
Nothing at all?

Finishing her slice of pizza Misty knows she cant have anymore or what was in her stomach would be all over the floor. Standing and putting her plat in the sink she stands at the counter for a long moment just contemplating in her own mind. She felt hurt and confused all over again. Even if Carson had a reason there was nothing good or right about kissing another woman. This was the third time Misty had been faced with this with Carson.

"There is not much to talk about just.... something Wyatt told me that happend and I am not to sure I know how to feel right now. Most of it I have to try and figure out myself."

It was so hard to just still and not tell him she didnt know but on another hand she hoped he would tell her himself. Hadnt he learned not to keep secrets? Hadnt he learned anything? Hadnt he almost lost her enough? It hurt and Misty hated it yet to her own surprise she was handling it well.

Pushing off the counter Misty makes her way over to the movie rack looking for something to watch. It was hard to choose and though she new every movie she had the need to look again was there. Continuing to look her eyes scan the movies as she casually asks Carson again.

"Your sure nothing else happened in your day you wanted to tell me about? See any old friends, any new friends?"

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