

Carson’s eyes narrow slightly, picking up immediately on the fact that Misty was hiding behind the partially opened door. It was no like her not to immediately invite him in.

“If it’s nothing to fuss over, what are you hiding?” His hand moves to the doorframe, edging closer to her as if expecting her to shut him out.

He eyes her carefully, his tone gentle, but with a stern edge. “Open the door, Misty.”

Katie’s touch sends a tingle down Scott’s spine. No matter how much time he spent with her, he never tired of her presence, never tired of sharing this passion.

His fingers slowly comb through her hair, living in the moment, taking advantage of the few free instants that life had to offer.

Laura meanders back from the break room, her coffee cup in hand. Arriving at her cubicle, she stops, quirking an eyebrow. Cocking her head, she studies the two sets of legs that were visible, and opens her mouth with a humorous reprimand, but then stops and shakes her head.

Leaning casually against the cubicle opening, she speaks nonchalantly. “You know…there are better places to do that than under someone else’s desk.”

A grin forms on Scott’s face, but he refuses to break the exchange. “Mm-hmm,” he mumbles. His one free hand waves her off, still holding random cords to the computer.

Laura just about spits out her coffee at his response, choking on a laugh. She goes to say more, but then thinks better of it as someone walks by. She nods to them with a smile, acting as though everything is fine before speaking to Scott again. “Alright, I’m going to enjoy my cup of coffee in sweet solitary, but when I get back, I expect both of you to be breathing again.”

Rolling her eyes a little, she aims back for the break room. She didn’t have the heart to break up the harmless exchange, and from seeing Katie the night before, Laura was glad to see her sharing a moment of joy with someone.

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