
Phone Call

*As Katie watching Scott she can once again see the look in his eyes change and his hands shaking. For a moment Katie believes Scott when he says he is going to be ok. But as he stands and starts to teater it dosent take Katie long to get to Scott's side and is helping him so he dosent fall over. Her mind reverting from the conversation they were just having to worrying about Scott.*

"Whoa there Scotty. Sit back down for a moment."

*Katie hears her phone ring but leaves it unanswered for the moment as she eases Scott back down in his chair and sqots down next to him.*

"Breath Scott....are you ok? Do you think the fish you eat was bad?"

*Taking the glass of water Katie hands it to Scott leting him take a sip her phone still ringing. Become frustrated that who ever was calling would hang up already Katie lets Scott know she will be right back and to keep breathing. Taking her phone and heading away from the table alittle bit Katie finally answers it.*


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