

"Mm-hmm..." Rick waves absentmindedly as Misty leaves the infirmary. He looks up just as she disappears, but the sparkle on her hand catches his eye. He blinks, his mouth opening slightly. No... surely he didn't just see a ring on her left hand... did he? He shakes his head. It had to be his imagination. He would look again when she got back. Carson? Naah.

You pick the lunch place, Jason types on his keyboard. Tonight before the concert, I'll pick you up so you can join me and the guys.

A chuckle bubbles from Dani. "I hardly think any car you'd drive, I would be cramped in." Even now, she had to bend her neck to look up at Dalton. Her smile was genuine. She wasn't making fun of him - she really was enjoying the prospect of the day.

"That was sweet of you to clean out your car but..." She bites her lip and glances to her own car. "Would it be okay if I followed you? Would you mind too much?"

Cleaned out

Misty gives a small smile as she chuckles at Danie. Still looking into Carson's eyes her grin is still there as her eyes twinkle with happiness.

"Ok, I will take the blame for this one."

Taking the towel and giving her thanks to Dani Misty drys herself off the best she cant as she lets Carson help her before heading home for the night and talking more with Carson letting him know how sorry she was, but now how happy she was as well.

Keeping herself busy at work Misty works with a new air about her. She felt a feeling she could never describe. It was almost of feeling of being complete, a happiness she was happy to have.

Moving about the infermary she helps the best she can with Jeff knowing Rick was waiting for for the phone call from Angel.

As the lunch hour comes along Misty grabs her purse and heads for the door. Turning she gives a small wave to Rick her ring catching the light and giving a sparkle.

"I am meeting Carson for lunch. If you need something call. See you in an hour."

Getting Jason's message on the computer Katie gives a small smile. Things had still been tense with Jeff, and there prevous conversation still on her mind but Katie tryed her best to keep her spirits up.

Letting her emotions slowly forward Katie replys to Jason.

Lunch sounds great, and I dont think I am doing anything tonight so as long as Jeff is doing ok, I'll be at the concert.

Driving down the street Dalton keeps his eyes open for Dani's place. It wasnt hard to find seeing as she was sitting outside. Pulling into the parking lot Dalton puts the car in park before stepping out of the car and throwing a smile at Dani. His sunglass removed and put gentily on top of his head. His loss white tee and his jeans proved work was not on his agenda today.

"I'd say good morning but its the afternoon, so I guess I will stick with Hi."

Stepping a little closer to Dani Dalton gives a small nod not wanting to give her a hug and invade her space but thinking a handshake was to formal.

"Well I am ready if you are?"

Dalton gives a smile to Dani. He haad been waiting for this since yesterday and couldn't wait. He never showed it much but he was excited to be going to lunch with Dani.

"I cleaned out my car and everything so you will have a place to sit and you wont feel cramped. I promise to I am a really safe drive."

Dalton was proud of what he had done with his car. For the longest time he had lived in his car and now I have it cleaned out for a good reason he made him feel good that he had a reason to do so.


"I wanted you two to make up, not make out," Dani muses loudly.

Carson doesn't bother pulling away too quickly, but he eventually does, a grin on his face before turning to his sister. "Your fault."

"Yeah, sure." Dani rolls her eyes, though they twinkle with humor. "Here's a towel Misty." She refrained from any other teasing remarks that popped into her head.

Carson helps Misty dry her hair, then grabs his keys. "I'll drive you home, okay?"

The sun rose as faithfully as ever, bright and red through the clouds on the horizon. More storms were on their way. But for now, they were at a distance.

Across town, the little Italian restaurant bubbled to life. Something had changed... there was a different in the atmosphere. But so far only two women knew why there was a new kind of smile on Carson's face.

On the other side of town, TJY comes to life. Workers in and out. Reese on the phone. Rick busy in the infirmary, wondering at Misty's odd behavior, but any new jewelry had slipped his radar at this point. He was concentrating too much on Jeff, who had been in and out of sleep with a high fever all night.

As slowly as the hours move though, soon it's late morning and lunchtime is on the minds of several people.

Jason types a message to Katie's computer, awaiting a response.

Hero - lunch? Tonight's concert. Coming along?

Dani rummages through her purse to find her keys, walking to her small yellow car. Looking at her watch, she decides to wait outside, leaning on the hood. Dalton should be coming any minute, and she was looking forward to it. The picnic basket was already in the back seat, and she just hoped those clouds held back their rain for a few more hours.


Looking at the ring on her finger Misty turns her hand slightly to the left and than the right letting the run catch in the light for a moment in almost aw of it.

"Its beautiful Carson, just perfect. You did good You did good."

As Misty is brought into Carson's arm a sassy smile that never died grew on her face as she cocked her head to the side knowing was what to come.

"I think I can handle dessert now."

Wrapping her arms around Carson the one finds his back as it rubs it gentil as the other combs through his hair before cradling the back of his head. Letting the passion, the feels wash over her while everything else from the day was being washed away. Her heart thumped, her love grew and all we well.


"I promise." Carson's words had never sounded more honest.

Taking Misty's hand gently, he slips the ring onto her finger, admiring it for a moment. "And who says a man can't pick out a good ring, ay?"

A little grin appears on his face as he locks eyes with Misty once again. "I hope it's alright. And... I'm sorry about everything. This wasn't how I'd planned to ask you."

Drawing her nearer to him, he wraps his arms around her, not caring that she was still soaking wet from the rain. "Now... I never really got my desert earlier..."

Still grinning, he leans closer, pressing his lips to hers, gradually deepening the kiss until he has her in a full embrace, not caring about anything else in the world.

Dani appears again in the hallway, a towel in hand. She blinks, then just watches, leaning against the wall and shaking her head. But she had to smile. Carson had his faults like anyone, but when he did something right, he did it all the way. Dani knew he had been hesitant to get closer with Misty for two reasons... one, the issue of faith, and two, the fact that he always felt like a failure and didn't want to disappoint her. But finally... he had asked her. It might be a while still but... Dani had a feeling they were headed down the right road. And maybe by the time they actually got married, both of those reasons will be resolved.


Her heart just sinking a little again as Carson takes the ring back Misty wonders if its for the best. About to turn and leave once again Misty gives a jump as Dani comes out of no where. Looking from Dani to Carson than Dani again Misty cant help but know she was right. This was pretty sad to be going around and around with the same thing.

Watching Dani as she goes down the hall Misty cant only stand in blink before looking back to Carson. Hearing his praposle again Misty cant help the smile that forms on her face that only grows when he lets her know he is going to love her no matter what. Taking a few steps closer to Carson Misty holds her hand out to him.

"Yes, I will marry you Carson Banks! I love you with all I am and that will never change no matter what.Just promise me you will be honest with me from now on even if you think it will upset me so I dont have to hear it from someone else."


Carson swallows hard, the level of tension starting to lower then ease off. He stares at the outstretched ring being handed back to him, then back up to Misty's eyes.

Sighing deeply, he takes it back. "It was stupid of me to think this would work. We're just... I don't know." He closes the box lid with a snap. "You don't have anything to be sorry about anyway. It's me and I know it. I just-"

"Oh, this is pathetic."

Carson flinches as Dani suddenly joins them. She sets her hands on her hips and looks between them. "First, dear brother of mine, do you really expect a girl to say yes to you when you just haphazardly toss the ring to her? What were you thinking?!" She turns to Misty. "And you, of all people! You love this man to death, and you're turning him down because you're in the middle of a pity party. You both are!" She shakes her head. "Unbelievable... totally unbelievable. I don't know what happened earlier - I don't want to know. But for pete's sake. This really is pathetic."

Spinning around, she heads for the hallway. "I'm getting a towel for you, Misty. Carson, get your act together before I come back."

Carson's eyes have widened slightly and he looks back to the ring in his hand, to Misty, then to Dani, then back to Misty. Left alone for just a couple moments, he shrugs. "For once, I think my little sister is right."

Stepping closer to Misty, he takes the ring again, holding it out to her. "Misty Miller, I'm asking you to marry me. I don't know when, I don't know how but I'm asking you anyway. I'm tired of the games, I'm tired of the questions, I'm tired of wondering if you'll still be mine tomorrow. So... for the second time, are you going to accept this ring? Because even if you don't, I'm still gonna love you to death, so you might as well accept it and say yes."

I'm Sorry

Feeling irratated at first for Carson's own frustration she just wanted him to say yes or no before she lost the rest of her speech. Continuing to listen Misty is about to speak again when Carson finally said he loved her but catches the small box instead.

Just looking down at her hand and the little box everything else Misty was about to say was now lost. Running her fingers over the ring and the diamonds before looking up at Carson. Everything about her now changed. Her eyes held something else now maybe a little bit of confustion but something else was there too. Looking back down and than up again tears filled Misty's eyes.

"I...had this whole speech I was going to say about how I dont want to be alone, and I was going to tell you I was sorry and now...its...I..dont remeber what else I was going to say."

Feeling a ping in her heart she felt such a fool. How couldnt she have doubted Carson's love for her?!

"After everything...I want to say yes but you dont deserve me. You have come such a long way and...I made such a fool of myself. I'm sorry."

Misty holds the ring out to Carson. She felt so small right now and she was so sorry to have runed Carson saprise.


Carson blinks. All he wanted to do at the moment was help Misty clean up and make sure she was okay. But apparently she had other intentions. Her question caught him off guard and made his mouth go dry. He stares into her eyes for several long, awkward moments. "I've been trying for who knows how long to tell you that," he replies, almost in annoyance. "What does a guy have to do so a woman believes him?"

He shakes his head. "Then I lied, I cheated, I'm a mean sun-of-a-gun and you wanted to be left alone. Now you come here and ask me if I love you?"

He throws his arms up in the air. He didn't understand the way she thought, or her mood or any of it. He felt badly, seeing her in this state, but what had she been thinking, walking out in that storm anyway?

"You really want to know?" He turns around, stalking to the drawer in the end table by the couch. Pulling out a little square box, he waves it up in the air, the irritation still high. "I've been hanging onto this for the past two months, without the guts to give it to you, because all I do is screw things up. All I do is wind up in trouble. All I do is make the wrong decisions."

Still talking, he aims back towards her, ignoring the shocked look on Dani's face as she still sat on the couch, unable to help but listen. Carson's voice rises in volume, his accent becoming more pronounced.

"I turned my life around, I came to terms with God and I've been praying for the day you will too. I've been trying my hardest to be the best man I can, but it's never good enough! All I do is wind up failing in some way or the other. I'm stupid, hard-headed and ignorant! And... and... and..."

He stumbles over his own words, having no idea where he had been headed with that train of thought. His face reddens, but he's too hyped up to stop. "Yes, of course I love you! You want proof? Here! I'm tired of this stupid fight!"

Opening the box, he tosses it in her direction.

Only one small item makes up the contents.

The band is white gold.

The set of three petite diamonds sparkles, despite the gloomy atmosphere.

Do u

Not stepping inside Misty looks at Carson dead in the eyes her words were short and held much emotion maybe everything she had felt all day. Her eyes had hurt, and love, pain and joy in them and they were glazed with confusion.

"Carson Banks, do you love me?"

Though she might feel just a bit crazy she had to know. It had been to long, and with everything that happend she didnt know if it was true. She new what she felt, but could her emotions lie? She had to know from him!


The loud bang on the door and the shout for Carson is enough to make him jump. He'd been asleep in the same position on the couch, and Dani had fallen asleep too, the movie credits rolling up the television screen.

"What on earth...." He sits up groggily, then he realizes just whose voice he had heard. He's instantly on his feet, going for the door.

Opening it wide, he stares at Misty, his eyebrows rising. "What..." He opens the door more, so she can come in. "...what are you doing here? You walked? Are you okay?"

Call out your name

Closing the door behind Carson Misty leans her head aganst the door. Her weakness had always been Carson and not going with him killed Misty a little more inside.

Turning she goes into the bedroom and grabs her jacket and heads out the door. The rain slowly starts to fall but Misty dosnt pay anymind. It felt good on her hot face.

As the rain starts to pound harder Misty's mind races as she thinks about Carson. As her walk quickens and the rain still comes down Misty starts to run. She wanted to burn everything out so her mind would be clear.

But as the rain comes harder and some thunder cracks the hump in the pavement is not seen. As her foot gets hooked Misty hits the ground as her hands get scraped up. But as if the flood gates were open the tears finally spring into Misty's eyes her crys are loud as the thunder drowns them out, but the frustration she was feeling, the anger and the hurt was being alowed to clear.

Finally as the time ticked away Misty picks herself off the ground the tears had slowed but she was soaking wet and muddy. As the lighting start to intensafi Misty new it wasnt safe anymore. Taking a look around to see where she was, she was saprised to finder her outside Dani and Carson's place. Feeling a suddin ping of lonlyness Misty makes her way up the walk.

Giving a loud knock on the door Misty calls make sure she would be heard.



Seeing the open door, Carson knows that's the request for him to leave. He looks down, then picks up his keys. There was a sinking feeling in his gut that he tried to ignore. He and Misty... they were going to be okay, weren't they? The question is obvious in his eyes.

Stopping at the door, he pauses as if wanting to say something, but he refrains. Instead, he just gives Misty a light kiss to the cheek. "I'll see ya." He departs quietly, making his way down the sidewalk and to his car.

He goes straight home. He was tempted to go elsewhere, but he knew if he did, he'd just wind up in more trouble.

Getting back to the apartment, he heads up the stairs, then inside. Dani is still up, watching television from the couch. "Carson, that you?"

"Yeah." Carson throws his keys on the counter and wanders to the living room, slipping out of his tennis shoes. Moving around, he flops down on three quarters of the couch, landing his head on the pillow that was in Dani's lap.

Dani widens her eyes. "Well hi to you too. You okay?"

"Mmm," Carson mumbles.

"I thought you'd be out late with Misty."

"So did I." Carson keeps his eyes closed, feeling miserable. "We had a little fight... kind of."

"I'm sorry." Dani ruffles his hair. "Want the couch to yourself?"

Carson shakes his head. He didn't know what he wanted.

Dani sighs and settles back, just letting her brother stay there. It wasn't often he got like this, but when he did, she knew better than to pester him. Maybe he just needed a bit of sisterly understanding tonight. "Okay. Well I'm watching a drama so just close your eyes if you don't want to see it."


Letting out a small sigh Misty leans back a little in her chair. She wished things could be easy and there was no pain involved.

Thinking about Carson's question for a long moment Misty finally stands. She didnt know what she wanted right now. She wanted to hold Carson, she wanted to push him away, she wanted to go but she want to stay alone.

"Its a little late for a movie now. Maybe tomorrow we can go. I think I am just going to go for a walk to clear my head."

Moving to the door Misty opens it for Carson.


Carson withdraws a little. Her finishing statement scared him. "I... okay." He was a little surprised. She wasn't really pushing him away, but she wasn't letting them move past this either. Had he been more wrong than he'd thought?

He stands up slowly, aiming towards the door, but stops near her chair. "Um... we were gonna watch a movie tomorrow night... do you still want to go?"

Do you?

"What got me upset Carson is you lied to me again, you broke my trust again. This relationship is about being honest, and not hidding ANYTHING from eachother. You should have come to me and told me or when I asked told me. You think I am upset? You have been me upset before and this is far from upset. This...this is numb."

Misty's eyes search Carson's He was telling the truth but that didnt take away the hurt that Misty still felt.

"I'm sorry, I cant be all happy roses and smiles, It still hurts Carson, and you broke our bond."

Looking down at the table Misty runs her fingers along the edge. She felt like she was going crazy, to cry or to scream would be better than this, the feeling of being numb.

"I just need time."


Carson looks up from the table, his thumb having run back and forth, back and forth until Misty came. Looking across at her, his eyes are tired, the anger gone. He'd had enough time to cool down.

"You're right," he states flatly. "I'm always sorry. I always screw things up, I always go about things the wrong way, and I always make a mess."

Sighing deeply, he shakes his head, dropping his gaze. "I didn't kiss her like I kiss you, Misty. Yeah, I know I have a weakness and I know I have bad habits that I'm still trying to cut out. But the last time really was the last time and I haven't gotten involved with anyone but you, since."

Reaching into his shirt, he pulls out the locket. "I'm not playing games when I wear this... or this." He pulls up his shirt sleeve, showing the tattoo he still wore. "I wasn't joking around."

It's a long pause before he goes on, first by untucking a piece of paper from his pocket. "I was with Kassidy today because of this.... it's a password that may help me reach the files I need to prove what really happened to Scott at the Agency. Now yes..." He bravely proceeds with his admittance. "...I know Kassidy in ways that aren't appropriate for me to say in any conversation. She owed me a favor, and I called it in. She's wanted out of the Agency for a long time, but hasn't had the guts. So she was willing to help. When I met her out at the edge of town, the first thing she did was sling her arms around me and told me to play along. The Agency was probably watching her, and they thought she was just out for a good time. If it didn't look real, they'd kill her. So... I played along."

Carson shrugs lamely. "It was a split-second decision and... and... I don't know what, but it was an act, and I'm sorry it hurt you. I don't know who else was tailing me... I suspect it was Wyatt, and no one else could have known what was really going on. Kassidy backed off but was afraid to slip me the password right away, so she got in my car and we went for a drive. We stopped for a while, then I drove her back. It never went further than that, and even when she grabbed me the first time, I hated every second of it."

Taking a deep breath, he searches Misty's eyes. "I... I didn't want you finding out, not because I was trying to hide it, but because I didn't want exactly this to happen - you to get upset when there's nothing there. Kassidy is gone and that's all there was. Nothing more. Now I have a password, and I'm one step closer to the truth about Scott."


Giving a grunt before her stomach rebells again Misty whispers.

"Someone's life already is destroyed."

Trying her best to keep her stomach calm Misty stays in the bathroom for almost an hour. Though she didnt feel like puking she still hurt. Even if Carson had a good reason, a kiss is a kiss is a kiss and it shouldnt have happend.

Finally standing from the floor Misty goes to the mirror, she found is strange that no tears had come yet, and her voice had been as steady as it was when all she wanted to do was flip out. It just took to much energy right now.

"Exiting the bathroom Misty makes her way to the dinning room once again and sits down the the table looking across to Carson."

I'll be

Misty's initial statement cuts Carson to the quick, and it's evident in his eyes. She was right.

Backing off, he gives a little nod. "At least they're safe. Whether you tell me who took them or not, I'll find out and they will be destroyed before someone's life is."

He leans on the sink a moment as if contemplating whether or not he should say more. Finally he just starts to leave the bathroom. "When you're done, if you can handle a civil conversation, I'll be in the living room."


"Your always sorry."

Looking up at Carson while there was a break and her stomach was not having its say at the moment Misty's shakes her head as her eyes were vacent the small glint of sadness there deep somewhere.

"They are at TJY."

Need to know

Carson follows after Misty, quickly realizing where she was going and why.

Reaching the bathroom behind her, he doesn't bother knocking. Instead, he doesn't move back, but gently pulls Misty's hair back out of the way, giving her back a light rub.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "I need to know who has those picture."

Coming Up

"You kissing her like you use to kiss me.Thats what was in the pictures."

Misty choaks on her own words as she can feel the slice of pizza she had was coming up. Just from the though, from the pain. Moving away from Carson Misty heads to the bathroom and makes it just in time.

If you

Carson continues his stare straight into Misty's eyes. "If you trust me, tell me what's in the pictures and where they are."


"Your not answeing my questions Carson why should I answer yours? She could die? Why? That still dosnt tell me why you kissed her!"

Misty still holds her ground look up into Carson's eyes. She was hurt, hurt maybe worse than before. Carson had said he'd changed but yet he still held his ways.

"Why Carson...Why?"


"You do need to tell me who took the pictures and where they are." Carson's voice is still stern. He closes the gap between him and Misty, looking her square in the eye, his own holding a strange combination of guilt, urgency and anger. "I need to know exactly what are in those pictures or that woman could die, do you understand?"


"First off, I didnt accuse you of anything. I was simply ask for the why to fill in the gaps of what went wrong again this time."

Misty's own eyes narrow a little as she continues to keep her cool. Not getting upset, Not showing anger, and something at the moment was really hard but not crying.

"I dont need to tell you who took those pictures or why Carson because thats not important. Whats important is you kissed another woman, someone who wasnt me your girlfriend. I'm cracking here Carson and you cant even giving me a simple reason?"


"If you really trust me, then I don't know why you have the accusing tone in your voice," Carson counters. "I didn't think I needed to report to you what I did on my breaks from work."

He takes a step closer to her, his voice stern, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I want to know who took pictures, why and where they are..... Now."

Once again

"You kissed her Carson. I know its true I had proof."

Misty stands from the movies having non in hand. She didnt know what she wanted to watch right now if anything at all. She was sick to her stomach and tired of feeling this way.

"Did I have someone follow you? No I didn't because I new I could trust you. Actully, when I saw the pictures I was pretty shocked."

Misty takes in a deep breath as she starts to pase the floor a little. Inside she felt so cold yet so hot at the same time the feeling was unreal.

"So I guess it comes down to my question once again. What did you do today Carson when you left in the middle of work?"

Misty didnt show anger in his voice as her temper did not flair. She just wanted answers to all the questions she had.


Carson's jaw tightens and he folds his arms in a defensive stance. "So what? Now you don't even want me to be around any other women or what?" He fishes for more information. How much did Misty know?

"Does it matter if I saw an old acquaintance today? If it wasn't important enough for me to mention it when you asked before, why would it be more important now? Are you paranoid enough that you've had someone follow me or what?"

Choose Wisely

Still looking at the movies Misty stiffens just a little feeling herself turn a bit straghter than her slouched over from as before.

"It dosnt matter where I got it from unless your telling me its not true and you were not with a woman today and my information is wrong, but I would choose your words wisely and come clean if you must."

Misty wanted to see what Carson's reply now was. She had not yet told him she saw any pictures. Would he fess up or would he continue to lie. Had he really learned his lessons from his past mistakes or was it once again the same long road.

Want to know

Carson can feel himself tense at Misty's words. How? How had she known? He'd been clear on the other side of town. How had she found out about this?

For a moment, he just stands, not saying anything. He could tell by the sound of her voice that she was upset. He didn't detect anger yet, but she was hurt... very hurt.

He opens his mouth to speak, then just shuts it again. Another quiet minute passes before he finally opens it again. His voice has an irritated edge to it. "I want to know where you got this information from."

I know

Not standing Misty continues to look at the movies. They had finally started to all bler together, from the hurt, the anger, the confusion.

Her voice stays low and meek as her fingers run over the dvds her mind not knowing where to go and knowing she had to get it off her chest, it was hard enough trying to deal with it when she didnt know how she felt.

"I know Carson, I know you went out today and spent time with a woman. I just dont understand why you didnt tell me to my face."

Misty didnt turn to look at Carson her heart hurt, and if she looked up into his blue eyes she would crack and she new it.

Just tell me

Carson wanders into the living room, leaning on the back of the couch. Hearing Misty's question, he furrows his brow and stands up straighter. Something just didn't feel right. She didn't normally ask him questions like this.

"Um... nothing happened in particular..." He could feel just a bit of heat creeping up the back of his neck though.

"Was there... something that should have?" He fishes, beginning to feel just a little scared. But this was impossible. There was no way she could know. "I mean... what are you getting at, Misty? Just tell me."

Nothing at all?

Finishing her slice of pizza Misty knows she cant have anymore or what was in her stomach would be all over the floor. Standing and putting her plat in the sink she stands at the counter for a long moment just contemplating in her own mind. She felt hurt and confused all over again. Even if Carson had a reason there was nothing good or right about kissing another woman. This was the third time Misty had been faced with this with Carson.

"There is not much to talk about just.... something Wyatt told me that happend and I am not to sure I know how to feel right now. Most of it I have to try and figure out myself."

It was so hard to just still and not tell him she didnt know but on another hand she hoped he would tell her himself. Hadnt he learned not to keep secrets? Hadnt he learned anything? Hadnt he almost lost her enough? It hurt and Misty hated it yet to her own surprise she was handling it well.

Pushing off the counter Misty makes her way over to the movie rack looking for something to watch. It was hard to choose and though she new every movie she had the need to look again was there. Continuing to look her eyes scan the movies as she casually asks Carson again.

"Your sure nothing else happened in your day you wanted to tell me about? See any old friends, any new friends?"

Mushy romance

Carson cocks his head. He'd seen Misty tired before... he'd seen her stressed... he'd seen her when she had a lot on her mind. And something this time was... different. But he couldn't put his finger on it. It seemed odd she wasn't even razzing him about forgetting their date. Even if she was genuinely disappointed, she always would tease him, never letting him live it down. Tonight... it was almost as if she didn't care. That thought kind of hurt, but it was his own fault for not remembering. He'd done that too often and he needed to start being more careful before Misty quit caring for good.

He falls silent for several minutes, polishing off a couple slices of pizza. Finally he looks back up to Misty, question in his eyes. There was an odd feeling in the room. Thoughts of earlier in the day drift through his mind. But surely this had nothing to do with that. No one knew about that. He shakes the thought away.

"If... you got a lot on your mind, I'm here to listen if you want. Or if you don't want to, we can curl up on the couch for a movie... I'll even let you pick out a mushy romance."


Taking another bit of her food Misty gives a nod to Carson as he talks about his errans. Misty wanted so bad to come out and just ask Carson about the woman. It was now eating her away inside but she had promised Wyatt she wouldnt say anything and though he hadnt said why she new it must be for a good reason.

"Made at you for missing our date night no not really."

Misty wished she could be in a light mood but right now it just wasnt possible for her. So much weighed heavy on her mind and on her heart.

"Sorry I am not much company. I just got alot on my mind at the moment. One of those things where its important but not important at the same time."

Waiting to kill

Carson's all ready to head for the couch, but seeing Misty sit at the table, he shrugs. Maybe she wasn't in the mood. He grabs a chair across from her.

"Mm-hmm," he nods absentmindedly as he takes a bite of pizza. "Errands. I actually caught Ryder and threw him in the kitchen until I got back. It was a mess but I think he and Thirteen had fun."

He takes another swig of pop before stopping and looking over at Misty. "You alright? Or are you really mad I forgot about tonight and you're waiting to kill me after we eat?"

Step out

Misty quirks an eyebrow as Carson draws her close she wraps an arm around his neck as she looks up into his eyes. Didnt you already have dessert once today? Misty cant help the small grin that forms on her face. Leaning into give Carson a kiss she studys his blue eyes before there lips lock. For a long moment the moment holds before Misty finally breaks away another flash of Carson kissing someone else forming.

Going over to the pizza box she opens it grabing a peace for herself and once for Carson. Taking a small bit she savors the flavor for a moment before speaking again.

"I was starting to get worryed about you earlyer today when I called. You phone would ring but you never answered. So I ended up calling the restront and got Aerith she had said you stepped out for a moment. I figured maybe Reese had set you to do something."

Taking another bit of the pizza Misty sinks down into one of the close chairs.

Second attempt

Carson quirks an eyebrow as Misty disappears, visibly disappointed in the quick kiss. He shrugs it off though, and goes into the kitchen grabbing some glasses and ice for the pop.

"I haven't eaten either. Surrounded by food but none for me." He grimaces, pouring the pop, then toasting the air. "Here's to a day behind the stove filled with boredom. You know me lately... everything is food related."

Taking a sip, he moves to open the pizza box. Before grabbing a slice though, he sets his glass back down and brings Misty close once more. "So do I get desert first, or do I have to wait?" He grins mischievously and tries for another kiss.

Long day

Clearing a place on the table to put the pizza down Misty moves a stack of papers to the couch along with a few other things she had been working on.

"I'm not that tired. Just was a long day today."

Giving Carson a quick kiss Misty than disapears into the bedroom to put Romeo in his Cage with Juliet. Coming back into the living room she gives another smile.

"The food smells good. I havent had anything to eat all day."

Her stomach gave a lurch as the memories of the picture of Carson and the woman kissing pop into her head reminding her why she hadn't had anything to eat. Trying to regain herself Misty gives a small smile signaling to Carson she would be ok.

"How was your day at work today? So anything outside the restront or was it all food related?"


Carson is a bit relieved when Misty finally answers the door. "Ditto," he counters ruefully. "I'm sorry." He enters and sets the pizza down at the table. "I forgot all about the time, my phone needs a recharge and..."

He lets his sentence trail off as he looks down into Misty's eyes. "Sorry," he apologizes again. "You look... tired."

Reaching out, he scratches Romeo's head. "Did you wear her out tonight, hmm, or was that my fault?"

He pulls Misty closer, his crooked grin sheepishly asking for a kiss. "Forgive me?"


Sitting on the couch and staring at the tv Misty gently pets Romeo's fur as he is perched on her shoulder. The knock at the door and Carson's voice being hurd but no a muscle was moved. Hearing the knock again Romeo gives a chirp as he looks to the door.

Finally getting up Misty goes to the door her pet still on her shoulder. Closing her eyes for just a moment she takes a deep breath before opening the door.

Putting on a smile Misty looks at Carson and though she tryed not to convay anything was wrong her eyes were a bit darker tonight.

"I thought maybe you forgot about me! Come on in."

Misty steps back and keeps the door open for Carson to come in before closing it behind her.

Had to be

It was late. The restaurant had been left without serving dinner to the reserved table. The phone messages were unheard in a dead cell phone. The dark of the evening had settled, and guilt was thick in the air.

Carson knocks at Misty's door, hoping she was still up. He'd completely forgotten about his date. Only after closing up really late at Mom and Pops had he realized his phone battery had died. Instead of calling, he'd come to her place, hoping to smooth things over. He didn't know if she'd eaten or not, but he had a small pizza with him anyway, and a bottle of pop.

"Misty?" He'd seen her car... he knew she had to be here...


Taking the top picture of Carson and the woman kissing Misty looks at it for several moments her face never changing its expression. But on the inside Misty felt a mess. Her stomach did flip flops and her heart raced she could feel her blood pressure rising.

Opening her desk draw Misty puts the picture into it before closing it again. Why she was keeping it she didnt really know.

"Thank you Wyatt. Try and have a good day ok?!"

Uh oh

Wyatt stops, contemplating for several seconds that seem to take too long. He steps back towards her desk. "I wasn't supposed to say anything, but... well I don't know." He shrugs lamely. "Lately Carson's been acting a bit odd while he's been working on the case for Scott. We thought he'd been in too much contact with the Agency so... I was supposed to keep an eye on him. Today he met this woman out at the edge of town and... I'm pretty sure she's Agency. Haven't confirmed it yet, but I recognize her from some files I've seen."

He pauses, biting his lip. "Look, I don't want to stir up trouble, alright? I mean, I just saw what I saw and..."

It wasn't working. He could make up all the excuses that he wanted to, when he had the pictures in his hand. The felt like they were on fire.

Finally he just takes them out. "I'm sorry."

The top one reveals what he'd been so hesitant to share. Carson and the woman had been captured on film, kissing quite passionately by his car.

Wyatt swallows hard. "I... stopped at this picture. When they both got in his car and drove away, I lost him in traffic." He knew the day of the week it was, and knew that Misty and Carson usually went out. He wasn't sure what to say or how to say it now, and he didn't even know why he felt guilty, but he did.


Seeing the last look in Wyatt's eye Misty can tell there is something more and she cant help the feeling that jumps in her chest as her heart thumps and prepares for maybe the worst.


Misty calls to her cousin stopping him from going out the door her voice was strong even though she felt like it was quivering.

"...what arnt you telling me?"

Don't mention

"Okay." Wyatt nods, though is a little disappointed. "I'll um... file this."

He takes the picture back, returning it to an envelope that had several more pictures in it that he did not take out.

"Thanks." Turning to leave, he stops. "Misty..." His tone has dropped to a more personal level, one that was a bit serious. But then he pauses, seeming to rethink his words. "Never mind. I'll see you later and... don't mention this to Carson, okay?"


Looking up at Wyatt Misty puts down her pen and moves her reading glass to her head. Even though she worked with Wyatt it wasnt often she saw him with each going there own way.

"Heya Wy what ya got there?"

Pushing back a little she listings to Wyatt's bref explanation on what he was doing and what he had. Taking the photo Misty scans the picture quiet for a long moment looking at the woman. A small feeling rises in her stomach as she continues to look her eyes zeroing in on the woman's hand on Carson's arm. Trying to keep her composure Misty hands the photo back to Wyatt and trys to give a small smile.

"I've never seen her before Wy, sorry!"