

Giving another small laugh Faith gives a nod as she moves to the small fridge on the far end of the room. Starting to take a few things from the fridge. The cool air on her face felt nice helping it cool down a little. Standing and turning to Sparky again she gives a little nod.

"Oh I guess you can go get squeaky clean. I promise I wont watch."

Realizing the comment she just made and how it could be takin it was Faith's turn for her face to turn red. Stumbling over her words Faith trys her best best to explain what she ment.

"What I ment was...since I have...been watching over you the last few days...and I didn't want you to....think I would keep watching you in the shower."

Turning back to the food Faith opens one of the containers quickly fumbling with it for a moment. She couldnt believe she had just said that.

Sitting in the small chair in the livingroom of her house Rosetta watches as BJ plays with some of his toys of the floor, and Listing to Mick on the other end of the phone. It was good to hear his voice again and know he was doing well.

Hearing Dylan was off drugs was a good thing, but hearing he still wouldn't talk Rosetta felt bad. For Dylan and Mick both. What could the boy be scared of, or hiding that would keep he locked up like this.

At Mick comment of bringing Dylan to the ranch Rosetta thinks for a long moment. With his mouth, and the chip on his shoulder would Dylan really be a good influence for BJ at such a young age? It worryed Rosetta, but how could she say No. Maybe a compramise would be a good salution.

"He can come here, but if BJ starts to pick up any of his bad habbits Mick he will have to go. BJ is at that point right now where he looks up to everyone and picks up on everything they are doing."

Sapphire liked the comments so full of thought that Gage sometimes threw out. Even if they were random and to some they didn't understand Sapphire could never tire of what he had to say. The comment about her eyes was no different and it made her feel warm and fuzzy even if there was a little bit of redness coming to her cheeks.

Feeling Gage's hand on her skin Sapphire closed her eyes for moment. His hands were rough from the work outside he had been doing, but to Sapphire she likes them. Opening her eyes again she gently takes Gage's hand in her own looking down at it for a long moment. She had a million of her own thoughts that ran thought her mind even if she didnt voice them. Being here with Gage, she always had a nice time and just feeling the warmth of his hand in her own...it was nice. Looking up into Gage's eyes again Sapphire searches them again her own eyes gicing a little twinkle.

"The time lost is not important. Worry about what you have today, and tomorrow is what matters."

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