
I wont ask

*As Nate holds Laura a few tears roll down his cheek. The people that died today he ddient know but his heart went out to them anyways. There lives were ended abruptly and before there time was really up. Even though they were on the wrong side and would of killed Nate and the group instead they still died at the hands of man. And it was aperent that they dident know the Lord. So there after life was going to be much worse than what they faced on earth.

Nate tightens his grip on Laura just alittle than pulls away. Gives a smile though his tear streaked eyes.*

"How about when you get done with work and I make sure Misty is ok we go out to dinner. I dont feel much like going right home."

*Katie gives alittle nod to Scott, she still dident care what the other had to say. Rumors were rumors and thats was that. If people choose to believe what they hurd as the truth than so be it. Katie new what was true and so did Scott in her mind those were the only people that mattered.*

"I know its late but do you think we could watch a movie and you could just stay with me? I killed someone today, no matter what side there were on I killed someone and its kind of not settaling easy. I guess this kind of thins just never gets easyer."

*Katie trys to smile her best. So many emotions inside running ramped.*

"With the movie we still have the dessert I made from the other night we never touched. We can pig out on that. Oh and tomarrow, before Mick goes home I would like to introduce you to him. Thats the man my aunt is going to be marrieing. I know he will get along with you good."

*As Rosetta tucks BJ in and gives him a kiss on the head Rosetta hears the phone ring. Going out into the living room of the new house that soon would hold her family she answers. As Rosetta hears Mick's voice her emotions break as she sinks down in a chair the tears rolling out of her eyes.*

"Mick...Oh praise the Lord. I was sorry worryed. Are you ok? Where you hurt?"

*Rosetta listens to Mick voice on the other end taking in the sound. Every octive. How she had missed him and longed to hear his sweet voice again.*

"Things are going ok here. I got the new house ready. Some stuff still needs to be done but I wanted to wait for you so you could help. Busness is booming over here and I cant wait till your back to help with that again too."

*Rosetta smiles as she goes through everything in her head.*

"Ohhh....Your going to be an uncle again too. Ya Wes and Cindy are going to have a baby. They are so excited and you should see your brother he is so funny its cute. Cindy cant get a simple hangnail with out him coming running making sure her and the baby is ok. Its good to see them happy."

*As Rosetta talks her mind drift to her own brother and his return. She guessed she should tell Mick so it wasent a shock when he got back. She only hoped he would understand.*

"Oh Mick, there is one other thing I need to tell you so your not shocked when you come home. Trent showed up a few days back."

*Rosetta goes into the long story with Mick about Trent and why he was back trying not to leave anything out.*

"....So till your back he is bunking with Sparky and everyone is keeping a CLOSE eye on him. I've forgiven him but I dont trust him right away again."

*As Rosetta pauses the pitter patter of little deet can be hurd coming down the hall as BJ appears around the courner running over to Rosetta with a wide smile on his face.*

"Rosy is dat Mick? Tan I twalk to him?"

*Rosetta smile down at BJ and pats his head.*

"Hang on Mick someone alse wants to talk to you."

*Handing the phone down to BJ and watching him she smiles.*

"MICK....I hwave missted you. I am stwill waiting tin to hewlp wifh the torn. Dont fordet we need to take the pony wride too."

*BJ continues to talk to Mick telling him about his day and what he was doing, and how he found a snake and scaired Rosetta with it. Bj Babbles on and on and on untill Rosetta finally takes the phone form him laughing.*

"He missed you Mick. So did I. I cant wait till your home. Tell Katie and Jason hi for me too."

*Misty lays still in the bed still in the endless sleep. Her body trying its best to beat this thing. Never give up, never surrender. Misty battled with her own mind as she slept. She couldent let go, se couldent give up not before she had more time to spend with Carson, not before she told him how she felt. He had changed her life, helped her relize being yourself is the best way to be.

Misty's hand twitches alittle bit from her dream she was having showing signs that her body was still alive and fighting. Not ready to give up as long as she had what she needed to pull her through.*

*Aerith can feel the tention around Jason. She can see the weary look in his eyes. Spots of blood showed something happend. Something big, but for some untold reson Aerith dident feel scaried. Jason did give off a threat that made her want to hide. She wanted to be a friend. With out much controll over herself Aerith slides into the booth next to Jason and gently puts her around home.*

"Its ok Jason you dont have to tell me anything. I'm not going to ask questions. I wont tell you its gonna be ok. I just want to be a friend to you. Let you know that your not alone. The feeling of being alone is never fun So I am here for ya to just sit if thats whats needed. If you want me to go away just say the word and I can do that too..*

* A look passes through Aerith eyes. She new what it felt like to be alone it wasent fun and something inside her push her to be there siting with Jason. Something told her that even though she dident know what was going on He needed this.*

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