
Crazy Aussie

There is a bit of a pause on the other end of the line, as Heather seems to mull over Angelica's words. "Look, Miss Lockheart, if you haven't noticed, we're located in Arizona. It's not like we can just get anybody to Nevada immediately, not that it's our responsibility. We have a court date set. On that day, you will get to question anybody you like. I assume you will be preparing summons for witnesses to call onto the stand. If Mackenzie is on your list, I guarantee you that the judge will not allow a twelve-year-old to be a witness. First, she is only a child. And second, she is bias. You can bet that she will defend her father with lies if she feels it's necessary. Do you really want that to happen? It will only worsen your case."

Heather pauses again. "If I were you, I would concentrate on keeping your client out of trouble. From what I hear, he's an expert at getting himself into it."

"Yo, Jen, throw me that cord."

"Mike, I need the stand over there."

"Hey, Jase? You set?"

The room is in minimal chaos, as JetStream tries to get things set up. It was a small stage for the event, but it would do. Cryptic was filtering in, giving a hand where needed, but Jason, Mike and Phil had most of the work covered.

Axel leans back against the wall, watching from a distance and rubbing his sore hand. Though everyone acted fine around him, it was still a little hard, knowing that everyone knew about what had happened with him. But at least one thing was different this time. He turns his head to see Jess, a small smile creasing his lips.

Scott sits in one of the folding chairs, fiddling with a camera. His eyes down, he tries not to pay much attention to the activity going on around him. It made him nervous enough with just the group that was here, and the thought of the crowd coming soon made his stomach churn. But he'd agreed to come. He'd come with Katie, and had said he would stay.

Somewhere in the back, the sounds of Rocky and Ryder bantering filters through. One of them races past the doorway, the other follows. Taylor looks up quickly from her seat with Jen at the sound board. She blinks. "Okay, who let the crazy Aussie in here to rile up Rocky?"

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