa. "Ha! Try this. You first."

Jason takes it from her and spoons out a little onto his plate, taking a corn chip to dip it with. Taking a bite, he swallows, and though the taste is good, he can feel the heat rise to his face as tears well up in his eyes. "Oooh, boy."

Camryn puts her head back and laughs. "Oh my goodness. Drinks something."

Jason shakes his head. "First drinker loses. I'm not finished yet. Your turn."

A little more hesitantly this time, Camryn tries the salsa and starts fanning her mouth. "Oh my word! This is terrible!"

"Ready to give up yet?" Jason eyes the single glass of water in the middle of the table.

"Not on your life."

I'm late

*Misty lets out a sigh as she sinks down into the chair in the living room and grans the almost thawed bag of peas. Giving a shake of her head.*

"Honestly Carson I dont know where he is staying. When I met him before it was always at a restront or something and I guess it never crossed my mind to ask."

*Misty really dident know where Frankie was staying and for the moment she was happy for that. Feeling another jolt of pain though the side of her face she slowly replaces the peas to it. Leting out a sigh and finally taking note to Carson own eye. Pointing with her free hand she states.*

"Looks like we match now. What happend?"

*As Jason sets the ice tea down on Katie's desk she look at it confused for a moment and than back to Jason as he walks away.*

"Thank you...I think?"

*Question lingers in her voice but no answer came as Jason left the building. Giving a shake of her head she puts the bottle into one of the drawer. Opening her email and reading the mail from Scott Katie smiles podering for a moment. The feelings she had twords Scott were differnt from the ones she had with Jason. Not a bad differnt but good. It felt as if the feeling almost ran deeper with Scott. Like going from a friendship to a relationship held everything in a new light. Katie dident know what it was for sure but she did like he feeling. Hiting the reply button she writes.*

Re: dress

7 O'clock outside the rabbit hole. Got it...I'll try not to be late late late for a very important date And make sure I have time to say hello and goodbye so I wont be late late late. *hugs*

Ice tea?

"Nothing to worry about?" Carson's eyes widen. He looks at Misty, trying to decipher what he saw, and he knew she must feel horrible. She had obviously thought the world of her brother at one time, and now to have him do this must be devastating on some level.

And to think that Frankie had done this...had purposely hurt her... Carson wanted to reach out and pull Misty into a hug, but his adrenaline-induced emotions won out instead.

His jaw tightens. "Where is Frankie staying?"

A smiles is pasted on Scott's face, irremovable as he watches Katie leave. He just stays for several moments, enjoying the feeling he held inside. It was nice. It was peaceful. It was love.

Laura chuckles at Katie and returns a wave before heading back to her cubicle. Sitting down in her chair away from her desk, she taps Scott's leg with her foot. "Hey, Romeo, having fun under there?"

Scott tilts his head to look out at her. "As a matter of fact.."

Laura grins at him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were head over heels for that girl."

"Interesting." Scott turns back to his work, still smiling. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was."

An hour later, an email pops up into Katie's inbox.
From: Ireland's Neighbor
Subject: dress
Body: Nice casual. Pick you up at your place at seven.

Jason glances at the clock as his stomach growls. He'd better put this case down for now and get into town before Camryn thinks he stood her up again.

Gathering his keys, he heads out, telling Trooper to stay. Halfway down the hall though, he stops as a thought crosses his mind. Would it....? He had no idea how bad it would be, but he couldn't let it be a surprise without some plan in mind...

Taking a sidetrip to the vending machine, he comes back out and onto the main floor, swinging by Katie's cubicle. "Hey, Hero." He reaches over the wall and sets a bottle of iced tea on her desk. "Should you need this...let's hope you don't, but...if you do, it's on me." Leaving without time for questions, he heads outside.

He changed

*As Misty looks up into Carson's eyes seeing the worry, anger, and consern that coursed through them. She new this avent would upset Carson and thats why she dident want to say anything. This was just another day that would pass and everything would be fine. Misty dident want to make it a bigger deal than she had to. Misty new though Carson deserved to know. He was a part of her life and that ment she shaired the pain with her. Not to mention he probley would give up till she told him.*

"Someone who wanted money and I wouldent give it to him..."

*Misty turns her embaressment rising. Her own confustion played with her emotions. An unknown reason for why this happend. Leting out a deep sigh that showed her confustion she continues.*

"...My...Brother came by early this morning. About 1 o'clock I think it was. He wanted money, He was pretty upset to start with I should of just given it to him, but I dident. I guess it just added to his anger and I was there to take it out on. I cant remember to much I know I put up a good fight and that just added as well still she snaped and..."

*Misty points to her face.*

"...this is the resalt of that. I dont remember what happend after that I guess I got hit pretty hard and knocked silly. I woke up this morning in my bed will a killer headack and my house looking like this. I dident want to say anything because I guess I was ashamed, embarssed and confused."

*Misty shakes her head.*

"I dont know what happend to him. He never use to be like this. I just dont understand, or maybe I never noticed it before. I just dont know. Its done and over with now, and I doubt he'll be back for now so there is nothing to worry about."

*Katie smiles back at Scott her heart filled with joy and love much differnt from yesterday Katie's mind was at rest. Katie gives Scott's head alittle nuzzle with her own as she speaks.*

"I think I like being Alice."

*Katie lets out a happy sigh as she leans her head on her arm and just watches Scott work for a moment. She never though before computers were intresting, and never dreamed siting under one and watching someone work would be what she actully liked doing, but now that changed and being here dident seem quiet as boring as she once thought.*

"Dinner tonight sound wonderful. I'll let you pick the place this time, but if its somewhere I should get dressed up for let me know. I dont want to walk in with jeans on and feel out of place."

*Giving Scott's arm a kiss Katie starts to slowly back out from under Laura's desk.*

"I guess that means I should try to get some work done so I can get out of here tonight. I'll talk to you in alittle bit Scotty."

*Heading back to her desk Katie wairs a smile on her face that could light up a room offering alittle wave to Laura leting her know the cost was clear.*

*As Charlotte sits on the balconey at the Hotel her mind wonders not even noticing her sister had steped out there with him.

Easing herself down on of the chair Angelica studys her sister for a long moment before finally speaking.*

"You really like him Charlotte?"

"I know I like spending time with him. He's a nice guy."

"But you hardly know him."

"I got to know him."

"Charlotte you dident even know his last name."

"I do so its Parker."

"ok...well you dident know it before you kissed him."

*Charlotte can feel her cheeks turn red as she rolls her eyes at her sisters comment.*

"I dont regret it."

*Angelica shakes her head alittle bit seeing the look in her sisters eye.*

"Just becarfel ok. "

"Yeah I know. I am."

*Angelica stands and pats her sister on the shoulder befor heading back inside.

Charlotte continues to sit and get lost in thought again. Did she really like Bret that much and want to prasue soemthing with him. Did he even feel the same? Had it just been a weekend with him? Was this part of fate, or did someone alse have a bigger plane in mind. The only thing Charlotte could do was wait and see what would happend.*


Carson steps slowly into the house and shuts the door behind him. Looking at Misty, the questions and concern are evident on his own face. What had happened? Who had done this? Why had she tried to keep it from him?

Reaching out, he takes her chin to tilt her face so he can see the bruise better, then lets his hand drop. His eyes take a quick glance around the room, and he knows that things are out of place.

Looking back down at Misty, he searches her eyes, not sure whether to be relieved she was okay, or upset that she had said nothing. His blood boiled at the thought of someone hurting her, and it took all he had not to lose his temper.

"Who did this to you?" he asks sternly.

Scott looks up at Katie and runs the back of his hand down the side of her face. A grin remains on his lips. "I think I like Wonderland."

Shifting his weight around, he pulls the cords back through that he'd been working with, trying to concentrate on work again. "I hope this means you'll do dinner with me tonight... He glances to her to catch her eye. "Somewhere special."

Bret sits in the hospital room, listening to the whirring and beeping of the monitors. Brandon had always been the rambunctious one of the bunch...always cracking jokes, whistling at the ladies, or bucking the system when he felt like it. To see him here now, so still...so quiet...it was strange.

The preliminary hearing would be tomorrow, and Bret would either be released, or the prosecution would bring a big enough case that it would have to go to court. He hoped that Lockheart's representation and claim against the accusations would be enough to dissolve the case before it developed at all. In the meantime, Titan Inc. was already undergoing new negotiations with a company that wanted to expose the caves and explore the possibility of a tourist attraction.

Sighing, Bret leans back in his chair. Then there was Charlotte. She'd done something to him...ignited and old spark...one that had led him to do things he never would have before. Her very presence evoked the want to throw caution out the window, and he had. Was it bad? Was he using the best judgment? Was it wise to really get involved with her when she'd just be leaving soon? He hadn't thought about anything between them really developing further than the weekend, simply due to circumstances. Seeing her after the weekend just hadn't been a choice. Was it now? If it was, what did he want?

"..a ring of fighters, huh?" Jason glances at the file of papers and a few pictures that Reese had brought to his office.

Reese nods. "Basically underground street fighting. The law has known about it, but hasn't yet pinpointed the location. But last week they found a guy dead and are pretty sure it's connected, so they want to buckle down and disband this thing. Most likely there's drugs and gambling involved along with the fighting."

"Hmm..." Jason reads the information thoughtfully.

"I want you to head up this investigation," Reese continues. "My bet would be that the best way to find out where this place is, is to get in there yourself, and you're good enough that you could. Look over this stuff and let me know what you think."

Jason was a little surprised at this responsibility. It was the first time since being back from prison that Reese had given him a case. But he couldn't say he didn't like it. "Alright. Will do."

Shame, Guilt, Embarssment, and Anger

*Misty hesatates for a moment but know there was no point Carson wouldent leave till she opened the door or he would force it open himself. Leting out a sigh Misty takes a few steps back and opens the door the rest of the way. Imeadyitly her head loswers and her gaze drops to the floor. A suddon wave of shame, guilt, embarssment, and anger rushing over her but not twords Carson. Twords the one that bore her these marks.*

"Come in if you want than if you want."

*Misty's eyes slowly rise to look Carson in the eye, as another wave of pain shoots through the side of her face.*


Carson’s eyes narrow slightly, picking up immediately on the fact that Misty was hiding behind the partially opened door. It was no like her not to immediately invite him in.

“If it’s nothing to fuss over, what are you hiding?” His hand moves to the doorframe, edging closer to her as if expecting her to shut him out.

He eyes her carefully, his tone gentle, but with a stern edge. “Open the door, Misty.”

Katie’s touch sends a tingle down Scott’s spine. No matter how much time he spent with her, he never tired of her presence, never tired of sharing this passion.

His fingers slowly comb through her hair, living in the moment, taking advantage of the few free instants that life had to offer.

Laura meanders back from the break room, her coffee cup in hand. Arriving at her cubicle, she stops, quirking an eyebrow. Cocking her head, she studies the two sets of legs that were visible, and opens her mouth with a humorous reprimand, but then stops and shakes her head.

Leaning casually against the cubicle opening, she speaks nonchalantly. “You know…there are better places to do that than under someone else’s desk.”

A grin forms on Scott’s face, but he refuses to break the exchange. “Mm-hmm,” he mumbles. His one free hand waves her off, still holding random cords to the computer.

Laura just about spits out her coffee at his response, choking on a laugh. She goes to say more, but then thinks better of it as someone walks by. She nods to them with a smile, acting as though everything is fine before speaking to Scott again. “Alright, I’m going to enjoy my cup of coffee in sweet solitary, but when I get back, I expect both of you to be breathing again.”

Rolling her eyes a little, she aims back for the break room. She didn’t have the heart to break up the harmless exchange, and from seeing Katie the night before, Laura was glad to see her sharing a moment of joy with someone.

Intimate Moment

*As Misty continues to clean around her living room she finally gets tired of the bag of peas and throws them aside going back to picking up over turned tables. Throwing some papers back onto a chair she hears the door bell ring giving alittle jump. Slowly making her way to the door she looks out the small window with caution to see who it was. Seeing its Carosn she lets out a sigh of releaf though is a bit hesatent about opening it anyways. She should of know better that he would be coming to make sure she was ok. Maybe subcontius thats why she hadent called him.

Trying to compose herself and fight the pain she felt Misty opens the door little. Keeping the part of her face that was messed up hiddon behind the door.Giving the best smile at can.*

"Hey Babe. I figured you'd be stoping by as soon as Rick told you I wasent coming in. I'm really going to be ok though. Its nothing to fuss over."

*Katie continues to smile at Scott and even give a small giggle at his comment.*

"I dont think staying down here would be such a bad thing!"

*As Katie feels Scott's lips to her once again her own eyes close and her hand finds its way to Scott's face. Her thumb caressing his cheek. Katie's heart starts to race as she returns the kiss with her own passion time stoping, where they were right now not even mattering. All Katie could consintrat on was the sweet tast of Scott's kiss. Feeling as though she were floating Katie's hand leaves Scotts face and makes its way to the back of his head offering her hand as a pillow so his head dident have to be on the hard ground. Leting the intimate moment continue.*


Scott lifts his eyebrows as he feels someone next to him while he lies on his back under Laura’s desk.

Receiving Katie’s kiss, he grins. “I’ll be the white rabbit, but only if I can let you catch me.”

His smile broadens. “And you’re welcome for the flowers.”

Looking back at the mess, he sighs. “What you’re looking at is Scott’s Wonderland instead of Alice’s. Just as topsy-turvy, but not nearly as fun. I think when I’m under here, it’s true that all I want to do is go home…”

A grin creases his lips again and he turns his head back to Katie. “Unless of course certain company sticks around, and then it’s not nearly as unpleasant under here…”

His eyes twinkle with mischief as he twists a little, able to get his arm around so his hand can pull Katie’s head back down. Giving her another kiss with passion, he forgets about work completely, leaving it up to Katie when to break the moment.

Carson wanders in to work, later than he’d wanted. He hadn’t seen Misty’s car in the lot though, so that was a plus. He could still get away with what he’d planned to tell her.

Getting inside, he heads for his cubicle and tries to start in on some work without interacting much with anyone else.

As time passes though, he looks a the clock and realizes that it’s getting late for Misty. Picking up his phone, he calls Rick. “Hey, Rick…”

Rick sits at the counter in the infirmary, hearing Carson’s voice over the intercom. “Yes?”

“You know where Misty is?”

Surprised you don’t know. She called in earlier – she’s not coming in. Said something about an accident, but assured me she was fine.”

“Accident?” Carson doesn’t even let Rick answer him as he hangs up the phone. Grabbing his keys, he wastes no time. He didn’t care if Misty had assured Rick she was fine or not.

Getting to his car, more worry hits him. Why hadn’t she called him? Why had she called Rick and not him?

It takes him very little time to get to Misty’s place, and he parks out front to walk quickly to the door. He rings the doorbell, even though he was tempted to walk right in.

Alice in Wonderland

*As Katie enters work she feels a bit better than yesterday though she was still a bit tired. Making her way to her desk she see the flowers from Scott along with the note. Lifting the bouquet of flowers to smell them she see Jason out of the courner of her eye and returns the wave along with a kind smile.

Heading to the break room Katie finds a vase and filles it with water taking it back to her desk and seting it on the edge and gently placing the flower into it. Steping back and smiling Katie gives alittle shake. Just looking at the flower put a smile on her face.

Turning Katie leaves her cubicle. She new Scott was replacing some computers this morning and hated that he had to. If only she could not make him smile like he had her. As Katie scans the cubciles she stops at Laura's seeing a par of legs sticking out from underneath it and knowing they are Scotts. Standing there for a long second Katie continplates calling to him but gets a better idea insed. Grinning Katie makes her way over and gets down on her hands and knees. Trying to keep from giggling. Flating herself out Katie squeezes under the desk on her tummy next to Scott. Because of her small frame Katie didnt have much of a problem.*

"Man....I feel like Alice when she went through the tunnel to chase the while rabbit."

*Katie gives a grin at Scott as she takes her hand and brings it to the side of his face tilting his head twords her.*

"If you want you can be the white rabbit and I'll chase after you."

*Katie smile and than adds.*

"Thank you for the flowers Scotty."

*Leaning in to Scott Katie presses her lips to his leting the moment linger. Than pulling away she smiles.*

"So whats this mess of stuff under here anyways."

*Misty wakes in the morning with a start her head was thrabing. What happend last night. Siting up her head starts to spin causing her to fall back onto her pillow. When everything finally start to stop she sits up slowly again. It felt like her face was on fire and the tast of blood was in her mouth. Geting out of bed Misty makes her way to the bathroom. Stairing at the reflection in the marror Misty can hardly believe thats her looking back. It had been along time since she had goen a nice shinner, and her lip broken open. Grabbing a few sapply from the cabnit Misty exits and heads for the kitchen stops and looking around in the living room. Table were over turned, and books were thrown everywhere. Slowly the memories of this morning come back to Misty and if she remember correctly her brother wouldent be back puting up a good fight of her own he was probley in some pain too. Continuing to the kitchen Misty cleans up her cuts and the blood off her lip. Though her eyes still was a nice shake of purple and black there was no way she could go to work like this. Not to mention she had to clean her house up. She dident want to hide what happend from everyone but she just dident feel like explaining anything eather.

Grabing her phone she dials the number for Rick waiting till he answers. Finding it a bit hard to talk Misty fights through the pain keeping her voice calm and trying to sound normal she speaks though dosent know how well she was doing.*

"Hey Rick its Misty. I was just calling to let you know I wouldent be making it into work today...ya I'm ok I just...."

*Misty feels a stab of pain shoot though her face as she pauses for a moment before starting again.*

"...I just had an accident last night. Everythings all right I just need some rest. Just pile whatever work you have for me on my desk and I'll stay extra late tomarrow. Yeah ok...if anyone needs me you know my number....yes Rick I am sure. Stop worrying so much. Ok I'll talk to you later. Bye."

*After hanging up the phone with Rick Misty goes to the fridge and grabs a page of frozen peas and places them on her eye making her way to the living room to start cleaning up mess.*


Scott grins and returns Katie’s kiss, giving her and extra little squeeze. “Alright then, come on.”

Helping her up and into his car, he takes her back to her home. Getting into the driveway, he stops, knowing she can make it the rest of the way on her own.

Reaching over, he takes her hand. He would ask no questions, but he was open. “I’m here for you, Katie…if you ever need to talk.”

Bidding her goodnight with one last kiss, he lets her go, making sure she’s inside before pulling away.


Scott gets into work early, not looking forward to setting up several new computers, but ready to start the day nonetheless.

Stopping by Katie’s cubicle first though, he deposits the bouquet of flowers on her desk, leaving a handwritten note.

Just because.

Jason shuts off his pickup and gets out, making his way slowly into work. Last night had been a restless one. He’d been exhausted, but his mind had been too active to sleep. He would have called in sick today, but Reese had mentioned the possibility of a new case for him, and he wasn’t about to turn that down. He was good and ready for something other than paperwork.

Getting inside and down the elevator, he says hi to Nate and Laura, and cocks his head to look down the row of cubicles. Spotting Katie, he gives a little wave, then continues his route to his office, Trooper right behind him.