
Alice in Wonderland

*As Katie enters work she feels a bit better than yesterday though she was still a bit tired. Making her way to her desk she see the flowers from Scott along with the note. Lifting the bouquet of flowers to smell them she see Jason out of the courner of her eye and returns the wave along with a kind smile.

Heading to the break room Katie finds a vase and filles it with water taking it back to her desk and seting it on the edge and gently placing the flower into it. Steping back and smiling Katie gives alittle shake. Just looking at the flower put a smile on her face.

Turning Katie leaves her cubicle. She new Scott was replacing some computers this morning and hated that he had to. If only she could not make him smile like he had her. As Katie scans the cubciles she stops at Laura's seeing a par of legs sticking out from underneath it and knowing they are Scotts. Standing there for a long second Katie continplates calling to him but gets a better idea insed. Grinning Katie makes her way over and gets down on her hands and knees. Trying to keep from giggling. Flating herself out Katie squeezes under the desk on her tummy next to Scott. Because of her small frame Katie didnt have much of a problem.*

"Man....I feel like Alice when she went through the tunnel to chase the while rabbit."

*Katie gives a grin at Scott as she takes her hand and brings it to the side of his face tilting his head twords her.*

"If you want you can be the white rabbit and I'll chase after you."

*Katie smile and than adds.*

"Thank you for the flowers Scotty."

*Leaning in to Scott Katie presses her lips to his leting the moment linger. Than pulling away she smiles.*

"So whats this mess of stuff under here anyways."

*Misty wakes in the morning with a start her head was thrabing. What happend last night. Siting up her head starts to spin causing her to fall back onto her pillow. When everything finally start to stop she sits up slowly again. It felt like her face was on fire and the tast of blood was in her mouth. Geting out of bed Misty makes her way to the bathroom. Stairing at the reflection in the marror Misty can hardly believe thats her looking back. It had been along time since she had goen a nice shinner, and her lip broken open. Grabbing a few sapply from the cabnit Misty exits and heads for the kitchen stops and looking around in the living room. Table were over turned, and books were thrown everywhere. Slowly the memories of this morning come back to Misty and if she remember correctly her brother wouldent be back puting up a good fight of her own he was probley in some pain too. Continuing to the kitchen Misty cleans up her cuts and the blood off her lip. Though her eyes still was a nice shake of purple and black there was no way she could go to work like this. Not to mention she had to clean her house up. She dident want to hide what happend from everyone but she just dident feel like explaining anything eather.

Grabing her phone she dials the number for Rick waiting till he answers. Finding it a bit hard to talk Misty fights through the pain keeping her voice calm and trying to sound normal she speaks though dosent know how well she was doing.*

"Hey Rick its Misty. I was just calling to let you know I wouldent be making it into work today...ya I'm ok I just...."

*Misty feels a stab of pain shoot though her face as she pauses for a moment before starting again.*

"...I just had an accident last night. Everythings all right I just need some rest. Just pile whatever work you have for me on my desk and I'll stay extra late tomarrow. Yeah ok...if anyone needs me you know my number....yes Rick I am sure. Stop worrying so much. Ok I'll talk to you later. Bye."

*After hanging up the phone with Rick Misty goes to the fridge and grabs a page of frozen peas and places them on her eye making her way to the living room to start cleaning up mess.*

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