

Scott is quiet for a moment. One might think he didn't even hear Dalton, but finally he responds. "Yeah." His voice is quiet, his mind wondering about where he belonged now... Though Reese hadn't wanted to say much, Scott could tell that his job here might be nonexistent. A lot had changed in two months... and even now, maybe they didn't really think he could handle his job anyway. Maybe they were right. But what else did he have? He had his dog... that was it. He had a house, but logic told him that probably most, if not all of his belongings were gone. He was starting from scratch. And without his job and family here...

Scott blinks, realizing that Dalton had asked him a question. He forces something resembling half a smile. "I'm okay. They said you helped out with getting me back here... guess I owe ya."

He swallows hard, looking around the office, seeing the personal effects of Dalton's in all the places he'd had his own stuff before. He knew it had been necessary. If he'd been Reese, he would have needed to hire somebody else too. After all, everyone had thought he'd been dead. But...somewhere... it still hurt a little bit.

Glancing down toward the desk, Scott spots a can of mountain dew. A bit of a grin surfaces. "Never did figure out if it was my own craving for caffeine or this office that attracted mountain dew."

Pausing, he slips his hands back into his hoodie pockets. "Guess I shouldn't keep ya. Nice to meet you, Dalton."

Jason is a little surprised by Katie's sudden embrace, but resists it by no means, bending down a little and wrapping his own arms around her.

Mmm... free time is always good.

Pulling away a little, Jason looks down at her. "This is my life all right... but maybe it's been that way for too long." He sighs deeply. "If this is the way things are going, maybe I'm meant for something else."

Despite his words though, his emotions tell a different story, revealing only to Katie that he was truly hurt by all of this. This really was his life... it's what he was made for, and the thought of losing it was not only just a little scary, but it wasn't liked one bit.

Brown, eh? Yeah, sure, I'll come along. Not like I got anything better to do. I want to come back later in the day to check on Scott, but otherwise... I'm game. If we can't do our thing under the rules, certainly we can without the rules.

Jason grins as he fishes for his keys in his pocket. "Alright, I'll follow you. Lead the way."

The ride down to the station doesn't take long, and before they know it, Jason is meeting up with Katie again at the steps, making their way up slowly to the doors. "Well, unless Austin has made a phonecall to ban us from the station too, we should be okay."

He didn't really mean to be sarcastic, but Katie could tell how he felt anyway. He grabs the door and holds it open for her, letting her go in first.

An officer at the front counter looks up, recognizing them as part of the Elite. "Hey, good morning. What can I do for you?"

Clint is so focused on his work that he doesn't even hear Wendy come into the shop. Leaning into the engine of the car, his wrench is lost, and he has to reach down in further to retrieve it.

Suddenly hearing Wendy's voice, he comes up too quickly, hitting his head on the open hood. Cringing, he gives Wendy a sheepish look. "Hey, princess."

Finding a rag to wipe his hands, he steps closer to her, grinning, though the pleasure is replaced with a little bit of concern at the tone of Wendy's voice. She seemed happy but... something didn't feel quite right.

Her request for a talk drives home the concern. Had he done something wrong? Was she upset with him for something? Was something else wrong?

"Um, sure," he finally replies. He knew they'd planned on eating lunch together anyway, but the cafe in town wasn't the quietest of places. Then again, he wasn't so sure he liked this need for quietness. But Wendy was smiling...that was a good thing, right?

"We can go to the park if you want. Pick up some fast food on the way. Little chilly out, but by noon, it should be warmed up a bit." He cocks his head, unable to help but ask. "Everything alright?"

Wyatt flips on his computer and sighs, sinking into his desk chair. The tension on the floor was thick today, and he wasn't sure just why. He'd heard murmurings that Austin was back, and that his return had been less than welcomed. He'd also heard that Scott was not doing well, and that didn't do much for his own peace of mind.

Going through a files, Wyatt settles on checking his email before getting started with much. Opening up the program, he's surprised to see an email to the entire staff from Carter. It wasn't often he addressed everyone...

After a time of evaluation, following TJY’s transition to the Elite, it has been decided that there will be changes taking place, effective immediately. These changes are to increase efficiency and also place us in a more regulated position according to law enforcement.

1) Staff must arrive by 8:00 a.m. unless otherwise permitted by direct permission or due to on-duty activity. Consistent tardiness will require disciplinary action.

2) Staff are required to have their badges and Elite ID on their persons at all time, while on duty. Negligence to do so will result in disciplinary action.

3) Arrests must be made according to regulations of local law enforcement. Those arrested may be held at TJY for a period of eight hours, but then must be taken to the police station to complete their time in custody, unless circumstances approved by the police station allow for TJY to keep the arrestee longer.

4) Ranking within the staff is hereby shifted to more appropriate statuses, according to, but not restricted by, local law enforcement. Members of TJY will remain as agents with their duties as prior known (with some exceptions), within the following rankings. Undercover work remains consistent, though not restricted to, Fieldmen and Scouts within their working ranks. The following lists onsite agents and their rankings, followed by their descriptive duties. (Offsite agents will be listed elsewhere.)

Austin Stevenson – Chief of the Elite
Mike Reese – Deputy Chief (Director)
Nate Dryers – Assistant Chief (Detective / Field Manager)
Rick Johnston – Assistant Chief (Physician)
Jason Stevenson – Captain (Detective / Lead Fieldman)
Katie Pent – Captain (Assistant Fieldman / Bodyguard)
Angelica Lockheart - Captain (Attorney)
Wyatt Reese – Lieutenant (Assistant Fieldman)
Laura Gibbs – Lieutenant (Field Scout)
Jamie Franklin – Sergeant (Office Manager)
Wesley Sanders – Sergeant (Firearms Instructor)
Misty Miller – Officer (Assistant Physician)
Trish Anderson – Officer (Research Coordinator)
Dalton Heathrow – Officer (Computer Technician)
Sapphire Johnson – Officer (Research Assistant)
Hal Timbs – Officer (Head Janitor / Night Security)
Ty Henson – Officer (Assistant Janitor)
Susanne Baker – Officer (Secretary of Chiefs)
Pete Kriston – Officer (Assistant Fieldman)
Allen Bryers – Officer (Recruiter)
Linda Greyson – Officer (Secretary)
Jackie Petyon – Officer (Assistant Office Manager)
Ed Heath – Officer (Assistant Recruiter)
Brent Franklin – Officer (Resource Developer)
Gary Miles – Officer (Supplies Manager)

5) Authorities within the TJY/Elite office and their actions and decisions will be respected by junior officers, according to the ranks listed in number 4. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.

6) This statement serves as my official resignation notice. As such, Austin will take over my position, as noted above in number 4.

- Carter

Wyatt blinks, shocked by the email. Parts of it didn't seem so shocking... they'd always functioned within rules and regulations. It was just... so... final. And what was this about rankings though? TJY staff had always been equals. Yes, some agents were in charge of certain things, and there was always someone to answer to. But mutual respect had never been a problem, nor had anyone every really questioned authority, or needed to be put in their place by higher authority.

He stares at the list again. He had been demoted. He respected the others, for sure, but officially being under others like Nate and Jason... sure, they'd been in charge over him plenty of times. But across the board... there were no more equals. Jason usually worked under Nate well, but Wyatt knew him well enough to know that Jason would be none too happy to discover that Nate could now pull rank on him at any given time.

Wyatt swallows hard and tries to shift his concentration, but it's hard. What was happening to TJY?


*Katie gives Scott a gentile pat on the arm. She new he was scared scenless but she could tell he was trying to be strong. She had to give him credit for that*

"Don't worry Scott. We are only a phone call away when you need us. We will always be there to help you."

*Katie gives Scott a soft smile as she draws away to sit down again. Her mind was starting to think about others things. What would she do with her time off? And how could she find justice that was needed here.*

"Ok, we will stay with ya till Rick comes."

*Katie felt better staying till Rick came in. She trusted him and new he would never let any harm befall Scott.*

*Hanging up the phone Dalton turns in his hair and starts typing at the computer again. Feeling as though someone was watching him Dalton look up. Spotting Scott he just looks for a moment not saying anything. Dalton had hurd about what happend not only with Scott being taken but in passing about what had happend with Austin. Finally giving a nod Dalton trys to talk in a softer tone than normal.*

"Hello, you must be Scott? How are you feeling?"

*Leting out a sigh Kaite links her arm with Jason's as they walk to there cars that were parked next to eachother.

I've been thinking of a few things myself but I don't know how good it will do with anything. Let alone going aganst Austin could get us in even more trouble. Not that I mind doing whats write I just, dont wanna drag you down too this is your life.

Getting to the cars Katie turns to Jason and puts her arms around his neck a smile forms on her face.

Well at least we get some free time now. But first I want to go see Brown and talk with him. You can come with if you want.*

*Opening the door quietly Wendy slips into the shop. Seeing the light on she knows someone has beat her in this morning. Making her way around one of the cars Wendy just stands for a long moment watching Clint. So many feelings and thoughs running through her mind. Keeping her emotions in check the best she could when all she want to do was cry.*

"Heya Clint."

*Stepping out around the car Wendy moves a little bit closer, a smile making its way across her face. Looking at Clint's face Wendy couldnt help the joy is braught her even now to see him. She had to tell him, no matter what he had to know.*

"Ummm...I was wondering if at lunch maybe we could go somewhere quiet to talk."