

Just listing to Mick again Rosetta's heart ached. She couldn't wait till Mick would be home again. It just seemed so lonely without him.

"I love you too Mick so very much. I wish I cold hold you right now, but I know you need to stay. I wait your return with open arms."

She really did mean it. Rosetta would wait till the end of time to have Mick in her arms again as long as she did. Loving him more than words could say Rosetta could never move one without him.

"BJ can't wait for you to come home eather. He miss you and loves you."

Looking up from the food at Sparky's razzing Faith could feel her cheeks turn red again. Not having time to reply to Sparky all Faith can do it laugh. It was good to see the humor come back in Sparky. Going back to the food Faith gets it ready for Sparky's return.

Feeling Gage's finger run along her palm, a chill runs down Sapphire's back as her heart starts to beat just a little bit faster than before. It was a feeling she could help.

Looking back into Gage's eyes and searching for the meaning behind his words they seemed like a cool drink to her ears. So soft, and full of emotion. Hearing he wanted to kiss her, was something Sapphire hadn't expected.

Bringing her free hand to the side of Gage's face Sapphire runs her own thumb over his cheek and jaw. Just letting her hand linger for a long moment as the smile stayed formed on her face.

"I'd say, that would be a memorie worth having for the both of us. Yes, Gage I would let us have that moment."


Mick turns around and folds one arm across his chest, contemplating Rosetta's compromise. "That sounds fair," he agrees. "The last thing I want is for BJ to pick up bad habits. I love Dylan, but I don't want him at the ranch either if he'll be a bad influence on BJ. I'm hoping that it'll work the other way around but... if it doesn't... I'll let him go."

He meant it. He knew that he'd put up a fight to leave Rosetta and BJ to rescue Dylan, but more emotionally stable now, he could think through his logic better. "Rosetta..." He bites his lip. "I just... I want you to know I'm trying really hard. I want to come home now, but I'm relying on Adam to tell me when he thinks I'm ready. I just miss you so much... I miss seeing you in the morning..." He gives a soft chuckle. "I miss your cooking. I even miss how you yell at me when I do something stupid. I... I promise this is the last time this is going to happen. I'll be hanged if I ever let myself down like this again."

Sparky's head snaps up to Faith's comment, his eyes widening just a little. Her further stumblings only prove to raise his eyebrows even higher. Staring at her, he blinks. He knew good and well she'd meant nothing by what she'd said, and the implications were the farthest thing from the true motivation of her original comment. But even so, it had caught him off guard.

The corners of his mouth start to twitch and before he knew it, he was laughing. His face was just as red as hers, but his eyes twinkled with an innocent humor, renewed after being so sick. "You better be careful... it's my turn." It did seem as though they were taking turns with embarrassing themselves all of a sudden, but Sparky was finding it rather humorous at this point. "You never know when I'll strike again."

Still grinning, he manages to roll out of bed and stand a bit shakily. He was a little dizzy, but he wants to be up moving badly enough that he grits his teeth and wanders towards the bathroom. "You can warm up the soup... I'll, uh.... trust you not to barge through an unlocked door."

Not giving Faith time to respond, he slips into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Gage looks down at Sapphire's hand in his and slowly moves his thumb to caress her palm. Then glancing back up to see her eyes again, he's so quiet... as if he's totally lost what they'd been talking about. It wasn't true though. He was only trying to understand her words and know their meaning.

"If I'm supposed to worry about today... and tomorrow... then that means worrying about each single moment." His voice is barely above a whisper. "And if I took this moment for all it was worth... and filled it with what I could carry into tomorrow... and if what I wanted to carry into tomorrow was the memory of kissing you... would you let me?"


Giving another small laugh Faith gives a nod as she moves to the small fridge on the far end of the room. Starting to take a few things from the fridge. The cool air on her face felt nice helping it cool down a little. Standing and turning to Sparky again she gives a little nod.

"Oh I guess you can go get squeaky clean. I promise I wont watch."

Realizing the comment she just made and how it could be takin it was Faith's turn for her face to turn red. Stumbling over her words Faith trys her best best to explain what she ment.

"What I ment was...since I have...been watching over you the last few days...and I didn't want you to....think I would keep watching you in the shower."

Turning back to the food Faith opens one of the containers quickly fumbling with it for a moment. She couldnt believe she had just said that.

Sitting in the small chair in the livingroom of her house Rosetta watches as BJ plays with some of his toys of the floor, and Listing to Mick on the other end of the phone. It was good to hear his voice again and know he was doing well.

Hearing Dylan was off drugs was a good thing, but hearing he still wouldn't talk Rosetta felt bad. For Dylan and Mick both. What could the boy be scared of, or hiding that would keep he locked up like this.

At Mick comment of bringing Dylan to the ranch Rosetta thinks for a long moment. With his mouth, and the chip on his shoulder would Dylan really be a good influence for BJ at such a young age? It worryed Rosetta, but how could she say No. Maybe a compramise would be a good salution.

"He can come here, but if BJ starts to pick up any of his bad habbits Mick he will have to go. BJ is at that point right now where he looks up to everyone and picks up on everything they are doing."

Sapphire liked the comments so full of thought that Gage sometimes threw out. Even if they were random and to some they didn't understand Sapphire could never tire of what he had to say. The comment about her eyes was no different and it made her feel warm and fuzzy even if there was a little bit of redness coming to her cheeks.

Feeling Gage's hand on her skin Sapphire closed her eyes for moment. His hands were rough from the work outside he had been doing, but to Sapphire she likes them. Opening her eyes again she gently takes Gage's hand in her own looking down at it for a long moment. She had a million of her own thoughts that ran thought her mind even if she didnt voice them. Being here with Gage, she always had a nice time and just feeling the warmth of his hand in her own...it was nice. Looking up into Gage's eyes again Sapphire searches them again her own eyes gicing a little twinkle.

"The time lost is not important. Worry about what you have today, and tomorrow is what matters."

Lost time

Sparky could feel the heat in his face worsening, even though he knew Faith was trying to make him feel less embarrassed. Her soft laugh and comment bring his eyes back up again, seeming almost surprised that no one would have compared her to an angel before.

Just wanting to get past the whole thing, he concentrates on Faith's question, quickly moving on, though his face remains red for several more minutes, especially when he realizes that she'd been looking at him for as long as he had been looking at her. "Um... yeah... yeah, I think I could handle something to eat. But..." He glances down, then up again. "I think I'd be better company if I can manage to get myself in the shower then into some clean clothes first. I mean... if you don't mind waiting a few minutes?"

"...he's not been very cooperative with the counseling sessions. Though Brenda says that it's strange because as far as the drugs go, he seems relieved. She thinks he's hiding something... I don't have a clue." Mick leans against the wall, looking out the window as he talks with Rosetta. It had been a long several days he'd gone without another phone call, so being able to talk with her again now, he was getting in as much as he could.

"At any rate, I told Adam I was thinking about having Dylan come stay with us. But... I didn't know if you'd be okay with that. Right now he's got a chip on his shoulder the size of Canada, and he's got a mouth on him I'd like to wash out with soap. Thing is, I don't feel right about sending him right back to where he got in trouble in the first place. I'd like to give him a chance, just... only if you think it would be alright."

Gage smiles a little. "A good heart, huh? I guess a lot of people would beg to differ." Searching Sapphire's eyes for a moment or two, he seems to be deep in thought, a thousand miles away.

"The lights from the tree... they make your eyes look blue." Though he'd completely changed the subject, it didn't seem to matter much. He often did, proving that his mind took many different avenues and that it didn't bother him to let his thoughts wander and deepen where they would.

"I... don't know why you stick with me," he comments softly. "But I am grateful... I don't say it enough. You've done so much... and you're my only friend. I didn't know what it was like to have a real friend before you..."

Reaching up, he brushes a strand of her hair back in place. Upon retreat though, his hand gently touches the side of Sapphire's face. "They never let me have friends," he whispers. "I don't know how to... make up for lost time."


Faith can't help the red color that came to her own face she her lips turned into a smile that was bigger than one she had, had in a while. It was easy to tell Sparky at first really didnt mean to flirt, but still what he had said still made her feel good to think someone would think she was pretty.

"An Angel huh? I do have to say I've never been compared to one of those before. But there is a first for everything. Thank you."

Shaking her head and giving another laugh Faith trys to let the color clear up from her face. She didnt want to make Sparky feel anymore uncomfortable, or embarrassed than he already was.

"Think you can stomach some food? There is a little left over soup here I can warm up for you."

Faith gave a soft smile to Sparky hoping it would help him get past his embarrassment. Finally turning her own eyes away from him relizing she had been mapping his face for the last five minutes.

Looking back at Gage she was happy there were friends. It wasnt often she was close to someone but Gage it just came so easy to get alone with him, and not feel strange around him. It could simply be because he accepted her the way she was.

"Yeah, sometimes its hard for me too. Perfection is something most people strive to obtain but till we come face to face with God we never will be."

Pulling away from Gage just a little Sapphire holds a big smile on her face. Her eyes twinkled showing what she said she really ment.

"I know you will make it Gage. Your a strong person with a good heart."

...from James

Sparky is a little surprised, hearing that Faith had been here more than Angel had requested. Why, he wasn't sure. But the caring heart he'd started to see the first day now was very evident. This woman was full of a loving peace that Sparky could feel, just being near to her.

Turning his head a little to look up at her, his eyes roam her face as they often did. Then giving a little sigh, he manages to get himself into a sitting position, leaning back against the wall. It took more effort than planned, proving juts how weak he was. Coughing again, he finds a glass of water near and takes a long sip, letting it soothe his throat.

"Man... it's been a long time since I've been hit this bad," he comments. "Weird dreams... or hallucinations or something." Rubbing his forehead, a few foggy memories surface. He gives a little chuckle. "I could have sworn at some point there was an angel sitting right here." He gestures to the edge of the bed. "She was beautiful - her voice was like the sound of a summer rain. And she was quoting... no, reading..."

The memory becomes just a little clearer and Sparky recalls the soft features and the wisps of strawberry hair falling alongside her face. Suddenly, his eyes snap up to Faith, the rest of his phrase trailing off. "...from James..." A crimson shade creeps up his neck and into his face. The level of embarrassment was the same as when he'd made a fool out of himself several days ago when he'd been introduced to her. Only this time, he had no escape route.

Gunner lets out the breath he'd been holding and he grins. "Thanks, guys. I'll be in touch. Keep it under your hats, okay?"

Scott nods, and watches as Gunner backs away, then leaves the office. He opens the bottom desk drawer to pull out a new bag of jerky. "I have a feeling we're gonna need this." After tearing into it, he offers some to Dalton as was the frequent ritual. "First one to get past the first security doesn't have to pay for the next round of Mountain Dew."

By now, Gage was used to Sapphire's comfort, and he didn't resist the arm she put around his shoulder. Quite honestly, it felt good right about now.

Listening quietly, Gage tries to process everything that she was saying. Some of it was a little difficult, but if he pushed aside his frustration, he understood a little easier. Sapphire's observation about his behavior now versus when he was with the Agency was something he hadn't thought of. If he'd still been with the Agency, the man today might not still be alive.

Continuing to listen, he wonders about her reference to God. She talked about Him often, not just when referring to Christmas. The concept was intriguing, but usually Gage kept his questions to himself, spending time to ponder them and just take in whatever information Sapphire offered.

Sitting in the quiet for several minutes, Gage looks at the tree again, then slowly lets his head lean to the side until it was resting against Sapphire's. "So what you're telling me is that it could have been worse but I'll never be perfect."

He gives a wry chuckle before sighing deeply. "I guess you're right... I'm just feeling sorry for myself. It's just... hard some days."

Pausing, he purses his lips. "I just want to get through this community service so I can actually do something with myself..." He glances around the room. "Get something better than this."

Shifting a little, he turns his head so his eyes are just inches from Sapphire's. His voice goes quiet. "Do you really think I can? Succeed, I mean?"

Let the games begin!

Another smile forms on Faith's face. Only knowing Sparky for a few Faith had already come to realize he had quite a seance of humor and not to take half of what he said seriously. It was nice to see Sparky had his sence of humor back now, and the smile behind his eyes.

"I didn't get anything but the satisfaction of knowing you were ok, and if you needed anything I could get it. To be honest I don't even think Angel new I was here half as long as I have been."

Faith stands and gives a stretch setting the book down on the small night stand. If Sparky felt strong enough maybe she could get him outside. Fresh air would be good for him and it would give a chanse for the stail are in the room to circulate. But she would wait first to see how he felt completely.

Bringing a hand to his chin as he thinks while listing to Gunner. Dalton listens to every word to a T. Taking in what information Gunner was giving them, processing it, and than forming a plan. Long before he was even asked or herd Scott would do it, Dalton had told himself yes he would do it. If someone was where they were not meant to be, and it was due to a parent, or some kind of family member there it had a reason. And that reason could very well be to shut them up. Gunner's friend was in danger and what they could be doing to that poor girl in a place like that it filled Dalton with more anger than sorrow.

Turning to his computer Dalton does a little typing bring up a few differnt pages. Looking to Scott and than to Gunner he inquires.

"You said Crescentview Mental Facility right?"

Going back to the computer and typing it in more sacrity windows poped up. They did have tight security in this place. Exicelent, it would feed Dalton's mind and challange him an Scott. How could he say no to that.

Giving a sidelong glance to Scott and than Gunner his mouth curls up into a smile.

"Let the games begin!"

Listing as Gage trys to explain what happened today Sapphire can't help but feel a little sorry for him. She new he hated feeling this way, but she also new that this was not started by him, but by the other person. Even thought it was wrong Sapphire couldn't blame him. Sge night of done the same thing if someone had pushed her.

Moving a little closer Sapphire gentile sets herself down on Gage's air mattress doing her best to move softly so she didnt launch Gage off. Scooting next to him she puts a gentil arm over his shoulders.

"There is a differnce between what you did for the Agency and what happened today. Though both are wrong this time it was self defense. This guy pushed, and punched you first. Its anyone's naturel defence to fight back to try and protect yourself and you stoped when the cop asked you to. Would you have done that a few months back when with the Agency?"

Sapphire new more than likely the answer was no. Gage had changed and come such a long way, the last thing she wanted was for him to think he was slipping. Thought todays events would set them back just a little Sapphire could only hope Gage would understand what she was saying.

"Though that dosnt give you the right to go around looking for the person to swing first, you in no way changing back to who you use to be."

Gently rubbing Gage's shoulder with her hand that was around him Sapphire leans her head against his for a moment just staying quiet. Thinking, about Gage's last comment and everyone being in charge of him. Picking her head up again to look at Gage she just searches his face for a long moment.

"You know your wrong in thinking everyone is in charge of you. The only one who in charge is you. You make the desitions in your life no one else does. The only real question you have to ask yourself is are the consequences worth a bad one. You pick up trash because its what you choose to do instead of going to jail. You can choose not to go, but than I might never see you again. You choose to let me in and help you. You didn't have to but than...where would you be right now?"

Sapphire's eyes still search Gage's. Thinking about her next comment.

"In the end though there is someone we need to answer to and that's God. I know when I stand before him in my final days I'd rather tell him about all the good things I did, and how I lived like he wanted than have to beg for my life when he tells me all the wrong he saw. Does that mean I am perfect?"

Sapphire gives a little laugh.

"..I only with I was. But its a comforting feeling to know he will forgive me when I mess up. And let me tell you, I've messed up a lot in my life too."

Pity party

For the last few days? Sparky's eyebrows lift just a little. "Angel must be offering quite the perks for being her nurse," he muses. It was obvious that his humor had returned, and he couldn't believe that she would have sat all this time just because she wanted to. "I'll have to look into changing careers and working for her to see what I'd get for sitting and watching patients."

Gunner straightens up and folds his arms, knowing that he could trust these two men. "There's a young woman who was taken to Crescentview Mental Facility. Problem is, she doesn't belong there. She's not crazy or unstable in any way. It has something to do with her parents and money, but we're still trying to figure out those facts."

Scott interrupts. "Who's we?"

"Me and Dr. Jack Timble, her uncle."

"Jack Timble..." Scott furrows his brow. "I've heard that name."

"Could be. He used to help out the Texas gang years back." Gunner purses his lips. "He and I are trying to get Bree out of that place before they ruin her. They've got high security though, and they've got the both of us tagged. We couldn't get in there if we had permission from the president."

Scott tries to process the information. "Alright... so what do you want from us?"

"Information. I've tried to get all I could but I just can't get very deep. I know computers, but not that well. JT's been trying to go through legal channels - but we're both getting frustrated, and we've been talking about getting in by other means. Things like using security cards or using businesses that have clearance."

"Like electric companies or delivery trucks."

"Exactly. Thing is, we don't know what companies they use. We don't know what their security cards are. We don't know what their ID badges look like. We don't know the names of their staff who have high clearance."

Scott glances to Dalton again before thinking it through. "This is gonna take some hacking... and some time."

"I know. That's why I'm asking you two. If you can't or don't want to, then JT and I will have to find a different route. But you're the best. I'm hitting too many dead ends to keep on by myself. And time is running out. We have to get Bree out of there."

Scott takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I know you don't usually ask for favors... so this must be pretty important. I'll do what I can..." He turns to Dalton. "What do you say?"

Gage hears the key turning in the lock, but he doesn't get up. Sapphire was the only other person with a key, so he trusted it was just her. And he was right. But even as she enters, he makes no move to stand. He just sits, looking at the tree or down at the floor. It was the first time in quite a while he'd felt anywhere close to miserable.

At Sapphire's question, he shrugs lamely. "Yeah, I'm fine... I will be."

Picking at a hole in his jeans, he keeps his head resting on the wall. He knew he couldn't get away with not explaining. Sapphire was his friend, and friends talked to each other. "I just had a run-in with some punk on the street today."

He sighs and shrugs again. "I was picking up trash. The cop I was with got a call - he trusted me to keep working so he went a ways away... had his back turned. Guy came up to me and started picking on me about what I was doing... making fun of me. At first I didn't care, ya know? I know why I have to do it, and I'm just lucky I'm not in jail."

Gage pauses, not liking the lingering anger in his gut. "I told him to leave me alone, and he kept at it. He was just looking for a fight. I don't know if he was on something or what. But he shoved me."

A thread snaps from the hole in his jeans his finger had been working on. "I just... I don't know... I got mad. I was trained to fight, ya know? There was a lot of stuff I didn't realize in the Agency, but one thing they made sure of was that if I ever got caught, I could get out of it. Combat and torture... that's what they wanted my specialty to be."

Stopping again, his eyes finally drift up to Sapphire's face. It was obvious that he didn't feel good about what had happened. "So... I shoved back. The guy's first strike I didn't see coming." He gestures to his lip. "After that though..." He sighs again. "...I did what I knew to do. That guy didn't stand a chance. I just... in my mind, I was the old me again, looking out for number one, and not caring about what happened to anybody else. He deserved to get knocked down so I did it. Next thing I knew, the cop was pulling me off the guy and ordering me to stand down. I came to my senses so I obeyed. The 0ther guy wasn't in great shape... bleeding everywhere, I think I broke his nose. Cop wanted to call for someone to take him to the ER to get cleaned up, but all the guy wanted to do was get out of there. I think he was scared of the police, to tell you the truth."

Looking back down again, Gage tries to sort through the disappointment in himself that was mixed with a bit of pride of putting someone else in his place. They were conflicting feelings.

"Thankfully, the cop had seen that I hadn't started it. And since the guy didn't want to go to the hospital, I got away with a stern warning was all."

Trying to find some comfort in the pretty, glowing tree, Gage looks at it. "I guess it felt good but I feel bad for feeling good." He cringes at how mixed up that sounded. "I don't like missing the control I used to have... I know it was wrong, the things I did, but... when they'd put me in a room with a victim, I was in charge. Even if I really didn't have the freedom I thought I did on the outside, in those moments, I was the one with the job to control the victim. Now... now everyone is in charge of me... all I get to do is say where to put decorations on a Christmas tree." He scoffs at himself. "And have pity parties... I'm sorry."

Ryder laughs and straightens to model his new "hat," prancing around to the front of the couch to flop down next to Thirteen. He was just as glad that so far, she didn't question where the money came from for all the things they could do and buy. Ryder kept very good track of everything that came in from Trent, and at any given time he could show where the money had been spent and how much was left.

"Mom and Pop's it is then. And you are looking at the worst bowler on the planet - but if you want to bowl, then bowl we shall."

Grinning, he takes the boxers off his head, tossing them on the pile of laundry. Leaning closer to Thirteen, he kisses her lips. "All I gotta do is get my shoes on and we're out of here. Worry about the laundry later."

Few days

Opening her eyes to the sun light that was lightly coming in the window Faith gives a stretch. After so many days of sitting, sleeping, and just sitting in that chair Faith had become pretty still.

Hearing Sparky's voice makes Faith's heart jump and looking at him a smile forms on her face. His color was back, his fever was down and he was just looking so much better. Giving a small shake of her head Faith's eyes give a twinkle.

"I wouldn't really call this an early morning visit. For the last few days this is where I have eat, sleep and just spent my time. Everyone was really worryed about you, even me."

Cocking her head a little bit Faith's eyes search Sparky's for a long moment. It was easy to tell she really had cared and been worried.

Looking up as Gunner comes into the office Dalton was a bit suprised. It wasn't often Gunner found his way here, not to mention ask for there help.

"Hey, whats up?"

Listening intently to the little bit of information Gunner was providing them Dalton sat back in his chair his hands behind his head. Just thinking for a long moment he weighs the good, and the bad trying to decide what his own answer was.

"Well, we are off the clock. We can always hear what Gunner has to say, and see whats its all about. But if it becomes to risky, we would have to back out."

Dalton's curiosity had been peeked and now he wanted to know what Gunner had to say. If there were going to help someone who needed it, than that was they could do.

Sitting in the corner of her room, that was more like a cell Bree was curled her legs close to her chest as she rocked back and forth slightly.

Over the last few days that she had been there, it almost felt like she never left pluse ten. Shock therapy, meds to dop her up, sitting in on meetings, being confined to her room, to being cuffed down. It was a nightmare Bree couldn't escape. Her body and mind were on the verge of shutting down just so she didn't have to feal the pain anymore.

Leaning back still curled up a few tears roll from Bree's eye as she just stairs off into the dark corner across the room. She missed JT, she missed the kids at the hospital and most of all she missed Gunner. Bree couldnt help but wonder if they even new where she was.

Jingling the keys and humming a toon Sapphire unlocks the front apartment door. She never bothered to knock anymore now that she had a key and she always called before she came over today had been no different.

"Gage, I hope your ready. I think my stomach is going to eat itself if I wait any longer."

Scanning the room her eyes fall to the Christmas tree and than to Gage sitting on the bed.

"Hey there, sorry I am a little late, I...."

Sapphire's words trail off as she looks at Gage's face and see his split lip. A worry runs though her. Coming a little closer Sapphire bends down to take a better look at Gage.

"What happend Gage? Are you ok?"

Thirteen can't help the laugh that escapes her lips as Ryder puts the sock over her ear. Taking a pare of his boxed Thirteen turns a little to put them on his head like a hat. Letting out another laugh and shaking her head.

"Mmmm...how about Mom and Pop's? I really do like there soup there."

Thinking again for a moment while folding some more things and separating Katies, Ryders and her own Thirteen is quiet before turning to look at Ryder again. Now that they both were working seeing each other ALL the time didnt happen and Thirteen had learned how to cherish what little time they did have.

"How about bowling? I saw it on tv and it looked fun."