

Scott continues to search Katie’s eyes, trying to read into them…to read into her thoughts, her feelings.

He gives a little nod, holding his smile. “Of course you don’t have to answer me tonight.”

As his anxiousness heightens, he wipes a bead of sweat from his brow. “I couldn’t expect you to decide within five minutes.”

Licking his dry lips, Scott takes a sip of his water, his hand shaking slightly. What was wrong with him? What had started out as a hint of nervousness was suddenly becoming an attack, making his pulse race.

Distracted from the subject at hand, he blinks, trying to keep his eyes in focus. Rubbing his forehead as it starts to ache, he stands up. “I’ll be right back…” But no sooner were the words out of his mouth, than a wave of dizziness hits him hard enough to make him lean on the table to keep himself from falling to the floor. He’d never had an anxiety attack before, but right about now, he wasn’t convinced he wasn’t having one.

Jason sits on his couch flipping tv channels and chewing on a ham sandwich for supper. Trooper sits nearby, begging for crumbs, and Jason rolls his eyes, giving in and tossing the dog a potato chip.

As he watches a show with disinterest, he suddenly stops. Something felt…funny…out of place…

He tries to shake it off, but it persists. It’s almost as if… No, that would just be too strange. But… it’s almost as if his connection with Katie had lessened…as if her unexplainable pull on his emotions had been partially diverted, leaving him without a full dose.

But…he was blocking nothing, so…what could cause that?

Jason knew Katie was out with Scott tonight, but something warned him not to take this lightly. Something was wrong…and he needed to make sure she was okay. With as unstable as they both had been, he didn’t want to ignore anything right now.

Picking up his phone, he dials Katie’s cell and waits.

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