

*As Misty lays in her deep sleep wondering through the dark a small light ahead can be scean. a light there is was in Misty reach. Misty breaks out in a run. As she pounds the dark pavment it feels like the light isent geting closer but geting father away. Why couldent she get to it...why was it drawing away. Something was missing, Something felt gone. Carson....CArson....*


*Misty body trembles after the scream, tears roll down her eyes. This nightmare, she reaches out and called his name, but this darkness had turned to a nightmare and Misty wanted to wake and couldent. Her body breaking out in a sweat.*

*For a moment Katie looks between Mick and Ty sensing something was up. But couldent put her finger on it for a moment. As Mick turns to her Katie looks at the door where Ty left thinking for a moment. Her eyes grow wide.*

"I dident notice it before but now that you said something he....did look like Clint. But...why? Wyatt and I went to the next time over and got Ty. HE was being accused for something he dident do. We ended up befriending him and. Mick...whats going on?"

Who are you?

Katie’s invitation to the wedding lights up Scott’s eyes. “I’d like that.” He cocks his head. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been anywhere out of state, and I’d love to see the ranch that I’ve heard so much about.” He chuckles. “We’ll see about the horse part though. I’m not so sure about that one.”

In response to the question of a movie, he shrugs. “I got a small stash here. I’ll let you pick. You go to your debriefing and I’ll be in the room down the hall.”

Parting, he goes back to his desk for a few minutes, then heads off the main floor, Domino at his heels. Getting to the room, he slides onto the bed in the corner, propping himself up against the wall and grabbing the tv remote. He lets Domino come up with him to sit halfway on his lap, and just closes his eyes, waiting for Katie. He hurt more than he’d like to admit, but he wasn’t going to let it ruin the evening.

Rick moves about the infirmary for a while before settling down again, keeping an ever-watchful eye on his patient. A while later he picks up the phone. “Hey, hun. Yeah, I’ve got to stay here the night. Misty’s stable, but I need to keep an eye on her. ….Alright. Love ya. Sleep good. See you tomorrow.”

Hanging up, he gives a little sigh. Like everyone else lately, his mind wanders to the upcoming hearing. Would life as everyone knew it be changing for the better or worse? Only time would tell.

Carson makes his way slowly back up to the main level, aiming for Reese’s office. He’d heard the call to meet, and though not wanting to mingle with anyone, he knew he needed to show up. Trudging down the hall, he passes the infirmary, but opts not to stop right now. There was nothing he could do, and Rick hadn’t said anything had changed.

Jason drives slowly back to TJY, taking his time, despite Wyatt’s prompting that he get there asap. Parking, he trudges inside, heading directly for Reese’s office.

He’s the last one to arrive and slips in beside Carson and Mick. Glancing around, he sees Katie, but his eyes immediately shift to Reese. He suddenly realizes that despite being on the team today, he can’t remember saying one word to Katie. Why it was so hard, he didn’t know, but he felt like a fool.

“Alright, guys.” Reese pulls out a paper an pen. “Give me the highlights for the report. I’ll be handing it in to Carter and also to Sheriff Brown so he knows what’s been going on.

One by one, the others fill in all the holes, covering all bases and ensuring that nothing is left out.

As they’re wrapping things up, there’s a knock at the door and Ty pokes his head in. “Sorry to interrupt. Hal said to let you know that he’s got everything on his end taken care of.”

“Good.” Reese nods. “Thank you.”

Mick catches sight of Ty, and his eyes narrow, something striking him hard. As the young man starts to turn away, Mick stops him. “Hey.”

Ty turns back around. “You must be Mick.”

“I am. And you are…?”

“Ty Baker.”

Mick cocks his head. He couldn’t deny those eyes. A cold chill runs down his spine as he feels an unexplainable connection. “Ty…as in Tyler?”

Ty quirks an eyebrow. “What of it?”

Suddenly Mick ignores what he’s in the room for, and the confusion of the others. “Where are you from?”

Ty crosses his arms in defiance. “Is this an interrogation or what?”

“No, no.” Mick tries to calm him down. “I just…have we met?”

Ty studies Mick’s face, his eyes squinting slightly. “You do look kinda familiar.”

Carson glances over between the two and can’t help but comment. “Yeah, he should – he looks like you in about another twenty years.”

Ty’s eyebrows shoot up. “What?”

Mick swallows hard. “Ty…where are you from?”

Sensing a strange seriousness, Ty relents. “South Dakota.”

“And your family?”

Ty shrugs. “Beats me. I haven’t been in touch with them for years.”

“Were you…were you adopted?”

Ty’s eyes widen even more. “How did you know that?”

Another chill runs down Mick’s spine. “Just…a hunch. Thanks for humoring, me, kid.”

Showing confusion on his face, Ty slowly turns back to the door. “Uh…sure.”

Once the door is shut, Mick turns to Katie, seriousness in his eyes. “Tell me he doesn’t look like Clint.”


*Katie smile could light up a room. Dispite all the emotions and chaos that ran though Katie at this moment with what had happend today and with Jason a moment of joy broke forth. It felt good that Mick liked Scott, and accepted him and her together. Katie new since Mick liked Scott so would Rosetta.*

"He's a great guy. He makes my Aunt real happy. Its been almost 20 years if not more they have known eachother and finally they are geting married. Alot has happend to Mick, Rosetta and everyone alse back in Texas and every challange, hardship, and horrable thing that has happen has built them to do who they are today. That gives me hope, that we all will be ok as well."

*Katie gives Scott's arm a squeeze before leting go.*

"Maybe when I go out to Texas for Mick and Rosetta's wedding you can be my date to come with me. I think it would be nice and I'd like to introduce you to everyone. That is if you would want to come with me. Maybe I could even get you on a horse again. I know you would love it there. Its quiet and just plain peaceful."

*As Domino's bark rings Katie looks down at her and laughs. Bending down to pat her head than straten up again*

"So what movie should we watch tonight after I get done with my debreafing?"

*Misty minds is blank. Wondering through the halls of her mind nothing is thought of. Than suddonly a voice can be hurd. A familure voice she had hurd so many times before yelling, correcting, the actions of affection her and Carson showed eachother. Even though the repramand a smile could be seen on his face and happyness in his eyes. Yes...it was Rick talking to her. Standing still in the darkness of her mind Misty strains to hear what was being said to her. "Dry spells...boring to...but they're certainly...for me." Misty strains even more listing closer. Who was Rick talking to? As Misty continues to listen she relizes she never noticed before how soothing Ricks voice could be. If only she had stoped to pay more attachen to it. "But you've helped...awful... isty." Rick was talking to her. Rick never talked much to her about anything other than work related stuff. She relized just how little she new about the man that worked along side her. She new she was married, and lived in an apartment next to Nate but its pretty much ended there. "I was....when you left once..." Misty stratens in her mind. You were what? You were what Rick I dident hear that last part Misty screams eccoing through her mind, only to be answered by the darkness. "And I'd hate...mistake of mi... to cost you your life." Misty eyes widen. No Rick it wont be your fault, it wont be. You've done everything right. Misty new she had to make it through this. There were more people who cared about her than she new. More than only Carson. Rick cared too. She couldent let them down. Now she had to push on. As everything in her mind goes silent. Misty stands pushing through the darkness. The light was around here somewhere, and she was going to find it. Misty was going to wake, for Reese, for Wyatt, for Rick, and most of all for Carson. "I'm coming Carson. Hold on, You cant get rid of me that easy. Hang in there my love. I'm coming back to you."*

*Aerith thinks for a moment before speaking. Jason was differnt, he was sad and lost. He felt there was no hope and he had no one.*

"I've learned that the people in life who really matter are the ones who will always be on the sidelines wait for us to come back around. The true friends, wont ever leave. The sad thing is though its hard to find those friends. There arnt many left in the world."

*As Jason's phone rings Aerith's voice goes quiet not wanting to intarupt Jason. Aerith could of guess it was work. It seemed alot of people she had met latly put work before happyness. In the world today I guess you would have to, to survive. Aerith's guess that its work is confermed when she hears who he is talking to. Wyatt?...that was odd. Well Jason did say he was in the law enforcment and so did Wyatt so I guess it would only be natreal that they new eachother and worked together. As Aerith sits and waits for the conversation to end she cant help but listen in alittle bit to the conversation. Some thing big happend today, something that had put Jason in more term oil than he always was in. Aerith felt bad for her new friend. He was so nice it was hard to see him sad.

As Jason ends his call and stands showing small bits of anger Areith stands with Jason. Aerith holds her smile to Jason as he gives her his goodnight and she replys.*

"Drive safe Jason, and I'll see you later."

*Aerith gives alittle wave as she watch Jason walks away for a moment. Than turns back to the table taking the money and cleaning it up. Puttering around the rest of the restrong cleaning up before they closed and she want home. Tomarrow was her day off and she was going to have to find something to do so she dident have to deal with the grump all day.*

Merciful Train

Mick gives Katie a smirk. "Hey, watch it. It took me over twenty years to get this far, give a poor guy a break." He turns to grin at Scott and offers his hand. "Good to meet you."

"Likewise." Scott returns the handshake. "I've heard a lot about you."

"So you were the voice at the other end of things when we were out there today."

"Yeah, that was me."

Mick nods. "Well it's good to have a competent tech guy back at base - I've been out on cases where the guy back home didn't know squat and led us on a wild good chase."

Scott chuckles. "I put more confidence into my equipment than myself."

"Well someone's got to run it. You have anything to do with the security out in Texas?"

"A bit." Scott shrugs. "I got everything set up here and shipped it out. Pete's pretty good with that sort of thing, though I've been hearing horror stories."

Mick grins. "Let's just say we've had a few false alarms, and a few loose wires."

Scott groans. "I'm going to have quite a mess to untangle once all that gets back here aren't I?"

"Probably." Mick laughs. "Hey, I was thinking the other day about this court hearing coming up, and I wondered if there was any way to include the folks back at the ranch in that."

Scott raises his eyebrows, the wheels in his mind immediately working. "You got an area where everyone can be like...a big room or something?"

"Yeah, the mess hall."

"Mm...yeah, it might be possible. We can set up some tv screens, have Pete wire them to the right channels to match the frequency of some cameras set back up here. We can tap into satellite power like we have before and project the image from the courtroom back to the ranch in live time. We could even set up a call so they could hear what was going on and participate if need be. Maybe even set up a cross camera so those in court can see them as well. Of course, this is all if they'll allow it. That's the hardest part, getting permission."

Mick's eyes widen. "Oh sure...that's the hardest part alright...all that other stuff is a piece of cake." He rolls his eyes, showing his sarcasm.

Scott grins a little. "Sorry. My tech spiels annoy most people."

"Not me. It's fascinating. Now I tend to stick to machines that have minds of their owns without electricity involved. But as long as we got someone who knows what they're doing, I say have at it and have fun. Just tell me what to do when it's over."

"I'm assuming you stick to horses?"

"You bet."

"Mmm, had a bad experience there once."


"Yeah. Out at my grandpa's. He had what he called a 'sweet and gentle' pony." Scott grimaces. "Sweet and gentle, my foot. I couldn't have been more than eight at the time...got on that brute and after he figured I was just relaxed enough, he let loose. I went flying into the fence, landed in a mud puddle. Ruined my clothes and whatever pride I had left at that point, not to mention I got a pretty sore rear end out of it."

Mick can't help but laugh. "Sounds like you need a good experience once to sway your opinion."

"I think I'll just stick to cars and computers."

"Cars, eh?"

"Yeah, I got interested in mechanics back in high school. I tinker in my spare time."

"You and my brother would get along well. He's got a little auto shop at the ranch...well, he's Jason's step father as a matter of fact. He gets quite a bit of business...my nephew helps him out now... We ought to get Clint out here sometime. He'd love a vacation, and he's all about cars now that Wes got him started." Mick pauses, his eyes widening. "Oh, Katie, Rosetta told me that Cindy and Wes are going to have a baby."

Scott raises an eyebrow. "Jason's gonna be a big brother, huh?"

"Sounds like it." Mick opens his mouth to say more, but movement catches his eye and he sees Reese entering the building. "I better go talk to him and see what he wants to do with me. Nice meeting you, Scott."

They shake hands again and Scott nods. "Yeah, we'll talk more."

"You bet...and Scott..." Mick leans in closer, his voice lowering. "Treat this girl right. She deserves it."

Scott can feel a bit of heat come to his face, but he manages a grin. "With as many bodyguards as she's got around here, I'd be too frightened to do anything but that..." He pauses for just a moment. "But I think I'd treat her right even if it weren't for that. She's pretty special."

Mick smiles, glancing to Katie. "That she is." He nods to both of them. "See you around." Turning, he heads for Reese and they meet, aiming for Reese's office.

Scott is still grinning as Mick walks away and he turns to Katie. "I like him."

A short bark interrupts them and Scott looks down to an expectant Domino. "What? Feeling left out again?"

Domino starts to wiggle with excitement.

"Alright. You can watch a movie with us, but only if you promise to behave yourself."

Domino sits down and sticks one paw in the air, demonstrating how obedient she could be.

Rick finishes up in the infirmary and winds up pulling a chair next to Misty's bed after he's checked her vitals. Just thinking for a while, he leans back, letting his mind wander and speak aloud.

"Life throws some real monkey wrenches into plans, doesn't it?" He pauses. "You know, when I started working here, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to put what I knew to work. Little did I know how many times I would lack the knowledge to help. I didn't spend enough time in medical school to really get the complete training I needed, so I learned as I went. Thankfully, most of the more serious cases were taken to the hospital. Oh, I treated the little things...got pretty good at setting broken bones and bandaging people up. Bullet holes became the norm...it was guys like Wyatt that were tough enough to grin and bear my poking and prodding until I could dig the bullets out. I've seen a lot of people hurt here... Funny thing...the common cold is hated by doctors because there seems to be no cure. But I'd take trying to treat that any day, over what normally goes on around here. Dry spells may be boring to others, but they're certainly nice for me."

Rick folds his hands in his lap. "There's so much I still don't know...I'm afraid I don't do as good a job as I should sometimes, just because I lack experience. But you've helped an awful lot, Misty. Your enthusiasm...your insightfulness and your craving to learn... Not only has it been a help during hands-on times, but you've helped me keep up with my own learning. I've always constantly done research, but you brought new life into this place. I was disappointed when you left once..."

He clears his throat a little. "I get scared with every case I get, even if its something little. Look at Con...I thought he just had the flu and it was that blasted poison. If it weren't for you, we still wouldn't have an antidote. I know what everybody would say...I do a fine job and I've done a lot of good. And that's true. I've done my best and so far my best has been good enough for TJY. But I guess I prefer having those extra hands around. ...And I'd hate for a mistake of mine to cost you your life."

Looking down and thinking for several more quiet minutes, Rick finally rises again, giving Misty's hand a pat. "Hang in there, Misty."

Carson fires off another round at the target, the sound reverberating through the room. He stares at the profile that was riddled with holes. He sees the man whom he shot in the back. He still feels the fresh anger. He sees Misty again, lying on the ground...he hears her words again as they drove back in the van. He sees the blood, trying to help Rick. He feels the helplessness as Misty had almost slipped away.

He fires again, hitting the target dead center. He sees Ashlyn again, lying on the rooftop, dying in front of him. She was an Agency hitman and would have killed him. That in itself was hard enough to deal with, knowing that she'd been ready to pull the trigger on him. Then to have killed her himself...that threw him into a whole different realm of feelings. He felt stupid and vulnerable. He shouldn't be feeling anything. Whatever was between him and Ashlyn before, was not only wrong, but it was just surface. There had been no depth...nothing to call even close to commitment. Why he was feeling this dread and remorse, he didn't know.

Carson pulls the trigger again, trying to regain strength to move on. Trying to rid himself of the urge to run. Trying to overcome.

Jason feels Aerith moving and hears her slide in across the table. He swallows hard as she talks. Why she cut him to the quick, he didn't know. And why he allowed her to be here talking to him, he didn't know. Maybe her being a stranger was the key. She didn't know his past, or even his personality. She was obviously very insightful and could read into people's body language, but it helped knowing that she didn't know all about him.

But that fact did nothing for his heart. It was still in turmoil. It was still in chains. It was still screaming to be let out...to see the light....to beat again. Yet he still fought it.

Jason finally raises his head, though keeps his eyes to the table. He knows he should be grateful for the orange juice that Aerith had brought, but right now he doesn't think he could stomach anything.

"It is painful," he finally agrees. "But I guess I've been living with pain for so long that I've forgotten what it's like to be without it. My heart is a heart of stone...my veins pump cold death instead of life..." He stops for a moment, lyrics coming to mind for a later time. "I push away those I care about and I fight those I don't care about. And so...I'm still alone. Standing out on the battle field in a cold pouring rain, knowing the enemy army is just over the hill, but without my own to charge with me."

He forces as scoffing dry laugh. "And I see it...and I feel it...and I know I'm imprisoning myself. Yet I can't break free."

Can't...it was such a strong word. Was it really 'can't' or should it had been 'won't'? Was it a choice? Was it an effort to keep that lock on himself?

He opens his mouth to say more, just on the verge of asking more questions, when his phone rings. Sighing, he rolls his eyes, in no mood to be interrupted. But he knows his place...he knows his duties.

Letting it ring a couple times, he finally answers it. "Yeah? ..." He shakes his head wearily. "Yeah, I know..." He was wanted for a debriefing before going home for the night, and Reese was ready. "Can't I...well no...look I'm just downtown alright? I didn't skip out. What do you take me for, Wyatt?" He rubs a hand over his face, knowing he'd built his own reputation. "Fine, alright? I'll be in. Just....I'll be in."

Jason hangs up before the conversation can be prolonged any more. Glancing up to Aerith, he puts his hands in the air, letting them flop back down to the table. "Can't win for losing." The anger had returned. The moment had been broken.

Reaching into his pocket, he draws out some cash for the juice, even though he hadn't had any, and slides out of the booth, standing up. "Thanks, Aerith. I guess I'll see you around if some merciful train doesn't run me over first."

God' Guidence

*Katie's face turns a slight shade at Scott's comment.*

"I guess we will have to try it out and see huh?"

*Katie breaks out into a true smile. Scott made her feel good and she was happy for that. Katie is about to say more as Mick comes over to them. Smiling and turn to Mick and gives him alittle hug than looks back to Scott.*

"Mick this is Scott, and Scott this is Mick. Soon to be my Uncle whenever her and my Aunt tie the knot."

*Katie cant help but grin at Mick teasing him.*

"He's like my dad. He always been around and he makes Rosetta happy. I think you guys would get along great."

*Katie stands and chat with Mick and Scott more watching the interacting and smiles.*

*Aerith's eyes grow more simpathedic sencing much conflictions round Jason. Slowly sliding out of the booth and than sliding into the one across from him she gives Jason his space. The last thing she wanted to do was make him feel as though he was caged. *

"I guess offten we do feel its best our battles are better faught alone and maybe they are. So we dont cause other pain. I dont know really. I guess everyone is differnt."

*Aerith fold her hands in front of her.*

"I hope your heart and mind can agree with you again Jason. That has to be a painful way to live."

*Aerith draws silent again leting the quiet rain over the table. She dident know what alse to say and she dident want Jason to feel uncomfortable. She hardly new him yet and dident want him to head for the hills yet. If he wanted to talk more she was there to listen.*

"I love you to Mick. And yes everything is ok. If you need to stay there alittle while longer thats ok. At least I know your ok and in good hands now. Sleep well and call me to let me know."

*As Rosetta hangs up the phone she cant help but smile and lean down to hug BJ. Giving him a pat on the head Rosetta takes his hand and walks him back to his room tucking him in once again and giving him another kiss before slowly shuting the door behind her.

As Rosetta goes into her room she shuts the door little little and crawls into bed thanking god for leting Mick be ok and prays for anyone alse who was hurt.*


Laura reaches up to wipe away one of Nate's tears, appreciating that he could show his emotions and not be embarrassed about it. "It's almost nine o'clock." She almost laughs. "But if we can find a place that's open, I'm game for going out as long as it's with you."

Mick assures Rosetta he's fine, feeling a peace enter his heart again, just hearing her voice.

Listening about the house, a smile forms. Soon...so soon he'd have a family and home again. It had been a good feeling before...it would be an even better feeling now.

He chuckles as he hears about Wes. "I bet he's beside himself. Well that's great. Make sure he and Cindy know I say congratulations."

As Rosetta tells him about Trent, he's immediately on edge, though lets her speak to finish explaining. He didn't like it....he didn't like it at all....but he had to trust the others' judgement that it had not risked anyone's safety to let Trent stay at the ranch.

Hearing BJ's voice, he breaks into a smile again. "Hey, Bud! How could I forget about the corn? Of course we're going to take care of that and we're going to go on at least ten pony rides when I get back." Listening to the boy go on and on, Mick relaxes again, letting himself enjoy this time rather than dwelling on Trent.

Finally back with Rosetta, he gives a little sigh. "I want to be there, Rosetta...I want to be there to take care of you guys. I'm sorry this all happened..." He pauses in thought. "There's a possibility Reese might want me to stick around for that hearing, since it's coming up quick. As long as everything is okay back at the ranch, I might. But I'll let you know one way or the other." He stops again. "I miss you too... And yeah, I'll tell Jason and Katie hi. You need anything, call TJY, I don't have my cell phone..." He bites his lip, the desire to have this war over so overwhelming. "I love you...talk with you soon."

Ending the call he just sits for several minutes, feeling a little lost. But he knew he would be well taken care of here. He was safe now...and everything was fine back home.

Scott smiles at Katie, knowing this is hard on her. He's been here for several years now, and he's seen that look on every agent's face at one time or another. "Yeah, sure...I'm always game for a movie. Rick's got me set up in the room next to the infirmary... and maybe we'll get lucky with no interruptions tonight - he's got his hands full with someone more important than me at the moment." He rubs his side a little gingerly. "But I think I'm on the upside now anyway...and dessert sounds scrumptious."

Looking down, he gets a mischievous glint in his eye. "Maybe I can handle that kissing now."

"Alright, can a guy get a word in edgewise?" Mick grins as he approaches Scott and Katie. He gives Katie a wink. "Rosetta says hi." He looks Scott over for a moment, then turns back to Katie, knowing she certainly didn't need his approval on anything, but he conveys that message anyway. "So you going to introduce me to this man of yours or what?"

Jason looks to the side quickly as Aerith sidles in next to him. Her words brought a strange comfort. She spoke as if he'd known her all his life. She was soft and soothing. Her arm around him felt good.

But he was in the middle of a war. He didn't want the comfort...he didn't want to feel good. He was too used to wallowing in his misery. He couldn't expose his emotions...they would remain locked away where they could do no harm. ...No pain.

Aerith's presence puts pressure on his own walls though. He wants to get up and leave. But something holds him there. He wants to tell her to leave him alone...but something holds his tongue.

He can feel her warmth next to him, and his natural instincts make him want to reach up and take her hand if only to feel her touch, but he grits his teeth against that desire.

Letting out a long sigh, he leans his elbows on the table to fold his hands and bow his head against them, closing his eyes. "When someone's brain and heart don't agree, it's never easy. But I am alone, Aerith. It's a battle I created myself and I'm fighting it by myself with no one to back me up."

I wont ask

*As Nate holds Laura a few tears roll down his cheek. The people that died today he ddient know but his heart went out to them anyways. There lives were ended abruptly and before there time was really up. Even though they were on the wrong side and would of killed Nate and the group instead they still died at the hands of man. And it was aperent that they dident know the Lord. So there after life was going to be much worse than what they faced on earth.

Nate tightens his grip on Laura just alittle than pulls away. Gives a smile though his tear streaked eyes.*

"How about when you get done with work and I make sure Misty is ok we go out to dinner. I dont feel much like going right home."

*Katie gives alittle nod to Scott, she still dident care what the other had to say. Rumors were rumors and thats was that. If people choose to believe what they hurd as the truth than so be it. Katie new what was true and so did Scott in her mind those were the only people that mattered.*

"I know its late but do you think we could watch a movie and you could just stay with me? I killed someone today, no matter what side there were on I killed someone and its kind of not settaling easy. I guess this kind of thins just never gets easyer."

*Katie trys to smile her best. So many emotions inside running ramped.*

"With the movie we still have the dessert I made from the other night we never touched. We can pig out on that. Oh and tomarrow, before Mick goes home I would like to introduce you to him. Thats the man my aunt is going to be marrieing. I know he will get along with you good."

*As Rosetta tucks BJ in and gives him a kiss on the head Rosetta hears the phone ring. Going out into the living room of the new house that soon would hold her family she answers. As Rosetta hears Mick's voice her emotions break as she sinks down in a chair the tears rolling out of her eyes.*

"Mick...Oh praise the Lord. I was sorry worryed. Are you ok? Where you hurt?"

*Rosetta listens to Mick voice on the other end taking in the sound. Every octive. How she had missed him and longed to hear his sweet voice again.*

"Things are going ok here. I got the new house ready. Some stuff still needs to be done but I wanted to wait for you so you could help. Busness is booming over here and I cant wait till your back to help with that again too."

*Rosetta smiles as she goes through everything in her head.*

"Ohhh....Your going to be an uncle again too. Ya Wes and Cindy are going to have a baby. They are so excited and you should see your brother he is so funny its cute. Cindy cant get a simple hangnail with out him coming running making sure her and the baby is ok. Its good to see them happy."

*As Rosetta talks her mind drift to her own brother and his return. She guessed she should tell Mick so it wasent a shock when he got back. She only hoped he would understand.*

"Oh Mick, there is one other thing I need to tell you so your not shocked when you come home. Trent showed up a few days back."

*Rosetta goes into the long story with Mick about Trent and why he was back trying not to leave anything out.*

"....So till your back he is bunking with Sparky and everyone is keeping a CLOSE eye on him. I've forgiven him but I dont trust him right away again."

*As Rosetta pauses the pitter patter of little deet can be hurd coming down the hall as BJ appears around the courner running over to Rosetta with a wide smile on his face.*

"Rosy is dat Mick? Tan I twalk to him?"

*Rosetta smile down at BJ and pats his head.*

"Hang on Mick someone alse wants to talk to you."

*Handing the phone down to BJ and watching him she smiles.*

"MICK....I hwave missted you. I am stwill waiting tin to hewlp wifh the torn. Dont fordet we need to take the pony wride too."

*BJ continues to talk to Mick telling him about his day and what he was doing, and how he found a snake and scaired Rosetta with it. Bj Babbles on and on and on untill Rosetta finally takes the phone form him laughing.*

"He missed you Mick. So did I. I cant wait till your home. Tell Katie and Jason hi for me too."

*Misty lays still in the bed still in the endless sleep. Her body trying its best to beat this thing. Never give up, never surrender. Misty battled with her own mind as she slept. She couldent let go, se couldent give up not before she had more time to spend with Carson, not before she told him how she felt. He had changed her life, helped her relize being yourself is the best way to be.

Misty's hand twitches alittle bit from her dream she was having showing signs that her body was still alive and fighting. Not ready to give up as long as she had what she needed to pull her through.*

*Aerith can feel the tention around Jason. She can see the weary look in his eyes. Spots of blood showed something happend. Something big, but for some untold reson Aerith dident feel scaried. Jason did give off a threat that made her want to hide. She wanted to be a friend. With out much controll over herself Aerith slides into the booth next to Jason and gently puts her around home.*

"Its ok Jason you dont have to tell me anything. I'm not going to ask questions. I wont tell you its gonna be ok. I just want to be a friend to you. Let you know that your not alone. The feeling of being alone is never fun So I am here for ya to just sit if thats whats needed. If you want me to go away just say the word and I can do that too..*

* A look passes through Aerith eyes. She new what it felt like to be alone it wasent fun and something inside her push her to be there siting with Jason. Something told her that even though she dident know what was going on He needed this.*

Long day

Laura watches from her desk as the team comes into TJY. Word was that they had retrieved Mick, but that Misty had been shot. She had stayed here working late to be around if needed, and to find out all that had happened.

As Nate comes to her and wraps her in an embrace, she senses his deep emotions. No matter how many times someone was out on a case, things like this just never got easier.

Laura rises from her chair and puts her arms around Nate, resting her head on his chest. "I'm glad you're okay," she whispers.

Scott receives Katie's hug, putting his arms around her in a comforting hold. Looking over her, he sees several pairs of eyes on them. Yes, the rumor that we're together is true. You can stop staring now. He pulls away slightly to lift her chin with a finger. "She'll be okay...Rick's good...we're not going to lose her."

Domino comes trotting out of Scott's cubicle, even though she'd been told to stay. She looks up at Scott and Katie, and puts her front paws up on his leg, giving a little whine.

Scott lowers one hand to lay on his dog's head. "It's alright. Go back where you belong."

Though confused, Domino obeys and retreats.

Scott heaves a deep sigh. He couldn't wait until all of this was over. He looks at Katie again, searching her eyes. "Can I do anything for you?"

Mick watches from a distance, still talking with Wyatt. "So Jason took getting out pretty hard, huh?"

"It hasn't been good. It's been a rough adjustment for him...things weren't easy on him when he was behind bars, and I think he feels like a fish out of water now. Especially since..." Wyatt's eyes drift back to Katie and Scott.

Mick lowers his voice just a little. "I've got an imagination, but what exactly happened there?"

Wyatt purses his lips in thought. He'd kept Katie in his sights ever since he'd attempted to build something with her, and had seen things crumble between her and Jason, while something new had been ignited with Scott. "Oh...Jason pushed her away. I could slap him silly, but I don't think he did it on purpose. It just...happened. But it hurt Katie enough that she got pretty down. Scott was around...I guess he gave her a shoulder. I don't know everything," he admits, "but I saw them together a couple times...once it was a tad intimate."

"Before Jason got out?"

"Yeah. In their defense, I know they both tried not to let anything develop because Katie was still willing to give Jason a chance once he got out, but...once a spark gets loose, it's hard to put out the fire." Wyatt glances to Katie and Scott, then back to Mick. "Jason got out and things went haywire. He wasn't himself...kept pushing Katie away...then one morning he beat Scott to a pulp. No one knows the whole story except those two, but one can only conclude that Jason found out about Katie and Scott...well...kissing...and lost it."

Mick raises an eyebrow, feeling compassion for the whole situation. It couldn't have been easy on anyone, least of all Katie. "Then what?"

Wyatt shrugs. "I don't know. Rumors have been flying around here left and right, but I'm pretty sure that Katie and Jason finally broke up. And...Scott was waiting. Some people will try to tell you that Katie had been cheating on Jason since he left, but that's not true...it was just recently that anything actually formed between her and Scott. I'm not so sure I liked seeing it before Jason got back, but...I guess I can't blame Katie. Jason was being a jerk."

"Poor girl."

It's Wyatt's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Poor girl? She's the one that started something before her boyfriend even returned, and at least has someone now."

"Yeah, but..." Mick remembers back at the ranch. He hadn't interacted with Katie much, but it didn't mean he'd been blind. "She loved that boy to death. I bet breaking up with Jason was one of the hardest things she'd ever done, whether she already had Scott or not."

Wyatt thinks for a moment, having to admit Mick was probably right, and he felt just as badly for the whole thing. He was over his own past with Katie, but that didn't mean he felt no compassion. "I suppose so...I'm just glad she's not alone."

"Scott a good guy?"

"Yeah." Wyatt nods. "He is. Never called him my best friend and he's got some quirks but...overall, he's a good Christian man from what I've seen."

"Good." Mick nods with satisfaction. In all reality, none of this was probably his business...but Katie was his fiancé's niece and soon he'd be part of that family. Without Jay around, he did feel just a little bit of responsibility, necessary or not. "Well..." He looks around, changing the subject. "Got a phone I could use?"

"Yeah, sure." Wyatt gestures to an empty desk space. "Have at it."

"Thanks." Mick eases down into a chair wearily and picks up the phone, dialing without even having to think of the number. Hearing Rosetta's answer on the other end, he smiles a little, keeping his voice soft. "Hey you...I'm at TJY...they got me out."

Carson continues to pace the infirmary, his eyes ever returning to the bed where Misty lay sleeping...so still...so quiet. Seeing her so sick once before had been bad enough...this was torture. Seeing her without life was worse than anything else.

"Carson, would you settle down?" Rick washes his hands at the sink. "You're going to wear a hole in the floor."

Carson stops for a moment, rubbing a hand over his face. "What's your opinion, doc?"

Rick thinks for a moment, trying to be realistic. "She's got a chance if nothing else goes wrong...if the antidote does its work on the poison...if there's no infection. She's young and healthy and has a strong body, not to mention a strong will to live..." He looks over his shoulder at Carson. "...and a reason to live too."

Carson grits his teeth against his emotions. The room felt small. He felt caged in. There were too many things going on at once...too much for him to handle. "I'll be outside," he informs. "Get me if anything changes."

Rick nods with understanding. "I will. I'm not going to leave her."

Carson steps outside the infirmary, taking a deep breath of air that was void of the chemical smells. A nearby waste basket receives the brunt of his pent-up frustration and a swift kick sends it flying down the hall like a soccer ball.

Jason hears Aerith's voice and recognizes it, but keeps his face hidden for several more moments anyway. He couldn't tell her what was happening...he couldn't tell anyone on the outside except those who had been accepted into TJY's trust, and even then, details couldn't be told. Would that ever end? He knew it would...but would that mean him ending up behind bars again, or the freedom to work in the open?

Finally he sighs and lifts his head to sink back into the booth, resting his head against the back. It takes him a moment to actually look at Aerith, the frustrated despair showing in his tired eyes. He can't even manage a smile tonight. There was just too much...the job...Misty...the Agency...Katie... His eyes beg for rest...they beg for comfort...but his mind manipulates his body language to form an abrasive outer shell, only succeeding in proving the severity of the war within himself.

Jason rubs a smudge of dried blood between his fingers. "Long day."


*Turning her own mic back on Katie gives alittle nod even though Scott cant see her.*

"Ya I'm here. I'm the best I can be. Just alittle shaken. I'm heading back now with everyone alse."

*As Katie stops talking she looks to Jason as he looks out the window. Her heart acked from what happend today, and what happend to Misty. And seeing Jason siting there. Alone, it hurt as well. Looking away Katie leans her head back and closes her eyes for a momen just leting her own mind wonder.*

*Nate scurrys around the infermary after they arrive doing everything Rick tells him to. Worry corses through his own blood as he watching Misty laying on the table, so young, to soon life was slipping away from her. Nate does everything he can to help. Finally as she is layed hooked up to the IV Nate slips out leting Rick know if he was needed to come get him. Exiting Nate finds Laura at her cubicle without saying much Nate bends down to be the same level with her and just gives her an embrase as his own tears threatn to show.*

*Katie makes her way over to Scott the look of worry on his face. Without saying much the first thing Katie does is give him a hug. Would the others see? Probley. Did she care? No. It could of been anyone of them in Misty place right now shot. Like could be gone and changed so fast to Katie it dident matter what the other had to say. Talk of betrale to Jason was not true, Talk of her not loving him was just lies. She waited, she loved and now it was time to just move on.*

"Everything was ok Scotty. Unless my guess would be someone saprised Misty and shot her before she could react. She is in pretty bad shape. All we can do is pray and lift her up to God."

*Misty lays in the infermary bed. Feeling nothing. Her body is hot, and her pulse fast but nothing more could be done. The bullet was out, she was stiched up, and antidote administered. Now it was just a waiting game. Misty mind was in an endless sleep and though her eyes closed and her body shut down her mind still wondered dreaming. Dreaming the past all the times with Carson, when she first met him. Every kiss, every caress. Her minds goes to England when she first saw Carson again. The time spent on the beach there, and everything they did. Than when they came back home. They had some rough time, but the happy one were greater and more. Whoever would of thought people like Misty and Carson could ever interact so with another person but they had found eachother. In the dead of night, two people met and gave eachother hope and that is what Misty's mind clung to now. She had to make it though this. For Carson. For the one.....she had grown to care for so much!*

*Aerith lets out a sigh as the bell on the door rings. It had been a long busy day and she really dident feel like waiting on another customer. Looking up and see it is Jason she stands up straghter not being able to help but feel maybe she could help one more person. As she smiles and Jason walks by suddin worry pass over her. Jason dident look so good. He looked down right awfel. Grabing him some OJ Aerith slowly approchs the booth and sets it down. Standing silent for a moment than finally speaks.*

"Jason, are you ok? You dont..look so good."

*Genuin worry and consern in her voice.*

Peace Sought

Mick feels Katie next to him and looks down. A reassuring smile makes its way to his lips and he moves to put his arm around her. He knew that look…he knew the feelings…he’d been here way to many times.

Looking at her, he realizes that she’s only a few years older than Jade. How things had come so far…how the pain had spread to the next generation…it just wasn’t fair.

Carson’s grip tightens around Misty. He wants to tell her to rest…not to talk…but he knows she’s trying to stay awake. He wants to comfort her…tell her it’s going to be okay…but no words seem adequate enough.

Rick is sitting on the opposite side of the van, completely helpless without enough supplies here. There had been too much confusion…too much chaos, and his supplies were in the other van. He could only wait until they arrived back to TJY. Taking in Misty’s words, he nods. “I know, hun, I know…you don’t worry about a thing and let us take care of you for once.”

Looking up to the front, he frowns. “Wyatt, can’t you make this thing move any faster?”

“Not and keep the rest of us alive.” Wyatt grits his teeth as he pushes the speed limit.

As Misty speaks, Carson keeps his focus on her, a slight smile making its way to the surface, just for her. “The only reason I’m hot is because of you, ya know…”

Listening to her words, feeling her touch, his emotions threaten to erupt.

As her eyes drift shut and she starts to shake, Carson takes her all the tighter. “Misty, no!” his voice raises slightly. “Come on, stay with me!”

Rick moves to kneel down next to her, remaining calm. “She’s going in to shock. We’ve got to hurry.”

Though his hands are covered in blood, Carson reaches up to move a strand of hair from Misty’s face. “Dang it, girl, don’t leave me a second time.”

Jason remains in his seat, his heart aching all the more. He had so much on his mind already…to be going through this was murder on anyone’s soul.

Suddenly the mics crackle to life. “Did you all forget about me, or what? I see one of the van’s on its way back. What’s happening?”

Wyatt’s eyes widen and he flips his mic back on. “Scott! Didn’t dad contact you? Never mind. Half of us are coming in. We got Mick. But Misty’s down.”

Oh, no…” Scott’s voice reflects true concern. “Hey, Katie…you still there? You alright?”

Jason takes a finger and pulls his headset off with just a little force, the sound of the conversation removed from his ears. He focuses his eyes out the window, his working jaw muscles the only sign of his tension.

Rick looks to Nate and nods. “When we get back, you help me and Carson get Misty inside. And I’ll need all the help I can get in the infirmary once we’re there.”

…The door of TJY bursts open as the small group walks onto the main floor, their faces telling their story.

Carson has Misty in his arms as he carries her quickly behind Rick, accepting some help from Nate.

Once in the infirmary, Rick takes one swipe at the table, sending the old bedding and anything else flying onto the floor. Rolling up his sleeves, he dons sterile gloves and preps the table, directing Carson to lay Misty down.

Rick start to bark orders to both Carson and Nate. The door to the infirmary is shut, and work is started. Carson is directed to give Misty oxygen and keep track of her pulse, while Nate is recruited to hand him the necessary tools.

It takes Rick longer than he’d like to locate the bullet and draw it out. He’s just setting it aside, when Carson alerts him.

“I’m losing her pulse, Rick…” Panic sets in. “I’ve lost it.”

Moving quickly, Rick shoves Carson out of the way, unhooking Misty and starts working on her chest, pressuring her heart. “Come on, Misty…” After several moments of trying to revive her, he feels her throat again. “Pulse. Carson get back here. Nate, help me sew her up.”

It feels like an eternity before Rick has done all he can, and has Misty resting on the bed, hooked up to an IV.

Carson paces like a caged animal, while Rick sets to work studying the bullet under the microscope, then doing an analysis on the casing. “Oh, no…”

Carson spins around. “What? What is it?”


“The same stuff?”

Rick nods grimly. “We need to get the antidote in her, and fast.” Once again, he’s back on his feet, moving to retrieve a syringe of the antidote that Misty herself had prepared. Injecting it into her vein, he pulls back, heaving a weary sigh.

Carson’s bloodshot eyes search his. “Now what?”

“We wait.”

Scott is on his feet when he sees the team enter TJY. One hand to his side, he approaches quickly, looking for Katie. “What happened? I thought everything was fine.”

Mick hangs back from the group a little, just slightly in shock to be here at TJY…he’d really had no idea it was this big. He wanders by himself for a few minutes, just trying to get his bearings…Jason and Katie were the only two people he knew here.

Jason watches Nate and Carson help with Rick, and knows that he would be in the way if he tried to help any more. He starts to wander forward, but catches sight of Scott and automatically bristles. Instead of staying with the group, he turns around and heads back for the exit.

“Hey, Jason,” Wyatt tries to stop him. “We need a debriefing when the others get back. Where are you…” His voice trails off as he realizes it’s useless. The door shuts after Jason, signaling his departure.

Mick lifts an eyebrow. “What’s up with that?”

Wyatt throws his arms in the air. “You name it. Prison…lost love…whatever. Just plain bad attitude?”

“You mean he and Katie…”

Wyatt shakes his head and thumbs in Scott’s direction.

Mick raises his brow. “Oh, I see. Jason just got out of prison, didn’t he?”

“Yeah. He hasn’t been doing so great.”

Jason doesn’t know where he’s going. His mind is occupied with too many things. He starts for the lake, then opts not to…that would just make things worse. He starts for the apartment, but realizes he doesn’t want to be alone with his own thoughts. He aims for Mike’s, but then doesn’t want to get hounded with questions from the guys.

Finally after turning around at least five times, Jason winds up parking in front of Mom and Pop’s out of sheer frustration. Killing the engine, he aims for the door. It was late…it was nearing nine o’clock at night. They would be closing soon. But he just wanted his quiet corner booth…something to drink…a peaceful atmosphere to calm his nerves.

Entering, the bell dings, but for once, he ignores Mabel at the counter to simply trudge to the familiar table and sink down into the booth. He folds his arms on the table and leans down to rest his forehead on them.