
Over Night

Minding his own work, it did bother Dan to much that Mick was keeping him busy. This was his job, why he was there. He didnt exspect anything more or less than that. He was just happy to have a home again, and food to eat. It was so much better than what had been for the last four years.

Continuing to work he was lost in his own little world making sure he got everything done right. As Mick catches the pitchfork Dan hadnt been expecting it and it startled him from his train of thought. Looking up at Mick in the eyes Dan couldnt help the small shiver that ran down his back and made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

"Yes, yes sir. She will be I'll make sure of it."

Not being able to help the smile that formed on his face. It was nice of Mick to let him go and have a break from work. Dan couldnt help but be a little bit excited as well.

Putting the pitch fork down in a safe place her removes his gloves and whips his brow from where the seat was.

"Thank you Mick."

Giving a small wave Dan quickly makes his way out of the barn joging up to where everyone was waiting. Looking at Jade and other friends he smiles again.

"Well it looks like I am a free man tonight. Give me at least 10 minutes though to get a shower and clean up so I don't smell like a barn before we go ok?"

Not really waiting for an answer Dan takes off in a sprint twords his bunk to get cleaned up knowing the others would wait for him.

Turning from the dishes she was washing in the little sink Wendy thinks for a long moment. Things had been going good, it was still a little hard to get through the day but each day was getting easier than the first and the memories of there sweet little baby girl was still there it was dominant over them as much.

"Bowling does sound fun. I havent done that in so long."

Taking the towel off the counter Wendy whips her hands off before coming over to Clint and Chase giving her son a kiss on the top of his head. Maybe getting out would be good for them both.

"Yeah, let me give my mom a call and if she will watch Chase for us we will go. I think it will be nice to do something together and get a few laughs in."

Giving Clint a quick kiss Wendy disappears into the bathroom to get a little privacy as she talked to her mom. A few minutes coming out again giving Clint a small smile.

"Yeah, Mom said she and Luke would be happy to watch Chase and keep him over night too since we might not be getting back till late. I told her that would be find the alone time with you would be nice as long as you dont mind eather?"

Taking the small chart off the wall Bree looks over all the patients on the floor. She was here for Gunner but she had to do her job still. Coming to Gunner's chart Bree takes a little extra time to look through Gunner's. He'd just gotten another dose of medicen and would be out of it for a while but maybe she could go see him quick just to let him know she was there before the meds kicked in.

Making her way down the hall and coming to Gunner's room Bree looks in not seeing him at first but than seeing him curled up on the floor.

Opening and closing the door behind her slowly Bree makes her way across the floor in her dark purple scrubs that showed she was in fact working. Kneeling down next to Gunner Bree lays on hand on his arm.

"Hey Gunner, I'm here, and I will be here all night if you need anything."

Bree gives a little shrug and a smile. She was happy to be there for Gunner now and only hoped this would help him deal a little more.

"Now we can be backwards together when every you want and you dont have to be alone here ok?"

Back before one

Carson grins. "We go wherever you want... as long as I get back to Mom and Pop's before Ryder burns the place down. I think Aerith and Dani will keep him in line but... better safe than sorry."

All too soon, the lunch hour is over, but Carson promises to see Misty after he closes up that night.

Kyle takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly, his arm still around Alice. "Ya know... you might be right. I gotta think it through but... I got a good feeling."

Turning to see her face, he kisses her forehead. "How about just the two of us for supper tonight?" They'd been with the team a lot lately, and while it was always enjoyable, Kyle and Alice had had little time for each other. "I just... want to get away from it all... then when I make up my mind, I'll tell the others."

They were still a long way from Nevada... being in South Dakota for so long now, it felt strange. But at the same time, it felt like the prime tome to move on now. The past was far behind.

Eli nods in agreement, proud of his sister. "Yeah... all these years, not a day went by, I didn't think about you... John... Pop. And I don't know... it's weird, my family's always been so important, and somehow I let it all slip away. But not anymore... not anymore."

Standing up, Eli moves to his bag in the corner and pulls out an old deck of cards. The box had tape on the corners, and the cards were worn and faded. Bringing it to Ryan's bed, he scoots her over a little, then sits down again, cross legged.

Grinning, he shuffles the cards. "Remember this deck?" It had been the very deck they'd played with all the time when younger. Their dad had said it was his lucky deck, though John had ended up as the skilled player.

Eli deals out a few cards, not caring what game they played... the point was that they were together.

And the day turns into evening...

Jade paces in front of the main house, checking her watch again. She looks over to where Jason and Katie were sitting on the back of one of the pickups, waiting. She had asked them to wait, hoping that Dan would be finished with chores in time to go. But supper had been over an hour ago, and still Mick had the young man working. Jade was ready to give up, growing quite irritated with her father's stubbornness. But arguing with him fifteen minutes ago hadn't helped... maybe it had just made things worse. She paces a little more.

Mick wandered down the barn aisle, the aggravation in his eyes. Why his daughter had to be so stubborn, he didn't know. And why did she so desperately wanted Dan's company, he didn't know.

Sighing, he pulls on his gloves to move some hay bales. But crossing the aisle, he sees Dan mucking out one of the corner stalls. He stops and mutters under his breath. The man was probably too tired to bowl anyway... but Jade had accused him of nit having a heart, and he really didn't want that kind of reputation.

Rolling his eyes at himself, he stops and wanders down to the open stall. Catching Dan mid-shovel, he catches the pitchfork. Catching Dan's eye, he stares him down for just a moment. "I expect Jade to be home by one. Jason may be driving, but if you're late, it's you who will answer to me."

He nods to the open barn door, the corner of his mouth twitching as he holds back a smile. "Go on... don't keep them waiting."

"You want to go?" Clint draws back the curtain, seeing that the others haven't left yet. He turns to look at Wendy, Chase still tucked in his arm, sleeping with a full tummy. "Short notice, but your mom might watch Chase..." His tone was a little hopeful. This would be the first time since everything went sour, that he and Wendy went out and did anything fun. They were doing okay, and things were looking up, but... fun just hadn't been on the menu. "Maybe getting out for a few hours would be fun?"

Gunner fights against the nurse, choking up water and trying to spit out the pills that he knew were making him feel so badly. But it was no use. The pills finally slip down his throat again.

The nurse stands back, panting with the doctor.

"Why did his other dosage wear off?" the doctor demands.

The nurse shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I guess he must have spit it out the last time."

"Well make sure it doesn't happen again."

The door closes... and locks. Gunner slowly stretches back out from his curled-up position on the bed. Sweating and trembling, he forces himself to stand shakily, going to the window. Spreading his hand, he places it over the traced handprint.

His knees buckle and he sinks to the floor, feeling cold and hot at the same time. Without the energy to get into bed, he just stays on the floor to wait out the drugs.

I'd like

Ryan gives a smile sitting up just a little. She felt sore all over stuff but on the inside she felt alot better than she did. It was soothing, and warm things were going to be ok now.

"I'd like that. Though I don't know how long it will be till my arm is good enough to race. Not to mention I guess I am a little scared. If Roth is still lingering around somewhere I don't want him to try and start anything again."

Ryan had never really been scaired of something before, not for a long time anyways and admitting it now made her feel funny. Closing her eyes for a long moment Ryan just thinks before opening them and looking at her brother again.

"I'll still race. I cant let them think they have won. They might of took someone dear from me, but they wont take racing too. You will see me race again Eli."

Giving a smile and gaining a bit of confadince Ryan ment it. She couldnt let this get her down or let anyone think they won or broke her. She was a darn good racer and loved doing it she wasnt going to let anyone stop her.

"I'd like to get to know each other again. Nothing really exciting has happened to me in the last few years but there is some stuff to tell. Maybe we can even go up to see John together or at least call him."

Bringing her arms around Kyle Alice accepts the kiss returning her own just letting the wonderful emotions wash over her. The Lord had worked in Kyle's life in more than one way and she was so thankful for that and that he had finally found his way back to what he loved.

Hearing the voice behind Kyle Alice looks up with her arms still around him not ready to let go yet. Giving a laugh it was funny to see someone else being the ham in the group but it was refreshing to, to know there were other people out there with a sense of humor.

Once the two are gone Alice looks to Kyle again ad laughs one more time. Her eyes shining bright.

"They seem like a great bunch. I know your going to fit in great."

Giving a laugh as the run through TJY Misty trys her best keeping up with Carson but for the most part almost feels like she is being dragged.

Laughing the whole way Misty is panting as they get to the car. Being pushed up aganst it her arms go around Carson's neck for a moment.

"I think I might be to hungry too."

Laughing and shaking her head again as Carson slides over the car and gets in Misty gets in to putting her seatbelt on.

"So where are we headed?"

Not housebroke

Eli gives a little chuckle. "We always had a little piece of each other anyway... but maybe this has been a good reminder for me too." He shrugs. "When this is over and you're out of here, I want to spend some time with you... catch up on our lives while we're both still here to talk about it. I got time off work for family emergencies so... I got a bit of time to spare yet. Maybe I'll even get to see you race."

Kyle laughs and pulls Alice in for a hug. "You? Lose me? For some reason, I really don't think that's possible."

Still grinning, he was filled with such a feeling, he couldn't describe. It was excitement. It was peace. It was joy. He was finally ready... he was ready to take the stage once more. He had fought this gift for too long. He had denied himself this joy because of what others thought for too long. Now it was his time... God had swung wide the door and was calling him to enter. It was time. His time with Break Out had not been a waste... perhaps he had needed the time to find himself... to be out of place for a while so that when he found his place again, he would have no doubt. Perhaps he felt caution now, but somehow, this new route held a peace of mind that it was what he was supposed to do. He had struggled with JetStream and Cryptic... but now... now it was different, and he was ready.

Thinking they're alone, Kyle pulls Alice closer for a kiss, letting a passion through that he normally withheld.

Kip walks out of the building behind Theo and stops short, staring with wide eyes. "Oh, please let that be a yes."

Kyle jumps at the sound of someone's voice, and quickly ends the moment.

Theo slaps Kip upside the head. "Man, you don't know when to shut up." He gives a little wave to Kyle and Alice. "Sorry... he's not housebroke yet."

"Hey!" Kip jumps on Theo's back to put him in a chokehold, but his feet are off the ground, and he doesn't have enough leverage. Theo, being much bigger, fumbles until finally getting Kip up and over his shoulder. "Come on, you, I gotta get you out of here before you go and embarrass us any more."

"Hey... wha... Put me down!" Kip laughs, hanging over the back of Theo. He grins and waves to Kyle and Alice. "Feel free to keep on-"

Theo slaps him.

"Ow! I mean don't mind us, we- Ow! Theo!"

Jade can't help a smile as Dan consoles her. It felt good to have someone take time out to talk to her. Not that nobody else cared, but no one else had really noticed she was having a hard time.

She turns her head to study Dan's eyes for several moments, just letting his invitation hang in the air, waiting. "Thank you." Her voice softly breaks the silence.

A twinkle appears in her eye. "Even if we do go tonight, I'll join you for church."

Not needing to be told twice, Carson grips Misty's hand and pulls her towards the door. "Your wish is my command."

Once they hit the hall though, he breaks into a jog, pulling Misty along with him. Dodging several agents along the way, he heads to the exit, still pulling Misty to keep up with him.Out in the parking lot, it's a race to his car.

Skidding to a halt and catching his breath, Carson laughs and backs Misty up against the car. "I'd suggest just hanging out in my car for a while, but..." His eyes tease her. "I'm too hungry for lunch."

Giving her another quick kiss, he turns to slide across the hood and get in behind the wheel.