

At Misty’s words, Carson feels a pang of guilt. She had confidence in him, but he’d already failed. He should have known to keep a closer eye on her after what had happened with Frankie. And even now…she was trusting him, and he was betraying that trust without her even knowing it.

Leaning over, he gives her a tender kiss, careful to avoid her injury. Looking in her eyes, he knows his own are weary, despite his effort to remain his confident self. “Come on. You don’t have to follow – I’ll drive you myself.”

Jason’s jaw tightens as he contains the humor he feels for this situation. He felt badly for Katie, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but find it a little funny. Even though she felt his pain, she wasn’t literally hurt, though he was sure by the evidence on her desk that it hadn’t been enjoyable.

He clears his throat, still a bit sheepish. “Don’t I always owe you?” For just a moment, almost too quick for anyone to catch, a genuine smile toys with the corner of his mouth, unforced and natural. “I’ll try to give you better warning for the next time…the waiter at the restaurant has challenged me now.”

Like a mist, the smile is gone, but remains in his eyes as he throws Katie a wink. “See you later.”

Scott pulls up to the curb in front of Katie and Laura’s house and honks the horn once, though isn’t in a hurry at all. He’s dressed nicer than he usually dresses for work, smelling of cologne, his hair still damp from his shower. A thousand and one thoughts run through his mind of what he wants to say to Katie tonight. He was usually confident around her, but for once, he was just a little nervous.

Carson drops his sleeping bag inside the door at Misty’s, along with his pillow and duffle bag. He’d said she wouldn’t be alone, and he’d meant it. At least until he was sure Frankie really wasn’t coming back. What he really wanted to do was go on the town to find him, but he wasn't going to leave Misty alone for that long. A portion of him almost hoped Frankie would show up tonight so he could give him what he really wanted.

Heading for the kitchen, he opens the bag of take-out Chinese food and finds some dishes. “Your pick of movies,” he calls to Misty.

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