
I'd like

Ryan gives a smile sitting up just a little. She felt sore all over stuff but on the inside she felt alot better than she did. It was soothing, and warm things were going to be ok now.

"I'd like that. Though I don't know how long it will be till my arm is good enough to race. Not to mention I guess I am a little scared. If Roth is still lingering around somewhere I don't want him to try and start anything again."

Ryan had never really been scaired of something before, not for a long time anyways and admitting it now made her feel funny. Closing her eyes for a long moment Ryan just thinks before opening them and looking at her brother again.

"I'll still race. I cant let them think they have won. They might of took someone dear from me, but they wont take racing too. You will see me race again Eli."

Giving a smile and gaining a bit of confadince Ryan ment it. She couldnt let this get her down or let anyone think they won or broke her. She was a darn good racer and loved doing it she wasnt going to let anyone stop her.

"I'd like to get to know each other again. Nothing really exciting has happened to me in the last few years but there is some stuff to tell. Maybe we can even go up to see John together or at least call him."

Bringing her arms around Kyle Alice accepts the kiss returning her own just letting the wonderful emotions wash over her. The Lord had worked in Kyle's life in more than one way and she was so thankful for that and that he had finally found his way back to what he loved.

Hearing the voice behind Kyle Alice looks up with her arms still around him not ready to let go yet. Giving a laugh it was funny to see someone else being the ham in the group but it was refreshing to, to know there were other people out there with a sense of humor.

Once the two are gone Alice looks to Kyle again ad laughs one more time. Her eyes shining bright.

"They seem like a great bunch. I know your going to fit in great."

Giving a laugh as the run through TJY Misty trys her best keeping up with Carson but for the most part almost feels like she is being dragged.

Laughing the whole way Misty is panting as they get to the car. Being pushed up aganst it her arms go around Carson's neck for a moment.

"I think I might be to hungry too."

Laughing and shaking her head again as Carson slides over the car and gets in Misty gets in to putting her seatbelt on.

"So where are we headed?"

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