

*Katie smile could light up a room. Dispite all the emotions and chaos that ran though Katie at this moment with what had happend today and with Jason a moment of joy broke forth. It felt good that Mick liked Scott, and accepted him and her together. Katie new since Mick liked Scott so would Rosetta.*

"He's a great guy. He makes my Aunt real happy. Its been almost 20 years if not more they have known eachother and finally they are geting married. Alot has happend to Mick, Rosetta and everyone alse back in Texas and every challange, hardship, and horrable thing that has happen has built them to do who they are today. That gives me hope, that we all will be ok as well."

*Katie gives Scott's arm a squeeze before leting go.*

"Maybe when I go out to Texas for Mick and Rosetta's wedding you can be my date to come with me. I think it would be nice and I'd like to introduce you to everyone. That is if you would want to come with me. Maybe I could even get you on a horse again. I know you would love it there. Its quiet and just plain peaceful."

*As Domino's bark rings Katie looks down at her and laughs. Bending down to pat her head than straten up again*

"So what movie should we watch tonight after I get done with my debreafing?"

*Misty minds is blank. Wondering through the halls of her mind nothing is thought of. Than suddonly a voice can be hurd. A familure voice she had hurd so many times before yelling, correcting, the actions of affection her and Carson showed eachother. Even though the repramand a smile could be seen on his face and happyness in his eyes. Yes...it was Rick talking to her. Standing still in the darkness of her mind Misty strains to hear what was being said to her. "Dry spells...boring to...but they're certainly...for me." Misty strains even more listing closer. Who was Rick talking to? As Misty continues to listen she relizes she never noticed before how soothing Ricks voice could be. If only she had stoped to pay more attachen to it. "But you've helped...awful... isty." Rick was talking to her. Rick never talked much to her about anything other than work related stuff. She relized just how little she new about the man that worked along side her. She new she was married, and lived in an apartment next to Nate but its pretty much ended there. "I was....when you left once..." Misty stratens in her mind. You were what? You were what Rick I dident hear that last part Misty screams eccoing through her mind, only to be answered by the darkness. "And I'd hate...mistake of mi... to cost you your life." Misty eyes widen. No Rick it wont be your fault, it wont be. You've done everything right. Misty new she had to make it through this. There were more people who cared about her than she new. More than only Carson. Rick cared too. She couldent let them down. Now she had to push on. As everything in her mind goes silent. Misty stands pushing through the darkness. The light was around here somewhere, and she was going to find it. Misty was going to wake, for Reese, for Wyatt, for Rick, and most of all for Carson. "I'm coming Carson. Hold on, You cant get rid of me that easy. Hang in there my love. I'm coming back to you."*

*Aerith thinks for a moment before speaking. Jason was differnt, he was sad and lost. He felt there was no hope and he had no one.*

"I've learned that the people in life who really matter are the ones who will always be on the sidelines wait for us to come back around. The true friends, wont ever leave. The sad thing is though its hard to find those friends. There arnt many left in the world."

*As Jason's phone rings Aerith's voice goes quiet not wanting to intarupt Jason. Aerith could of guess it was work. It seemed alot of people she had met latly put work before happyness. In the world today I guess you would have to, to survive. Aerith's guess that its work is confermed when she hears who he is talking to. Wyatt?...that was odd. Well Jason did say he was in the law enforcment and so did Wyatt so I guess it would only be natreal that they new eachother and worked together. As Aerith sits and waits for the conversation to end she cant help but listen in alittle bit to the conversation. Some thing big happend today, something that had put Jason in more term oil than he always was in. Aerith felt bad for her new friend. He was so nice it was hard to see him sad.

As Jason ends his call and stands showing small bits of anger Areith stands with Jason. Aerith holds her smile to Jason as he gives her his goodnight and she replys.*

"Drive safe Jason, and I'll see you later."

*Aerith gives alittle wave as she watch Jason walks away for a moment. Than turns back to the table taking the money and cleaning it up. Puttering around the rest of the restrong cleaning up before they closed and she want home. Tomarrow was her day off and she was going to have to find something to do so she dident have to deal with the grump all day.*

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