

Mick turns around and folds one arm across his chest, contemplating Rosetta's compromise. "That sounds fair," he agrees. "The last thing I want is for BJ to pick up bad habits. I love Dylan, but I don't want him at the ranch either if he'll be a bad influence on BJ. I'm hoping that it'll work the other way around but... if it doesn't... I'll let him go."

He meant it. He knew that he'd put up a fight to leave Rosetta and BJ to rescue Dylan, but more emotionally stable now, he could think through his logic better. "Rosetta..." He bites his lip. "I just... I want you to know I'm trying really hard. I want to come home now, but I'm relying on Adam to tell me when he thinks I'm ready. I just miss you so much... I miss seeing you in the morning..." He gives a soft chuckle. "I miss your cooking. I even miss how you yell at me when I do something stupid. I... I promise this is the last time this is going to happen. I'll be hanged if I ever let myself down like this again."

Sparky's head snaps up to Faith's comment, his eyes widening just a little. Her further stumblings only prove to raise his eyebrows even higher. Staring at her, he blinks. He knew good and well she'd meant nothing by what she'd said, and the implications were the farthest thing from the true motivation of her original comment. But even so, it had caught him off guard.

The corners of his mouth start to twitch and before he knew it, he was laughing. His face was just as red as hers, but his eyes twinkled with an innocent humor, renewed after being so sick. "You better be careful... it's my turn." It did seem as though they were taking turns with embarrassing themselves all of a sudden, but Sparky was finding it rather humorous at this point. "You never know when I'll strike again."

Still grinning, he manages to roll out of bed and stand a bit shakily. He was a little dizzy, but he wants to be up moving badly enough that he grits his teeth and wanders towards the bathroom. "You can warm up the soup... I'll, uh.... trust you not to barge through an unlocked door."

Not giving Faith time to respond, he slips into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Gage looks down at Sapphire's hand in his and slowly moves his thumb to caress her palm. Then glancing back up to see her eyes again, he's so quiet... as if he's totally lost what they'd been talking about. It wasn't true though. He was only trying to understand her words and know their meaning.

"If I'm supposed to worry about today... and tomorrow... then that means worrying about each single moment." His voice is barely above a whisper. "And if I took this moment for all it was worth... and filled it with what I could carry into tomorrow... and if what I wanted to carry into tomorrow was the memory of kissing you... would you let me?"

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