
Half House

*The rain starts pouring faster as Katie takes shelter in her tent. It figured, her aunt had said about how nice the whole summer had been very little rain and now, now of all times it had to start. If she had any sence Katie would make her way down the moutain now. The way the rain was coming it was going to get pretty mucky and slippery. Kate new better than to be up her when it was raining. But she wasnt ready to go home yet. Her head was still a mess and not to mention she was all cut up and her aunt would freak more than she probely was now. No...Katie wanted to continue being alone. Loners don't get hurt. Yes being alone for now was safe. If the rain let up in a little bit Katie would be on her way up higher.*

*Jess pases her livingroom floor the phone glued to her ear.*

"Thank you Ms. Fergason. Yes I understand. Yes I should have the money in a week or two if you can hold it for me."

*Even though no one could see her Jess nodded her head to the last on the phone anyways. The excitment was building inside of her. After going to see an apartment this morning the landlord had called her back right away and wanted to work something out. The last new about Jess past but from how she talked on the phone so far she was willing to give Jess a chanse.*

"Ok...yes. Tomarrow for lunch, ok I can do that. Ok...ok thank you Ms. Fergason."

*Jess hangs up the phone and in a moment happyness searges through her. The halfahouse that she had looked at in the paper would be hers tomarrow when she signed for it. Giving an excited squeel Jess leaves her apartment locking the doorbehind her and going to her car. Making her way to Mom and Pop's she couldnt wait to tell Carson the good news.*

*Angelica gives a knock on Reese door as a horrable noise comes from her office. It almost sounded like something was grinding and it felt like nails on a chalkbored.

Poking her head in her tils her head to the side the the horrable noise continues and it proves to be hurting her ears.*

"Reese, you wouldnt happen to know anything about computers would you? I am usally good with them but...I just cant figure out for the life of me why it is making that noise and its driving me batty not to mention everyone alse."

*As the conversation with Jason and his sugar continues Misty cant help but let her heart go out to him. Not only was his sugar going crazy but he lost his connection and his best friend. Misty could only imagen how hard that was.

Sitting back in her chair she continplates options for Jason is the continues before standing and going over to the cabnit. Pulling out a bottle of red pills she walks over to Jason.*

"I over hurd your sugar is crazy at the moment, and the only way to correct it is to keep eating. Well what happend when you full right?"

*Misty hold up the bottle.*

"These are sugar pills. Some people with low bloodsugar that is REALLY REALLY bad take these because its the only wait to maintain it for them. They could work fo you to. They are completely harmless because all they are is sugar. So if your intrested I could get you some to help out."

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