
Step out

Misty quirks an eyebrow as Carson draws her close she wraps an arm around his neck as she looks up into his eyes. Didnt you already have dessert once today? Misty cant help the small grin that forms on her face. Leaning into give Carson a kiss she studys his blue eyes before there lips lock. For a long moment the moment holds before Misty finally breaks away another flash of Carson kissing someone else forming.

Going over to the pizza box she opens it grabing a peace for herself and once for Carson. Taking a small bit she savors the flavor for a moment before speaking again.

"I was starting to get worryed about you earlyer today when I called. You phone would ring but you never answered. So I ended up calling the restront and got Aerith she had said you stepped out for a moment. I figured maybe Reese had set you to do something."

Taking another bit of the pizza Misty sinks down into one of the close chairs.

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