

Carson grins as Jess returns, not resisting to put his arm around her again. "I think I can do that."

He thinks for a moment, then gives just a little nod. "Yeah...Jen's a neat woman." For a moment, his eyes drift back to Axel, then back to Jess again. "That guy seems nice. Doesn't stick inside his group like the others do, does he..."

Giving a sigh, he settles back for a little while longer, until people start heading off in their own directions for the night.

"Grease!" Logan calls to his friend. "Hey!"

Axel is still watching Jess return to Carson, but finally turns around, taking his time getting back to his friends. "What?"

"Don't act so thrilled," Logan razzes. "Jam session at Mike's on Thursday."


"Oh, and I talked to a guy here who might want Cryptic for a little gig in a few weeks."

"I thought we weren't planning anything for a while."

Logan shrugs. "Didn't think I should pass it up."

Axel gives him a weary grin. "Whatever."

Max comes up behind him, resting an arm casually on his shoulder. "Stealing girls again, or what, man?"

Axel turns to look at him, and shrugs off his arm. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Mm-hmm..." Max quirks an eyebrow. "She's pretty...but looks like she's taken already."

"And you think...?" Axel looks at him with a look of apathy.

"You did snatch her up pretty quick when her boyfriend walked away."

Axel purses his lips, then sets a hand on Max's shoulder, looking him in the eye. "I'd try to explain, but I don't think your brain could comprehend it. So...you just keep thinking you got it figured out if it'll make you happy." He gives him a pat. "Just don't go spreading that wild imagination around. Might get you into trouble sometimes."

Max rolls his eyes as Axel walks away, then shakes his head before joining in another conversation.

Finally Carson gives Jess a little nudge. "If I stay here much longer, I think I'm gonna fall asleep. "Walk you home?"

Jen hears them preparing to leave, and makes a point of seeing them again. "Thanks for coming, guys. It was a lot of fun having you here."

Carson is standing, and looks down at her, cocking his head. "Well...thanks for the invite."

Jen grins. "Would you come again?"

Carson has to think a moment. He expected himself to really say no, but...for some reason, he didn't want to. "I might."

"Good." Jen gives a little wave. "Safe walk home. I'll see you guys around Mom and Pop's probably."

"Yeah, sure." Carson watches Jen join back up with Mike. He'd been expecting an invite or prompt to church...most people in the past had pressured him that way. But Jen hadn't. Interesting. "Alright...let's go."

Jason's eyes fly open for the third time. He rolls over with a groan, knowing what it was this time. "Katie, cut it out," he growls to the dark. Was she doing this on purpose or what? He didn't know. He couldn't tell. But every time the valve to the emotional pull was open again, it woke him up, just to be shut off again. It was like standing at a sink and fooling with the knobs. On, off, on off. He had no idea what Katie was feeling - he never did. He didn't have the ability to know what was setting her off, or ever what it was she was feeling. Her emotions were unreadable to him. But it could only be one of two things... Either she was consciously opening up and closing down again, or something was bothering her enough that she couldn't hold it anymore, then she regained control.

It was starting to bother Jason to think that it was something that was bothering her. Apparently she didn't want him involved, so there wasn't much he could do. But not knowing was killing him. Usually she only lost control when she was upset enough about something, or was startled or scared, to break her concentration. But he was clueless as to what it was this time.

Jason wasn't sure if he was more irritated with being woken up, not knowing what was going on, or just the fact that he was closed off. Feeling a little dizzy, he gets up to drink some juice, then heads back to bed. It was going to be a long night.

"Earth to Jason." Reese waves a hand in front of Jason's face.


Reese looks across Jason's desk at his weary eyes. "You okay?"


"You don't look so hot."

"I don't feel so hot."

Reese's concern grows. He'd been trying to tell Jason to go see Nate about a case they were on, but Jason didn't look well at all. "How about going to see Rick?"

For once, Jason didn't argue. He'd been having dizzy spells all morning, his knees felt weak, and he couldn't think straight. Getting up from his desk, he trudges to his door, but stops. "What was it you wanted?"

"Nevermind. Just go."

Jason lamely obeys, going to the infirmary. He sees Misty and gives a little wave, then looks to Rick. "Hey, doc."

Rick raises his eyebrows. "You look...terrible."

"Oh, thanks." Jason sits on the table.

"Rough night?"

"Awful." Jason sits still as Rick shines a light in his eyes. "I can't think...I keep getting dizzy..."

"Had anything to eat?"

"Yeah...breakfast...glass of OJ about two hours ago."

Rick purses his lips in thought. "Let me check your blood sugar." It only takes a few moments, and Rick shakes his head. "Jase, you're pretty low. No wonder you feel like crap."

"But I had plenty of sugar this morning."

Rick sighs, folding his arms on his chest. "How are you emotions?"

"Just as awful. Katie shut me out as much as she can and it's driving me bonkers."

Rick shrugs. "Well there's your answer."

"What do you mean?"

"She shut you out. What does that do to you?"

Jason shakes his head. "I don't know. It...like...keeps my emotions from getting out I guess. Like a kink in a hose."

"And what did we discover your heightened emotions do?"

"Changes stuff....chemical makeup..."

"Right." Rick nods. "Your emotions aren't going anywhere, so they're affecting your blood sugar like they do when you get upset and they go haywire."

"Oh great."

"Grab some fruit from the breakroom and just keep snacking. It should balance it out."

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