

Laura reaches up to wipe away one of Nate's tears, appreciating that he could show his emotions and not be embarrassed about it. "It's almost nine o'clock." She almost laughs. "But if we can find a place that's open, I'm game for going out as long as it's with you."

Mick assures Rosetta he's fine, feeling a peace enter his heart again, just hearing her voice.

Listening about the house, a smile forms. Soon...so soon he'd have a family and home again. It had been a good feeling before...it would be an even better feeling now.

He chuckles as he hears about Wes. "I bet he's beside himself. Well that's great. Make sure he and Cindy know I say congratulations."

As Rosetta tells him about Trent, he's immediately on edge, though lets her speak to finish explaining. He didn't like it....he didn't like it at all....but he had to trust the others' judgement that it had not risked anyone's safety to let Trent stay at the ranch.

Hearing BJ's voice, he breaks into a smile again. "Hey, Bud! How could I forget about the corn? Of course we're going to take care of that and we're going to go on at least ten pony rides when I get back." Listening to the boy go on and on, Mick relaxes again, letting himself enjoy this time rather than dwelling on Trent.

Finally back with Rosetta, he gives a little sigh. "I want to be there, Rosetta...I want to be there to take care of you guys. I'm sorry this all happened..." He pauses in thought. "There's a possibility Reese might want me to stick around for that hearing, since it's coming up quick. As long as everything is okay back at the ranch, I might. But I'll let you know one way or the other." He stops again. "I miss you too... And yeah, I'll tell Jason and Katie hi. You need anything, call TJY, I don't have my cell phone..." He bites his lip, the desire to have this war over so overwhelming. "I love you...talk with you soon."

Ending the call he just sits for several minutes, feeling a little lost. But he knew he would be well taken care of here. He was safe now...and everything was fine back home.

Scott smiles at Katie, knowing this is hard on her. He's been here for several years now, and he's seen that look on every agent's face at one time or another. "Yeah, sure...I'm always game for a movie. Rick's got me set up in the room next to the infirmary... and maybe we'll get lucky with no interruptions tonight - he's got his hands full with someone more important than me at the moment." He rubs his side a little gingerly. "But I think I'm on the upside now anyway...and dessert sounds scrumptious."

Looking down, he gets a mischievous glint in his eye. "Maybe I can handle that kissing now."

"Alright, can a guy get a word in edgewise?" Mick grins as he approaches Scott and Katie. He gives Katie a wink. "Rosetta says hi." He looks Scott over for a moment, then turns back to Katie, knowing she certainly didn't need his approval on anything, but he conveys that message anyway. "So you going to introduce me to this man of yours or what?"

Jason looks to the side quickly as Aerith sidles in next to him. Her words brought a strange comfort. She spoke as if he'd known her all his life. She was soft and soothing. Her arm around him felt good.

But he was in the middle of a war. He didn't want the comfort...he didn't want to feel good. He was too used to wallowing in his misery. He couldn't expose his emotions...they would remain locked away where they could do no harm. ...No pain.

Aerith's presence puts pressure on his own walls though. He wants to get up and leave. But something holds him there. He wants to tell her to leave him alone...but something holds his tongue.

He can feel her warmth next to him, and his natural instincts make him want to reach up and take her hand if only to feel her touch, but he grits his teeth against that desire.

Letting out a long sigh, he leans his elbows on the table to fold his hands and bow his head against them, closing his eyes. "When someone's brain and heart don't agree, it's never easy. But I am alone, Aerith. It's a battle I created myself and I'm fighting it by myself with no one to back me up."

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