

Continuing to listen Angelica is jotting down a few more things including a judges number to call next. She wasnt playing around weather Heather though she was or not. It was on thing to defent someone who was innocent, and than it was another to throw a child into the mix. No...Angelica wouldnt lay down, and she wouldnt go easy and someone the likes of Heather would not intimadate her.

"So be it Miss Jones, I will be in Arizona tomarrow afternoon with a court order to speak with Mackenzie. If you resist than Miss Jones than it will be you who will need to go to court. Thank you for your time and see you tomarrow afternoon."

Haning up the phone Angelica lets out a long breath as her mind starts to work faster moving from one thing to another. She had to work fast and she new it.

Quickly dialing the number for a judge she in on the phone a short time with him giving him a quick run down on everything. Decieding to set up a lunch date to go over more and work things out Angelica hangs up the phone.

Standing she pulls out her cell and dialing Carson's number she gets his voice mail.

"Carson, its Angelica. I am going to be going out of town for a day or two but I'll have my cell on me. Call me when your contact has anything ti find out about Heather and please...please you NEED to stay out of trouble or this can blow in our face."

Making her way across the door she heads to Reese's office and knocks on the door before entering with a smile.

"Hey you, I have a favor. I need a plane to get me to Arizona by tomorrow. It's not TJY related but it has to do with someone who worked for TJY...Carson. Is there any way you can help me?"

Staying close to Axel Jess gives him a smile. She new he was a little uncomfortable and awkward but she was happy he came non the less.

"I'm glad we got to come here tonight."

Jess was excited for the consert, and even happyer to be here with Axel. She deffintly enjoying her new adventure with Axel.

Katie cant help but laugh as she hears Rocky and Ryder. Looking at Jen she gives a shrug.

"That would be me...I didnt think. Yes that must be the problem I didnt think."

Looking at Jason and than back twords the noise Kate lets out a wistle and gives a yell.

"You guys relize its hard to watch you all when you act like a loon right?"

Scanning the group again Katie spots Scott and walks over to him sinking down next to him in the empty chair. Giving a smile she leans over a little to see what he sees.

"How you holding up?"

Crazy Aussie

There is a bit of a pause on the other end of the line, as Heather seems to mull over Angelica's words. "Look, Miss Lockheart, if you haven't noticed, we're located in Arizona. It's not like we can just get anybody to Nevada immediately, not that it's our responsibility. We have a court date set. On that day, you will get to question anybody you like. I assume you will be preparing summons for witnesses to call onto the stand. If Mackenzie is on your list, I guarantee you that the judge will not allow a twelve-year-old to be a witness. First, she is only a child. And second, she is bias. You can bet that she will defend her father with lies if she feels it's necessary. Do you really want that to happen? It will only worsen your case."

Heather pauses again. "If I were you, I would concentrate on keeping your client out of trouble. From what I hear, he's an expert at getting himself into it."

"Yo, Jen, throw me that cord."

"Mike, I need the stand over there."

"Hey, Jase? You set?"

The room is in minimal chaos, as JetStream tries to get things set up. It was a small stage for the event, but it would do. Cryptic was filtering in, giving a hand where needed, but Jason, Mike and Phil had most of the work covered.

Axel leans back against the wall, watching from a distance and rubbing his sore hand. Though everyone acted fine around him, it was still a little hard, knowing that everyone knew about what had happened with him. But at least one thing was different this time. He turns his head to see Jess, a small smile creasing his lips.

Scott sits in one of the folding chairs, fiddling with a camera. His eyes down, he tries not to pay much attention to the activity going on around him. It made him nervous enough with just the group that was here, and the thought of the crowd coming soon made his stomach churn. But he'd agreed to come. He'd come with Katie, and had said he would stay.

Somewhere in the back, the sounds of Rocky and Ryder bantering filters through. One of them races past the doorway, the other follows. Taylor looks up quickly from her seat with Jen at the sound board. She blinks. "Okay, who let the crazy Aussie in here to rile up Rocky?"


Getting the returned call from Heather Angelica is pleased and happy she didnt have to go in around about way to get a hold of her.

Hearing Heather's response to her wanting to talk with Mackenzie Angelica soon turns around and her voice before more stern as she is deturmened to get what she needed.

"Personally Miss Jones I don't care what you think is good or not. I'm the lawyer here not you and I wish to speak with Mackenzie. Your refusal to let me will result also against you in court as well and will not look good. Understand, I understand exactly what is going on here and if you will not let me speak with the girl than I will go to the court and get a court order to speak with her and I assure you I WILL get it."

Angelica keeps her voice soft yet ferm at the same time showing she new and had confadince in what she was talking about holding her toung for saying much more to Heather but to keep the upper hand she new it was best not to give anything away for now.

Giving a smile to Scott Katie gives a nod. She new what Scott ment and she didnt mind watching him and letting him ride with her as long as he didnt mind getting there early.

"Even if you didnt ask me I'd keep my eye out on ya. Its just what I do. And as long as you dont mind getting there a little early, I'll be leaving work at 6 and you can meet up with me before I go. I'll swing by your place if you want so u can change and than take it from there."

Another smile flashes Katie was happy Scott said he would come. It made her feel good he still put so much trust in her.

Turning Katie heads to the door again and exits the office a small smile still on her face.

Scott said he would come.

Heading to the drinking foutain she wanted to fill her water bottle before starting on work again.

One less worry

Scott looks up quickly from his computer, looking pleasantly at Katie. Her presence never created any nervousness in him.

Hearing her question, Scott looks down for a moment, removing his hands from his keyboard. He thinks, weighing his options and the outcomes. There would be a lot of people... a lot of strangers. He hadn't been out in public like that since...

His eyes drift back up to Katie. "Um..." He hesitates. He knows that she knew this would be hard for him if he said yes. But he also trusted her and the security she offered for the band. If he went, she would be looking out for him too.

Scott swallows hard. He looks down at his hands, then back up at Katie again. "Okay. As... as long as I can ride with some of you guys. You know... kinda keep an eye on me."

He manages a little grin. He knew Katie would know what he meant... he needed to be kept out of the crowd right now, and would need an escape route if he got cornered before he panicked.

"Thank you for calling, Miss Lockheart. We've been notified of your case. A message will be sent to Heather Jones immediately."

It was several hours later that Susanne transfers a call to Angelica. A woman's voice is on the other end. "Miss Lockheart... this is Heather Jones from Social Services, stationed in Arizona. I received a message that you wished to speak to me, as defense for Carson Banks."

Her tone is cool and displays her authority. "I'm sure you realize that there is not much evidence on either side of this case. However, I must tell you that there really needn't be any. I'm sure we both have witnesses to prove that Mackenzie was in Mr. Bank's custody for almost twenty-four hours. I specifically told him to take the girl to local authorities to be picked up, and he deliberately did not. This will not be good for him in court, Miss Lockheart. As for the girl herself, she is now safe, and I think it would be in her best interests not to drag her into this mess any more than she already is. I'm sure you understand."

"..So, that's where I'm at with the restaurant..." Carson gives a grunt, and looks out from under the kitchen sink. "Hand me that other wrench, would you?"

Tim hands him the tool, seated on a chair while seeing if Carson could fix the leak. "Sounds like you got your hands full."

"Tell me about it."

"Discovered brother..."


"Discovered half-brother, gaining ownership of a restaurant... you're getting to be pretty busy."

"Yeah well..." Carson strains, trying to get a bolt loose. The rust finally gives way, and he lets out his breath as a bead of sweat runs down his face. "...lots of things to keep me busy, but not very much to keep me happy." Hearing himself say that, he pauses in his work. "I take that back. I'm happy."

"Just unfulfilled," Tim muses. "Wish you were back on the Elite still?"

"I suppose part of me is," Carson admits. He continues to fool with the pipe. "I worked so hard at figuring myself out... growing... finding who I was in God's eyes... finally realizing that I could be a soldier but didn't have to be who I used to be. And now... it doesn't matter."

"Don't give up too soon," Tim chides lightly. "God doesn't give us those passions and talents for nothing. Of course you weren't meant to be an assassin. But there are definite skills there that you've already used for good. He won't let them rot if you won't."


"Haven't you learned yet that there aren't any "buts" with God?"

Carson can't help his grin as he stares up at the sink's drain. "Yeah, okay." Working a few more minutes in silence, he finally admits the other issue as well. "Found out I have a daughter."

Silence. Carson moves to look out at the kitchen chair, waiting for a response.

"Well that certainly puts a different spin on things."

"No kidding."

"You obviously didn't know about her."

"Didn't have a clue."

"How old is she?"


Tim gives a little chuckle.

"What?" Carson waves a wrench at him. "Something funny?"

"No...no. Just thinking about how our pasts can still bite us in the butt even when we've turned around."

"That's for sure."

"You've seen her then?"

"Yeah..." Carson fiddles with the pipes again. "I don't know what's gonna happen there. "She wants to spend time with me. The social worker hates my guts. She's got a couple that wants to adopt her, but she wound up coming to see me without permission and now I'm in trouble for kidnapping."

Tim lets out a low whistle. "You do have a lot on your plate right now."

"I think that would be a true statement." Carson makes a few adjustments, then slides out from under the sink. Getting up, he turns on the water, then looks underneath to see that nothing was leaking out. "There she is. No more keeping a bucket under here."

A smile comes to Tim's face, and he gets up to help put the tools away. "Thank you, Carson. Don't know what I'd do without you around."

Carson watches thoughtfully as Tim hobbles to the back with the toolbox. "My pleasure," he mentions quietly.

Coming back, Tim cocks his head and looks at Carson for a moment. "Be nice if you had once less worry, wouldn't it?"

"Sure." Carson shrugs. "Who would say no to that?"

Tim rubs his scruffy chin for a second or two, thinking hard as he studies Carson. "Follow me."

Carson lifts his eyebrows as Tim heads to the back of the house. "Tim, I gotta go... I gotta go check on the restaurant and make sure Aerith is okay."

"It'll keep," Tim hollers over his shoulder.

Carson sighs and follows the older man, preferring to respect him over being prompt for work. He walks with Tim through the house and out the back, through the rickety back porch that he'd been wanting to replace the screens on. Once outside, they go to the garage. Carson hadn't been out here but a time or two, hardly paying attention to what was inside. It had always just been to grab a tool or a garden hose or the like - but usually Tim came out himself to get whatever they needed.

Today though, Tim leads him inside, and fumbles with the large door. Carson helps him unstick the latch and pushes the door up on its rails. Sliding above their heads, the open door lets in the light.

Tim shuffles around, moving a few boxes away from what looked like a covered vehicle. Carson had never even noticed it before. Always there for a purpose, he hadn't bothered to realize that under the boxes, old blankets, paint cans and more, it wasn't just another pile - it was a car.

Tim grunts a little as he moves things around. "Here, help me with this," he directs.

Carson steps in to move things away, having no clue what Tim wanted him out here for. He knew that Tim hadn't driven for years, and he could only imagine what kind of shape a vehicle must be in out here, let alone the make or year of it. He had failed to notice the lack of dust on the items that had been strewn all over it.

Finally getting down to the cover, Tim motions Carson to help again, and they pull it back. Carson's eyes widen, his jaw dropping slightly.

Seeing his reaction, Tim grins. "She's a beauty isn't she?"

Carson blinks, totally surprised by what he saw. He couldn't remember a Firebird he'd seen in better condition. "What year is it?"

"Oh, I don't know... nineteen seventy-seven? Seventy-eight? Something like that."

"Wow." Carson runs his hand along the glistening black paint. The condition was incredible. "How did you..."

"Old man like me's got a lot of spare time." Tim chuckles. "I kept it covered up to keep anyone nosy out of here. Didn't want no kids in here messing with it."

"It's amazing."

"Spent enough time with it. I'd get bored and come out here to give it an extra polish... start her up and let her run for a while to make sure the engine still worked, that sort of thing." Tim shrugs. "Couldn't go anywhere, but it was nice just sitting behind the wheel."

Carson shakes his head, unable to help a laugh. He leans in the open window, looking at the immaculate interior. "How long have you had her?"

"Oh, about five years is all." Tim pauses, growing reflective. "She was my son's car, you know. When he died, I thought I'd hang onto her just because."

Carson knew that Tim's son had died in a freak skiing accident several winters prior. "Well you've kept her up well, that's for sure." He nods. "I'm sure your son would be proud."

"Yeah, but what good is this kind of car when she can't be driven? She's meant to be out on the road, put to use and showing off her stuff, not stuck in here under a tarp."

Carson gives a little sigh. He didn't know how it must feel to still be independent, but with a body that simply wouldn't allow for certain tasks anymore. Tim's eyesight wasn't what it used to be, his back was in bad shape, and his reflexes certainly weren't sharp anymore. Driving just wasn't an option. "Well... at least you give her attention. That's all you can do, right?"

"No... no it's not." Tim turns around and fishes in an old coffee can, pulling out a set of keys. They fly in Carson's direction.

Surprised, he catches them. "What are these for?"

"My tool shed." Tim rolls his eyes. "The car, dummy. They're for the car."

Carson's eyes grow a little wider as suddenly he was afraid he knew what was coming. "Well what..."

"I wouldn't drive her around too much without insurance, and we'll have to turn things over to your name, but if anyone asks in the meantime, you can just say you're borrowing it."

"But... you can't be serious."

"I am." Tim stands with stubbornness. "She's my car and I'll do with her what I want. And what I want is for you to have her."

"Aw, Tim." Carson swallows hard. "I could never afford to pay you for a car like this. Sure, I can afford the insurance and licensing and all that now, but she's worth a fortune."

"Did I ask for any money?" Tim smirks at him. "If you don't get going, you're gonna be running later than you already are."

"But..." Carson looks down at the keys, then the car, then the keys and back to Tim. "I can't."

"Yes you can." Tim nods in satisfaction. "From the first time you came and helped me, up until now, you've been nothing but help. You've given an old man company he was too proud to ask for, and help he was too proud to hire out for. You've never taken a dime for it either. Don't you think for a minute that I haven't been watching you... seeing you change... seeing your heart. You've had enough trouble thrown at you - it's time somebody helped you get back up on your feet again."

Carson is totally stunned, and for several moments he just stares at his older friend. "I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll take her and for pity sake, get to the restaurant. That poor little waitress needs to be checked on."

Carson's mouth slowly upturns into a grin and he steps forward to give Tim a warm handshake. "I'll never be able to replay you."

"You repay me? Son, I'm repaying you for what you've done for me."

The roaring engine was music to Carson's ears. The smooth steering was like silk. With windows down, the cool morning air whipped through his hair. It felt good. It felt really good. Getting to Mom and Pop's, he parks, locks the car and sprints for the back door.


Searching Rocky's eyes for a moment Jess can still seance something and for a moment has a strange feeling that she felt sorry for Rocky even though she didn't know why.

"Ok, I'll see you tonight than."

Watching Rocky leave Jess just stands there for a moment not sure what just happened. The look on Rocky's face was one Jess hadn't seen before and his words just made something feel not right.

Trying to concentrate on her work again Jess siting down. She's go to lunch in a little bit and maybe call Axel.

Katie smile as she strange grabbing her water bottle. Maybe asking Scott tonight to come that would be nice. The fresh air would be good for him.

Thats a good idea, I think it would be good for him. I have a moment I'll go ask him now.

Slowly walking down the hall Katie comes to Scott and Dalton's office. Giving a knock on the door Katie pokes her head in.


Seeing him sitting at his desk Katie smiles and enter father in coming over to his desk. It was nice seeing him at work more not and it made her happy to see a little color returning to his face.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything but I wanted to ask you...Jetstream has a concert tonight so one I wanted to see if you would like to come with me. The company would be nice and two, Jetstream was wondering if you could bring your camra and take some new pictures of them."

Leaning back in he chair Angelica looks at the number she had in front of her for the child agency. It wasnt the direct line to talk with Heather but it was the number for the agency that was here in Nevada. She'd would call there and have them get a hold of Heather for her and have her call back. That would be the best option to let this woman know Carson had a lawer and if she failed to call back, Angelica would just go to the judge herself to get an order for her to talk with Heather and Mackenzie.

"Yes this is Angelica Lockheart calling from the TJY Agency. I am representing Mr. Carson Banks on the matter of his saposive kidnapping of Mackenzie. I am trying to get ahold of Heather and if you could do me a favor and get a hold of her for me, that let her know to call me back I will give you my number."


Rocky's eyes drift down for a moment, a wry grin curling his lips. "Well... maybe Axel doesn't have a real reason to get upset, but let's not risk it, eh?" He shakes his head a little, but keeps the grin on his face. "I'll um... I'll see you tonight. Maybe sometime three or four of us can do lunch or something... break up the work day."

Turning around, he gives Jess a little wave before heading for the door. "Talk to ya later."

Good. While you're in the asking mood, Phil and I have been doing some talking...

Jason keeps up with his computer work as he communicates with Katie, glad that he'd learned to multi-task with this thing.

We want some new pictures of the band and stuff... If you think Scott might be up to it, you might see if he wants to come along with his camera. I don't know if he'd want to or not, but... couldn't hurt to ask, right?

Carson accepts Angelica's business card, and looks at it for a moment. Glancing back up, he gives a little forced laugh. "I'm not used to taking a back seat... especially when it's my neck on the line." He shakes his head. "But I know this time I'll do more harm than good if I involved myself too much, so... I'll do what you say."

It was evident by the look in his eyes that this was difficult for him. "I'll find somebody to snoop around Heather's story, and... guess that's it until next week in court. Let me know what she says on the phone about seeing Mackenzie, and I'll let you know if I find out anything new."

Wandering back down the hall, Carson can still feel himself on edge. Though Angelica seemed to think it would be easy to get out of this, he wasn't so sure. He didn't even know yet what they were really up against. But... who would help him dig? He really didn't want to ask Reese... he wanted to involve as few people as possible, so maybe he'd just grab somebody himself. His case was unofficial... Angelica was letting him call the shots on this angle, even if it wasn't by the rulebook. He was grateful for that, but even so, he wasn't sure which way to turn.

As he walks, Carson runs names through his mind. Everyone was so busy with TJY work. Anyone would help, sure, but if it was any main agent, Reese might not be too happy. Jason... Katie... Misty... Nate... Rick... Carson wasn't sure about asking any of them. Someone needed to be able to do research... dig deep... but without anyone else knowing.

He's so engrossed in his thoughts, that he doesn't see Scott coming out of his office. A collision couldn't be avoided. Carson puts on the brakes and skids to a halt, plowing into Scott. Scott jumps back with a bit of whiplash, reflexes causing him to brush Carson's hands away from him. His eyes widen with a brief but sudden terror.

"Whoa... I'm sorry, Scott," Carson apologizes. "I didn't even see you."

Scott calms his racing heart. "That's okay. I'm used to it."

Carson forces a small smile. He wasn't surprised. Anyone could miss Scott, as thin as he was. Carson is about to move on, but he stops, turning again. "Hey, Scott?"


"You busy?"

A short laugh surfaces. "No... haven't quite gotten back into the swing of things yet."

"I see. Well... how would you like to do a bit of research? Off TJY's time?"

...Scott sits at his desk once more, but this time with a plan. He wasn't involved in any TJY cases... he hadn't been for a long time. So he had time to do this... and if anyone could dig, it was him.

...Carson makes his way from TJY, deciding to walk. He'd go home, call Aerith to make sure everything was okay, then let things lie for today. Tomorrow was a new day. Tomorrow maybe things would look better.

15 Min

Angelica gives a nod to Carson thankful that he could cooperate with her and not make it any harder than it already would be.

"Maybe you can try talking to Reese one getting someone to do the research for you. He'll know better than I will on who is doing what at the moment."

Jotting down a few numbers and some more notes Angelica pulls out a business card and hands it to Carson.

"I'm going to call about meeting with Mackenzie later this afternoon than I will be in touch with you again. If you need me for anything there is my card and my cell number on it. Whoever you find to do this research for you tell them they need to come straght to me if they find anything out."

Getting Jason's message a smile forms on Katies lips. She never tired of how they could talk and it always give her a warm fuzzy feeling on the inside.

Thinking for a moment Katie gives a nod though Jason couldnt see her. She new Ryder had been pretty bored latly and maybe this would be good for him.

Hey I never thought of that. I think he'd like it and it would give him something to do. I'll have to ask him when I see him again.

Though things had been rough there for a day or two after the conversation they had ,had together things were starting to change a little. Jason and herself tryed to spend a little more time together and just do sper of the moment things. Though it wasnt 100% yet things were diffently better.

And though some might call it strange that Ryder would be living with Katie and Laura now, Katie herself had no worrys. Ryder was a good friend, and thats where is layed. Nothing more and nothing less.

Jess smiles as Rocky talks though for a moment she is thrown by a small loop at his comment. There was something in his voice that was strange though Jess really couldnt pin point it.

"I am going on lunch in about 15 min if you would like to grab something to eat with me. I dont see why Axel would get upset I was eating lunch with a friend."

Gathering a few things on her desk Jess is silent for a moment as her mind wonders mulling over the comment Rocky made. Why did he think Axel would be mad? Did something alse happen she didnt know about?

"Yeah, I'll be at the consert tonight. I'll be with Axel he said he would pick me up."

Jess was looking forward to tonight. Another nice meal with Axel even if it was just something quick like burgers and than the consert what more could be asked for.