

Bret isn’t surprised about Charlotte’s questioning, though he’d hoped it wouldn’t happen.

Looking down, he rubs his thumb on her hand… Her skin was so soft compared to his… so warm.

It takes him several minutes to finally give a little sigh, and shake his head. Glancing at Charlotte again, he moves to put his arm around her and draw her close, resting her head on his chest. Burying his face in her hair for a moment, he takes a deep breath, just wishing life were easier.

He knows Charlotte’s waiting for an answer…and he knows that it must look awfully strange that he isn’t offering one right away. But he just didn’t know what to say. He could come up with an excuse easy. He’d done it before. He could come up with an excuse anytime for anything. But there was just something about Charlotte that made it harder with her. He could lie to a lot of people… but the thought of lying to her…he wasn’t sure he could do it.

But this whole thing… it was just a part of things he’d never told Charlotte before. There was a lot about him she didn’t know… a lot of things that hurt when he thought about them, but that perhaps he should tell her before any of it came up down the road and ruined anything.

Finally Bret lets her go and sits up straight again, but his eyes remain down. His fingers lace through hers for courage. “You know…” His voice is low, and there’s more emotion in it than normal. “…Soon as I was out of highschool, I was already doing some weekend racing at a local track. I was the youngest, but the best. I could make a car do anything.” A slight smile breaks through before seriousness returns. “I’d been with it a few years though, when I got mad at my partner for cutting me off, and after the race I lost my temper. Threw my weight around too much and I got banned from the circuit. It, uh…well, the track was actually where I’d met Maria. She kept going with me even after that whole fiasco…”

He pauses again, reflecting. “…I loved her. But…we had our problems. I think she loved me too, but I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. There were too many difference between us. We got along real good, then a while after we were married, we started fighting all the time about stupid stuff. I got mad…I started doing stupid stuff out of spite. I don’t know…”

He shrugs, not liking this topic, but wanting to share out of respect. “Anyway…I started hanging out with my old buddies from the track…but they had ideas for fun that weren’t exactly in line with the law.”

Bret thinks for a moment, then leans over to the table to pick up the license plates and look at them. “We got this bright idea to get some quick cash. There was a bank in town that only had one security guard. I was still a good driver, so…I was picked to drive the getaway car.”

He runs his thumb over the edge of one of the plates. “We’d switch out plates on the car so no one could report us… we’d get there…two of the guys would go in with guns, I’d wait, and soon as they got back in, we’d take off. Even if we had cops tailing us, I was good enough that we’d lose ‘em. Worked good for a while…but one time we got caught.”

Bret sets the plates back down on the table, and lets go of Charlotte’s hand to stand up, pacing just a little. “I was the only one ending up in jail though…the guys bailed on me. But…it gave me prime opportunity to squeal on them to save my own hide. So I did. Because I gave up all the information the law wanted, I was set free with a bazillion and one warnings. Got my license taken away for a year, had to pay fines, and had to do some community service. Though I guess it was better than being behind bars like the other guys.”

Turning around, he’s brave enough to look at Charlotte again. “Thing was…that was the out that Maria had been looking for, and a couple weeks later, she was gone and I was getting served papers. Divorce court was messy…I ended up with my car and house and that was about it.”

Bret’s eyes eventually look down again, proving that he’d had feelings there once, and that despite arguments, there had been love there for Maria.

“It was over after that. I skipped around…wound up with Titan, and the rest his history. …Until a few weeks back.” He stops, biting the inside of his lip. Charlotte respected the law, and something like this would not only disappoint her, but she might tell others too. Him talking now was as good as him turning down his buddies. Was it worth it?

“I started getting bugged. My buddies are back, and they’ve planned a series of heists. They don’t have a good enough driver, so they’ve asked me. And…they say if I don’t do it, they’ll not only smear my name all over for the past, but they’ve threatened worse things…things that could get people hurt. ‘Course, they’re betting on the fact that I still crave driving…which…I do.”

Bret paces some more, not even sure why he was spilling all of this. He hadn’t planned it this way. It was just…he just couldn’t…lying to Charlotte was impossible. Period.

“So…I said yes to them. I said yes, and I know their plans. Well…not all of them. I don’t know where they’re hitting first. But…the first one is tomorrow.”

He walks over to the table and leans down to pick up a plate again. “I go, I get rich and drive one more time. I don’t go, and I risk getting hurt or worse, or someone I care about getting hurt.”

He stares at the plate numbers, the right and wrong playing tug-o-war in his soul. Then his eyes drift to Charlotte again. His gaze was dim. He knew he was wrong. He knew going against the law was wrong, and just as stupid as the first time. But there was more…

“Sometimes I wonder if I hadn’t ever gotten involved in the robberies in the first place, if I would have had a chance at keeping Maria. I don’t know…I don’t know if I would have or not. But…”

Bret’s shoulders drop and he tosses the plate onto the table. Sinking down again next to Charlotte on the couch, his slouched body language portrays surrender. “…but I can’t take that risk again…I just can’t do it.”

He lifts his eyes to meet Charlotte’s. “I don’t know why you mean so much to me, Charlotte. Ever since I met you, you just….do something to me that no one else does. You just…give me life… you’ve put meaning back into my life and…and I feel like I can’t even live without it anymore.”

He shakes his head slightly. “Why I even said yes to these guys this time around, I don’t know. But…looking at you now, and telling you all of this…I just can’t go through with it. So tomorrow…they’ll be looking for me. Because I’m not going to show up and be their driver. I can’t…because I don’t want to risk losing you. Unless I already have, just with this information...and if that's the case, tomorrow you'll be gone too.”

Leaning back, he closes his eyes, as if almost thinking if he couldn’t see the turmoil around him, maybe it didn’t really exist. “So there you go…that’s why I have plates in my house.”


*Charlotte sits quiet as Bret comes in the house a smile spreading across her face as she receves the kiss. Once Bret sits down and realizes she knows about the envilop she lets out a sigh and takes Bret's hand in her own.*

"Bret, you know I don't invade you privacy and I don't ask to many questions because your business is your business, but the continuance of that envelops has me a little worried Bret. Can you just enlighten me a little just this once so I am stop worrying."

*Charlotte looks at Bret searching his eyes and showing there worry while her tone stay calm and cool. She didn't want to come across upset or angry she just wanted a few answers.*

So anyway...

"Hey!" A smile spreads across Carson's face as he comes out of the kitchen to greet Jess. "That's great!"

Coming around the counter, he goes to the booth, leaning down to plant a kiss on Jess' lips. "You realize this means I'll just have to bring supper over some night so we don't have to eat Herb's food all the time like we have been..." He glances over his shoulder to look to the kitchen, not knowing if Herb had heard him or not.

Looking back to Jess, he gives her a wink. "I got food on the stove, but I get a break in a while. Got time for a bored Aussie?"

"...Anyway, so that's what happened there." Jason shrugs, leaning his elbows on the cafe table, stirring the frozen mocha treat with his straw. It was after lunch, but he'd taken up Misty's offer to go do something, and they'd ended up here for something sweet. He'd just gotten done telling her what had happened in Texas, and about Katie's reactions.

"So if I'm on edge, I apologize. This whole thing just doesn't set right with me I guess. I don't know where she is...I'm assuming she went up on the mountain for some alone time, but she's never shut me out before."

He shrugs again, and licks some whipped cream off his straw. "But enough about that. I see you and Kyle together a lot lately... you two serious, or just hanging out?" His eyes gain back a little twinkle. That wasn't a question he could get away with, with anyone else but her.

Bret skips up the porch steps, looking over his shoulder at Charlotte’s car in the driveway. She must have decided to do some cleaning. He hadn’t thought about her coming over today…not that he minded. Some men might not like it to have a woman coming to clean their house, but in a way, Bret enjoyed it. Truth be known, even when he did think about cleaning up a little, he usually didn’t… if there was a mess, Charlotte had a reason to come back.

Getting inside, he sees the back of Charlotte’s head on the couch and grins. Walking quietly, even though he knew she’d know he was there, he comes up behind her. Leaning down over the couch, he slings his arm around her and kisses her almost upside down, cocking his head to see her eyes. “Hi.”

Giving her shoulders a quick rub, he straightens up, then comes around to flop down next to her. “Decided to clean some more, eh?” He nods and looks around. “Maybe it needed it. So, what…”

Bret’s voice trails off as suddenly as his eyes land on the envelope that sat on the table. He pauses, and swallows hard. He turns his head back to look at Charlotte. “Finding interesting things?”


*Walking over to the counter Misty empty some of the pills onto a tray and grabs another bottle. Count some out for Jason enough to last a few weeks she puts them in the bottle and goes to the computer to print a lable for it. Finally looking up at Jason she gives a small smile.*

"I'm doing ok. Not amazing yet but I am a lot better than I was and am continuing to work on it. I guess as life moves on you slowly get use to the changed. Kyle's been a big help to, its never a dule moment with him around."

*Looking down at the computer again for a moment Misty does some clicking.*

"Yeah, I guess even when you work in the same place as someone alse sometimes its just hard to get ahold of them to talk. I think I am going to try and start talking to my friends more and stop taking them for granted ya know. You never know when that might be the last time you see them."

*Misty gives a smile to Jason as she walks back over with the bottle.*

"I think I am going to start with you. Would you like to go out for some coffee or lunch?"

*The small bells ring as Jess enters Mom and Pop's. Jess excitment over flowing. To some this would not be a big deal but to her this was. TO find someone who accepted her and was going to trust her it made Jess feel real good. Sitting down at her normal booth Jess waves to Carson and dosnt even wait for him to come around to the frunt.*

"Guess what? I found a place. I am going to meet the lady tomarrow."

*Jess gives a big smile.*

*CHarlotte heads up Bret's sidewalk after having lunch with him. It was an early lunch and he had other planes with friends. Having the day off Charlotte had nothing alse planed so she headed back to Bret's house to clean. It was normal not for her to come over once a week and clean, but the last few weeks she had been so busy with work she dident and it had been naglected. Now it REALLY needed to be done.

Starting in the kitchen Charlotte goes through the house and cleans it top to bottem. She didnt mind she liked it.

Getting to the closet she finds a mess load of papers and rolls her eyes to herself. Bringing all the papers out she spreads them across the table and thumbs through them seeing if they were important enough to keep. Most of them were not. Coming across a manella envilops Charlotte just looks at it for a moment. It seemed a little heavy. Opening it to make sure it was something unimportant before she threw it away Charlotte comes across the plates and a letter. Glancing over it her face frowns. What was this? What was Bret doing?

Throwing the rest of the papers out Charlotte keeps the folder on the table and goes into the living room to sit down watching tv. She never pryed into Bret business but now, this she though at least she could ask about it when he got home.*


On break, Carson sinks down on his bed for a moment, taking a quick breather before the next customer rush started. He was working a lot lately... and though not on the clock part of the time, he'd rather be working here than out getting into trouble, so he didn't mind. At least spending time with Jess had not only given him something safe to do, but it had gotten him away from Mom and Pop's when he needed to as well.

Glancing to the little night stand, Carson spies the shoe box stuffed underneath. Going for it, he picks it up and lifts the lid to browse through the few treasures that he did have. A few pictures... melancholy sets in.

Reaching the bottom, he gives a sigh as he pulls out the gold chain and locket. He flips it open to look at the picture for a moment, then closes it again. Fingering it for a few moments, his mind wanders. He liked Jess...he had fun with her... she'd given him friendship, and while helping her, she'd helped him too. But his heart kept going back to what he'd lost. Would he be able to move on, or would he always do that? And if so, was he not being fair to Jess?

Putting the locket away, he stuffs the box away too, and slaps his cap back on his head. Work was a good distraction. He heads back to the kitchen, asking Herb what was next on the list.

Reese cringes as he hears the noise too, and looks at Angelica with sympathy. "Me? Why do you think I always yell for Scott? He's..." His voice trails off as he realizes he hadn't spoken in past tense. Sighing a little, he shakes his head. "I don't know a thing. I'd shut it off then start it again... maybe ask Jason. He's more savvy than I am."

Shaking his head again, he reaches for a folder. "We just can't keep going like this. We've got to get a tech guy in house here before we all go crazy." He thinks for a moment, knowing that the door down the hall hadn't been opened since he'd last been in there. For some reason, it just felt wrong to put someone else in there. But...life had to go on.

"Maybe the guys in Arizona have some extra hands."

Jason slides off the table and looks at the bottle in Misty's hand, a little skeptically at first, but then shrugs. "Hey, if it works..."

Rick nods with agreement. "That's a good idea, Misty. I don't know why I didn't think about that. Come to think of it, Jase...it might not be a bad idea for you to carry some of those with you all the time... If you ever have an attack and your sugar plummets and there's no food around, you could get into some big trouble."

Jason doesn't like it, but nods. "Alright. I think I can do that." He gives Misty a look to go ahead. "Set me up, Doc."

As Rick walks away to go back to his work, Jason cocks his head at Misty. He hadn't had much of a chance to talk to her lately, but she'd been looking better and better. "So how are you doing, Misty? Seems like I see you every day but never talk to you."

Bret hangs up his phone and glances to the hall closet. Things had been on hold for a couple weeks now and everyone was getting anxious... especially him. But it wasn't excitement that drove him... it was guilt. He shouldn't be doing this... not risking a second round like he went through before. But... followed by threats, what could he do? And it was a way to get some quick cash. But... what was he really willing to risk?

He looks at the clock. He was supposed to meet Charlotte for lunch. He could tell that she'd sensed something wasn't right lately, but she'd respected his privacy. That was more than Maria had ever done...and yet...maybe it would be better if he were forced to reveal what was really going on. Did he really want to risk ruining another relationship? There had been an awful lot more involved with Maria's leaving, but this same thing is what had been the straw to break the camel's back. His feelings for Charlotte had grown more than he might admit... did he really want to risk losing her?

Half House

*The rain starts pouring faster as Katie takes shelter in her tent. It figured, her aunt had said about how nice the whole summer had been very little rain and now, now of all times it had to start. If she had any sence Katie would make her way down the moutain now. The way the rain was coming it was going to get pretty mucky and slippery. Kate new better than to be up her when it was raining. But she wasnt ready to go home yet. Her head was still a mess and not to mention she was all cut up and her aunt would freak more than she probely was now. No...Katie wanted to continue being alone. Loners don't get hurt. Yes being alone for now was safe. If the rain let up in a little bit Katie would be on her way up higher.*

*Jess pases her livingroom floor the phone glued to her ear.*

"Thank you Ms. Fergason. Yes I understand. Yes I should have the money in a week or two if you can hold it for me."

*Even though no one could see her Jess nodded her head to the last on the phone anyways. The excitment was building inside of her. After going to see an apartment this morning the landlord had called her back right away and wanted to work something out. The last new about Jess past but from how she talked on the phone so far she was willing to give Jess a chanse.*

"Ok...yes. Tomarrow for lunch, ok I can do that. Ok...ok thank you Ms. Fergason."

*Jess hangs up the phone and in a moment happyness searges through her. The halfahouse that she had looked at in the paper would be hers tomarrow when she signed for it. Giving an excited squeel Jess leaves her apartment locking the doorbehind her and going to her car. Making her way to Mom and Pop's she couldnt wait to tell Carson the good news.*

*Angelica gives a knock on Reese door as a horrable noise comes from her office. It almost sounded like something was grinding and it felt like nails on a chalkbored.

Poking her head in her tils her head to the side the the horrable noise continues and it proves to be hurting her ears.*

"Reese, you wouldnt happen to know anything about computers would you? I am usally good with them but...I just cant figure out for the life of me why it is making that noise and its driving me batty not to mention everyone alse."

*As the conversation with Jason and his sugar continues Misty cant help but let her heart go out to him. Not only was his sugar going crazy but he lost his connection and his best friend. Misty could only imagen how hard that was.

Sitting back in her chair she continplates options for Jason is the continues before standing and going over to the cabnit. Pulling out a bottle of red pills she walks over to Jason.*

"I over hurd your sugar is crazy at the moment, and the only way to correct it is to keep eating. Well what happend when you full right?"

*Misty hold up the bottle.*

"These are sugar pills. Some people with low bloodsugar that is REALLY REALLY bad take these because its the only wait to maintain it for them. They could work fo you to. They are completely harmless because all they are is sugar. So if your intrested I could get you some to help out."


Carson grins as Jess returns, not resisting to put his arm around her again. "I think I can do that."

He thinks for a moment, then gives just a little nod. "Yeah...Jen's a neat woman." For a moment, his eyes drift back to Axel, then back to Jess again. "That guy seems nice. Doesn't stick inside his group like the others do, does he..."

Giving a sigh, he settles back for a little while longer, until people start heading off in their own directions for the night.

"Grease!" Logan calls to his friend. "Hey!"

Axel is still watching Jess return to Carson, but finally turns around, taking his time getting back to his friends. "What?"

"Don't act so thrilled," Logan razzes. "Jam session at Mike's on Thursday."


"Oh, and I talked to a guy here who might want Cryptic for a little gig in a few weeks."

"I thought we weren't planning anything for a while."

Logan shrugs. "Didn't think I should pass it up."

Axel gives him a weary grin. "Whatever."

Max comes up behind him, resting an arm casually on his shoulder. "Stealing girls again, or what, man?"

Axel turns to look at him, and shrugs off his arm. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Mm-hmm..." Max quirks an eyebrow. "She's pretty...but looks like she's taken already."

"And you think...?" Axel looks at him with a look of apathy.

"You did snatch her up pretty quick when her boyfriend walked away."

Axel purses his lips, then sets a hand on Max's shoulder, looking him in the eye. "I'd try to explain, but I don't think your brain could comprehend it. So...you just keep thinking you got it figured out if it'll make you happy." He gives him a pat. "Just don't go spreading that wild imagination around. Might get you into trouble sometimes."

Max rolls his eyes as Axel walks away, then shakes his head before joining in another conversation.

Finally Carson gives Jess a little nudge. "If I stay here much longer, I think I'm gonna fall asleep. "Walk you home?"

Jen hears them preparing to leave, and makes a point of seeing them again. "Thanks for coming, guys. It was a lot of fun having you here."

Carson is standing, and looks down at her, cocking his head. "Well...thanks for the invite."

Jen grins. "Would you come again?"

Carson has to think a moment. He expected himself to really say no, but...for some reason, he didn't want to. "I might."

"Good." Jen gives a little wave. "Safe walk home. I'll see you guys around Mom and Pop's probably."

"Yeah, sure." Carson watches Jen join back up with Mike. He'd been expecting an invite or prompt to church...most people in the past had pressured him that way. But Jen hadn't. Interesting. "Alright...let's go."

Jason's eyes fly open for the third time. He rolls over with a groan, knowing what it was this time. "Katie, cut it out," he growls to the dark. Was she doing this on purpose or what? He didn't know. He couldn't tell. But every time the valve to the emotional pull was open again, it woke him up, just to be shut off again. It was like standing at a sink and fooling with the knobs. On, off, on off. He had no idea what Katie was feeling - he never did. He didn't have the ability to know what was setting her off, or ever what it was she was feeling. Her emotions were unreadable to him. But it could only be one of two things... Either she was consciously opening up and closing down again, or something was bothering her enough that she couldn't hold it anymore, then she regained control.

It was starting to bother Jason to think that it was something that was bothering her. Apparently she didn't want him involved, so there wasn't much he could do. But not knowing was killing him. Usually she only lost control when she was upset enough about something, or was startled or scared, to break her concentration. But he was clueless as to what it was this time.

Jason wasn't sure if he was more irritated with being woken up, not knowing what was going on, or just the fact that he was closed off. Feeling a little dizzy, he gets up to drink some juice, then heads back to bed. It was going to be a long night.

"Earth to Jason." Reese waves a hand in front of Jason's face.


Reese looks across Jason's desk at his weary eyes. "You okay?"


"You don't look so hot."

"I don't feel so hot."

Reese's concern grows. He'd been trying to tell Jason to go see Nate about a case they were on, but Jason didn't look well at all. "How about going to see Rick?"

For once, Jason didn't argue. He'd been having dizzy spells all morning, his knees felt weak, and he couldn't think straight. Getting up from his desk, he trudges to his door, but stops. "What was it you wanted?"

"Nevermind. Just go."

Jason lamely obeys, going to the infirmary. He sees Misty and gives a little wave, then looks to Rick. "Hey, doc."

Rick raises his eyebrows. "You look...terrible."

"Oh, thanks." Jason sits on the table.

"Rough night?"

"Awful." Jason sits still as Rick shines a light in his eyes. "I can't think...I keep getting dizzy..."

"Had anything to eat?"

"Yeah...breakfast...glass of OJ about two hours ago."

Rick purses his lips in thought. "Let me check your blood sugar." It only takes a few moments, and Rick shakes his head. "Jase, you're pretty low. No wonder you feel like crap."

"But I had plenty of sugar this morning."

Rick sighs, folding his arms on his chest. "How are you emotions?"

"Just as awful. Katie shut me out as much as she can and it's driving me bonkers."

Rick shrugs. "Well there's your answer."

"What do you mean?"

"She shut you out. What does that do to you?"

Jason shakes his head. "I don't know. It...like...keeps my emotions from getting out I guess. Like a kink in a hose."

"And what did we discover your heightened emotions do?"

"Changes stuff....chemical makeup..."

"Right." Rick nods. "Your emotions aren't going anywhere, so they're affecting your blood sugar like they do when you get upset and they go haywire."

"Oh great."

"Grab some fruit from the breakroom and just keep snacking. It should balance it out."

The Night

*Jess can't help but shake her head as Axel talks. The ton in his voice adding to his words and his smile making anyone believe about how true they could be.

And Jess dances with Axel she gets lost in the music as he guild her around the fire. Her feet moving without her even knowing it.*

"Your some guy you know that? Your actully getting me to dance alright."

*As the music stops and Axel brings Jess hand to her lips her eye dont break from him. There was that look again. That glind that was almost hypantising.

Giving a small bow to Axel Jess smiles as she whispers.*

"It was my pleasure."

*Breaking away from Axel Jess returns to Carson side and sits down. Giving him a smile she nods.*

"Did you have a nice talk with Jen?"

*Leaning into Carson a little bit Jess takes his arm and put it around her giving a smile.*

"You have to keep me warm, I'm getting chilli."

*Jess liked spending time with Carson she always did. Even back in the day She liked to talk to him and be around him. Now it was differnt and Carson was differnt but Jess liked it. Her and Carson got along, they new hope to joke and they just seemed there for eachother. It helped Jess with a new confadince to know that she was wanted by a decint guy.*

*Putting her hands behind her head Katie looks up at the stars twinkling in the night as the crackling of the fire roars next to her. The night was a bit chilli but the fire offered Katie all the warmth she needed the light playing shadows, as they danced on the trees and rocks. Normanl Katie would be enjoying this but not tonight her mind was a million miles away still bouncing one thing to the next. For a moment Katie's mind wanders to Jason wondering what he was doing. She couldnt help but worry he was ok and for a moment Katie wants to open up the connection again but almost as fast as the thought came, it was gone again. No she couldnt, not now not yet. Finally as the night went on and the fire started to die Katie cralwed into her tent and snuggled under the covers trying to get some rest. But good dreams did not come as Katie tossed and turns the nightmairs invading her mind. Once and a while waking her with such a start she lost controll of her block and let some strong feeling slip out only to relize and close it back up trying to fall asleep again.*