
Mushy romance

Carson cocks his head. He'd seen Misty tired before... he'd seen her stressed... he'd seen her when she had a lot on her mind. And something this time was... different. But he couldn't put his finger on it. It seemed odd she wasn't even razzing him about forgetting their date. Even if she was genuinely disappointed, she always would tease him, never letting him live it down. Tonight... it was almost as if she didn't care. That thought kind of hurt, but it was his own fault for not remembering. He'd done that too often and he needed to start being more careful before Misty quit caring for good.

He falls silent for several minutes, polishing off a couple slices of pizza. Finally he looks back up to Misty, question in his eyes. There was an odd feeling in the room. Thoughts of earlier in the day drift through his mind. But surely this had nothing to do with that. No one knew about that. He shakes the thought away.

"If... you got a lot on your mind, I'm here to listen if you want. Or if you don't want to, we can curl up on the couch for a movie... I'll even let you pick out a mushy romance."

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