
Who are you?

Katie’s invitation to the wedding lights up Scott’s eyes. “I’d like that.” He cocks his head. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been anywhere out of state, and I’d love to see the ranch that I’ve heard so much about.” He chuckles. “We’ll see about the horse part though. I’m not so sure about that one.”

In response to the question of a movie, he shrugs. “I got a small stash here. I’ll let you pick. You go to your debriefing and I’ll be in the room down the hall.”

Parting, he goes back to his desk for a few minutes, then heads off the main floor, Domino at his heels. Getting to the room, he slides onto the bed in the corner, propping himself up against the wall and grabbing the tv remote. He lets Domino come up with him to sit halfway on his lap, and just closes his eyes, waiting for Katie. He hurt more than he’d like to admit, but he wasn’t going to let it ruin the evening.

Rick moves about the infirmary for a while before settling down again, keeping an ever-watchful eye on his patient. A while later he picks up the phone. “Hey, hun. Yeah, I’ve got to stay here the night. Misty’s stable, but I need to keep an eye on her. ….Alright. Love ya. Sleep good. See you tomorrow.”

Hanging up, he gives a little sigh. Like everyone else lately, his mind wanders to the upcoming hearing. Would life as everyone knew it be changing for the better or worse? Only time would tell.

Carson makes his way slowly back up to the main level, aiming for Reese’s office. He’d heard the call to meet, and though not wanting to mingle with anyone, he knew he needed to show up. Trudging down the hall, he passes the infirmary, but opts not to stop right now. There was nothing he could do, and Rick hadn’t said anything had changed.

Jason drives slowly back to TJY, taking his time, despite Wyatt’s prompting that he get there asap. Parking, he trudges inside, heading directly for Reese’s office.

He’s the last one to arrive and slips in beside Carson and Mick. Glancing around, he sees Katie, but his eyes immediately shift to Reese. He suddenly realizes that despite being on the team today, he can’t remember saying one word to Katie. Why it was so hard, he didn’t know, but he felt like a fool.

“Alright, guys.” Reese pulls out a paper an pen. “Give me the highlights for the report. I’ll be handing it in to Carter and also to Sheriff Brown so he knows what’s been going on.

One by one, the others fill in all the holes, covering all bases and ensuring that nothing is left out.

As they’re wrapping things up, there’s a knock at the door and Ty pokes his head in. “Sorry to interrupt. Hal said to let you know that he’s got everything on his end taken care of.”

“Good.” Reese nods. “Thank you.”

Mick catches sight of Ty, and his eyes narrow, something striking him hard. As the young man starts to turn away, Mick stops him. “Hey.”

Ty turns back around. “You must be Mick.”

“I am. And you are…?”

“Ty Baker.”

Mick cocks his head. He couldn’t deny those eyes. A cold chill runs down his spine as he feels an unexplainable connection. “Ty…as in Tyler?”

Ty quirks an eyebrow. “What of it?”

Suddenly Mick ignores what he’s in the room for, and the confusion of the others. “Where are you from?”

Ty crosses his arms in defiance. “Is this an interrogation or what?”

“No, no.” Mick tries to calm him down. “I just…have we met?”

Ty studies Mick’s face, his eyes squinting slightly. “You do look kinda familiar.”

Carson glances over between the two and can’t help but comment. “Yeah, he should – he looks like you in about another twenty years.”

Ty’s eyebrows shoot up. “What?”

Mick swallows hard. “Ty…where are you from?”

Sensing a strange seriousness, Ty relents. “South Dakota.”

“And your family?”

Ty shrugs. “Beats me. I haven’t been in touch with them for years.”

“Were you…were you adopted?”

Ty’s eyes widen even more. “How did you know that?”

Another chill runs down Mick’s spine. “Just…a hunch. Thanks for humoring, me, kid.”

Showing confusion on his face, Ty slowly turns back to the door. “Uh…sure.”

Once the door is shut, Mick turns to Katie, seriousness in his eyes. “Tell me he doesn’t look like Clint.”

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