

*Katie cant help her own smile that comes to her face seeing and feeling Jason's. He was going to be ok and that made her feel good. After Jason was gone Katie tryed to go back to work to at least get something done.*

"....Laura Scott's here I am leaving now. I dont know when I'll be home but it shouldent be to late."

*The rest of Katie's day went pretty fast after she recovered from the afternoon lunch Jason had. What little work she had gotten done made the time go faster.

Now showerd and read to go Katie makes her way for the front door. Her hair damp and givin a messed up look still braught out her eyes more than normal wairing just a hint of make up but not to much. She wore a nice Navy blue tanktop that was silk and a pare of black dress pants along with her dress shoes. She was casule but dressy.

Making her way out of the house she smiles seeing Scott. Opening the passanger side door she slips in next to Scott and leans over to give him a soft kiss.*

"Hey there Hottie! Where we headed tonight?"

*Misty sits in the now cleaned up living room scaning her DVDs. She had so many she wasent sure what one she wanted to watch. The rest of her afternoon had been ok after Rick had checked her over and she again reasured everyone she was ok. The day had passed fast her work keeping her busy. Now she was back home and like Carson had promised she wouldent be alone.

Misty continus to scan the movie finding her new had alittle bit of everything. Going into the Kitchen she wraps her arms around Carson and smiles.*

"How about the Princess Brides thats always a good one."

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