
Few days

Opening her eyes to the sun light that was lightly coming in the window Faith gives a stretch. After so many days of sitting, sleeping, and just sitting in that chair Faith had become pretty still.

Hearing Sparky's voice makes Faith's heart jump and looking at him a smile forms on her face. His color was back, his fever was down and he was just looking so much better. Giving a small shake of her head Faith's eyes give a twinkle.

"I wouldn't really call this an early morning visit. For the last few days this is where I have eat, sleep and just spent my time. Everyone was really worryed about you, even me."

Cocking her head a little bit Faith's eyes search Sparky's for a long moment. It was easy to tell she really had cared and been worried.

Looking up as Gunner comes into the office Dalton was a bit suprised. It wasn't often Gunner found his way here, not to mention ask for there help.

"Hey, whats up?"

Listening intently to the little bit of information Gunner was providing them Dalton sat back in his chair his hands behind his head. Just thinking for a long moment he weighs the good, and the bad trying to decide what his own answer was.

"Well, we are off the clock. We can always hear what Gunner has to say, and see whats its all about. But if it becomes to risky, we would have to back out."

Dalton's curiosity had been peeked and now he wanted to know what Gunner had to say. If there were going to help someone who needed it, than that was they could do.

Sitting in the corner of her room, that was more like a cell Bree was curled her legs close to her chest as she rocked back and forth slightly.

Over the last few days that she had been there, it almost felt like she never left pluse ten. Shock therapy, meds to dop her up, sitting in on meetings, being confined to her room, to being cuffed down. It was a nightmare Bree couldn't escape. Her body and mind were on the verge of shutting down just so she didn't have to feal the pain anymore.

Leaning back still curled up a few tears roll from Bree's eye as she just stairs off into the dark corner across the room. She missed JT, she missed the kids at the hospital and most of all she missed Gunner. Bree couldnt help but wonder if they even new where she was.

Jingling the keys and humming a toon Sapphire unlocks the front apartment door. She never bothered to knock anymore now that she had a key and she always called before she came over today had been no different.

"Gage, I hope your ready. I think my stomach is going to eat itself if I wait any longer."

Scanning the room her eyes fall to the Christmas tree and than to Gage sitting on the bed.

"Hey there, sorry I am a little late, I...."

Sapphire's words trail off as she looks at Gage's face and see his split lip. A worry runs though her. Coming a little closer Sapphire bends down to take a better look at Gage.

"What happend Gage? Are you ok?"

Thirteen can't help the laugh that escapes her lips as Ryder puts the sock over her ear. Taking a pare of his boxed Thirteen turns a little to put them on his head like a hat. Letting out another laugh and shaking her head.

"Mmmm...how about Mom and Pop's? I really do like there soup there."

Thinking again for a moment while folding some more things and separating Katies, Ryders and her own Thirteen is quiet before turning to look at Ryder again. Now that they both were working seeing each other ALL the time didnt happen and Thirteen had learned how to cherish what little time they did have.

"How about bowling? I saw it on tv and it looked fun."

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