
By the way

As Brown listens to Katie, seeing her getting more and more upset, a strange agitation comes over him. Strumming his fingers on his desk, he fidgets nervously, not understanding why all of a sudden he felt this way.

Jason eyes him and knows what's happening, but can do nothing. His own emotions bubble and boil within himself, twisted and turned in different directions as Katie's own anger disrupts the connection.

Take it easy. We don't need a scene here when we're trying to get somewhere.

He didn't mean to make his emotions harsh, but he just wanted to get this over with and get out of here. He didn't want to have to sit around explaining to Brown if his and Katie's emotions did any damage here tonight.

As Katie spouts off about Austin, Jason suddenly feels defenses rising. He was so very hurt and angry with Austin himself, that he could easily promise never to respect him again. But to know that Katie would just up and leave TJY... that was something else.

Already upset the way it was, now Jason looked away from her, a glare in his eyes. He wanted to tell her right then and there, thanks a lot, but he didn't. He had no intention of leaving TJY. They needed them there. Whether Austin was being a scumbag or not, TJY still needed them, and they could better serve there than on the police force. But if that's what she wanted...

Brown is finally able to relax again, and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Well..." He looks at Katie and nods. "I see you want this carried through. And you, Jason?"

Jason works his jaw muscles, his eyes focusing on the floor. He was so mixed up and so confused... This whole thing just turned everything upside down, and made him question everything about the past. When had it started with Austin? Was anything ever real? Was his training Jason real? Was Jason really as good as Austin said he was? Did he really ever belong at TJY, or was it for Austin's own gain? And what did he really want now? This whole thing had started because of Scott, and now... now it was so much more.

"I want him to pay," he finally answers steadily. "I want him to feel like he's made everyone else feel."

Brown's eyes narrow a little bit. "Look guys... I know you are upset and you want justice for your friend and yourselves. But I need to ask you... Is this a real case, or are you just out for revenge?"

Jason leans back in his chair for a moment. He didn't even know anymore. He hadn't wanted to bring up about prison. He hadn't wanted to bring that into this. He hadn't even wanted to spill it to Katie yet, and now he knew why.

"What Austin did to Scott was wrong," Jason replies. "That's why we're here. I simply don't want Autin to continue doing it to anyone else. It can't be fixed... it's over and done. But I don't think we need a dictatorship at TJY... for those of us who will be staying."

Brown lifts an eyebrow at Jason's last statement. And it didn't excape him that suddenly Jason had said "I" insteasd of "we." He clears his throat, and nods. "Okay. What I can do is call a judge tomorrow. I will set up a meeting, then probably Austin will be called in. It won't be a court hearing or anything like that, but he'll have to explain himself. Then it will be up to the judge to decide if disciplinary action is necesary." He pauses, looking at both Jason and Katie. "We have to go by the book on this one. I want to help you. I think it was wrong of Austin. But if we don't stay within our lines, then he can turn it right back around on us. So I need you two to be on best behavior, do you understand?"

Jason swallows hard, and nods. He could be. He was an expert at masks. "You got it."

"Good. And...if there's something you need to pursue about the past and prison, and if you have hard evidence, you can bring that up as a separate issue."

"No hard evidence," Jason response coolly. "Just enough for me to know he was involved. But it's over."

Brown can see the hardness in the young man's eyes, and knows that he's shut himself down. Though feeling bad, there was nothing he could do. "Alright. Let me keep this disc and I'll be in touch."

Jason rises from his chair, ready to leave. "Thanks."

"Sure. Anytime, you guys."

Jason doesn't even wait for Katie, spinning around and stalking to the door. His only aim is to get out of the building, not even stopping to say goodbye to the other officer.

Hitting the night air, he skips down the steps and aims for his truck, fishing for keys in his pocket.

I'm going home.

His emotions were hard and cool, though half of them were now locked tightly away, not even for Katie to see.

I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow, other than waiting for Brown, but I'll probably at least see Scott again. If I happen to see you there, fine.

He reaches for the door handle and hesitates, then gets in, sliding in behind the wheel.

And by the way... if you're leaving TJY, don't expect me to follow you. I have more dedication to my mission than that.

Turning the key, he angrily starts the engine, but waits several moments to calm himself down before pulling away.

Wont have to quit.

*Katie can't help but laugh at Jason comment though in her reply there seemed to be some sort of truth and seriousness.

Right about now I would rather be on this payroll. The Elite is not what I signed up for, TJY is.

A shift in the wind that Continuing to walk Katie keeps he pase a quick one though she could feel something differnt about Jason wasnt being told and it put her on edge just a little.

Entering Katie holds her own searouse look one though could let anyone know something really was wrong. It was not often someone got to see her upset or even mad so when it did happen it scaired some.

As Jason hands over the disk Katie's own hand goes into her pocket grasping an object that Jason himself didnt even know she had. She had been smooth and slick about what she did and how she did it. Not trying to hide anything from Jason but for now it was best he didnt even know about it. Katie had done it just in case her feeling of trust for Brown was wrong.

As Brown continues his questioning Katie can feel Jason's emotions flux. She new he was upset and his feelings for Austin ran deep. If not carfel that Jason would blow and Brown did not deserve that even if it was a mistake.

Keep yourself calm J. I know your upset but you need to keep your cool.

Katie continues to listen relizing that she had become the silent one who keeps keep things smooth. She didnt mind that one bit it had been a roll she placed herself in and she kind of liked it. When she had something to say that was worth it she would and thats how one would know what she ment was sinsear and true.

Continuing to listen to Jason and the news of what he found in Austin's desk it hits Katie's ears like ice, and enters her vains like fire causing her face to turn a beat red. Austin helped rune Jason's life.....he....but....*

"WHAT? He helped....all this time, Angelica was trying but that judge was payed off to put you away...and...he was in on it? That low down dirty roten....I auta...."

*Katie can't help but have her own fists ball as for a moment her emotions go haywire, but suddanly relizeing it Katie puts the lid down on them but know like a pot about to boil she was goin to have to let them out soon. She just had to wait till she was away from people.

Turning her head Katie looks at the wall for a moment, the tears of anger welling in her eyes. The welling emotions causing a pain that made her sick to her stomach. Everything her and Jason had gone through had been Austin's help in doing. Katie would be lucky if she could ever look at Austin straght again. As for going back to work for him, No...she couldnt work for Austin and what he stood for. It went aganst everything Katie started in that company for.

As Brown asks his questions to her Katie is silent for a moment and one might think she didnt hear the questions. But finally turning Katie looks to Brown the pain in her eyes, the anger, the hate. Everything one would NEVER see in sweet Katie's eyes was there. This was a person she did not often turn into. Her voice holding a icey and cold tone she replys.*

"I want Austin to pay for what he did. I want him to pay for the mentil pain he put other through. I wont work for someone like him. As long as he runs the Elite, I wont be there. I joined TJY to help thoughs who had no hope. To help someone like Scott, and Jason get there second chanse so the innocent would be proven just that. But Austin stands for nothing of that sort. He has turned his back on what TJY really ment, everything they stood for he shot out the window. No...I wont work for a man like that so I will take this to the end and if I get fired that just means I wont have to quit. I can always find another job doing what I love. I might even join the police force."